View Full Version : The patent dispute

08-17-2006, 01:52 PM
There have been tons of threads talking about the pneuframe patent. I've never heard what was actually patented though. Does anyone have the patent number or know what was patented?

Also what did smart parts patent?

08-17-2006, 01:57 PM
smart parts patented everything.... but really they have the electropneuatic gun, ad a bunch of other stuff

you could do some poking around and find all the info you need, a bunch of companies went out of buissness or were screwed over by sp. Some people say it was a jerk thing to do others thought of it as a good buissness tactics

08-17-2006, 02:55 PM
SP patented the electronic firing system, basically if a switch is used to fire the gun, SP gets $
here are some links to pdf's of the official documents i squirreled away a while ago.


08-17-2006, 06:06 PM
The pneumatic patent is part of a larger Assisted Trigger Patent.

Just do a quick search for that and it should be in the top few results.

08-17-2006, 07:52 PM
k, for the pneumag frame in question, the patent went to Colin. Now, when he finally did get the patent, there was just not a big enough following to logically take the steps to make the frames. By now, most have figured out how to make them DIY, or have moved on and just dont care. So its still owned by Deadly Wind, but the hAIR trigger just failed to launch

08-17-2006, 07:54 PM
smart parts patented everything.... but really they have the electropneuatic gun, ad a bunch of other stuff

you could do some poking around and find all the info you need, a bunch of companies went out of buissness or were screwed over by sp. Some people say it was a jerk thing to do others thought of it as a good buissness tactics

i thought wdp countersued and won? What happened to that? And then Dye sued SP, didnt they? Im bout to do some serious research and write a paper on this stuff to be stickied, for sure.

08-17-2006, 07:57 PM
Look here (http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO2&Sect2=HITOFF&p=1&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsearch-bool.html&r=0&f=S&l=50&TERM1=smart+parts&FIELD1=ASNM&co1=AND&TERM2=&FIELD2=&d=PTXT) for all of the smartparts patents. :D

08-17-2006, 07:58 PM
k, for the pneumag frame in question, the patent went to Colin. Now, when he finally did get the patent, there was just not a big enough following to logically take the steps to make the frames. By now, most have figured out how to make them DIY, or have moved on and just dont care. So its still owned by Deadly Wind, but the hAIR trigger just failed to launch

The "Patent" didn't go to Colin. Colin applied for and a got different and seperate Patent on more specific area of the invention. One could only speculate , but should a infringement case ever go to court , the PTP/K2 patent would still predate his.

08-18-2006, 09:48 AM
i thought wdp countersued and won? What happened to that? And then Dye sued SP, didnt they? Im bout to do some serious research and write a paper on this stuff to be stickied, for sure.

The WDP v. SP scoop (http://www1.pbnation.com/showthread.php?t=1033542&goto=nextoldest)

Its kind of interesting (especially coming from PBN) and it is true to my knowledge (the Dr. Hensel mentioned in the article is a professor of mine).

08-18-2006, 09:57 AM
ok people... he's just talking about the mech assisted trigger patent (hAir trigger). Enough of all this SP patent talk.

the mag guy
08-18-2006, 10:46 AM
i liked the WDP article. its good to see SP getting bent over and taking it....lol

08-18-2006, 03:26 PM
The "Patent" didn't go to Colin. Colin applied for and a got different and seperate Patent on more specific area of the invention. One could only speculate , but should a infringement case ever go to court , the PTP/K2 patent would still predate his.

he's got an air assist trigger patent. what more does he need? Isnt ptp's under subjection still because its been rejected like 5 times?

08-18-2006, 03:37 PM
he's got an air assist trigger patent. what more does he need? Isnt ptp's under subjection still because its been rejected like 5 times?

Where do you people get this stuff?


How about nobody posts an answer unless they are 100% positive that it is true.

In this case, that pretty much eliminates everyone but Jay, Colin, Rabidchuaua, and a couple of others.

Come on guys, you all are better than this. PBN is where people use facts*.

* - Meaning crap they just made up on the spot, or heard from the friend of a friend of a friend in the staging area.

08-18-2006, 03:48 PM
Heaven forbid I don't spout useless, incorrect info. I just post jokes.

//3rd time's a charm?

08-18-2006, 04:33 PM
goshdangit SCpolo...I saw you posted so I came to see some birds. Wellll??

GET TO IT MAN! :cuss:

08-18-2006, 04:59 PM
he's got an air assist trigger patent. what more does he need? Isnt ptp's under subjection still because its been rejected like 5 times?

Under subjection? Are you serious ? The history of the Patent application has no bearing on the validity. Patents get turned down dozens of times throughout the process for a whole variety of reasons. If it had anything to due with validity they wouldn't let you make corrections to the applications and re-submit. In many instances , as I've seen with quite a few , USPTO deems the invention worthy of multiple Patents and will deny the original based on the fact. You can then go back and submit multiple Apps to cover each which more often than not , end up grant individually.

Besides that , what part of 'Granted' needs further explaination.

I don't really want to go into speculation of a potential court case but the fact remains that DWs patent has been fully covered inside of PTPs which 'should' take precedent due to the earlier filing date and granting. This kinda of thing happens all the time and can only be sorted out in a court hearing. Unless theres some one out there that thinks the Govm't doesn't make mistakes. :)

That is if anyone even cared about the whole legal aspect of it anymore.....which I seriously doubt any one does at this time and considering DW's minute scale of production. Pneumaggers been doing conversions all summer and I doubt anyone who would care even knows.

08-18-2006, 06:08 PM

The airborne rats were shot down earlier today. :(