View Full Version : Need Advise ON Electropnecmatic Solenoid

08-18-2006, 11:54 AM
This is my first on e-pneu conversion project, and can't decide which mini valve should go with it.

what I have is a shocker frame with lower board. I am thinking of getting this: valve (http://www.airsoldier.com:8080/cgi-bin/mivavm?Merchant2/merchant.mvc+Screen=PROD&Store_Code=AOS&Product_Code=SMC-S070C-SDG-32&Category_Code=SOLENOIDS) from airsoldire because it was the smallest by far I seen.

Here is the question:
1. what voltage of the nold comparetible to the lower board
2. which model should I pick, I was scratching head with those reading :confused: datasheet at here (http://www.airsoldier.com:8080/Merchant2/graphics/00000001/S070_6003X.pdf)
3. do I need a capacitor

Feel dumb asking those question and working on a project with limited electrical knowledge, anyhow I like to putting up things together and learn and have fun instead just go straight buy an e-mag.


08-18-2006, 01:05 PM
PM electrician. Also choose a stronger solenoid from numatach ;) That little one works... but works it's little butt off even with a ULT trigger installed. Yes you'll need a small Cap for it open Quickly.

08-18-2006, 09:10 PM
on that data sheet the max pressure is 75psi, I think that is to low even for a LPR, correct me if im wrong.

08-19-2006, 08:28 AM
I used this one

Since you are using a shocker frame, there should be plenty of room for just about any one you choose. Sometimes smaller isnt better. Of course you want one that is threaded for barbs.

Most of them are 6v. You can run 9v in without a problem. The one i used worked without a cap, but wirked better with one. Battery life also is much better with the cap.

08-19-2006, 08:29 AM
OH, btw....

When I try to get it to work with a regular RT on/off, I have to jack the LPR up too high for these noids to handle, so more than likely a ULT is your best bet unless you use a noid that can take about 100psi or more.

08-19-2006, 10:57 AM
thanks guy,

BigEvil, I look at that too, guess there is best bet on it. Do u get a 5vdc or 6?

Although the shocker frame has alot room in it (that why I choose it and got it for cheap) but the bottom grip mount was raise too high made less room for the battery unless I going your route by getting a battery case.

Or I might end up disolder the noid, switch (reuse) & cap (reuse) from the ion board and pair with SMC noid, then I will able to fit everything in there.

Btw, the shocker frame I acquired came with a lower board, wonder with little mod/soldering, can it work with other noid (I think the chance are low b/c it had upper board).

Or any where to find a real small pull type pancake noid (I guess there is no push type exsist b/c the piston are drive by air out)

Oh I already got ULT ready for it. but only one weaid "issue" not suse I had short stokr it or not properly tune. with 7-8 shims in it no runaway but the first time I gas it up it fire one shot and reset. :confused:

08-19-2006, 11:06 AM
oh btw the shocker frame are very easy to work on, it came with trigger that already magnetic return so no spring (no mod) needed, top and bottom trigger stop already there and designated place to mount micro switch. :)

08-19-2006, 11:10 AM
What board are you using? I bet if you put one of those new Micro-Predators in there would be plenty of room.

I have a Shocker frame sitting here too that I was plotting a use for... You should have tons of room to spare depending on how you mount everything.

08-19-2006, 01:15 PM
currently I had lower shocker board came with the frame and pm ynda for advive to see it is posible to mod it to run the noid, if this doesn't work I had ion board which I will dissolder everything from the board and mount it separately, the ion board are so small though.
Or the last option was get micro board which build up the budget alot of this project.
I am going out now to find some slim size battery for it. the closer I found was dog collar 9.6v 720mha rechargeable, I have to go to see and measure the size of it in store

08-19-2006, 01:20 PM
Would there be more room with an Angel 90 frame for something like this?

08-19-2006, 03:15 PM
basicaly angel not much different than bency with big middle hole, but it has low mouting point for grip which can lower the battery but top part goiong to be tight fit for those ram, noid, switch and else.

refer to this mod by electricain: very good work (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=125891)

just my taught. please spare. I assumed you are talking about the frame airsoldier carry.