View Full Version : Question for the weight lifters in the group ...

08-17-2006, 03:59 PM
Okay so normally I am a runner, albeit not a rail thin one, but I have been side lined for the next 6-8 weeks with a stress fracture, torn media miniscus, tendonitis, and early onset arthritis (okay the arthritis is from the Marines, but ohwell) ... So anyway I cant run, and getting to a pool is almost impossible but I have access to a weight room at work. I ve started hitting the weights and reading around about getting more protein into my diet.

What I am trying to find out is about Whey Protein and supplements. Im not wanting to add mass, but I want to add lean muscle mass. Ive read that taking whey protein supplements is one way to help with this. So for those of you that lift; do you take supplements, what kind, and in what kind of schedule?



08-17-2006, 05:53 PM
Whey is great stuff.. just watch what your putting it in.

08-17-2006, 06:15 PM
Okay I guess I was hoping for a little more information ...

When do you take it?
What liquid do you use? (Water and milk are two Ive heard recommended)
Do you take Whey with other supplements?


08-17-2006, 08:08 PM
I've been lifting for about 6-7 years and have used soy protein, and then switched to whey protein. I'm not exactly sure what amounts of the powder I use because I kind of had the amounts down to what would top off the container I drink it from (i think the cup was about 24-28 oz.). I used between 2-3 scoops (approx. 62-93 grams) of powder, and I was using it after and between workouts to gain mass for football. You may want to stick with 1-2 serving sizes (approx. 31-62 grams) to suppliment the amino acids needed and not gain a whole lot of weight.

You may be thinking, wow, 93 grams is a lot of mix, but here is what I did to "water it down a little."

The mix (i'll use my measurements and try to figure out from there what you might want to try) To make it the way I like it best, put all of this in a blender and mix:
-2-3 scoops powder mix, 1-2 for you
-about 2-2.5 cups crushed ice, 1-1.5 cups for you
-about 1-1.5 cups skim milk, 1 for you
-mix until it is liquid

Now this is just the way I like it best, and a suggestion. My measurements are just guesses becasue like I said, I have the process down for making the right amount for me. My process makes about 24-28oz of protein shake. I would also recommed playing around with the amount of each ingrediant until you get a good taste (its probably not going to be that good right away, but you learn to like it) with the right amount of liquid for your personal prefference.

I personally dont use any other supplements with the protein, but simply try to stick with a good diet. When trying to build muscle, a good diet can be an amazing help. If your on a fad "no whatever (Atkins, South Beach, etc.)" diet, you'll probably have trouble getting the results you want. Creatine is always there, but to me thats just like sticking a needle in your arm and juicing up. Yeah, in the weightroom where I workout there are guys using creatine and they are tiny little guys benching and squating almost as much as me at about half my weight. My advice is to stay away from it.

Like was mentioned above, watch what else you put in it. Dont be so sick with the taste after the first shake that you decide to drop in a few scoops of ice cream. Yes, it tastes amazing, but it will not help what your trying to do. I hope this helps, and if you have any question, let me know and I'll try and help you out.

08-17-2006, 08:17 PM
Sorry about the brief answer....

Well, everyone has their own opinion. It's been a while since I was into the real heavy weights and was taking suppliments..but let me tell you all of those suppliments are worth their weight in gold. I used to have two concoctions - one for the morning, one for after I worked out. I went heavy with the whey in both.

But my goal was different, I was going for a 400b bench press...and adding upper body mass. But a divorce, 3 years of night school, $40k in tuition, more BigMacs then I care to admit to, and 45lbs later, Im wishing I did things a little different back then and didnt concentrate so much on mass. Now I am trying to get myself motivated again to get my *** back in the gym and when I do I am doing things alot different.

If you do a google search on the subject there are more knowledgable sources that can give you better info than I ever could. Everything in fitness is very personal and everyone needs to try different things out for themselves and see what works best for them. Being a runner and not wanting to add lots of mass I would imagine your weight workouts would stress reps over load.... so IMO as long as your not over doing it on the fat calories or carbs I would imagine you should be ok with just about any suppliment.. especially whey since its like the staple of all of them.

08-18-2006, 02:00 PM
Yeah no wacky diets here, just normal day to day watching what I eat ... if I eat some thing heavy in one meal I work to avoid it in the following meals. Seems to work well for me.

Yeah no desire on my part to use Creatine, nothing against it personally ... just not something I am interested in. I knew protein was something that I needed to increase and from what I found online and talking with you all it seems that its best to take in the protein after my workout. Adding mass isnt my goal and checking out those mass adding shakes about made my head explode LOL ... looks like I will be checking out the Whey protein products over the weekend and have been recommend to a brand calleed 100% Whey ... have to see if the local supplement shops have it.

Thanks for the advice guys ... Ive got almost 4-5 weeks still before my doctor says I am healed, and even then I have to attend physical therapy. I just cant sit still for that time period so I figured the weights were a good way to get some exercise still and the bike as a way to keep my endurance up.


08-18-2006, 02:18 PM
i wish i was more motivated to get in shape......

mmmm....honey bbq twists and an nestle drumstick for lunch...mmmmm

08-18-2006, 03:11 PM
Yeah I get motivated to work out but Im not sure what to do to get the resuls I want.

I want to lose weight, turn fat into muscle, and increase my stamina. Anyone have any workout plans like what weights/Cardio to do what days and when?

08-18-2006, 10:27 PM
scoop of whey proten powder(chocolate flavored :) ), milk, ice, bannana. maybe some chocolate chips once in awile. Im just a recreational lifter, not experienced at all.

08-19-2006, 12:51 AM
scoop of whey proten powder(chocolate flavored :) ), milk, ice, bannana. maybe some chocolate chips once in awile. Im just a recreational lifter, not experienced at all.

I actually used to use that same formula. It rocks.

Recon by Fire
08-19-2006, 02:25 AM
I don't use any supplements.

3x days upper body/abs/light cardio
2x days lower body/abs/more cardio

08-19-2006, 05:41 AM
My best Tip and the thing that has got me the most gains, isnt suppliments( although Cafine kicks work wonders when hitting the heavyer weights for mass building.
It is a simple technique, where instead of eating 3 large meals a day you eat 6 smaller ones, this keeps your motabolism high, and alows you to have a high intake of protien.
I have used creatine, to be honest I saw a slight improvment and that may have been the placebo effect.
I am an extremely hard gainer and have managed to boost fat burning and get mor elean muscle mass by this technique.
One thing I MUST point out to everyone, you cannot turn fat into muscle, it is physically impossible as they are two totally different substances, it is jus tpeople with more fat tend to have slower matabolisms, witch means in turn they can create muscle and keep it more easily.
To get muscle mass in larger quantitys, you shoudl try researching supersets and to low repetition, high weight exercises.Opasite for lean muscle mass.
Hope that helps a little, and if anyone knows of a magic way for me to bulk up let me know, its so frustraighting going to the gym for over 2 years and gaining about 3 pound sof muscle :mad:
p.s. all that being said I am still thin as a rake and can't seem to get much bigger, unless I used drugs, and I don't like dieing so ill stay away :p

08-19-2006, 07:17 AM
I tried bannanas in a shake once, but it seemed to make it kind of goey/slimy, idk, personal preference i guess. It did taste good, but the consistency wasn't for me.

The physiology of each persons body structure is completely different. Yes, lifting can help you add some mass and definition; however, if your body isn't meant to be able to bench 400, then you shouldnt set that as your goal. if i'm not mistaken, lower weight and higher reps add mass, and higher weight with lower reps adds definition. I might be mixed up on this, but I'm pretty sure i got it right. Thus, if you want the "beach bod" biceps, then a ton of reps with lower weight is what will help get you there. If you want to bench/squat/whatever a lot of weight, higher weight/lower reps will help get you there.

As I'm sure you all know, it's amazing what you can find on the internet. Check out some weightlifting sites and I'm sure you can find an exercise program, or even "better"..........go buy a book about weightlifting...........My buddy bought this weightlifting "manual" and it had all kinds of charts and percentage stuff and programs to follow. It helped him get started and he is freakin' ripped now. Thats all i got for now.

08-21-2006, 12:43 AM
Just eat good food... and eat often. In between your 3 normal meals... sure, maybe a protein drink or something. A lot of people worry about this stuff... but then don't end up eating enough or going to the gym regularly. Get those two routines down... and worry about refining your diet with supplements and crap later.

I have a slim build... an ectomorph... perhaps like a runner... put on 10lbs lean mass in fast few months... just going to the gym a few times a week and eating regular food. I try to lay off stuff with a lot of fat or sugar... if you're eating more... you definitely don't want to put more unnecessary stuff in you.

I do 3 sets of 6 reps to failure... for my ectomorph frame, it's a good approach... made significant gains.

08-21-2006, 01:05 AM
if i'm not mistaken, lower weight and higher reps add mass, and higher weight with lower reps adds definition. I might be mixed up on this, but I'm pretty sure i got it right. Thus, if you want the "beach bod" biceps, then a ton of reps with lower weight is what will help get you there. If you want to bench/squat/whatever a lot of weight, higher weight/lower reps will help get you there.

Nah... myth.

A muscle either gets bigger, smaller, or stays the same. "Definition"... requires lower body fat %... and you don't achieve this by adjusting your number of reps.

Work your muscles to the limits of their capacity... more important than the exact number of reps you do.

08-24-2006, 12:08 PM
i use fizogen blast cycle.

but dont use it if you dont want your muscles to swell. makes you a little irritable but you'll want to throw the weights across the gym for hours with this stuff.

08-24-2006, 04:45 PM
Thats creatine isnt it? Sorry not interested in using that stuff.
