View Full Version : Flatline air system question. Please help

07-23-2006, 06:39 PM
I need help with my flatline air system. I just got it and I am running a macro line from my flatline to my valve. Anyway, after I turn the knob to off I still have remaining air pressure on my hose to the valve. I cannot shoot it out and I cannot remove it. Is there an option in the flatline system to release the remaining air pressure?

07-23-2006, 08:22 PM
this is a common problem actually, the easiest way to fix this is the get QDC's on a SS hose between the valve and reg. you can also unscrew the rear screw and slowly slide the valve out of the body until the gas vents out the on off. you can also, if you have lvl 10 blot, push the bolt back and pull the trigger, if there is enough air most of it will vent out the barrel.

07-23-2006, 09:39 PM
get a slide check like they have on remotes, u push it down and the line vents (it normaly works as an on/off as well by blocking the input)

07-24-2006, 01:43 AM
Thanks for the replies guys. I actually was running a SS hose before and the QDC started leaking and it added a little more weight than the Macro line. It seems more practical to me to just use the Plastic Macro line for me since I play speedball and don't have to worry about getting it tangled with anything. I also unscrewed the whole valve and had it in my hand while still connected to the hose and tank(tank was off). What happened was that the On/Off assembly shot out of the valve with great force that put a hole in my wall :( . I also put my finger in the breech and tried to shoot it out, but it is not enough air to shoot. I think the air is trapped in the hose, between the valve and tank. I am trying to remove the hose whenever I need to clean or switch guns. I will try to look for that slide check since I never used remotes before and see what I find with that. I did find out a way earlier today to remove the remaining air pressure and that was to turn the knob to off and then get pliers and push the macro line fittings in and that released the pressure slowly and taking about 2 minutes. I am not sure however if it will mess up my fittings.

07-24-2006, 05:36 AM
Just disconnect your macro line from the elbow (while your gun is still together). Keep it away from your face. You'll get a loud "POP!" but it'll be over with quickly. It's harmless and scares the crap out of cats!

Quick, easy and painless.

07-24-2006, 10:06 AM
So just pull it with force? Will it mess up the elbow? Do you recommend using a plastic macro line?

07-24-2006, 04:26 PM
no u dont pulll ti with force, you have to pull the macroline fitting inner part down and that will release the hose.

did you mean plastic fitting or plastic lining?
