View Full Version : What happened to mcarterbrown.com paintball site?

Scott Hudnall
08-06-2006, 01:25 PM
Anyone know what happened to the mcarterbrown.com paintball website? They always had some very cool old stuff, pics, classic paintball guns, and a nice for sale forum. it's gone now?

08-06-2006, 01:35 PM
It's still there, just upgraded. Long story short, there were problems with the old software/database/etc., so they had to move to a flashy new setup. It is still run by the same person.

08-06-2006, 01:36 PM
When will it be back up and running?

08-06-2006, 03:52 PM
It's still there, just upgraded. Long story short, there were problems with the old software/database/etc., so they had to move to a flashy new setup. It is still run by the same person.
That is not quite accurate, but on the right track.

The new “flashy” setup was actually a new forum Carter put up called Paintball City. It was designed to take the overflow of members going to MCB who in all honesty were not interested in old school markers but wanted to be on the forum. So Carter made PBC which included all marker types and styles of play. That way he could keep MCB old school yet have a forum that would be suited for all players.

Well, it worked fine for a while but he started to experience server issues concerning the MCB forums. There were some database issues and the forum software simply could not do the job it was now forced to do because of the larger membership and resources needs.

So Carter had to determine what he was going to do.

PBC actually had most of the same staff and the base membership was MCB members. So Carter decided that instead of trying to keep two forums up and running and paying twice the price, he would simply make the new PBC into MCB. He had thought about keeping MCB separate and just using similar software as PBC used, but then decided that it was not worth it.

Most members liked the extended areas of interest anyways, so there we are…. MBC and PBC became one and took on the old MCB name. :cheers:

For those who can’t get to the forums, it is probably because the URLs for the forums has changed. Just point your browsers to http://www.mcarterbrown.com and bookmark it again without any forum extentions.

08-06-2006, 09:15 PM
Sorry Shartley, tried to keep it short ;) .

08-07-2006, 04:12 AM
No worries. :)

Scott Hudnall
08-09-2006, 04:08 PM
Thx m8