View Full Version : Record ULT?

the mag guy
08-01-2006, 09:16 PM
Ok I think I might have set a record. I made my ULT Hold the equivelance of 10 ULT Shims.
2 LVL X shimes and 6 ULT's. For those of you that have read my other threads, you know for some reason i cant make my mag go full auto. Now this was not easy. The X-valve did not want to go back in. Using a smooth wrench I clamped down on the on/off and got the first oart if the on/off in the ule body. From there I let go of the wrench and hit the back of the valve until it went in. Still no full auto!!!!! What the world! Im sure it will if i go back to mech frame though, I might strap on the old old carbon fiber single trigger to see if its helps.

Anyway just wanted to let you in on my new discovery. There will be a vid up soon of me walkin the trigg all over the place when I get more air. It will be with the pneu-frame so it wont be full auto but oh well. lmk what y'all think

08-01-2006, 09:20 PM
have you tried taking the valve back out? may be stuck :ninja:

08-01-2006, 09:23 PM
have you tried taking the valve back out? may be stuck :ninja:

That's a good point I didn't realize until I read it. With that many shims and the pressure necessary to put the valve into the body...It may not come back out. You might want to be careful.

the mag guy
08-01-2006, 09:33 PM
It comes out fine with a mild bit of pulling required. THere was actually no scraping inside the Body like i thought there was going to be.

08-01-2006, 09:39 PM
hmmm, that's what I thought would happen as well. Are you running a ULE body or the stock steel body? because the increased pressue may eventually mess with the ULE aluminium. But I'm not metalerigist (sp) so what do I know :ninja:

the mag guy
08-01-2006, 09:43 PM
I'm running a ULR Body, but since there is no scratching of even the andonizing, Im not too worried. Also that back screw sits so close to the On/Off that, when tightened, will prevent any warping of the aluminum body. Im sure that even if i forced it in with another shim, i wouldnt have to worry about warping at all. Im more worried about scratchiung my pretty paint.

08-01-2006, 09:49 PM
haha, I thought about the position of the grip screw right after I posted, seems like a pretty reasonable assumption to me. Have fun with your "record breaking" Mag...just don't overshoot some little kid...hahaha :cheers:

the mag guy
08-02-2006, 07:30 AM
after a tiny bi more dryfiring I have found that it is almost impossible to chuff this thing now. IT will not go full auto to save my life. I want auto for when i do woods play at unofficial fields like in the woods and stuff. I'd really like to send a wall of paint flying at someone. lol.
it works like a charm, i dry fired till i ran outta air.