View Full Version : Why am I changing game interests?

08-10-2006, 06:27 PM
I don't know why but recently I have been getting more and more excited about playing scenario games. I have been playing speedball with my friends and using my super light Emag 2.14 lbs, but I have been getting bored of speedball for some reason. I still like it but it just seems like I want to go back to playing scenario more now. I have been getting tired of wasting 1 box of paint a day and hearing kids talk about how super duper their guns are and they frankly don't appeal to me. Am I the only one that has thought about changing what they play? Or is it just that I am getting old? :(

08-10-2006, 06:43 PM
I kow scenario games reminds me of when I was a little kid playing cops and robbers or the like. All those fantasies about house to house fighting and such appeal to almost everybody. Plus, scenarios are extremely dynamic. You can play the game in a variety of ways. Speedball is more static in that sense. The only thing that changes in the players, who typically play the same way each game. Not much change.

In a scenario you can dress up, play missions, protect areas, just shoot people, etc. Plus, there are prizes to win, people to meet, food to cook, etc. So much to do in only 2 days.

08-10-2006, 07:25 PM
Am I the only one that has thought about changing what they play? Or is it just that I am getting old? :(

I think the key is to mix it up form time to time , pretty much like any other game.

I play a little of everything myself. I play with a fairly hardcore local Tourny team which I love but I also have a good size pump club (Playing this Sunday for anyone near Waynes World that wants to get it on it) that get together as often as possible. And still try and thro a scenerio in here and there.

Anything 'll get stale if you don't change it up a bit.

08-10-2006, 07:25 PM
If you change the crowd you play with or get more serious about the play you might get more interested in it. I have a solid group of friends I play with and they really motivate me to play. Branch out to other fields maybe? Try to work on getting a team together. Things like that will keep you interested but if you do the same old same old on the same field it gets VERY boring. When I changed from playing NPPL style to Xball format it really re-energized my love for playing because of how fast paced it is. Maybe something like that would get you back into it.

Of course I find myself trying to get to scenario games every so often also. They are a lot of fun but I have found both consume a lot of paint either way.

08-10-2006, 08:14 PM
I also have a good size pump club (Playing this Sunday for anyone near Waynes World that wants to get it on it) that get together as often as possible.


08-10-2006, 09:10 PM
I like speedball, but my heart is still in the woods.

I think the notions you had about paintball before you even played it stick with you quite a bit. I don't know anyone who wouldn't jump at the chance to play with the military gear (I believe they are 1/8th powder gel caps that they use, but I could be wrong) and actually be said sniper.

08-11-2006, 02:12 AM
I kow scenario games reminds me of when I was a little kid playing cops and robbers or the like. All those fantasies about house to house fighting and such appeal to almost everybody. Plus, scenarios are extremely dynamic. You can play the game in a variety of ways. Speedball is more static in that sense. The only thing that changes in the players, who typically play the same way each game. Not much change.

In a scenario you can dress up, play missions, protect areas, just shoot people, etc. Plus, there are prizes to win, people to meet, food to cook, etc. So much to do in only 2 days.

Oh yeah I remember the days when I first started playing paintball and it was all milsim mentality. I started playing in 1999-2003 and just started playing last year with some friends that love speedball. If I have to compare all the PB stories, the most memorable are the Scenario ones. From my friend falling head first into a ditch to the invasion of a key town in a big 100 vs. 100 game. I also noticed that there is less emphasis on how fast your gun is and more on reliability and accuracy, although accuracy exists in both game types. The best part is that in the end of the day everyone gets together and eats big foods and pass out. Now I just play in the local fields which are ok I guess. Man do I ever miss the paintball road trips to SC. My favorite field in SC Village is Beirut hands down. :hail:

08-11-2006, 05:40 AM

Yeah Baby !!!

2 Days to go !!!

08-11-2006, 06:55 AM
I like scenerio/woods beter because the game is very unrepetitive. Speedball most always has one or two objectives. Eleminate the enemy and then get the flag. To me it can get boring especially where I live because it is all the same people playing every weekend.

Scenerio is fun because there is something different to do each time. Capture the flag, plant a bomb, themed(dday) etc. With a different game each time the games can be more fun. It allows us playing to change it up and do a little sumthing different.

And mainly because I am better at woods ball

08-11-2006, 09:51 AM
I like scenerio/woods beter because the game is very unrepetitive. Speedball most always has one or two objectives. Eleminate the enemy and then get the flag. To me it can get boring especially where I live because it is all the same people playing every weekend.

Scenerio is fun because there is something different to do each time. Capture the flag, plant a bomb, themed(dday) etc. With a different game each time the games can be more fun. It allows us playing to change it up and do a little sumthing different.

And mainly because I am better at woods ball

LOL, almost forgot to read the fine print :rofl:

08-11-2006, 09:53 AM
OK then for those of you who like woodsball, what field types are your favorite? I like small towns/cities the most. I had bad experiences in trench warfare ;)

chill will
08-11-2006, 10:26 AM
I to cut my teeth in the trenchs. One of the many game we had was called race the base. Two teams on opisite sides of a bunker filled hill. At the top was a flat playing area with bunker, twin towers, and trenchs. The fastest team to the top of the hill had the advantage. With games of 30-50 on a single team man your talking some intence in yo face action. I will just say that it was a learning exsperence, :cry: man how I miss the good old days.
That fied is no more. It was located at FT Bragg, NC. PETA(or some animal conservation group) wanted to save the redheadded wood pecker.

08-11-2006, 12:17 PM
i like scenario play better to. its just speeball is the only type at the fields around here :(

08-11-2006, 06:17 PM
OK then for those of you who like woodsball, what field types are your favorite?
Sand dunes on the beach:
The dunes are cool. We play attack and defend. There is sparse vegetation and many natural divots and such. Plus an abandoned road. The road has run off ditches too for some trench stuff. I like it but there are sand cactus's that suck to kneel on and the sand gets all in the guns.

Dense Woods:
I play about four woods fields. Moslty just elemination. Fun because where I live there are those bushes you can crawl/stumble/run/fall through, that nobody can run through. Cool stuff but painfull bunkerings. Definately my best performancy. I take people down here.

Indoor scenerio:
I have only played this at Orlando Paintball. It was really fun. We did a couple variations of CTF and Cops and Robbers(my best description). I did pretty good because I mostly play that type of plywood bunkers. I also really liked having bunkers that were raised off the ground. I play this really well but I only get to play it once a year so there can be problems.

Open tree areas:
Played like this at Pirate Paintball. The field was cool and all. I got my first experience of using trees as my only bunkers. The field was cool and all but the area was giant(about 100 yards by 150 yards) for the number and ability of players(10 from a church group 10 from a 8 year old Bday and my two friends). Was cool but I also had gun problems(warp and a gravity hopper).

Sorry for the autobiography but um, yeah. :D

08-11-2006, 11:07 PM
I don't know why but recently I have been getting more and more excited about playing scenario games. I have been playing speedball with my friends and using my super light Emag 2.14 lbs, but I have been getting bored of speedball for some reason. I still like it but it just seems like I want to go back to playing scenario more now. I have been getting tired of wasting 1 box of paint a day and hearing kids talk about how super duper their guns are and they frankly don't appeal to me. Am I the only one that has thought about changing what they play? Or is it just that I am getting old? :(

You must be getting old.

08-12-2006, 12:05 AM
I completley agree with you, speedball is fun its just kinda repeticitve sometimes, too much of the same thing and too many little aggsters. Recball and scenario are great because it apeals to all styles of play, you can have the fun and relaxed atmosphere of the scenario and still find yourseelf in intense firefights with hordes of old guys wielding these strange 1 tubed contraptions called "automags" ;)

08-12-2006, 12:30 AM
I completley agree with you, speedball is fun its just kinda repeticitve sometimes, too much of the same thing and too many little aggsters. Recball and scenario are great because it apeals to all styles of play, you can have the fun and relaxed atmosphere of the scenario and still find yourseelf in intense firefights with hordes of old guys wielding these strange 1 tubed contraptions called "automags" ;)

Yeah I love the 45 min drives to SC village, playing all day in the woods and then after eating some good ole bar B que steak and beer. Dang I am getting old :(

08-13-2006, 09:45 PM
Dang I am getting old :(

According to your profile your not quite yet 26 even! Good god man your not old! Granted after age 25 there isn't much to look forward to till 65, but still.

08-14-2006, 01:47 AM
According to your profile your not quite yet 26 even! Good god man your not old! Granted after age 25 there isn't much to look forward to till 65, but still.

Hey you peeper :ninja: lol. I didn't know that you could look at profiles, well anyway just for that I will have to enter my Emag this month. Muahahhahaha :cool:

08-14-2006, 04:53 PM
Nooooo, I hope I get my x-mag back from A+ anno soon, I must enter it and destroy all your aspirations for winning :D

08-14-2006, 05:21 PM
According to your profile your not quite yet 26 even! Good god man your not old! Granted after age 25 there isn't much to look forward to till 65, but still.

Really? When you're forty aren't they supposed to check you in the..... :eek:
Well... noobody's Really looking forward to that :D

08-14-2006, 06:28 PM
Nooooo, I hope I get my x-mag back from A+ anno soon, I must enter it and destroy all your aspirations for winning :D

Muahhhaha I laugh (laughs like a drunken pirate :argh: ), all you puny peasants and your guns will be no match for my Emag called the PUNISHER :argh:

08-14-2006, 07:10 PM
According to your profile your not quite yet 26 even! Good god man your not old! Granted after age 25 there isn't much to look forward to till 65, but still.

Bu-bu-bu-but I like telling the kiddies to get off my lawn!

/turning 26 soon

08-16-2006, 09:18 PM
Bu-bu-bu-but I like telling the kiddies to get off my lawn!

/turning 26 soon

I just tell them to play in the road. (A US highway) My way of weeding out the dumb ones. That is the difference between being in your twenties and being in your thirties. :D