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View Full Version : Messiah Reg keeps leaking air!

12-24-2001, 07:35 PM
I currently purchased a marker with an Air Americah Messiah reg on there. The regulator is 2 months old, and it is giving me problems. Hopefully, the problem can be diagnosed.
When I recieved the marker, I gassed it up, and it shot fine. When I actually fired paint threw it, the reg started leaking air. I took it to a local shop, and the person replaced the piston Oring, and the main Oring(The big one). That solved the problem, for about 300 - 400 shots, and the leaking resumed. I took it to another shop, the replaced the Orings again, and then gassed it up. It worked fine again, when I shot it without paint. When I gassed up again, this time with paint, the reg started to leak again. I replaced the Piston Oring, gassed it up without paint, and it seemed to work fine. When I put paint in it, it still did not leak. Then, a week later, (12/23/01) I went to play a game of rec ball. This time, when I gassed up the gun, without paint - Air proceeded to leak from the piston and upper portion of the Messiah reg. I replaced the piston Oring, and the problem persisted. Now, I cannot even screw in the tank, without it shooting air all over the place. I have heard from different sources, that I should order a Parts kit, and replace the Orings, and this should do the trick, but I donot think that is true. Is there any kind of warranty that comes with the Messiah regs?
Could the reason for this be, that the Messiah reg can only handle 0 - 500 psi, and the nitro tank I am using, has a preset output of 850psi?

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I have heard of cases, where peoples regs would start to leak, and when they cleaned the reg, and applied lube to it, the leaking stopped. Could this be true? Help please, anyone....

12-24-2001, 07:46 PM
The Messiah can handle input pressures of 1200psi. The OUTPUT is 0-500psi. Send it in to AA. My Black Ice reg creapt real bad from day 1. They fixed it for me, for free.


12-24-2001, 07:58 PM
Hello Russ,
Thank you very much!
Can you please contact me on AIM, I need to talk to someone who has had this problem before. Please, if it is not too much trouble....;) My AIM name is - armanxpm.

12-24-2001, 11:36 PM
Make sure your using the correct Regs seats and Reg Valve pins in the regulator.

Lots of people use MAg seats and pins and they have problems. You need to use the Hard seats and the coned pin.


12-24-2001, 11:53 PM
Hmm... didn't somebody at one time say they use AGD pins and seats in AA systems instead of the stock hard seats and coned pins? :)

12-25-2001, 10:08 AM
Hello RobAGD,
I am shooting a STO Autococker - ;)
By Coned pin, you mean not this type of pin? -

12-25-2001, 10:50 AM
That's the piston. Go to http://www.airamerica.com/index.htm and look around for some schematics.

12-25-2001, 10:57 AM
Is that the coned pin?
Get on AIM please! Please, please, please....
My AIM name is armanxpm.