View Full Version : Mag Projects

08-14-2006, 09:23 AM
How many unfinished mags are sitting in your closet collecting dust. I pulled out three after 6 months sitting in my room. Now here is my table whats yours

Blk IT Body
Luke AM-1 rail Blk
Hyper Frame w/ raw luke panels

Luke warp feed left blk
omega rail fwd drop
RPG frame

logic frame converting to Pnuematic
Bought emag rail for outfitting
looking for ASA drop fwd.

08-14-2006, 09:56 AM
As of now, I have one Automag, but I plan on ending up with four.

Current set up:
SSt PF Left mainbody (HAND POLISHED!)
Classic rail with milling (moved forgrip slot up more to accomodate Logic UMF)
Vert asa
Some old Drop
BOA 4" barrel
DYE 12" Boomstick

Plan to have:
The above set-up: hopefully a pump mag.
2 I plan on being pneumags
1 will just be a mech with all the works.

08-14-2006, 06:55 PM
right now. 3

a zgriped rt. need to get it working.

a eclispe rail set and body, trigger frame and such. stole the valve out of it.

A stock class pumpmag. waiting for a pumpkit to arrive. everything else is done.

08-14-2006, 07:41 PM
a perfectly functioning mech mag with a chimera frame that i'm stuffing e-spyder internals into

only problem is that i can't fit the battery internally, and i still can't figure out a legitimate mounting spot for the trigger switch

08-14-2006, 07:56 PM
2 mech. mags here, have several parts laying around can build another one.

want to build a pneumag
want to build a imag
few more days I will have all the part in and start doing my mod. wish me luck on the imag.

08-14-2006, 08:02 PM
I have owned so many mags and parts of mags that I have forgotten...

I still have a classic that I will have always, a Tac 1 that I just aquired, and the only other things I have left are a classic rail and a composite frame with no trigger...oh and a few AM sears that I keep in case I break one.

I decided to leave cockers behind and go with mags as my mech of choice.

08-14-2006, 08:35 PM
I've only got one mag and it's still sort of in the works (its a pneumag). Whenever I buy a new part for it, I sell the one that it replaced so I never really have a collection of parts.

My mag- Emag valve
Custom tangerine anno'd classic rail (did it myself)
Benchmark 2x frame + pneumag stuff
Black powerfeed body
ANS JackHammer 2 LPR

In the future I plan on making a double barrel minimag.

08-14-2006, 08:42 PM
only incomplete i have right now needs some stuff.

I have:

beater classic rail
classic valve
10" TWL boomy
14" amazing TWL (not sure what it is)

need sear/pin, body, and frame to get it up.

08-14-2006, 09:03 PM
I finished fine tuning a pump classic today. It took a lot longer than I had expected since I had to fish little pieces of thread tape out of the passages in the valve thanks to the previous owner. :p

My next project is fixing up a beat up prototype powerfeed bodied classic that I've scavenged some parts for from the misc classifieds. It's been sitting in a box for months.