View Full Version : Cheating

08-08-2006, 09:59 PM
I just wanted to relate to you guys something that happened to me a little while ago. this is my first confirmed experiance of cheating in a rec game, and i have to say it still puts a smile on my face. :)

ok, the set up was a woodsball field, i was stationed in the fort at the center of the field and i was not allowed to leave the fort for the duration. while i was peaking out of a window i saw a guy hunched running to a bunker infront of me and well i let him have it. I unloaded on him and saw my bright orange paint hit him in the shoulder of his white shirt just before he ducked into the bunker. now this is also my first time in woods with my e-mag so i was on a total power trip. as soon as i saw he was hit i yelled at him to check himself and to call out. well the next thing i know i see his gun and head sticking up over the bunker pointed at me. now between this i had not shot at him but when i saw this i unloaded again and again i hit him for sure. now at this point i have a huge addrenalin (sp) kick so instead of calling a ref i keep unloading on his bunker. I am shooting like 12-15 bps at a bunker not more than 25 feet from me. i was also yelling at him to call out and get of the field. I definatly didn't say it that nicely either. so after about 30sec of this the guy raises his gun and hunch walks off the field. now i didn't bonus ball him or anything. i stoped shooting as soon as i saw the gun go up. anyway i think this put the biggest grin on my face. And i say if you want to cheat go for it but if you expect to get away with it you better dmn well have a gun that can keep up or you will not be moving. :shooting: :shooting: :shooting:

p.s. love my e-mag :)

08-09-2006, 05:59 PM
Yeah what he said!!!!! :headbang:

08-09-2006, 06:11 PM
i love it when ppl try to cheat when i play woodsball. me and my brother were in a similar situation but i guess we are not a nice as you. there was a guy who slid down a hill which was about 15 feet from me and my brother. i had my PM5, my brother had his PM6 and we both know how to use them(college tourneys so we are used to playing semi). we both turn and look at him like wow he just slid right in front of us. we both shoot him about 2-3 times each(being nice at the time) the guy who i guess is not that smart starts to shoot at us. We both then shoot him about 6-8 more times each. He then called himself out and left, he didnt seem that happy but thats what he gets for cheating. Later the same day my brother shot a guy in the chest 2 time from about 10 feet away and the guy ducks then pops up again and shoot my brother in the mask. Wrong move. He unloads half a hopper on him. It may sound sick and twisted but i kind of like it when people try to cheat when i shoot them. its like a free pass to shoot them alot. if i was you i would have shot him a few times in the back.

08-09-2006, 06:17 PM
I just wanted to relate to you guys something that happened to me a little while ago. this is my first confirmed experiance of cheating in a rec game, and i have to say it still puts a smile on my face. :)

ok, the set up was a woodsball field, i was stationed in the fort at the center of the field and i was not allowed to leave the fort for the duration. while i was peaking out of a window i saw a guy hunched running to a bunker infront of me and well i let him have it. I unloaded on him and saw my bright orange paint hit him in the shoulder of his white shirt just before he ducked into the bunker. now this is also my first time in woods with my e-mag so i was on a total power trip. as soon as i saw he was hit i yelled at him to check himself and to call out. well the next thing i know i see his gun and head sticking up over the bunker pointed at me. now between this i had not shot at him but when i saw this i unloaded again and again i hit him for sure. now at this point i have a huge addrenalin (sp) kick so instead of calling a ref i keep unloading on his bunker. I am shooting like 12-15 bps at a bunker not more than 25 feet from me. i was also yelling at him to call out and get of the field. I definatly didn't say it that nicely either. so after about 30sec of this the guy raises his gun and hunch walks off the field. now i didn't bonus ball him or anything. i stoped shooting as soon as i saw the gun go up. anyway i think this put the biggest grin on my face. And i say if you want to cheat go for it but if you expect to get away with it you better dmn well have a gun that can keep up or you will not be moving. :shooting: :shooting: :shooting:

p.s. love my e-mag :)

Yeh, because its your job to enforce rules on the field...

Oh wait

Yeh, because from a distance your eyes are so much better that you can tell everything, even with that huge adrenelin kick

Oh wait...

Again, its not your job, or your place to enforce rules on field. If your going to play big boy games, your going to take the punishment for it.

Funny, the other day at the field someone put more than 18 on me ( I counted welts that evening). About a minute later when he tried to run down the field... well literally you couldn't count the hits because he was covered. I love the players on my team that game :D Is that hypocrtical? Not at all. Going to play the big boy games of overshooting, don't whine when you get lit.

08-09-2006, 06:19 PM
Cheating's over rated - I've found that no matter how much I do it... It doesn't make me any better. :tard:

08-09-2006, 06:40 PM
i'm with quasi on this one, i deffinatly yell at the people i hit when they don't go out. as for it 'not being our place' to enforce the rules... i think its every players place to enforce the rules. i don't mean that you should run your mouth at the person, just a 'YO, UR HIT!' is fine. but if they don't go out, just keep playin and do ur best to get them out again :rolleyes:

08-09-2006, 06:42 PM
i'm with quasi on this one, i deffinatly yell at the people i hit when they don't go out. as for it 'not being our place' to enforce the rules... i think its every players place to enforce the rules. i don't mean that you should run your mouth at the person, just a 'YO, UR HIT!' is fine. but if they don't go out, just keep playin and do ur best to get them out again :rolleyes:

One more time, fine... sending 20 - not your spot.

The problem is I THOUGHT he was cheating...

and thought, you could be wrong.

08-09-2006, 07:03 PM
One more time, fine... sending 20 - not your spot.

The problem is I THOUGHT he was cheating...

and thought, you could be wrong.

i totally agree that its possible to have thought wrong about someone cheating, and thats why a good shout just to make them check is fine. its sending 20 at them is where it becomes a problem, i've been overshot and its no fun.

08-09-2006, 07:07 PM
i totally agree that its possible to have thought wrong about someone cheating, and thats why a good shout just to make them check is fine. its sending 20 at them is where it becomes a problem, i've been overshot and its no fun.

And when you yell and they ignore you? I ignore who yell across field, I might glance down but you wont notice...

08-09-2006, 07:17 PM
then i get you out again :rolleyes: and probably talk to you about it after the game just to see if i was wrong, or you were cheating.

08-09-2006, 07:21 PM
then i get you out again :rolleyes: and probably talk to you about it after the game just to see if i was wrong, or you were cheating.

And what do you expect someone who cheats to tell you? Yeh, I wiped it? Or, nope, it bounced?

08-09-2006, 07:31 PM
And what do you expect someone who cheats to tell you? Yeh, I wiped it? Or, nope, it bounced?
i talked to them so i can check the spot where i shot them too, the fill of my paint is pretty hard to wipe so i'll know whats up. prolly talk to a ref about it, but bonus balling is a no-no.

08-09-2006, 07:56 PM
It's not bonus balling if you shoot them, give them the chance to call out and they don't, so you shoot them again. It's just ensuring they are out. Bonus balling happens when you know they are out, they call out, and you continue to shoot at them.

At least by my definition.

08-09-2006, 08:00 PM
It's not bonus balling if you shoot them, give them the chance to call out and they don't, so you shoot them again. It's just ensuring they are out. Bonus balling happens when you know they are out, they call out, and you continue to shoot at them.

At least by my definition.

When you send fifty when its clear five will do?

08-09-2006, 08:00 PM
Yeah if everyone fallowed the rules then why would we need refs? I think the some of the refs dont want to lose there job so they allow some cheating and call some others. Same as everything. Im not a fan of cheating but its not going to stop. So just keep doing what your doing and remember karma.

08-09-2006, 08:01 PM
Yeah if everyone fallowed the rules then why would we need refs? I think the some of the refs dont want to lose there job so they allow some cheating and call some others. Same as everything. Im not a fan of cheating but its not going to stop. So just keep doing what your doing and remember karma.

You have never reffed have you?

08-09-2006, 08:03 PM
You have never reffed have you?

Just a couple of out law games with my bro but never any speeball ones.

08-09-2006, 08:04 PM
Refs are going to miss and blow calls, I do on a regular basis when I ref. It happens

08-09-2006, 08:05 PM
When you send fifty when its clear five will do?

Well only if I really don't have any way to see the guy and have no idea where he is hidden in the brush or soft cover. We're talking woods, so the situations are a little different than on the speedball court.

Per a ref's advice, once I sent an entire hopper towards someone hiding in the bushes; most of them hit. Neither I, nor the ref standing next to me, could hear him call out until I stopped shooting to reload.

I was probably in the wrong for sending 100+ shots into the bushes for one guy, but he was told by the ref to come out because he was out of bounds and he refused to.

08-09-2006, 08:09 PM
Refs are going to miss and blow calls, I do on a regular basis when I ref. It happens
O yeah dont get me wrong there are some good refs out there. Some of them sometimes cant make a call because there not sure or they missed it. Others are just worried about themselves. But if everything was like it suppost to be and everyone was truth full why would we need Refs, Police and all that other stuff.

08-09-2006, 09:17 PM
I was probably in the wrong for sending 100+ shots into the bushes for one guy, but he was told by the ref to come out because he was out of bounds and he refused to.

If I were the manager, I'd would've fired the ref for not running his lazy *** over to the player and telling him directly that he's out of bounds and is now eliminated. A ref telling a player "Yeah, just unload your hopper on that guy" is just asking for complaints from customers.

08-09-2006, 10:17 PM
First i have to say there was no thought involved i saw a bright orange spot on his shoulder just before he hit the bunker.
sencond i'm talking like 25- 30 feet if i can't spot a hit from that far away i need better glasses.
third at the field i play at all but two of the refs are younger and smaller than i am. If they need backing on the field i can give it and i am on good terms with most of them because they know this fact. I understand that refs will miss calls and blow situations especially in the woods as it is hard enough to see the players some times and with only like 3 refs for 20-25 people i expect them to miss calls. that is why i treat cheating like a capital offence and dish out corperal (sp) punishment when i see it. half the time the refs ask me to start the games because i have a bigger voice than most of them.
fourth even with an adrenalin rush i stoped firing. i don't lose control on the field because of my first time playing. When i played my very first game of paintball it was outlaw ball back in the early 90. I had gotten shot and was going off the field but i was doing it hunched over and looking a little like i was sneaking. at one point i took my mask off. my older brother shot me in the eyebrow, i'm talking an inch from my eye. I never take my mask of durring a game and i will yell at anyone who does because of this. I also maintain controll on the field because i understand what i can do with what we normally play with.
and while i can understand the desire to bonus ball and unload on the guy, i also want him to get better and come back so i have a little more competition. It is all about the game even though we are shooting each other.

08-09-2006, 11:10 PM
"its all about the game" :headbang:

08-11-2006, 12:29 AM
When you send fifty when its clear five will do?
But it was clear that five wouldn't do. He said as soon as the player signaled he was out he stopped shooting. What should he have done differently (besides the trash talking)?

08-11-2006, 03:33 PM
But it was clear that five wouldn't do. He said as soon as the player signaled he was out he stopped shooting. What should he have done differently (besides the trash talking)?

The closest I ever came to starting a fight on field involved sending 50 at a guy in some brush "because he did not raise his hand fast enough". Most people don't raise there hand until after they check the hit, which sometimes takes a second or two. We need to at some point realize our actions have consequences.

08-11-2006, 04:50 PM
The closest I ever came to starting a fight on field involved sending 50 at a guy in some brush "because he did not raise his hand fast enough". Most people don't raise there hand until after they check the hit, which sometimes takes a second or two. We need to at some point realize our actions have consequences.

If I'm shooting into a bush I have no idea whether or not I hit the person hiding behind it. In the circumstance above, he already believed that seeing a hit didn't mean anything. If your checking for a hit while being pounded with every shot from your opponent you don't need to check unless you want to continue getting pounded. The action of not calling oneself out under those circumstances has consequences.

Now, if your out in the open that close then there is no excuse. But, that wasn't the case. I would have done the same thing. And will in the future. I don't see anything wrong with it.

If I know for sure that I am shooting at a first time player I shoot less and try to take it easy on them, especially if it is one on one. But at the field I frequent (or use to frequent, I don't frequent any fields at the moment :( ) in the orientation they let you know that you are likely to get shot at UNTIL you signal yourself out. They spend time going over some scenarios and how to handle signaling yourself out. The bottom line they point out is that you may get shot multiple times...


08-11-2006, 09:21 PM
I agree that cheating happens and it sucks when it does, but some people gotta take a pill.

Have we all become so afraid of someone cheating that we will overshoot, bonus ball, or generally be bad sportsmen? Nothing justifies being a bad sport, it only takes you down to their level. Instead of overshooting, try calling a paint check or a ref, that's what they are there for regardless of age or experience. Also, just because you see a ball break on someone doesn't mean they felt it. Sometimes you can't feel a ball break or see if it did break. Recently a ball broke on my sidearm that I never felt. Does that make me cheater? Try calling a ref before you dispense some misplaced justice.

I'm used to playing games where, when you call a paint check you actually stop shooting and allow the person to check themselves or, HORRORS!, they step out from cover and you look them over for a hit. If you don't find one you both go back to your respective spots and resume play. That's sportsmanship, some players would do well to learn some before their lack of it gets them in trouble.

Case in point, my brother-in-law is a vietnam vet and he and his daughter (who was 17 and very athletic) were playing with our team. We had a rival team at our field that we knew to be pricks and cheaters in general but we accepted this as a challenge. There was an incident where his daughter was pinned down and got hit. She called herself out and raised her gun. Well the guy just kept shooting her...in the mask and chest. After the third time of her calling herself out my brother-in-law stood up and screamed in his drill seargent tone "M'fer! She said she's OUT!", threw off his mask and began walking towards the guy. Well needless to say the game ended right there. We went back to the staging area and the atmosphere was more than a little tense. The guy came up and tried to apologize, which would have been fine if he would have left it at "I'm sorry". But instead he tried to explain his way out of it. A yelling match ensued and I was certain that my bro was gonna make this guy eat a 20oz tank. Luckily cooler heads stepped in and descalated the situation before someone went to the hospital and/or jail. My niece had several welts on her head and shoulders that she didn't need to have nor deserved. She has never played paintball since because of that single incident and a single ahole player that overshot her.

The whole point of that story is to illustrate that there is never justification for overshooting, plus you could be buying yourself a beating. Even if it's a true cheater, it accomplishes nothing except angering or upsetting someone. Once you see the first ball break, stop shooting and call the player out or call a paint check. The person doesn't need to be dripping paint to be considered an elimination. There are bad sports in almost all games, but don't go out of your way to be one.

08-11-2006, 10:53 PM
And they say tournament players use alot of paint :rolleyes: Unloaded not once but twice for one guy at 25'. :p

08-12-2006, 07:14 AM
Funny story.

I'm playing in a mixed group of experienced players and newer players. The general rule is not to go out against the newer players. Fair enough and it works pretty good.

I dive into the snake, somehow in the process I loose my glasses, my mask had come up and I pulled it down quickly, crawl forward and realize I cannot see anything. Understand without correction my vision is under 20/400. I try to shoot across field randomly, and then realize a few bunkers up there is a player that is not aware I am there. Well now, I can bunker him and have no cover afterwards. If thats an experienced player its a good enough trade off.

So I look to the sidelines, since I'm in the snake its right there. One of the player's wife is right there. I ask her if this player in front of me is a new player or not. We chat a bit. Its a new player so I don't make the move, instead I randomly shoot across field and we discuss how futile that is.

Understand this is a "fun" game. One of the more serious players who was out there had their father with them. As we are walking off field he is just in her face about "sideline coaching". Now, this woman's husband has arms as big as my legs, and its not from fat. He is a very calm person but very protective. I can see this getting out of hand really suddenly. I finally tell him what happened (in my usual non confrontational way :p ) and he just walks away.

Sometimes, what you think you see, is not what you see