View Full Version : When did everyone start playing?

08-14-2006, 07:52 PM
When did everyone start palying? and what was your first gun??

Splatmaster and Tippman SL68-2

08-14-2006, 07:55 PM
I am guessing around 97 or so. First marker I used was a Stingray, first one I owned was a Brass Eagle Spyder clone.

hijack...how are you a four year member with 39 posts?

08-14-2006, 08:01 PM
Was in the Marine Corps brother, was gone off and on

08-14-2006, 08:03 PM
Was in the Marine Corps brother, was gone off and on


08-14-2006, 08:08 PM
I started in 2000. My first gun was a blade pump and then a 32 degrees spyder clone shortly thereafter.

08-14-2006, 08:14 PM
Im trying to catch up to you guys. As you can tell the last 30 posts have been in the last couple of weeks. I hate asking stupid questions on here umm..... wait, this thread is kinda stupid huh?? oh well I was bored.

08-14-2006, 08:16 PM
1994. First I rented a Tippmann SL-68 II for a few months and then I purchased my first marker, a Line SI Bushmaster with CA and 12gm changer.

From that point forward it went: Line SI Bushmaster; PMI-3; VMX; '97 Autococker; KP-3; Enforcer 2(possible SWARM pump); Spyder Sonix (Wal-Mart clearance); Monteneel Z-1; PGP 2K; BBT Typhoon; 2k1 SP Impulse; SP MiniMag; another PMI-3; VM-Magnum; Blazer; Pump MiniMag; Thrasher ULE Emag; Cool Camo Micromag, '95(?) Evolution Minicocker.

The Bushy didn't last more than 4 months when everyone went semi. I sold it to my neighbor, who won't sell it back to me for anything! Then I got the PMI-3 and rocked it for the next 3 years until I traded it and the VMX for the '97 Cocker that stayed with me for the next 5 years. Then the gun whoring started and it has been down hill from there. Now I have my Emag, Micromag, and the Evolution Minicocker that is in the process of being turned into a MiniSniper!!

08-14-2006, 08:20 PM
approx 6 years off and on...a brass eagle blade pump :headbang:

08-14-2006, 08:29 PM
It's funny look how far we all have come

08-14-2006, 08:31 PM
in 1997 or 8, some spyder, then mag, then imp, now proto

K Wolf
08-14-2006, 08:42 PM
I can't remember what year I started. I remember that nobody local had semis. I remember VMs being "the thing to fix-up" in the paintball magazines. The first marker I purchased was a used PMI Trracer (I still own and sometimes play with), followed by a Pro-Lite, basketcase spyder (long gone), 98customRT, and a slowly morphing Classic mag.

08-14-2006, 08:42 PM
94-95ish. Stingray, Spyder, Cocker, Mag...

08-14-2006, 08:45 PM
January 30th(i think) of 2000
rental paradox- first used
PMI Black Maxx- first owned

then many after and since.

08-14-2006, 08:50 PM
1995. I borrowed a co-worker's........well I don't know WTF it was called, but it was horrible. That's all I know. Anyway, at the time I was having so much fun that it didn't even occur to me how much of a POS it was. I decided a week later that I wanted THE top-of-the-line gun. So I bought a brand new Minimag. End story.

08-14-2006, 08:53 PM
1989 - Brass Eagle Nightmare LB Comp (http://www.vintagerex.com/cgi-bin/index.cgi?action=viewmarker&marker=Nightmare%20LB%20Comp&man=Brass%20Eagle).

08-14-2006, 08:53 PM
I started with my dad in 2000. i got a couple brass eagle pumps, a stingray and a talon. i still have both of them too.

08-14-2006, 08:57 PM
About 9 year ago playing outlaw with a buddy and a few friends. My friends dad had a 68 mag and minimag. I wanted one ever since. Stopped playing for a few years and started up and bought my first mag 3 years ago. Been on anoff since then, but I'm slowly getting back into it with 2 nice mags and a little bro old enough to play with.

08-14-2006, 09:07 PM
1990 Started playing outlaw with a few buddies and a good friend ( now my brother in-law ) sold me my first gun when he came back to Michigan from the airforce - Line SI Bushmaster pump - had the twist knob removable barrels and the whole bit!!!

Then I upgraded to the top of the line for the times an F-1 Illustrator from Fastech, and had approx 80-90 guns since then :) My old roomate out of high school has my F-1 still... wont sell it back to me and I hate him for that!!!!


I play with a guy that has been playing since 1979 :) Ole Man Bruce - The General

Cow hunter
08-14-2006, 09:18 PM
i think mine was in 00 or 01, first gun was a tippy carbine

08-14-2006, 09:24 PM
'98. First gun was a PGP that I gave $20 for, which still works perfect today.

08-14-2006, 09:29 PM
1997 - First gun I owned was a Spyder TL

08-14-2006, 09:30 PM
1993 with field rental semi guns (We called them Boxters, no idea if thats their real name?).
First gun bought was a Spyder TL when they were introduced. :)

08-14-2006, 09:34 PM
i belive i started to play 4 years ago

my first guy i ever ownd was a 4 star minimag. heres a pic of it


yeah its a minimag with a dye frame, automag body, ss dye barrel, dye foregrip, 47 3000 crossfire.

it shoot really nice. i upgraded the crap out of it. i went from a minimag to a warped rt mag- to a zgrip'd mag, then i finally got it to a nice emag then sold the emag and a ion i own'd later on to buy my first viking.

08-14-2006, 09:34 PM


08-14-2006, 09:37 PM
1992 WGP ranger

08-14-2006, 09:39 PM
1997ish...Spyder Compact

08-14-2006, 10:05 PM
This Sunday? I got there at 9:30am started shortly there after.

First gun was a scratch biult SC sniper. Sometime 'round lunch I switched to a Phantom.

08-14-2006, 10:28 PM
Oh you crazy crazy man.....but when did you seriously start? i've been wondering?

08-14-2006, 10:29 PM
July 1992

The first gun I owned was a PMI Trraccer...second gun I owned was a Mag.

This is if you don't count the Gotcha guns I had. If so, about 1987. :)

08-14-2006, 10:33 PM
1984 nelspot 007 :shooting:

08-14-2006, 11:13 PM
2000 in Kailua Kona Hawaii. up Kaloko Dr. still one of the best woods i ever played in. rented a stingray and kick butt. loved the sport, got myself a spyder compact 2000 (still got), then got into mags. i now own a retro sydarm, custom mech mag and a X mag. :cheers: :dance:

08-14-2006, 11:23 PM

First gun was a Brass Eagle King Cobra Pump with auto-trigger. Quickly became an SL-68I SSN 2060....I still have it and it shoots darts. "Outlaw5"

08-15-2006, 12:06 AM
When did everyone start palying? and what was your first gun??

Splatt Master and Tippman SL68-2

Same for me, on both counts actually.


Tippmann SL-68 II

08-15-2006, 12:27 AM
Spyder Compact

Yeah, I was ten...

08-15-2006, 12:43 AM
HaHa :D

~1990, w/ a buddies Reb pump. The first marker I called my own was a VM-68, which I played with through the mid-90's. After that, its all mags.

Unless you count those Gotcha guns. Then it was the late 80's, like Muzikman said. :headbang:

I played Gotcha with my brother when they were first released. Good ol shop glasses and plastic "welts" covered in "paint".

Real paintball I was 11. SL-68 was my first. Semi was "new" technology in my area. So that was 14 years ago. So 1992/3.

Eatem Alive
08-15-2006, 12:56 AM
1987...nelspot 007. first person i ever shot was a girl...in the boob.

08-15-2006, 01:11 AM
1993 / Outlaw II pump. I played one game with that crappy gun and proceeded immediately to purchase one of those brand new Tippmann ProLites. I played with that exclusively until '97 when I got my MiniMag.
Still got my Mini, but now I'm rockin' the E-Mag (just need XMOD...)

08-15-2006, 03:49 AM
1993 with an AutoCocker from I&I sports. Cost me 450.00 with a bottomline and a T-Stock. I passed up a LAPCO SuperStocker that they had hanging on the wall for the Cocker :mad:

08-15-2006, 06:26 AM
around 87, with a pump gun bought used from a field had no name on it ,around 90-92 bought my first real guns an early tracer pump and -montneal design semi

08-15-2006, 07:13 AM
I was literally dragged out to Skirmish USA in PA in 1991. After about 5 minutes of playing I was hooked. Something very satisfying about shooting that first guy in the back of the head...........

I played for about 2 years using rentals. The first peice or paintball specific equipment I purchased was a pair fo those ultra-crappy shop glasses looking goggles. My first guns were a VM68 and Traccer pump, although I cannot remember which I bought first.

08-15-2006, 07:24 AM
Started in 2003, Paintball City in Ontario. Some people I was emerging to become friends with kept on saying how fun it was, and I kept on reading and thinking about it, so I went. I used some black Genesis II I think, I chopped my first ball after trying to "fan" the trigger, and for some reason it got so badly stuck, with the tools we had, we couldn't get it working again.

Then I used a pirahhna rental, chopped it as well, shooting to fast...

Because I thought I needed "mad speed" I got an e-99 avant spider, with a revvy, then I chopped the hell out of that, and then one of my origonal friends got a classic mag, I fell in love, didn't chop, so I got one...Then after I realized I'd need something other than a revvy because eventually I was chopping with that (I had no idea of the lvl 10) I set my eyes on an Xmag...Then realized that was A few hundred over budget, so got a Non Ule emag from Tuna, and never chopped a ball...Then I realized I was shooting TOO fast, so I got a phantom :tard:

08-15-2006, 07:25 AM
in 1997 or 8, some spyder, then mag, then imp, now proto
same here, except now I shoot a Shocker (and an A4 Fly once I am done fixing it)

08-15-2006, 07:39 AM
March 13 2004
Tippmann Pro/Carbine

Yeah, haven't been playing that long. Fooled you all.

08-15-2006, 09:47 AM
March 13 2004
Tippmann Pro/Carbine

Yeah, haven't been playing that long. Fooled you all.

1998 or 1999, played with rentals at a crappy woodsball field, but we didnt care, and i was like 10 so...lol
first gun i got was like 2 years ago. spyder shutter. P.I.M.P. baby!!! :headbang:
from there i owned a gt(spyder clone), got my first mag and man a tippy dragged under the wheels of a semi for a couple miles looked better than my mag, but i didnt care. for me it was a step up. we did outlaw ball so no one cared about velocity(of course, ive seen what it does to masks now so im not dumb anymore) but i had that thing cranked to 360 fps, and i had no clue what you guys were talking about when i first came on here reading about balls breaking and chopping :confused: sold the mag, got a sto. raped with the sto, it had an ubernice hinge on it. guys with dm's, imps and timmies were literally afraid of me. traded the sto for an imp, bought another imp, traded one imp for a 2k1 angel, sold the other. built a ecocker, sold the ecocker, built a mech orry, sold the orry, built the hypermag, bout to sell one of my hyperframes. Going back to mech now. I just wanna be able to go out and have fun with guys who have never played before(got a small group from church now, 9th graders) and not have to worry about them hating the sport cuz im outshooting them

08-15-2006, 09:49 AM
2000. My first gun was a Piranha VTL.

08-15-2006, 09:54 AM
2000 also. My dad bought me and my brother tippmanns right off the bat. Ive played atleast once a month since. I now play like 2 times a week.

08-15-2006, 09:59 AM
First started in 1992 with my ThunderPig. Played for a couple years and only stopped because nobody in my area was playing anymore. Started back up a couple years ago with a mag.

08-15-2006, 10:03 AM
When did everyone start palying? and what was your first gun??

Splatt Master and Tippman SL68-2

97. I rented for a while, then bought a Pirahna R6. Turned into a magwhore a few years later.

08-15-2006, 10:05 AM
I now play like 2 times a week.
:wow: How do you afford that!

08-15-2006, 10:16 AM
Summer of '02 I think was my first time. Had gotten off of a rough relationship recently and a buddy of mine took me out for a day at a local field to shoot some people and get my mind off of things. Now I spend about 20 hours a week at the field :rolleyes:
Started off borrowing a f-4 or '00 rf cocker. Then got an a-5 for myself a few months down the road. Heh...thinking of everything I've had since then is kind of funny...and too long to list here.

08-15-2006, 10:24 AM
I first played in 1986. A group of 30 or so of us went. I've played at least once every year (most year's it's more) ever since. I guess you could say I'm addicted...


And no, that wasn't a typo. It was 20 years ago...

08-15-2006, 10:48 AM
1997 in Gainesville, Florida :shooting:

08-15-2006, 11:10 AM
87 or 88. I used rentals or whatever my friends had. My first marker was an AGD RTPro.

08-15-2006, 11:16 AM
I was 16 at the time so that had to be around 1994. My first gun was a Trracer pump, and then an F2 Illustrator. I got a Classic Mag shortly after that and haven't looked back.

08-15-2006, 11:41 AM
started at about '96 or '97. i think i was like 12.
used a traccer pump and felt like a god. first gun i bought was a spyder compact 2000, loved it to death, and soon after got my first mag.

08-15-2006, 11:56 AM
Spring of 1991 with rental Nelspot 007s. First marker I bought was a Stingray in 1994.

08-15-2006, 12:03 PM
I think it was 2000...

My first gun was a BE eradicator.... then it went....

Spyder imagine (sold)
Spyder compact (sold)
Classic mag (sold)
Angel LCD (sold)
Palmer'ized P-68AT (still my fav)
Doc's Machine Purple rainmaker (traded)
Palmer PGP (sold)
Micro-cocker (traded)
Palmer typhoon (traded)
Another micro-cocker (traded)
Nova 700
Angel LED

(in some kind of order, not exactly) I think thats all.


08-15-2006, 12:32 PM
Used a the original vl triton (the one that's closed bolt) chopped 10 balls in a row, got a spyder

08-15-2006, 12:48 PM
1999, First gun I paid for was a Joker Ace, but it broke that night so I ended up giving the proshop an extra $100 and got a classic automag. It has gone down hill ever since! :dance:

08-15-2006, 12:51 PM
There was a kid at the feild a few weeks ago and his first gun was an Ion. He'd never even played before he bought it.

08-15-2006, 01:08 PM
First time I played 1989/1990. Used a spatmaster. First gun I bought was a Scorpion elite made down under I believe. Than I started my gun whoring ways. :cry: First mag in 92.

08-15-2006, 01:14 PM
The first time... in '94 rented a tracer pump.

2nd time in '96 with a borrowed Mag.
Later in '96 bought a Micromag.
Bought Phantom pump in '97
'98 bought a Classic RT (It wasn't called classic at the time) Still have it.
Later in '98 bought a backup Classic RT. Still have this one too.
Sold Micromag in '98.
Built Hyperframed RT/Pro in 2003.
Built 'cocker in 2003.
E-Bladed 'cocker in 2006.

08-15-2006, 03:32 PM
I think in 98 99 with a spyder compact.

11 Bravo
08-15-2006, 05:17 PM
I started in '88 with a Sheridan rifle. Then a Tippmann 68 Special and then the mighty Automag. :cheers:

08-15-2006, 05:29 PM
started in 04
first gun was a 98 which is now heavily upp'd
2 minimags and a classic rt mag
brass eagle striker(i think thats whats its called ,got in a mystery package on ebay)
spyder sonix
heavily uppd a5 m2a81(opsgear sniper)

08-15-2006, 05:45 PM
I started playing in 1999, I had bought a Tippmann SL68 2 and pictured myself running through jungles and coming out of swamps. What actually happened was that my first game I froze up and got shot 3 times in the head off the break. :tard:

I kept playing with the Tippmann and remember when the first Emag was introduced. I remember how nice it looked and how badly I wanted one. Not till recently did I finally get the chance to purchase one and it is the nicest gun I could have ever asked for. I spent about 1000 for everything on that gun including Flatline and Hopper. It was all well worth it. ;)

08-15-2006, 05:57 PM
1988 with my high-speed splatmaster!!
First Mag in '91

08-15-2006, 06:09 PM
'87-ish (I think, as afterall it was a while ago and I have slept since then) with a borrowed Splatmaster Rapide, bought a Phantom within a month, lots of changes since then and still have the Phantom gathering dust somewhere.

08-15-2006, 06:23 PM
Tombstone 1999, While playing I slipped and fell into the sewer water :cry:

Stunk like holy hell, played the rest of the day, burnt the clothes I wore shortly after that.

Had fun even though everyone downwind of me knew where I was :D

08-15-2006, 08:06 PM
jeez i dunno how long its been, but i still have my tippman carbine. OH YEAH.

08-15-2006, 09:09 PM
1992, I rented back then. It was a pump gun, but I am not sure what. My first marker was a Brass Eagle Mini-Nightmare, that I picked up in 1993 for $40. I sold it in 98 for $60. Wish I had kept it. It was just plain neat.

08-15-2006, 11:29 PM
1991. Rented TM-11a's first several times. The first gun I purchased was a Lapco Grey Spirit.

08-16-2006, 12:34 AM
wow i bet this forum has the most old school ballers around. i started in 2000 with a spyder compact and i thought i was old school, this thread has really put me in my place.

08-16-2006, 03:35 PM
1988 at 19yo - Yup I'm an OG and I still play up front. :headbang:
Began with a Splatmaster and Nelspot 007, upgraded to a Rapide.
Upd to a Tippmann SL-68 (I not II) -> 68 Special and SMG-60 :shooting:
Then a VM-68 and stuck with that for about 7 years- GREAT marker.
Finally moved to a Model 98 -> Model 98 Custom when I started doing scenario ball.
Not a big fan of the 98 so I went to a Tippmann Mini-Lite which suited my style of play better.
FINALLY this year AGD Mag 68 Classic -> AGD RT Pro; I think I have finally found the marker I will stick with for another 7 years :cheers:

08-16-2006, 07:55 PM
its hard to think that far back... I remember dad buying 5 pgps when they were first out, and a couple other old pistols with stocks coming straight up out of the top no idea what they were called. I figure early/mid 80's sometime. Dad owned a autowreckers, nothing like the close proximity of an autowrecker.... painful and scarey, and our masks only covered the front of our faces. Have broken cartilage in my ear from getting hit close range, was sure glad when the new masks came out

08-16-2006, 09:05 PM
1st day of play in April 1994 w/retal tippmanns. What piles of crap! After the first game I wanted a mag. First owned maker was sadly a Spyder SE because I couldn't afford a mag. A bigger pile of crap than the rental tippmanns. Shooting mags only since 1996.

08-16-2006, 09:09 PM
started summer of 2000, a friend intoduced me to it, and I played with his flatlined m98

Later I got my own m98, and then a minimag. Registered on AO in 2002 under the name Azaam86 and then completely forgot, only to come back a year later lol.

08-16-2006, 09:20 PM
March of 06, Spyder Pilot ACS... then a Tippmann 98 Custom... and today ordered my first mag... Tac-One Warp Left... w00t!!!1!

08-17-2006, 07:31 AM
1987 - rental at first, then moved to pump ( something SI ). AutoCocker in the 90's

08-17-2006, 11:06 AM
March 2003, played with my jt excllerator 5.0 pawned newbies in the woods!!!! :ninja:

08-18-2006, 05:08 PM
1989 rental Advantage SI
rental Splatmaster
rental Pirhanna SB
1989 secondhand PMI II with direct feed adapter
1990 new Splatmaster (still going strong) :headbang:
1994 new P68AT (Pirhanna Autotrigger - loved that marker but sold it to buy next marker
2001 used Palmer Typhoon
2004 used minimag with ULE body and intelliframe
2005 upgraded mag with x-valve, ULT, omega rail, and rosewood grips

dave p
08-18-2006, 06:13 PM
97 with a rental pro lite. i was instantly hooked and started scheming a way to buy a 68 carbine, pack and a mask. by my next game i had all my own stuff(wearing a smelly rental mask is something i was only about to do once). played with that for a year or so and saved up 450$ (yes, thats right 450$) for a minimag which at the time was the gun to have. i remember telling my wife it was the last marker i would ever have to buy because of the quality. i then bought a pgp because i had 100 bucks laying around. and then a few years ago i picked up a 2004 BKO for playing indoor speedball. now im set for anything that comes up. im not too concerned about having the latest and greatest, they all seem to function as advertised and im happy. i still have everything except for the carbine.

08-18-2006, 06:26 PM
Oh you crazy crazy man.....but when did you seriously start? i've been wondering?



Uh , first game I played was probably 86 or 87? , somewhere in upstate New York. I lived on Long Island vack then and I remember having to drive for a few hours. I was still in high school I do remember that (grad in 88'). I can't believe everyone remembers so much detail from way back then.

Other than that , they were Rental guns. I don't remember much about them tho. Played a couple times over the next few years then didn't play for a while after that till a friend bought a marker and it broke. :) tipp 68 special I think. I fixed it and the rest is history.

I've had a bunch of lay offs in between tho , both playing and business wise.

Right now there's more playing than business (kinda) and I like it that way much better. :D

50 cal
08-18-2006, 09:36 PM
First gun was a 007. Started playing in late '86. Geez, 20 years!

Temo Vryce
08-19-2006, 04:13 AM
I think it was 1988 or 1989. I can't remember for sure. I do remember that I played with a PMI3 now known as a VM68. Shortly after that I bought a Tracerr which a friend of mine still owns. After the Tracerr has been 2 mags, 2 of which I still own. Even if they are mostly in pieces.

08-19-2006, 09:37 AM
first time i played was oct of 2001 and i bought my first gun in april of 02

first gun was a spyder extra,

since then ive had a trraacer, cocker, sniper 2, and coming soon is a mag.


08-19-2006, 10:17 AM
First time I played was in 94. Rented a few more times before I bought my Piranha in 2002. Between then and now, I have picked up:
Autococker (converted to pumpococker)
RT Pro
Z-gripped RT
Spyder Imagine (purchased to supply parts for spydermag. Currently stiil an Imagine though...)
PGP 2k1

Still have them all.

08-20-2006, 03:46 AM
1993 : F4 Illustrator

08-20-2006, 05:13 AM

Piranha, RT(old style), Mech Cocker, Built an Ecocker, RT Pro, Emag, New RT Pro, SFL Emag, Sydarm, PM6

working on a project classic mag, and somewhere along the line i picked up 2 rusty nelspots which i want to restore.

08-20-2006, 07:53 AM
1989 - PMI 1 DF Pro

08-20-2006, 10:28 PM
1995 1st gen Spyder.

08-21-2006, 12:08 AM
2002, with a good 'ol tippy 98.

08-21-2006, 10:01 AM
playing about 6 years now...first marker, which sat on a shelf for 2 years prior until found new in package for 39.00, BE Tiger Shark Pump...still use the pump today in monthly pump games here in ohio...have a AA Ported barrel, and a freak back, also, for the tiger shark...made a verticle pumping handle (pvc)/ radiator clamp attached...put a little camo around everything and good to go, lolololo...also proud of the fact that at 63 years, next month, i have been the oldest man out here in the paintball arena in Ohio, no matter where i travel to...did meet 1 father last year at 67 (ohio), and 04 Michigan Monster Game, grandfather, martin, at 70 years with his grandson there...that made my week-end...

anyway great playing to all in the paintball arena...thegrayghost...

08-21-2006, 10:12 AM
I started 2 or 3 years ago with a Spyder Xtra, I upgraded it like mad and noticed in the end that I had invested too much money on it but I learned a lot in the process so it's not that bad.



I now own a mag from Rogue and I love it!

08-21-2006, 02:41 PM
i worked at a paintball shop in augusta, ga and shot a Stingray II. You could hear that bolt hit three miles away! it sounded like two kitchen pots hitting each other...

that was back in the 98 or so...