View Full Version : Ever shoot a ref on purpose?

08-02-2006, 11:48 PM
Looking through all the tabs I had open on Opera (24 of them) I came across a webpage I forgot I even had open. On this particular site, I read an article where the author was fed up with the cheating that went on at a field he played at (link (http://www.paintballnexus.com/articles.php?article=17)) and it got me thinking of one of the last time I had played. We were on what was basically a hyperball field. I make it to my primary bunker near the 50 and I look out of my bunker and see a guy hanging *way* out crossfield... so I shoot him and watch him duck back into his bunker. I know I hit him... so I start screaming at a ref to check him... nothing. So I scream louder... still nothing. I continue to scream for the next 20-30 seconds at the top of my lungs. Nothing.

Now granted the field had more players than it should've, it's slightly larger than normal and there was only 2 refs... but I've worked with these refs, on these fields, for over a year. I know what it's like to be on the field reffing and I know what someone screaming at the top of their lungs sounds like. So, I look up and see a ref just kinda walking up the field... not a care in the world, so I take aim and let loose a rather nice string. A few hit him in the chest, a couple more in the head. Finally looks up and give me a "What the hell?" look. I continue to point and try to scream "Check the ****ing roller!" and of course he jogs over, looks at the guy and calls him clean.

I get off the field and he's like "Dude, you shot me in the head..." I replied... "I was *SCREAMING* for someone to check him... *SCREAMING*" and had a friend that was in the bunker with me confirm it and then I just walked off and said "Pay attention next time"

Just wondering if anyone else shot up the refs when they started dazing off...

08-02-2006, 11:54 PM
haha, small world.

Thats my best friend's personal site.

I played that game, and yes, the refs are that worthless.

08-02-2006, 11:59 PM
i shot a guy for being an idiot one time. He kept walking right in front of me. I asked him to move and he informed me he would stand werever he pleased, his father owned the field, and i was a Fing walk on. Unfortunatly I had made friends with said father and had his imp......i **moved** him.

His fathers reaction to this....."should have shot him first THEN told him to move." :dance:

08-02-2006, 11:59 PM
oh most deffinatly dude, once one of the refs at our field was telling the other team our locations. so i start shooting at him when hes not looking, and when hed look over i pretend like i was shooting at the other side of the field. he never found out it was me :rofl: but he knows someone is watching... ME :ninja:

08-03-2006, 12:02 AM
Once or twice. Only because the refs were "sharing" information about our location during play. I used to shoot "dead" players that would talk on the sideline about locations too. If your going to help the other team, I am going to treat you as an opponent.

08-03-2006, 12:40 AM
.i **moved** him.

Nicely put. I can honestly say that I have never intentionally shot at a ref. The field that I play at is very small, so on rec days, we dont even have refs, except for a few of us more experienced players that step into first timer games to keep them going smoothly. But on tournaments, there are 4-6 refs on a 3vs3 field, so they do a fairly good job.

08-03-2006, 12:49 AM
hmm, i dont think i have ever really picked out a ref for the sole purpose of shooting him, but, i have definatley shot refs out of my way (say, theyre checking a player, and i decide to just blast both of them rather than waiting for the ref to call the player hit or out) only in tournaments though of course.

08-03-2006, 12:54 AM
there used to be a paintball field near me that had 10-12 year old kids as refs.

apparently they thought it was funny to shoot the players with airsoft and zap the players with tazers (both of which they sold in the "pro-shop"

yes, these were the REFS shooting and shocking the players, so the 4 people i was with, all joined to snap the ref when he wasnt looking.

if one of you kids are on this forum, just consider yourself lucky that i was young then, now, you wouldve took a fist to the face.

actually, the owner was one of the nicest guys you couldve met in paintball, but it wasnt a smart move hiring immature kids. (im sure we have all seen perfectly fine 14-16 year old refs, so age isnt the ONLY factor)

eventually the place was shut down

08-03-2006, 12:59 AM
Well as much as refs can sometime make bad calls theyre still the ultamite authority on the field and I think should be treated as such, for me this primarily goes for tournaments and the like but if youre just at your home field and your familiar with the ref's then its not that bad,

I can clearly remember one day where te refs where walking around the field with one hand in the air to let everyone know they where the ref and the other hand cupped over theyre balls, we would shoot them in the nuts if they ever made a wrong call or were just being plain stupid :cheers: the stock class players had more fun plinking the refs jewels than actually playing I think :rofl:

08-03-2006, 01:24 AM
Sure, but I work at the field so it's a wee bit different.

Shooting the ref on purpose (blatantly at any rate) for no other reason than to shoot him is just a bit lame...If they aren't doing their job, talk to the field manager. If they walk infront of you go ahead and shoot, their own fault. If he's really being a dick and you feel you are owed some vengence, shooting him won't do that much good. Refs get shot all day (Unless you really are that bad of a ref)

08-03-2006, 01:28 AM
Once or twice. Only because the refs were "sharing" information about our location during play. I used to shoot "dead" players that would talk on the sideline about locations too. If your going to help the other team, I am going to treat you as an opponent.

If someone is calling out positions, I'll have to take it in context.

If it's just a friendly game with some new kids.. no big deal. Do it to help the new guys out.
If it's a competitive game (not so much a tourney, just not a game with newbies), I've started to shoot people who call out positions. If they want to act like a live player, I'll treat them like one.

Well as much as refs can sometime make bad calls theyre still the ultamite authority on the field and I think should be treated as such

Oh absolutely. I'll listen to the ref... good call or not, because they're the ref. After the game I may talk with them about it, but I agree, they are the ones who are *supposed* to be running the field. If a ref is doing a good job, I make a point to tell them so. Unfortunately, I *rarely* see good refs. It's very uncommon to see a ref actually run to a player without having a paint check called because they think they saw something. I can't really say I blame them, most don't get paid well... but when they're just strolling along the field staring at the ground... well you get what you deserve.

08-03-2006, 01:43 AM
hmm, i dont think i have ever really picked out a ref for the sole purpose of shooting him, but, i have definatley shot refs out of my way (say, theyre checking a player, and i decide to just blast both of them rather than waiting for the ref to call the player hit or out) only in tournaments though of course.

Ye, ive done this before as well...shot the guy saw a few break on him (i had such an angle he had no where to go) ref goes in and isnt pulling him so i just lay the paint on both of them..not intintionally on the ref but it didnt bother me either...ye that expedited the process slightly...

refs deserve it sometimes...last event my team played we where getting such bad calls that a few of us where shottin reffs..i mean the reffs where so biased..to the point of cheering for the other team when they got an elimination..dead players gave away the position of one of my teamates,refs tried to deny it then one of them came over and was like "ye they where talkin in the box"...still did nothing about it...your not spose to talk at all in the deadbox much less give away position....the guy said it was fine since they didnt give away position (which they did) so i was like ..ok so when it comes down to a 2 on 1 i can cheer for my player and route (sp?) him on?...he was like oh no...no you cant do that..and wouldnt give me a reason why..i was like well im not given away position or any other info..so whats the deal...ehh anyway....

At another event the reffing was so biased twoards the home team..that there was a guy with a very obvious hit on the SIDE of his hoppe..you see where 2 paintball hit him shell and fill and all...when we asked the refs to check players they said ooh we cant check anyone else...???wtf?? is that and they just completley ignored the huge pink spot on the guys hopper...The reffing at this event was so bad that 2 teams that where gettin horrible calls all day had to play each other and they lined up at the blocks, guns back 3-2-1- 10 seconds---whistle they come off the board they are gonna shoot then put there guns down walk to the fifty and play paper rock scissors for the win :rofl: ..by far the funniest **** ever..i jus wish someone would have got it on film

anyway added a little uneeded info but its 3 am and im bored so o well... :cheers:

08-03-2006, 06:17 AM
At one particular event the refs had been making bad calls all day, had a serious case of butt shoulder going on. After deciding the fix was in and there was no way anyone other than the home team was going to win.....this was AFTER they created another semi final because the favorite team wasn't winning at that point..... We came off the break and blazed the refs instead of the other team, all five guns downfield just tearing the refs a new one. We of course made the break out, ran our hoppers out, bagged them and walked.
Never have played another tourney at that field.

08-03-2006, 07:12 AM
I only ref tournaments.

Shoot one of my refs on purpose and you're done for the day, and you will be playing a man short (assuming you make it off the field without them killing you). That being said accidents happen.

I once had a player I was reffing complain another ref was not checking. I asked him for his marker :D

I reiterate this. There is absolutely no way you, sitting in your bunker and coming out to shoot, are seeing more than the ref two feet away is. It is NOT your job to ref while playing. Most of the time I have two refs watching - in addition to the refs assigned areas the refs are assigned secondary areas (across field) to help with if there is nothing in front of them.

08-03-2006, 09:04 AM
anybody remember the whole hk army thing at disney land?

08-03-2006, 09:47 AM
anybody remember the whole hk army thing at disney land?

huh? never heard about it, enlighten me

08-03-2006, 09:50 AM

Can't say I do, please enlighten us it sounds like it has the potential to be funny. :clap:

08-03-2006, 09:52 AM
For the record, there is a major difference to me when you shoot downfield and a ref happens to be in your way, even if you knew he was there and it would hit him when you pulled the trigger and going out of your way to aim at refs. If a ref is in the way, shooting him is perfectly acceptable in my opinion.

08-03-2006, 10:16 AM
anybody remember the whole hk army thing at disney land?

You talking about the runaway circus or soem team with a clown/circus realted name at cup?

08-03-2006, 10:30 AM
I think the "clown" team just laned the reffs off the break and ran off the field. They were all banned from PSP nppl, all that jazz.

I woud never shoot a ref intentionaly. They have it rough, no need to shoot them more than they need....if that makes sence.

If i am shooting and a reff gets in my way, his/her fault.

I want to be a reff, so please dont shoot them!


08-03-2006, 10:32 AM
I woud never shoot a ref intentionaly. They have it rough, no need to shoot them more than they need....if that makes sence.

Thats because the refs on your field all outweigh you by 80lbs.

08-03-2006, 10:39 AM
If a ref is in my way ill yell for him to move give him a few seconds. If nothing happens my stream of paint will make him move.

08-03-2006, 10:50 AM
I had once that one of the refs told me it was ok to shoot the other ref (2 refs for woodsball game) so i did plink him once. Call me whatever you like, but those guys don't have the best job. They could be playing, but they decided to ref instead. I could let the guy have it, but that didnt seem very sathisfactory.

The most funny moment came when in another game one of the refs gets a talon, or somthing like that (cheap plastic pump) and shoots the other ref. That ref runs back into the field to another player, lends his ion and shoots the other ref off the field. I don't have to mention the ref with the talon ran and screamed like a sissy gurl. We laughed our asses off seeing that :D

08-03-2006, 11:11 AM
I have shot many a ref in my 17 years of playing ( wow I'm old.... )

Majority of the time it was accidental, but there has been the occasional ref sitting on his butt on the hillside not wanting to move or make checks.

Or refs giving out position to their friends - watched a ref signalling his friends on a bunch of newbs at Hells Survivors a few years back. I dint even know the little guys that were about to get tore up, but I got up circle flanked hard right and might have got the ref with about 20 rounds on the run through on those guys. Sucks though, I missed one of them and got tore up - shot in the back about 40 time with my hands in the air ( obviously his buddies were still on the trigger too )

Monster Game I **moved** many a ref that was on a ridge that I was trying to shoot over.

Heck a friend of mine was reffing a 30 on 13 game and made a bad call and put a guy I hit back in the game because the guy claimed he thought a bunker I was in was neutral (then why were you advancing and firing on it duh ?!?!) I was so ticked I put about 6 at my buddy and then a dozen or so from head to toe on the guy he put back in the game. Course by that time 9 guys had advanced on me because of the crap call and I got tore up.

08-03-2006, 11:14 AM
maybe its just me but, refs make great shields, why get them to move just use them to block the other player so you can move easier. i have done this a bunch of times and all the other refs just laugh. :rofl:

08-03-2006, 11:27 AM
you are the reason the refs get shot :)


08-03-2006, 11:27 AM
there it is. I dont know how i got hk army confused with phsyco circus

Temo Vryce
08-03-2006, 11:50 AM
I have shot refs over the years for many reasons. There was a time when I was reffing that the refs would carry thier own markers to shoot at each other or deter players from shooting the refs. All in good fun of course. Once that stopped, a ref might "borrow" a marker from a player to take a shot at another ref for a laugh or just ask the player to take the shot. Even that stopped. Occationally if I was playing a might bonus ball a ref just to keep that on thier toes. Tournaments were a differnet story. I have shot refs in touries by accident and to "move" them. If I'm moving a ref I do try and keep the number of hits to the ref as close to 1 as I can. Mind you if he doesn't move after that 1 hit then they deserve to get lit. If you have ref'd in tournament then you know that you are going to get hit. It comes with the job, but that doesn't mean that players have the right to light up refs when ever they feel like it.

08-03-2006, 12:07 PM
Somehow when I'm reffing the players get the idea that I may be carrying a firearm on field.
I don't know why :ninja:

08-03-2006, 12:09 PM
Somehow when I'm reffing the players get the idea that I may be carrying a firearm on field.
I don't know why :ninja:


08-03-2006, 12:11 PM
This thread is the reason why refs cary shields lol :argh:

08-03-2006, 12:20 PM
This thread is the reason why refs cary shields lol :argh:

That reminds me of another one I shot. He purposely stood in the lanes so his buddies (who worked at the proshop) could move to the next bunker. Next time I'm sure he'll hold the shield a little lower. :wow: :cheers:

08-03-2006, 01:49 PM
oh yeah, i've shot a ref a few times. playing in the castle at my field, i'd hear someone slowly walking my way without announcing themselves, and as soon as they turned the corner, POP POP POP. about 1/2 the time it was a ref, after a couple games like this they never quit yelling, "REF COMING THROUGH..."

but purposely picking out refs that annoy me and blasting them? naaa, thatd just get my butt kicked out of the game. and i don't think i've ever had that much reason to do it. i'd rather take out my anger on the opposing team.

08-03-2006, 06:32 PM
i was playing on a small feild, after the break i ran to the corner bunker and was shooting down the snake, i come up on the other side of the bunker and i see someone running towards the fly station (it was set up in the middle on a huge plastic pipe). apparently one of the players shot the flag off the pipe and the ref, being new ran over to pick it up since there was no one in his area that would shoot him. whoops. needless to say i overshot him. but have i ever intentially shot a ref? yes, he was standing in my way telling another player on the other side where i was

08-03-2006, 06:52 PM
I was one time "reffing" a friendly game. The teams got stacked and one of the new players was using my marker. Keep in mind this is a game amonst friends and there are no real refs. When he got hit I yelled sub and took my marker, stepping into his place. Oh my was the other team surprised :)

08-03-2006, 06:56 PM
Somehow when I'm reffing the players get the idea that I may be carrying a firearm on field.
I don't know why :ninja:

You laugh geek....


Thats only one of a few he could easily hide in a PB jersey...

Oh, and i tihnk the reffs outwiegh me by 180, not 80 ;)

No offense..........

Russ :D


08-03-2006, 06:59 PM
You laugh geek....


Thats only one of a few he could easily hide in a PB jersey...

Oh, and i tihnk the reffs outwiegh me by 180, not 80 ;)

No offense..........

The only arguments I have had to come in and enforce a good call (not a bad call that I made, I should expect those) have been when Truman or Ben were reffing. Its funny how quickly the arguments end when I walk over.

stop whining buy a mag
08-03-2006, 07:18 PM
Shooting an already dumb ref in the head doesn't make him any smarter. I've seen some refs make the worst calls during games and I tell them how I feel about. Occasionally I just stand up, give them the finger, and walk off.

If you don't know how to ref, don't ref. You become more of a burden than anything else.

08-03-2006, 07:30 PM
Once i had a shot on an opponent, and the ref was in the way

I yell 'MOVE! MOVE!'

He just looks at me, so i threw down a rope

He took the first 3 or so to the goggles, the opponent had hidden by that time, and the rest flew past his bunker

Ref was mad.

08-03-2006, 07:47 PM
they lined up at the blocks, guns back 3-2-1- 10 seconds---whistle they come off the board they are gonna shoot then put there guns down walk to the fifty and play paper rock scissors for the win

Must have been the same guys that came walk on with a couple tricked out cockers on an indoor field i was playing in 1997. All of us had pumps, so the ref split the two cocker players up. They refused to shoot each other, and just hunted the rental players instead.

I never went back to the field.

That was the second to last time I played.


08-03-2006, 08:57 PM
Guy I know got together with another team at Skyball in Toronto a few years back and agreed to shoot the refs for a whole game until the clock ran out. It turns out, the refs on that field were very careless, lazy, biased and generally not doing their job and it had cost both teams during the tournament. Both were out of the running for their last game of the tourny so they agreed to shoot the refs, not ramping, but single shot shooting. They would shoot the refs 2 or 3 times and then shoot at a bunker where an opposing player was a few times. No players were eliminated during the game but the refs were a little sore.

08-03-2006, 09:50 PM
My personal ideals on shooting a ref. Normally I don't go out of the way to shoot them, but it does happen. A dead beat ref always gets a few from me. Now I used to be nice and peg them in non hurting spots. Now a days I'll shoot to get the point across. There has been times the ref has been in my firing line. Normally a shot or two helps them move. Then there has been the totally innocent times the ball flew untrue and peg the ref or they just poped up in front of my shot sting. Rare for me, but it has happened. Hard to recall them paintballs. If the refs are doing a good jobs no matter if I'm winning or loosing, they could almost run around in a speedo and be free from hits from me.

08-04-2006, 03:28 AM
I only ref tournaments.

Shoot one of my refs on purpose and you're done for the day, and you will be playing a man short (assuming you make it off the field without them killing you). That being said accidents happen.

Fair enough, but I expect the refs to be doing their job too... not wandering aimlessly while staring at their feet.

Shooting an already dumb ref in the head doesn't make him any smarter.

I don't expect it to make him smarter, I expect it to make him pay attention when he's reffing ;)

It's my belief that doing a good job reffing and getting shot go hand in hand. If you don't get shot during the day, it was either a light day or you just weren't doing your job. Personally, when I reffed, I ran, called players out and payed attention to the game in general. I put way too much effort into reffing, especially for what we were paid... but it's how I'd want to be reffed. I don't expect people to go nuts reffing, but if you're not even *looking* at the playing field...

08-04-2006, 04:23 AM
As a ref for a local field.. i have to say; I have been shot or atleast shot at for not doing paint checks. Its hard to paint check someone when your the only ref on the field and theres a lot of players. We are mainly out there to make sure everyone is safe, and to regulate.

08-04-2006, 08:59 AM
at my home field all the refs are volunteers (sp). they don't get payed and they get shot to hell durring any given day. they ref because they like the game and like hanging around paintball. if i couldn't play but could still walk i would ref no question. because they are volunteers they do it because they like it period. this makes even the games where we are short reffs better because it means most of the players are honest or they don't play any more.

08-04-2006, 10:59 AM
i have intentionally shot refs on many occasions:

to move them, i dont even yell, if they are in the way, they just get shot, they should be staying out of people's firing lanes

giving away positions, if a ref is doing this, i try to snap a few into his mouth piece of his mask, it will atleast make him quite for a bit (however, i do let refs give hints to other players while on walk on games, IE no specific locations, but telling them they should keep switching sides, or should move, should communicate, etc.)

obvious bad calls. ive been pulled by the same ref, at the same field twice for bounces, i checked by touching the spot it hit, and no paint, and he says he's "being easy" cause he could say i was wiping. all of the spectators saw the hit bounce as well. this same ref pulled my friend for a stain on his jersey, its a black jersey, has a grey spot and they pulled him(shooting orange paint) said he was playing on, and i get pulled. after these incidents, this ref deffinately gets a few balls should i be snapping and notice him. *in this instance i did bring it up to the head ref ahead of time, with every bad call made, but to no use.

08-04-2006, 08:43 PM
I've made bad calls reffing. Calls in hindsight that were just wrong. No reprisal from the players over them, and I feel bad about them months after. Take action because of them, and I am not going to be understanding about it.

08-04-2006, 10:11 PM
I've made bad calls reffing. Calls in hindsight that were just wrong. No reprisal from the players over them, and I feel bad about them months after. Take action because of them, and I am not going to be understanding about it.

So Loh, ever been shot at intentionally that you know of (as a ref of course)?

I'd like to see that happen...lol....doom on them :ninja:

08-05-2006, 06:55 AM
So Loh, ever been shot at intentionally that you know of (as a ref of course)?

I'd like to see that happen...lol....doom on them :ninja:

Not that I know of :) . That being said I am pretty "in the action" and often end up in the field and very close to a stream of paint. It would not be hard to "accidentally" shoot me and not have me know.

I think before next tournament, during captains meeting, I am going to "accidentally" drop a magazine on the floor and then pick it up. :p

08-05-2006, 03:56 PM
I love this thread
I shoot everyone ...Let me repeat that I SHOOT EVERYONE
I dont care
if i see you standing around in a scenerio game doing nothing i shoot you ... i dont care what team you are on. If you scream at me to move up or scream to charge or something really gay i shoot you
I shoot camera people ... and i say people because sex makes no different
spectators as long as you have a mask on i shoot you
if i lose i will shoot at a flag... i dont care
people can go to these events with the attittude ... I want to have the best costume or i want to do the most missions ....or work the radio .. or be the best team player ......crap all crap
I am there to take lives.
oh yeah and get drunk at dinner
Hell when a ref drives by in golf cart thats called playing a Kennedy game.
The trick to shooting your own players is to make it seem like it came from somewhere else
and do it in 1 shot :shooting:

08-05-2006, 04:06 PM
I love this thread
I shoot everyone ...Let me repeat that I SHOOT EVERYONE
I dont care
if i see you standing around in a scenerio game doing nothing i shoot you ... i dont care what team you are on. If you scream at me to move up or scream to charge or something really gay i shoot you
I shoot camera people ... and i say people because sex makes no different
spectators as long as you have a mask on i shoot you
if i lose i will shoot at a flag... i dont care
people can go to these events with the attittude ... I want to have the best costume or i want to do the most missions ....or work the radio .. or be the best team player ......crap all crap
I am there to take lives.
oh yeah and get drunk at dinner
Hell when a ref drives by in golf cart thats called playing a Kennedy game.
The trick to shooting your own players is to make it seem like it came from somewhere else
and do it in 1 shot :shooting:
go back to pbnation

08-05-2006, 04:21 PM

Only when I ran out of other Targets!

08-05-2006, 05:23 PM
Not that I know of :) . That being said I am pretty "in the action" and often end up in the field and very close to a stream of paint.

That's the kind of ref I would never try to shoot on purpose... if you're doing your job, you get shot enough

08-05-2006, 05:52 PM
oh yeah and get drunk at dinner
Hell when a ref drives by in golf cart thats called playing a Kennedy game.
The trick to shooting your own players is to make it seem like it came from somewhere else
and do it in 1 shot :shooting:


that is all.

08-05-2006, 06:35 PM
go back to pbnation
well i guess we know how serious you take your scenario.
sorry if you were an innocent victim
shh i am not really soory but i just want to pacify this guy

08-05-2006, 06:39 PM
I am pretty "in the action" and often end up in the field and very close to a stream of paint. It would not be hard to "accidentally" shoot me and not have me know.

Taking to many AOers atleast near hear in the past. It seem most everyone wants to shoot you on purpose. Refing or not .

08-05-2006, 07:08 PM
go back to pbnation

And what have you done for AO ever? Robbie has been part of multiple events, has been the stand out player on AO teams, and has been a great part of the fun of OGD at least last year. Add to that ten eliminations in the first two games of the tournament (and yes it was five man). It leaves me asking you who you are to tell him where to go? I would recommend not continuing the debate, let me know how it goes for you if you do.

08-05-2006, 07:09 PM
Taking to many AOers atleast near hear in the past. It seem most everyone wants to shoot you on purpose. Refing or not .

:D Maybe they figure its their best chance?

/Not really.
//I kinda suck at paintball
///But I put up a good front

08-05-2006, 07:17 PM
:D Maybe they figure its their best chance?

/Not really.
//I kinda suck at paintball
///But I put up a good front

More like one can't have 6700+ posts and not bothered a few people. :p

08-05-2006, 07:20 PM
More like one can't have 6700+ posts and not bothered a few people. :p

I think its more my attitude than my post count that annoys people. I'm an arrogant jerk most of the time, and tend to be more than a little egotistical :). But hey, noone can be meer than me, and I like me.

08-05-2006, 07:21 PM
And what have you done for AO ever? Robbie has been part of multiple events, has been the stand out player on AO teams, and has been a great part of the fun of OGD at least last year. Add to that ten eliminations in the first two games of the tournament (and yes it was five man). It leaves me asking you who you are to tell him where to go? I would recommend not continuing the debate, let me know how it goes for you if you do.
sorry, it was taken out of context, it was supposed to sound sarcastic but didnt come off that way

08-05-2006, 07:24 PM
sorry, it was taken out of context, it was supposed to sound sarcastic but didnt come off that way

:D Oops Then I probably should have not gone off huh? Sorry :p

08-05-2006, 07:25 PM
no worries...it looked like i was being an ***

08-05-2006, 07:31 PM
I think its more my attitude than my post count that annoys people. I'm an arrogant jerk most of the time, and tend to be more than a little egotistical :). But hey, noone can be meer than me, and I like me.

Atleast you will know why you might see more than your far share. ;) No AOer I ever met ever talks about AGD at the field. Only did you see what that Lohman446 posted and I wish I could ball him. Your somewhat famous, a marked man sort of speak.

08-06-2006, 08:55 PM
it is all good
mine was supposed to be funny
analizing paintball is like ..... hell i dont know ... but it would be bad
we shoot people for fun
thats it
you can add a flag .... through in a theme .... have some prizes
but if you took it all away
i would still go to the woods with some idiot friends and shoot at each other till there was no more paint or air.
I dont need any more inccentive than having dinner and beers recalling what a stupid move i tried
or how someone fell down a hill tring to get away and than got lit up
Others Peoples Pain Is Funny ....were not looking to cripple some one.
Thats why paintball works
If a lazy ref takes one ...all the better
hell we have all reffed a game or 2 ... i know i have ...and you get hit