View Full Version : Tickler LPR

08-12-2006, 02:31 PM
Does anybody know the max input pressure of a tickler? My tank outputs 1100 psi (from a fixed reg!) and I don't want to buy one and find that it won't work. What LPR's do you recommend for a pneumag?


08-12-2006, 03:04 PM
I use a Tickler on my pneumag but I haven't fed it that much pressure.

08-12-2006, 03:55 PM
not sure about the tickler although i want one for mine. Currently i'm using a Palmer Micro Rock, it handles up to 1500psi input and outputs 0-about 150 psi.

the mag guy
08-13-2006, 01:11 PM
Though I dont know the number, I have a tickler and it runs just fine. I know they still work on 1000 psi input.

after looking at the assembly of my tickler, I really dont thing the input pressure is going to matter. regs are designed to take an imput and drop it to their range. I really dont think regs have in input range. Now I know there is a threshold somewhere, but it is nowhere in the range where paintball is concerned.

08-15-2006, 08:01 AM
Thanks everyone. Going to try one out.

08-15-2006, 08:17 AM
a reg's input pressure is sort of a fuction of the durometer of the reg seat in a design like the tickler/outkast. If the pressure is too high, it will compress/squash the reg seat too much causing excessive wear.

Just because it works the first few times at 1000+ psi doesn't mean it will have a long and fruitfull life as it should. Just stick with the manufactures rated input, because that LPR has no overpressure relief and if your using high strength hosing, you WILL hurt the pneumatics. If your running those input pressures, and plan to continue doing so, get a Rock or Microrock for safety's sake.