View Full Version : Slings on Paintball Guns

07-28-2006, 11:38 AM
I was recently at The Michigan Monster game and came accross a vendor selling single point harness slings.

I am by no meand a scenario paintballer, but I have to admit, that thing was comfy, and would have made holding my gun for extended periods much easier.

Does anyone here use a sling? What kind? pics or links?

Anyone use one of the Bungee style slings? what is their advantage/disadvantage?

I am seriously thinking about picking one up for my guns just to reduce some of the fatigue on my arms from lugging my gun around through the woods. Not saying my gun is heavy, but carry abything around for 6 hours and it starts to wear on ya.

seems like these would make it easier to reload from either side of your packs as well, since you can simply let go of your gun and then load paint in.


07-28-2006, 11:40 AM
guess it depends on how you attach the sling(easy to take on and off and not too ugly), but i've always thought it would be cool to have.

07-28-2006, 11:44 AM
read this my total cost for goods was like $5. these thigs are so simple to make. good luck

07-28-2006, 11:45 AM
The ones this guy had were a single point harness, and my gun happens to balance out best right behind the grip frame. I sinched up the strap near the back of my gun and it was very confortable. The strap he had for it was not big enough to go all the way around the valve and the body, but I'm sure I could find another way to attach it.

If I could find an adapter that could go in between the tank and the Ca when I screw it in that will take a plastic clip like a backpack uses, that would work out perfect


07-28-2006, 11:50 AM
with the design i used you could just drill a few holes in a thin piece of alluminum and run the bottom clip through the hole, with another two holes fitted under the grip between your bottomline and grip itself. your still only talking about maybe $8 or so.

07-28-2006, 11:57 AM
might have to do this. I have 1.5 inch seatbelt material from years ago becasue I used to make squeegie slings out of them.

If I still have some quick connect clips left i'll put one together this weekend and post up some pics

Anyone ever use the bungee style slings?


07-28-2006, 11:59 AM
They're really cheap, so buy one and give it a shot.. if you dont like it then sell it. :ninja: