View Full Version : warp feed help!!

12-25-2001, 02:36 PM
I have just bought a warp feed and need some help.
I have called the tech at air gun and he directed me here.

1) I am not sure how to get the hopper to get a tight fit in the warp feed.

2) My marker is 2001 Adrenalin angel, I was told by the tech that it was possable to run the warp off my intellifeed. But he did not know how to do the work to set it up.

3) I was looking at a pic of bob long and how his warp was set up. It looks to me that he had a hole drilled in to the side of his marker for the feed. Is there any one that could do that for my Angel.(pic was cover of Nov 2001 paintball 2 xtremes.

I am better than most people when it comes to working with my hands. So I hope to be able to do most of the work my self. But just incase I think I am over my head. IF any one knows some who could do this work I would not mind recommendations.

Thanks for any help.

12-25-2001, 03:27 PM
The hole in the Warp Feed for the hopper was built to fit the Pre-BE revy's. Since those have bigger necks than the new ones, it makes more sense to fit the largest neck out of all Revy's and users can just put some tape around their Revy neck if it doesn't fit. You can use electrical tape to take up the gap to hold the hopper tight and make sure the Warp housing screws are tight, or you can drill a hole through your hopper, run the hose through and this will help keep the hopper on the Warp. It also allows the hopper to be held in tight to the side of the gun because the hose runs right through the hopper.

As for intellifeed, the intellifeed connection built on Angels currently does not send signal on every pull. To properly intellifeed your Angel to Warp, follow these instructions here (http://www.airgun.com/manual.html).

If you do decide to drill your hopper shell for the hose to pass through, use a 1" hole saw. Although it seems as though it would decrease the amount of paint your gun can hold, it really doesn't since there's balls in the hose and the Warp wheel. The added capacity from the Warp makes up for the lose with the hose going through the hopper.

I believe side feed Angels are a project in the making. They currently have side feed Cockers, Matrices and Intimidators.

12-25-2001, 09:50 PM
wrap tape around the neck of the hopper

12-26-2001, 04:46 PM
They also make a metal sleve that goes inside the hopper neck and prevents it from compressing. Don't worry, it's not thick enough to hang up balls in the neck. Works really well, and doesn't look half-donkeyed like tape does :)

01-07-2002, 12:59 PM
Do you know who makes the metal sleve that goes inside the hopper neck or where I could get it.

BlackVCG thanks for all your help I did all of the things you said and my warp and angel are working great. It will get to see it first torny this sunday.

01-07-2002, 01:24 PM
I have read in several posts that running the hose through the hopper doesn't decrease capacity, but I think that it actually does because once you run the hopper dry and there are no more balls in the wheel on the warp to push the balls, you are left with the last few balls in the feeder tube and no way to get them into the gun, short of turning the gun upside down and jiggling it...

Also, on the connection of the hopper to the warp, I find it handy to slightly loosen the screws on either side of the hopper connect, insert the hopper and then tighten the screws back up.

the JoKeR
01-07-2002, 01:39 PM
100% agreement with the metal sleeve Animal mentioned. I tried electrical tape and the hopper still moved. I picked up the same sleeve he told me about (from the same local source) and it works great. There was no packaging on it, so I don't know who made it. Cost was about $5.00. Well worth it if you can find them.

01-07-2002, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by Paintchucker
I have read in several posts that running the hose through the hopper doesn't decrease capacity, but I think that it actually does...

But do the 5-10 balls you'd lose in capacity really matter THAT much? I mean I tend to spill about that many while filling under fire anyways. Besides, it's only like a half second's worth of paint :)

01-07-2002, 01:55 PM
hey where'd you get the sleeve? I need to pick one up so I have it once my warp comes...

01-07-2002, 02:00 PM
You might not necessarily need one. I just bought another warp and rev for my 98 and it tightens up. It all depends on the rev shell itself. I got it from Aerostar of Wisconsin. You can find it in the Dealers section > wisconsin on www.airgun.com.

I'd seriously wait until you get it to see if yours fits. They arent all small.

01-07-2002, 02:03 PM
alright, sounds good. Thanks again

the JoKeR
01-07-2002, 02:46 PM
And if you do end up needing one, you could just find Steve at Sam's any weekend. He'll probably have them ready for sale.

LaW- Animal and I are probably going to be at Dave's again this Friday. Interested? If you need a gun, I'm sure we can set you up.

01-07-2002, 02:48 PM
I'll let you guys know, I might have to work 2 shifts friday. If I don't then I might be able to play. Want to email me at [email protected] annd maybe give up some phone numbers? I can get a hold of you guys then if I can play. I'll keep ya updated though.

01-07-2002, 05:14 PM
I would really like to know more about this internal sleeve. Where can I get my hands on one. What is it called? Who makes it? Stuff like that.


01-07-2002, 05:52 PM
Ok guys, here's the scoop.

I have no idea what they're called. I talked to my source and he said there's a few manufacturers who make them. CPI, Taso, and PMI were the 3 mentioned to me. He also said he can ship them to you, but the $5.00 part then becomes an $8.00 part. Lastly he mentioned that most supply stores should be able to get these for you, or at least order them.

If you want to order from him go to the airgun website www.airgun.com then go to dealer directory and under wisconsin you'll see Aerostar of Wisconsin. Give him a call and I'm sure he'd be happy to ship one to you.

I'll post a pic in a little while so you guys can see what it looks like.

01-07-2002, 06:02 PM
Mine is a DYE.
The online stores have them.

01-07-2002, 06:29 PM
Is this the part?


01-07-2002, 08:21 PM
Mine looks a tad different. But it's basically the same concept