View Full Version : PB Game meals?

08-16-2006, 12:33 PM
For a day on the field, usually I bring along a large sandwhich, 1 qt of water, large 1 gal jug of Gatorade, and a few Cliff Energy Bars. If my group orders pizza, I'll chip in for a slice.

What do you guys eat for lunch when you go play? Do you usually eat the food the field provides (pizza, hotdogs and soda/water), do you bring your own meal or do you have something delivered to the field (pizza and soda)?


08-16-2006, 12:39 PM
sometimes we get subway, beceause its right next to the feild.

othertimes we just dont eat.

but you gotta drink...

08-16-2006, 12:43 PM
Hmm... last weeks tournament

Ponderosa buffet before (eggs, biscuits and gravy, sausage, bacon, more sausage, more bacon, corned beef hash, a bagel, and some misc. stuff.)

Lunch at field - couple slices of pizza

Lonestar afterwards :) (Steak Nachos, fried onion, bleu cheese burger, fries)

08-16-2006, 12:54 PM
While at the field, I always bring a gallon of water and a few Nature Valley peanut butter snack bars. And then its a tradition for us to go to Zips thats just down the road before I head on the 2 hour drive back home...

08-16-2006, 01:48 PM
A good mix of water, gatoraid and Monster gets me through the day quite well. Sometimes we eat stuff we find laying around in the office or conex; day old pizza, month old cherrios, you know, the good stuff. Sometimes we may order fresh pizza if the old stuff is too old.
Meh...its not gourmet but it gets a few of us by. We're poor, what do you expect :p

08-16-2006, 01:50 PM
Hmm... last weeks tournament

Ponderosa buffet before (eggs, biscuits and gravy, sausage, bacon, more sausage, more bacon, corned beef hash, a bagel, and some misc. stuff.)

Lunch at field - couple slices of pizza

Lonestar afterwards :) (Steak Nachos, fried onion, bleu cheese burger, fries)

...and your probably about 185lbs. I HATE people like you :D

08-16-2006, 02:08 PM
No eat ....Must play!!!!

I rarely eat during a normal day of play.

For big games, have grill will travel, usually burgers, brats, dogs, grilled pork loin, etc.


08-16-2006, 02:16 PM
I haven't done it for a while but I used to take pasta bowls the kind with the sun ripened tomatoes and mushrooms etc in. I really don't know if the deli counters in the US do these, I haven't noticed any when I have looked, but here you can buy a 'Premium' store branded version or the cheaper prepacked one or if you have the time the deli counter version. It is only a time thing now that I don't always do it now as our only 24hr Supermarket doesn't actually stay open on a Saturday night so I have to shop during the day...waste of sleeping time for me but I 'could' if I tried. Now I make do with the beef rolls the site gets in. Now thinking about it way too healthy but it tastes good :)

08-16-2006, 02:29 PM
I ate McDonalds once... I wont ever do that again. McChickens and running dont go over well....but we did have a game 100 points in 7 seconds!

08-16-2006, 02:34 PM
For a day on the field, usually I bring along a large sandwhich, 1 qt of water, large 1 gal jug of Gatorade, and a few Cliff Energy Bars. If my group orders pizza, I'll chip in for a slice.

What do you guys eat for lunch when you go play? Do you usually eat the food the field provides (pizza, hotdogs and soda/water), do you bring your own meal or do you have something delivered to the field (pizza and soda)?

I really hope you at least mix the water and gatorade together. Otherwise, it does nothing to hydrate your body.

I take 2 bottles of water and a few energy bars. The field I play at has a hose so I am constantly filling up bottles and spraying my head to keep cool. I never get hungry when I play.

08-16-2006, 02:52 PM
For a day on the field, usually I bring along a large sandwhich, 1 qt of water, large 1 gal jug of Gatorade, and a few Cliff Energy Bars. If my group orders pizza, I'll chip in for a slice.

What do you guys eat for lunch when you go play? Do you usually eat the food the field provides (pizza, hotdogs and soda/water), do you bring your own meal or do you have something delivered to the field (pizza and soda)?


Breakfast - If I have time, Steak and Eggs at a local Denny's type place, if not, Two EggMcMuffins and Hashbrowns.

Lunch - Trail Mix Bars through the day, and whatever the field does for Lunch.

Afterplay - Beer, usually a nice pilsner from Central Europe that's easy to drink and not too filling, and something likes Brats.

All Day Long - I go back and forth between Gatorade and Water.

08-16-2006, 03:07 PM
...and your probably about 185lbs. I HATE people like you :D

195 :) But I'm also 28, my metabolism has slowed down in the past few years

08-16-2006, 03:16 PM
195 :) But I'm also 28, my metabolism has slowed down in the past few years

It won't be long then...wait until you hit 31.

08-16-2006, 03:20 PM
It won't be long then...wait until you hit 31.

mine's already slowed down, and I'm only 25 :(

I went from 200 to 215 in the last 2 years....I'm 6'2, so I'm not over weight per say, just outta shape...but hey, why have a six pac when you can have a keg, eh?

08-16-2006, 03:24 PM
mine's already slowed down, and I'm only 25 :(

I went from 200 to 215 in the last 2 years....I'm 6'2, so I'm not over weight per say, just outta shape...but hey, why have a six pac when you can have a keg, eh?

I'm 5'10". When I hit 28 I went from 160 to 180 almost overnight. When I hit 32, I popped up to 210. A few years later, I'm thankfully at 210.

08-16-2006, 03:30 PM
I'm 5'10". When I hit 28 I went from 160 to 180 almost overnight. When I hit 32, I popped up to 210. A few years later, I'm thankfully at 210.

lol....i just updated my drivers license this year....my old one said weight:150 at age 16 ...i was a feather weight :rofl:

08-16-2006, 03:41 PM
When I was 18-19 and practicing Kenpo 20+ hours a week I was 185lbs and in far better shape than I am now.

Now I run about 20 miles a week, not near the shape I was in when I was doing kenpo. Getting kinda round. Guess I'm ok with that, not willing to stop eating at least :)

08-16-2006, 04:26 PM
I usually don't eat before playing because with a pack on it seems to make my stomach cramp if I do eat, even a banana. But I'll drink gatorade and mostly water with occational fruit before the day starts up.
Definately wish I could eat something though, I start to drag in the afternoon if I am at a tournament and I think it's due to that.

08-16-2006, 05:04 PM
Eat? what is that?...if we only had time to eat...well regular days of play and practice we eat whatever..usually taco bell, but tournament day we only eat breakfast..and personally i dont eat much of it bc its usually 4-5 in the am...and fast food..and i dont wanna deal with the after effects...so we just drink lots of fluids and hit up a buffet or something good afterwards..o wait last event i had a slim jim for lunch..one of the big ones...ye not a good idea...never relized how much grease where in those, i didnt throw up but my body just didnt want to swallow all the grease and i spit it all out...ehh growse...ive been to one event where they cooked hot dogs and such..that was nice because they had a little lunch break...other then that there just isnt time.

08-16-2006, 06:12 PM
In the morning I try to get a little something to keep my stomach quiet. I bring at least 64-96 ozs of Gatorade and some water. For lunch I dont like to get too weighed down so I pick up some fruit salad or some fruit at the supermarket. Then, ritualistcally, my buddy and I hit Popeye's and fill up before going home to clean up. The pizza that the field orders in just sits in my stomack like a rock during the second half of the day. Theres also a convenient 7-11 just 5 minutes from the field. Tank up on a Double Gulp of Dr Pepper and Im good to go!! :clap: