View Full Version : common?

the mag guy
08-02-2006, 07:37 AM
By reading on here I have found that most people are under the understang the x-valve runs at approx 700- 750 psi. well thats the low end of inout pressure. While on the phone with bawittheba (sp?) we got is mag running about 600 i believe. We had it up to 700 and on full auto, and while in full auto, the pressure dropped to about 600 psi input and sustained 600while in full auto. as soon as we let off the trigthe output went back up to 700. obviously that was supposed to happen because thats what we told it the input was. This was all dryfire testing, no paintballs were shot. When I say fully auto, Im meaning non-electric, shimmed ULT and the back screw hand tightened. thats all it took for him to go full auto. rather impressive btw. so i've just realized Im rambling and now I have forgotten the question I was going to ask. But please respond if you have an adjustable tank and have tried messing with input pressures. I'm not trying to be rude or exclude anyone, but please do not post a theorie if you are just guessing at something and have not tried anything. I know theories are helpful, so if you've tried pressures and have theories they are welcome.
thx :headbang:

Mav D MagMan
08-04-2006, 07:18 PM
I was not ripping on my trigger, but I have had my mag's input as low as 400ish psi from an AGD Flatline and was getting consistent shots without a drop in velocity. However, most of the time I left the marker at an 800+ psi input to avoid shootdown and sucky recharge rates from the tank.


08-04-2006, 11:16 PM
I have a 91/4500 with a flatline reg. i run it through a remote and i watched the output pressure on the reg as i dry fired. i have the output set to about 850psi. as i watched the needle go all the way down to 550. the valve opperates on anything over something like 450psi. the higher psi only gives you a more reactive trigger and a quicker trigger reset. with the ult you negate allot of the reactivity and make the trigger lighter. so you'r example does not surprise me. as long as the pressure does not drop below what is needed to throw the paintball out of the barrel, your fine. if not then you get shoot down. I have shot paint with this set up and sent out long strings with no change of velocity or any drop in accuracy. anyway i hope this helps.

08-05-2006, 07:10 AM
I have several mags.
Emags etc.
Several adjustable air systems, Dynaflow, Hyperflow, Armageddon.
I have found a noticable increase of performance when I set the
input psi to 1000.
Its not world stopping but it is noticable.
So thats how I have been running mine.
I do use macroline and have had no problems at all with it.
I hate the steel lines. Scratching up your gats and all.


08-05-2006, 01:34 PM
On my X-Mag I use a conquest reg from Mac Dev set at 600 psi and I've not had any problems with it so far..on my other 2 Mags, i have older Max-flo regs...The RT i have set at 650 psi for tournament play so it wont bounce. Any lower than that and I get shootdown...The X-Valve Y-Framed Mag I have at 700 psi and it sweet spots nicley for scenario games etc... :shooting:

08-05-2006, 02:35 PM
On my RT-Pro ULE, I have adjusted the output pressure on my AA Apocalypse and my MacDev conquest to 700psi. Anything higher than that and I get a significant amount of bounce, which is not permitted on most fields. When full auto is allowed, I've been known to up the pressure to 900 and let it bounce controllably.

the mag guy
08-06-2006, 10:15 AM
awesome guys, thx. Im really looking into getting an adjustable tank. I think you all convinced me.