View Full Version : Super bolt and Extreme Emags

12-25-2001, 08:35 PM
Hey Im sure AGD has though of this and fixed it or something, but since the super bolts require a plasitic nubin, and the extreme emags have a threaded barrel (not to sure what kind I think it is a cocker thread) and uses a ball detent, will they work fine together or do you need to get something special?

12-25-2001, 09:24 PM
Yeah, they will work fine. The reason you need the plastic nubbin is that the steal ones can cause excessive wear on the derlin sleeve. Since the extreems will take cocker barrels, and use a similar dentent, it will be fine.

12-25-2001, 09:30 PM
thanks, new question as I was going through the store site it said it needs a different derlin sleave or something like that because of a different diameter? Any one know the deal with that

12-25-2001, 09:31 PM
extreems will have ball detents like angels i think. yea extreems bolt are a little bigger in diameter then normal because of the new style.

12-25-2001, 09:35 PM
Sorry about the was I worded that what I meant to ask was why they were a different diameter, I knew from seeing Tom K's emag that they had a ball detent, and I knew from reading the web site they have a different diameter. Thanks though, at least I know now that I know forsure that I was right on both accounts

12-25-2001, 09:39 PM
not sure but i think its because the bolt is not going directly into the barrel like normal mags, but into a area behind the barrel

12-25-2001, 10:57 PM
Yeah, because of how the mags barrel system works, the bolt has to be small enough to fit into the smallest barrels.

Since the xtreem won't be entering the barrel it can be made to fit inside the body tighter.