View Full Version : More bad PR

07-28-2006, 02:13 PM
Girl shot in parking garage. (http://www.getreading.co.uk/news/2002/2002817/girls_terror_at_paintball_blast)

Once again, stupid people make the rest of us look bad. :mad:
I hope they catch the little punks. :shooting:

07-28-2006, 02:17 PM
The family, including her other daughter 10-year-old Saskia, had just finished a day’s shopping when Mrs Douglas saw two boys, who she believed were about 11, carrying a large plastic gun just before the shooting.

“If a small child had been hit or an elderly lady you do not know what would have happened to them,” she said.

“They [paintball pellets] can kill if they do not explode and it didn’t when it hit Rebecca. They’re potentially lethal at close range.”

My only complaint is this - why do reporters let people with no expertise make claims and then pring them as fact without checking into them? As to "bad PR"... I still don't buy the correlation between reporting on something done with the equipment outside of the game and the negative impact on the game.

07-28-2006, 02:45 PM
People are going to be equating paintball with "exploding shells".

Now I do use a "mortar" when in a scenario game but they make it sound as if the paintball are like flying shperes of death every time we fire one off.

I can only hope that stupidity is not contagious.

07-28-2006, 02:50 PM
All people, or just the few that believe anything you put in front of them?

07-28-2006, 02:53 PM
Wow. Kids. Sometimes they really do not know what they are doing! (I used to shoot passing cars from my house with a low power bb gun at age 12, so I know what I am saying!) :nono:


07-28-2006, 03:37 PM
1) The pellet, which remained intact on impact, hit the 12-year-old, pictured, on the back causing a dark welt

-No ****? Dark welt you say? *looks at arms* Well I'll be damned.

2) “My daughter is a British fencing champion. She is used to being hit, she is used to being thumped. It takes a lot to make her scream but this really hurt.”

-Takes alot to make most people scream...Cept when you suprise them.

3)“They [paintball pellets] can kill if they do not explode and it didn’t when it hit Rebecca. They’re potentially lethal at close range.”

- Thats a fencing teachers opinion. Could they? sure. 500 feet pers second to the eye or temple could probably kill you. You should see what I can do with 3 feet of steel that's sharp. So she is really just pulling this out of her ***? Yes? thanks. Good reporting.

4)“It doesn’t still hurt, but it hurt at the time,” she told the Evening Post yesterday.

-Funny how that got glazed over?

Sounds to me like some one had a slow news day.

07-28-2006, 03:54 PM
^^^ hate to break it to you but paintballs can do a lot more damage than we all give them credit for, yes the chances are very very rare but a paintball can casue a lot of damge from less that 10-15 feet if it hits in the right spot and your not wearing the right protection.


the mag guy
07-28-2006, 04:04 PM
As to "bad PR"... I still don't buy the correlation between reporting on something done with the equipment outside of the game and the negative impact on the game.

It doesn't so much effect us. It affects the people that are already skeptical of our sport. they then in turn blow it out of proportion and eventually laws or city ordinances get made against paintball.

right now its not too bad, but the movement is just a wake. If it doesnt get fixed it'll turn to a huge wave and so on. I wish I still had the article aobut how its being banned in places across the US.

07-28-2006, 04:09 PM
^^^ hate to break it to you but paintballs can do a lot more damage than we all give them credit for, yes the chances are very very rare but a paintball can casue a lot of damge from less that 10-15 feet if it hits in the right spot and your not wearing the right protection.


I'm well aware. I've been hit by the mil-sim ones and wore that ridiculously thick helmet. A paintball going fast enough could infact kill you. Thats ofcourse if it hit you perfectly or was frozen or was infact not a paintball but a sphere of metal...In which case you have a low velocity rifle...which I believe are banned from actual warfare for being cruel and unusual.

If you are an annorexic or very young kid getting hit in the heart could kill you. Same as with a baseball. Or a 300 pound lineman. Or even just watching lacross. It's just the whole "could have turned deadly!111" is such crap. Anything can turn deadly, humans are very fragile. I just hate "reporting" that is based on fear and bull****, so I go a bit overboard.

07-28-2006, 04:18 PM
“If a small child had been hit or an elderly lady you do not know what would have happened to them,” she said.

“They [paintball pellets] can kill if they do not explode and it didn’t when it hit Rebecca. They’re potentially lethal at close range.”

Haha. This article kinda gave me my chuckle for the day. I mean, c'mon people...

So some kids got a hold of a plastic gun and caused some mischief. There's a reason young hoodlums choose paintball guns to shoot people with..."They're not going to seriously hurt someone" I feel bad some girl got shot and didn't deserve it...but I find overreacting snobby people are just kind of hilarious.

The girl will survive. I assure you. Paintball is not to blame...boredom and a lack discipline is to blame here. You can't stop every kid from getting his hands on something that could be potentially dangerous. I mean, you don't see chicken farmers complaining about bad PR everytime my little brother eggs a house :ninja:

07-28-2006, 04:20 PM
meh, well the getting hit in the heart (well more so on the sternm) really wont take that much force, of course it has to be from pretty close and hit you a certian way but its not just if your small or skinny any one can have this same reaction.

i understand exactly what your saying about the overreporting BS but i mean come on paintball guns are air rifles so it is a little differant than a baseball in a legal sence and a comon sence (will you be more worried if some one is holding a baseball or an air rifle and waving it around)


07-28-2006, 04:47 PM
man....drama drama drama.

07-28-2006, 05:03 PM
Baseball bat. ^^

07-28-2006, 05:45 PM
I'm surprised nobody commented on the "bullet" remark yet...

07-28-2006, 05:59 PM
meh, well the getting hit in the heart (well more so on the sternm) really wont take that much force, of course it has to be from pretty close and hit you a certian way but its not just if your small or skinny any one can have this same reaction.

i understand exactly what your saying about the overreporting BS but i mean come on paintball guns are air rifles so it is a little differant than a baseball in a legal sence and a comon sence (will you be more worried if some one is holding a baseball or an air rifle and waving it around)


The occurence your thinking of has been shown to be dramatically higher in 10-14 year old males. It also tends to be dramatically higher of an occurence in skinny people. Multiple tests have shown that even changing the composition of a baseball can dramatically reduce this risk. Is there risk? Sure, theres risk in breathing too.

paint magnet
07-29-2006, 12:09 PM
Food poisoning kills hundreds each year. Let's ban food.