View Full Version : Spyder SE or Shutter???????

Sir. Foxalot
12-25-2001, 01:51 PM
Hey my friend wants to get one of these which one is better? SO which one is better? Thanx


12-25-2001, 01:53 PM
Just get the SE... or a TL. How about a used Automag? :) That'll be your best bet.

Sir. Foxalot
12-25-2001, 01:55 PM
Im tryin to get him into a mag but he only has 200 maxxx any ideas????

12-25-2001, 02:00 PM
Look for a good deal on a used Mag. Used Mags are just fine, and are broken in already... just gets better over time, like wine.

12-25-2001, 02:00 PM
just tell him to keep saving a get a decent used mag. pretty cheap you could get a used automag for under 300.

12-25-2001, 02:01 PM
get a spyder compact and then have plenty of money for any extras. my first gun was a tl+ but i wish i would've just gotten a compact and been able to customize it to my liking. thats my suggestion...

12-25-2001, 02:02 PM
If he can't get a mag... skip the spyder and get a piranha instead... better gun for same price range.

Sir. Foxalot
12-25-2001, 02:08 PM
Great thanx what are the pros of the piranah over the spyder anyone have any other cheap guns that are decient?????

12-25-2001, 02:21 PM
well paintball inc. makes a gun for 225, it takes spyder parts, but its electric, and you can really rip on the trigger. I even kinda want one, just for the fun. by the way, its called the Black Dragun, or just the Dragun. DOnt get it confused with the nat'l paintball one

12-25-2001, 02:39 PM
I heard about that Dragun, but a Pirhana(sp?) has a way nicer trigger.

Sir. Foxalot
12-25-2001, 02:40 PM
ok cool thanx any others

12-25-2001, 02:59 PM
i would go w/ the shutter, i neverd liked the looks of the SE; crappy green. I don't have to much experience with the SE but i have used my friends shutter and it works great. Never had a major problem with it.

12-25-2001, 05:19 PM
honestly guy, mags don't work to well on co2. for that little amount of money, it would probalby be better getting a spyder. you can get a spyder tl that works decent on co2 for less than that. just IMO, spyder's probably run better on co2 than a stock mag. back to the original question, get the shutter or a tl. they're better. although, they're all spyders so it really doesnt' matter. get a compact, it's pretty much all the same. hahahahaha.

12-25-2001, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by TheBigRaguPB4L
honestly guy, mags don't work to well on co2. for that little amount of money, it would probalby be better getting a spyder. you can get a spyder tl that works decent on co2 for less than that. just IMO, spyder's probably run better on co2 than a stock mag. back to the original question, get the shutter or a tl. they're better. although, they're all spyders so it really doesnt' matter. get a compact, it's pretty much all the same. hahahahaha.

mags work just fine on co2, as long as you are smart about it. they were designed in a time of co2...you need a remote or expansion chamber, and an anti- siphon tube in your tank. a stock spyder will run much worse on co2 than a mag will. the mag will also be more consistant over the chrono.

if i had a limited budget, i would buy a spyder compact. you can get these for under 100$. you can then add a nice barrel and a reg or a cheap nitro tank. this would probably be your best bet.

12-25-2001, 05:30 PM
haha that was very true THEBIGRAGUPB4L

they are all the same just some MAYhave a gas through, or exp. chamber... or even a bottomline!!!

12-25-2001, 05:46 PM
I would have to say the Black Dragon, it is a spyder clone with a electronic grip frame, for around the price of a shutter.

12-25-2001, 05:52 PM
Originally posted by Cha0tic

mags work just fine on co2, as long as you are smart about it. they were designed in a time of co2...you need a remote or expansion chamber, and an anti- siphon tube in your tank. a stock spyder will run much worse on co2 than a mag will. the mag will also be more consistant over the chrono.

yes they were designed on co2. more than likely, with the exception of really cold states in the dead of winter, a remote and/or ex chamber will allow the mag to run fine on co2. but a stock mag new alone is 240. a xchamber and remote would run him at least another 30 bucks. being that he said for under $200, then a stock mag would be no good. maybe in warm weather, but i know stock my mag would never run on co2. and please don't take that as a flame chaotic, i kinda re-read it and would see where i was coming back with an attitude, but i'm not.

Sir. Foxalot
12-25-2001, 06:55 PM
All very good points guys. I am giving him all of the info you guys have posted up and now he is even more confused. Oh well. He has somthing against savin up because if he saved just a little more he could get a pretty cool mag but thanx again for all of your ideas!

Thor the Mighty
12-25-2001, 08:22 PM
whoever this guy is is a dumb goon. he should save up. GET A MAG! LEARN FROM MY MISTAKES

Sir. Foxalot
12-25-2001, 08:37 PM
LOL thanx Mike Ill let him know :D

12-25-2001, 08:45 PM
the big ragu- you can get full mag packages in the 200's. and when set up with expansion chamber/ remote/ anti-siphon, you can run it almost anywhere. you just have to look around and wait for a deal.

12-25-2001, 10:45 PM
If he has to get a spyder and wants to upgraded it go with the compact 2000. I started with the compact and kept upgrading till I had a low pressure bob long millenium. I regret buying the spyder cuz i spent over 500 dollars on the spyder, when I could have used that money to get stuff for my sweet used mag I just got.

12-25-2001, 11:20 PM
Originally posted by Cha0tic
the big ragu- you can get full mag packages in the 200's. and when set up with expansion chamber/ remote/ anti-siphon, you can run it almost anywhere. you just have to look around and wait for a deal.

really? i guess i'm just not looking in the right places. the cheapest new mag i've ever seen was 220 without a barrel or asa. i guess i just suck. oh well. not like i'll be buying any stock mags anyways.

12-26-2001, 12:27 AM
Why don't you get a 'Mag???? If you have to go with a spyder, get the Xtra, that's the vert. feed model, or a Bob Long Millennium!!!! And remember, no matter how much $$ you spend on a spyder, it's still just a spyder!!!

12-26-2001, 09:00 AM
A spyder is just a spyder...change a color and they make a new gun...add a part and make two new guns....still a spyder. Nothing more, nothing less. Save his $$ buy a compact 2 in 1 or something cheep since spyders are like cockers, always in need of an upgrade or two, not that it helps performance...lol... :) I like miscue's idea personally...go for a piranna if he cant get a used mag. Piranna's are the same for less $$ and work well, unlike other spinoffs like rebels that are crappy...

just my $.02

12-26-2001, 09:45 AM
Someone sent me a link last week to one of the big online sites that had TL's for $129 plus $10 shiping both Black and Silver. Might have been paintballgear.com not sure. But they are cheap now. I say the TL. The SE is just a dressed up TL. And the Shutter just has a cool color and a real cheap regulator and guage on it. One you would want to upgrade anyway. So for the money get the TL and upgrade the bolt and put a nice reg or stabilizer on it. And a nice barrel or two or Freak it.

12-26-2001, 09:55 AM
Oh here it is. Its the TL Plus and it is $124.99. Both black and silver the same. Shutters are $159.


Sir. Foxalot
12-26-2001, 10:59 AM
WOW i didnt think there would be that many responses... cool I talked to him last night and he says that the reason he doesnt want to spend more then 200 is because he isnt that into paintballing. Just somthing better then a rental when he plays with me so thanx guys

Thor the Mighty
12-26-2001, 11:54 AM
tell him thats what i thought when i made the "big mistake" the first time around, and once i started playing with "it", i wanted a better gun and that you should start off better than with a gun like "that"

12-26-2001, 01:14 PM
I think most of us were there at one time or another, I know I thought "I'm only going to play a couple times a year" So you might want to let him know, that's how all junkies start, so might as well start with a good gun and save in the long run!!!!

12-26-2001, 02:38 PM
i'd go with the SE it seems pretty nice

01-14-2002, 11:20 PM
I've had both, and beleive me, they all shoot the same. In fact, my buddy's compact shot the same as my shutter. So of course i sold it and baught a mag! No seriously either tell him to buy a mag (used ones for 200 are easy to find), or buy the compact 2000 and an inline reg and extras. it will be the same cost as more expensive spyders but WAY better.

01-16-2002, 01:56 AM
I'd say get a black dragun.

I've seen em for 179, and I've also seen some guys rip on the triggers @ fairgrounds.

But if he's hell bent on a souped up spyder, get an Xtra. I have one as a backup. It doesn't get much use, but it shoots really well IMHO.

If I could go back in time, I would have gotten the black dragun instead of the Xtra for my backup... but everyone has to make these decisions for themselves I guess.