View Full Version : Q.E.V. an intelliframe? Easy peasey!!

08-03-2006, 11:34 AM
After much faffing around trying to squash a QEV into an Intelliframe and not being able to do so if you use an MSV-2, i thought that there must be an easier way around this problem if you go down the Phishphen route. There is, it's called a Clippard 15004 hex connector. It connects directly onto the male thread of the QEV then you connect a barb into the female end of the hex connector. This then stops you having to drill the MPA-3 on the side, thus stopping you from damaging the MPA-3. All you then have to do is connect a barb onto the rear of the MPA-3 and run the pipe between the MSV-1 and the QEV. Simple. There's loads of space at the top then for the arm of the MSV-2 to move back and forth without any hinderence! COME ON!!! :headbang: The only downside is that at the moment it's flapping about slightly as i haven't got any further than this. I'm now off to find a way of fixing the new contraption in place somehow. I'll upload some picciy's at some point. I'm off out tonight so i might not be able to upload them untill tomorrow.

08-03-2006, 11:50 AM
Sometimes it is just easier to drill and tap the 10/32 hole in the side of the mpa-3. The qev on the side makes for a shorter set up. I guess it all depends how you are putting it together and how long the mpa=3 piston is you are using.

08-03-2006, 12:06 PM
I have used both methods described. See shorty24's "anibus" mag or kingpen509's mag. Aside from the fact that a QEV isn't needed in any capacity if your shooting semi only with or without a ULT... There is a third option that allows the use of a QEV connected to the MPA-3 in a frame where the MPA is not drilled and you can use a MSV-2 :ninja:

I use it in my personal pneumag. I was going to post pics galore last night, but my girlfriend gave me the camera with 2 sets of dead betteries. :cuss:

08-03-2006, 12:38 PM
After much faffing around trying to squash a QEV into an Intelliframe and not being able to do so if you use an MSV-2, i thought that there must be an easier way around this problem if you go down the Phishphen route. There is, it's called a Clippard 15004 hex connector. It connects directly onto the male thread of the QEV then you connect a barb into the female end of the hex connector. This then stops you having to drill the MPA-3 on the side, thus stopping you from damaging the MPA-3. All you then have to do is connect a barb onto the rear of the MPA-3 and run the pipe between the MSV-1 and the QEV. Simple. There's loads of space at the top then for the arm of the MSV-2 to move back and forth without any hinderence! COME ON!!! :headbang: The only downside is that at the moment it's flapping about slightly as i haven't got any further than this. I'm now off to find a way of fixing the new contraption in place somehow. I'll upload some picciy's at some point. I'm off out tonight so i might not be able to upload them untill tomorrow.

You don't even have to use a special connector for it. I used a hex nut that I bought at home depot and some loctite.

08-03-2006, 10:58 PM
Originally i thought that Clippard might make a female threaded barb which would have made things even easier and given more space in the frame to boot, but suprisingly they don't. It's a crude way round but it works. Running the pipe around having solved this problem is proving to be fun though. Keeping it out of the way of moving parts is proving to be fun.

08-04-2006, 07:18 AM
Click for super Hi-Resolution.

<a href="http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g45/jrm33/Black%20Widow/100_1552.jpg"><img src="http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g45/jrm33/Black%20Widow/100_1552.jpg" width="600" height="450"></img></a>

08-04-2006, 11:13 AM
Now why didn't i think of that! WHOOOAA :wow: nice Mag, now thats what icall i nice job :D

08-06-2006, 09:43 AM
Pneumagger got any pics how you ran hose thru frame up to LPR? I'm curiuos about that.