View Full Version : I hate...

08-22-2006, 12:48 AM
I was having a lovely discussion with my wife about all the things that I hate in this world and decided that A.O. needs an "I Hate" thread.

I hate:

Rust - constantly battling rust on vehicles and other steel projects. WHY!!!!!! WHY must rust exist!

Squirrels, mice, and prairie dogs. What the hell... I clean up the shed in our back yard and then squirrels and mice just tear it back up again. :mad: Oh and stupid prairie dogs basically ruin the grass on the prairies. Once again I'm constantly battling all of these retarded rodents. Setting traps for the mice and squirrels and poisioning/shooting the prairie dogs.

Weeds - Another thing I must constantly battle with. When you've got thousands of acres of farmland and pasture you've got to spray them all the time in order to keep them manageable at all. Dammit if I wanted something to grow along the sides of the roads and along the fences then I'd put some seed and water there!!! GO AWAY WEEDS!

Erosion - Seriously... if I wanted the dirt moved I'd move it my damn self. STOP IT!


08-22-2006, 12:53 AM
hehe, i miss shooting the prarie dogs in wyoming, they dont have em here by reno :cry:

Eatem Alive
08-22-2006, 01:10 AM
people who don't use their blinkers


people intolerant of other people's culture...and the dutch

08-22-2006, 01:38 AM
people intolerant of other people's culture...and the dutch

and the dutch?!!!! you mean like cheap people or the actual dutch....cause I'm Dutch :mad:

08-22-2006, 02:00 AM
people intolerant of other people's culture...and the dutch


08-22-2006, 02:11 AM
and the dutch?!!!! you mean like cheap people or the actual dutch....cause I'm Dutch :mad:
haha, it's an Austin Powers reference, chill.

protestersUhh... care to explain that one?

08-22-2006, 05:13 AM
The price of fuel (filling up the vehichles).
Alarm Clocks.

08-22-2006, 07:58 AM

conspiracy theorists

florida drivers

theres more Im sure

08-22-2006, 08:08 AM
Those wrappers on the Orbit gum packages...

Fat people who get Handicap tags, just because they are fat...

Stupid people who call me at work... ( http://service-rep.blogspot.com )

Middle Schoolers...

I hate when my G String breaks and pops me in the face...

08-22-2006, 08:42 AM
the general stupidity of the american public

08-22-2006, 09:01 AM

08-22-2006, 09:05 AM
Indecisive drivers who stop at a stop sign before me, wait instead of taking their turn to go, make it look like I can go, begin to pull forward as I am going, and then give me a dirty look because they can't make decisions while driving.

People who come through my checkout line at the grocery store who have keys to a Lexus, a nice suit, and obviously a high paying job, but still can't read simple instructions on the credit card swiper in front of them.

08-22-2006, 09:05 AM
haha, it's an Austin Powers reference, chill.

lol....don't remember that partof the movie....it's been along time since I've watched that, may have to go rent that again.

08-22-2006, 09:50 AM
- people who can't drive (live in Europe then come back to the states and its like a slap in the face)
- loud people
- dumb*** high school kids
- dumb***** in general
- fat people who take elevators/escalators (they're called stairs lard***...it'll do you some good)
- those annoying emo or whatever theyre called teenager kids...please slit your wrists and do us all a favor :ninja:
- music now adays in general (there are very few exceptions)
- that aweful grinding noise when the clutch pops too early befor eyou get the shifter int he gearslot and the tranny is screaming at you...God I hate that noise so much
- Autocad

the list goes on and on...guess I'm just a bitter man :tard:

Cow hunter
08-22-2006, 12:37 PM
-emo people
-"AGG" people or people who put "HK" stickers on their paintball stuff
-people who cant accept bieng wrong

08-22-2006, 12:41 PM
I hate...

-A lot of guys, for a lot of different reasons.
-People who say they'll be somewhere at a certain time and then aren't
-"I'll call you back." No you won't, dumbbutt. Talk to me now, that's why I called you.
-Ben(one of my jiu jitsu instructors). Yeah, I'm a girl, and yeah, I take jiu jitsu... but I've earned my respect in that studio and you are damn well going to give it to me. I can hold my own and everyone knows that. You're the only one in the place that doesn't respect me and it makes me angry.
-When my mother goes on the warpath and starts ranting about Dubya. Now, I'm pretty darn liberal, but my mother deserves a tinfoil hat for her trouble. Jesus Christ, some of the things that woman says. I bet she's gonna be a crazy old lady.
-Living in this house.
-People who have 70 billion kids that ask me to babysit and then pay me nothing. No good.
-Nutjob religious people
-11 and 12 year olds that dress like little sluts. You haven't even hit the teens at age 12, what the heck? Put your boobs back in your shirt and go study. Go play soccer. At 12 you shouldn't be attempting to pick up a 23 year old guy. Ever. Nor should you come up, dressed like that, and ask said 23 year old for a "ride" because you want to "go out." Are you stupid?
-when Derek threatens to hit/kick/punch/otherwise hurt my dog. My poor baby girl :(.

08-22-2006, 01:09 PM
Whackjob LIEburals/NEO-Cons.

Americans who forget what principles this country was founded on.

Kids. (Porch!1)

/what was that about 12 year olds fishy
//off to shine the Focus ;)

08-22-2006, 01:36 PM
Whackjob LIEburals/NEO-Cons.

Americans who forget what principles this country was founded on.

Kids. (Porch!1)

/what was that about 12 year olds fishy
//off to shine the Focus ;)

You know, these two wouldn't even have cared if it was shiny. It was pretty disgusting.

08-22-2006, 01:51 PM
I hate when my G String breaks and pops me in the face...

Now, I know you are talking about a guitar...but that just sounds funny.

08-22-2006, 01:53 PM
Now, I know you are talking about a guitar...but that just sounds funny.

either way it made me giggle

08-22-2006, 02:37 PM
Taurus .357 revolvers

Hay wagons

My ex wife

Generally things that have tried to kill me in my life :) Other than that I'm pretty tolerant.

08-22-2006, 02:46 PM
The lack of respect for others property shown by society lately

Drivers on cellphones/bad drivers

Big government

Gun control

stupid lawsuits

social security


me not owning a corvette

08-22-2006, 02:56 PM
Now, I know you are talking about a guitar...but that just sounds funny.

LOL I was gonna comment on that G-string thing, but now that you said guitar it all makes sense! :p

Oh and I have a few to add...

People that call to talk to you on the phone just to talk. Have a reason to call me dammit!

People that steal.

Even though it's been mentioned by others I'll throw in Emo kids too, just for the heck of it.

Oh and people who put shameless plugs for they're blogs into their posts... :nono: (*cough* Altimas *cough*) ;) (j/k btw) :)

08-22-2006, 03:08 PM
I hate Adware and spyware. I just got done wiping my hard-drive to get rid of it all.

08-22-2006, 03:19 PM

morning practice



08-22-2006, 03:45 PM
the fact that everyone in the world seems to want to destroy my computer (goes along with the adware spyware thing).
people put in a managment possition that suck at leading people.
supervisors that put up with subordanents that have crappy managment skills.
people screewing around on vhf channal 16.

08-22-2006, 04:29 PM
I forgot one!!

I hate, hate, hate, hate, HATE whiney children. I love kids, but so help me God, I cannot STAND when they whine. I hate spoiled brats. Parents, I promise it's ok to tell your children no every once in a while. It won't hurt them. Shut them in a room and let them whine. I hate whining so much.

08-22-2006, 05:13 PM
I hate people who think I want to hear what they have to say. Even more so if it's an ultra conservative/liberal person, a hippie, someone who dresses like a retard with a stupid hat that has a straight brim, people who think it's haloween every day, dudes that wear pink shirts, people with fancy rims on their cars, etc. I could go on and on but I'm getting to angry.

I also hate welfare.

08-22-2006, 05:54 PM
I forgot one!!

I hate, hate, hate, hate, HATE whiney children. I love kids, but so help me God, I cannot STAND when they whine. I hate spoiled brats. Parents, I promise it's ok to tell your children no every once in a while. It won't hurt them. Shut them in a room and let them whine. I hate whining so much.

Haha. I took my spoiled brat and her step sister to Cedar Point this past week for a couple days, stayed right at Breakers that is a one minute walk away from the back entrance and soak city and all.

She's in one of those inflatable bouncey things they have and the attendent is talking to he all nice as her and one of the other children are trying to dance. The rules are no touching or being close to the other kiddies. After listen to this attendent trying to talk all nice for twenty seconds I yelled :). Guess who's way worked better.

08-22-2006, 06:07 PM

conspiracy theorists

florida drivers

theres more Im sure

Its not the Floridians that cant drive there doughnut.
Its the freaking Canadians and the Yankees.
They dont let them come to Florida till they are too old to drive.
They move to Sun City and drive slow in the fast lane.
They all have brand new cars but they dont know how to use a turn signal.
And they can all tell you how they did it better back home. :tard:

Those are the bad drivers in Florida.
Not one of them was born in Florida.

08-22-2006, 06:11 PM
Haha. I took my spoiled brat and her step sister to Cedar Point this past week for a couple days, stayed right at Breakers that is a one minute walk away from the back entrance and soak city and all.

She's in one of those inflatable bouncey things they have and the attendent is talking to he all nice as her and one of the other children are trying to dance. The rules are no touching or being close to the other kiddies. After listen to this attendent trying to talk all nice for twenty seconds I yelled :). Guess who's way worked better.

I love Cedar Point. I remember as a kid we went there and I was SO PO'd that I couldn't go on the roller coasters/the free fall thingie because I was too short. Then my cousin dropped me on my head (true story).

I don't yell at the kids I sit for a lot, but when I do, they shape up because I'm normally so quiet and calm.

Also, I hate parents that don't let their kids get a little hurt/scared. Some of my best memories are climbing up rocks/trees/other things and getting stuck, and having my daddy laugh at me and tell me, "you got up there, you can get down."

I do think that parents should step in when a kid's being bullied though. There's one mom whose kid is a mean prick (at 10) and threatens to shoot Alison with airsoft guns. What parent gives an immature child airsoft guns and lets him run wild with them, anyway? I was so ready to kill that kid.

08-22-2006, 06:18 PM
Americans who forget what principles this country was founded on.

Quoted for AGREEMENT. And especially true if you edit to...

American GOVERNMENT who has forgotten what principles this country was founded on.

08-22-2006, 06:18 PM
Haha.. My daughter one time was praticing side kicks at paintball practice. I told her to practice on one of the other players who is a little pansy. So she did. Coward wouldn't say anything or stop her cause he was scared I'd level him if he did. I might have, but thats not the point :)

08-22-2006, 06:20 PM
Haha.. My daughter one time was praticing side kicks at paintball practice. I told her to practice on one of the other players who is a little pansy. So she did. Coward wouldn't say anything or stop her cause he was scared I'd level him if he did. I might have, but thats not the point :)

I take it the kid had a paintball gun to defend himself with? At least she was kicking someone who had some way to get her away :P

08-22-2006, 06:23 PM
I take it the kid had a paintball gun to defend himself with? At least she was kicking someone who had some way to get her away :P

Yeh, but I had my pistol :)

08-22-2006, 06:25 PM
Yeh, but I had my pistol :)

Wow, you're a jerk!


If your daughter can take martial arts she can take a couple of paintballs.

08-22-2006, 07:19 PM
Quoted for AGREEMENT. And especially true if you edit to...

American GOVERNMENT who has forgotten what principles this country was founded on.

[W]hat country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time that [the] people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms...The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

-- Thomas Jefferson, letter to Col. William S. Smith, 1787

08-22-2006, 07:49 PM
Not one of them was born in Florida.

I was under the impression that no one was actually born in Florida, they all either swam there or were shipped there cause they complained to much.

My list:

people who complain about gas prices, and drive anything that gets less than 25 mpg

serving sizes smaller than a whole package

passive aggressive people

the fact that Ungiraphics has an equation governing the allowed pitch of a detailed thread based upon the minor diameter

08-22-2006, 08:00 PM
I forgot one!!

I hate, hate, hate, hate, HATE whiney children. I love kids, but so help me God, I cannot STAND when they whine. I hate spoiled brats. Parents, I promise it's ok to tell your children no every once in a while. It won't hurt them. Shut them in a room and let them whine. I hate whining so much.

I love it :spit_take :cheers: I cant stand spoiled brats. My team mate and I discussed the different between spoiled and spoiled rotten. I, for example, am spoiled, Ill admit it. Now what does this mean? That I usually get what I want, but have deep appreciation for it. I know that my parents did it out of love and that its something that should be respected.

Spoiled rotten, however, they kids always get what they want, and dont really appreciate it.

08-22-2006, 08:10 PM
lazy people
gang bangers
illegal aliens
people who dont respect the fact that people die for THEIR freedom
Autotech (all the teacher does is talk)
shallow people
the fact that people cant just say no, they have to make up an excuse

08-22-2006, 09:33 PM
geee what do I hate? :cool:

Microsoft in general

Racist, but hate the people that think that I hire illegels even more

CAT skid steers (had to rent one once, and I'd never buy it)

Swamp Donkeys and Bar Flies

My 22 ft Olyimpic Trailer (shoty welds, used caulk where welds are suppose to be, gates are twisted, brakes failed, all the lights need to be replaced. Its only 3 years old and its a 14,000 lb load max with a 8,000 lb reciever :confused: )

the whole city of chicago

the city of waukesha, yeah lets make 5 roads lead into one intersection and put one ways on top of it.

That smell you get when you walk into a Wal-mart

People in Honda civic's that think that I want to Drag race them when I'm driving a 550, cut me off and think there god grace to driving (next time I'm not locking the brakes to avoid you I'll just drive over you) or try to race around me when I'm pulling the 32 footer when the lanes merge (I don't care what kind of car you have or how fast it is but at 55mph and 10ft of lane merge left you ain't getting around.) Don't mess with commerical truck your just going to make a fool of yourself. All this make me look at them and say dee dee dee

Edit one more thing I saw today and forgot to add is people not pulling to the side of the road when a amublance is screaming down the road.

08-22-2006, 10:58 PM
Ya i agree with you about the waukesha thing. It sucks driving a truck down there let alone a car.

I hate:
illegal immigrants
The Dixie Chicks
people who wont just shut up
The razr phone, biggest piece of junk in the world
most music today
gun control

08-22-2006, 11:16 PM
I hate:

The Dixie Chicks

LOL! what ever happened to them? They basically fell off the face of the earth after they opened their fat mouths and stuck their feet in.


08-22-2006, 11:27 PM
Haha.. My daughter one time was praticing side kicks at paintball practice. I told her to practice on one of the other players who is a little pansy. So she did. Coward wouldn't say anything or stop her cause he was scared I'd level him if he did. I might have, but thats not the point :)

Truman? lol

I hate...




People who dont give respect where its due...

People who are not willing to push themselves...

And truman..


08-22-2006, 11:32 PM
how can you hate the only man in history to authorize the use of an atomic weapon in anger?

08-23-2006, 08:29 AM
As I hear it the Dixie Chicks are still really big, I guess all the people out there who don't believe in free speech never got off their rears to do anything about them.

08-23-2006, 08:31 AM
Oh and people who put shameless plugs for they're blogs into their posts... :nono: (*cough* Altimas *cough*) ;) (j/k btw) :)

What are you talking about? >.> <.< >.>


08-23-2006, 08:43 AM
As I hear it the Dixie Chicks are still really big, I guess all the people out there who don't believe in free speech never got off their rears to do anything about them.

yeah, they're real popular....in Canada :rolleyes:

canceling tours (http://www.topix.net/content/newscom/2504698823064946262139406894511575706843?threadid= 9NQ707AA8KEUQ41T)

08-23-2006, 08:43 AM
As I hear it the Dixie Chicks are still really big, I guess all the people out there who don't believe in free speech never got off their rears to do anything about them.

I guarantee they're no longer played on any radio stations around these parts. Someone may request them from time to time, but I've never even heard that either! :p

08-23-2006, 08:59 AM

Sadly for them it looks like billboard would agree, apparently some people think their music is ok, but not good.

In an attempt to help the thread back on topic:


moving to a city where the nearest paintball field is 23 miles away

08-23-2006, 10:59 AM

08-23-2006, 01:19 PM
I can't believe I forgot these.

Netspeak, bad spelling, and bad grammar make my blood boil. Grrrr.

08-23-2006, 07:25 PM
newly added tonight

Trees that try to kill me when I'm building a bridge to cross my creek.

08-23-2006, 09:10 PM
I can't believe I forgot these.

Netspeak, bad spelling, and bad grammar make my blood boil. Grrrr.




The idea behind the theory of evolution. And evolutionists.

(I don't really hate them. I just wouldn't mind if they were to never live again.)

*Edited because some people take things on here word for word.

08-23-2006, 09:21 PM



Theory of evolutionHow can anyone hate the Theory of Evolution? You're stupid.

08-23-2006, 09:40 PM
people who don't use their blinkers


But you are protesting against people who do not use yor blinker. So in theory, you hate yourself... ;)

I hate:
Stubborn Conservatives
Small dogs
Aristocratic, mainly southern, architecture

I loathe stubborness.


Apparently many people think I hate them...

08-23-2006, 09:58 PM
yeah, they're real popular....in Canada :rolleyes:

canceling tours (http://www.topix.net/content/newscom/2504698823064946262139406894511575706843?threadid= 9NQ707AA8KEUQ41T)

ya they cant sell tickets in the US to save their lives anymore. They've cancelled most the shows here and replaced them with ones in canada and Europe. I guess they've just become singers in a different country category.

08-23-2006, 10:07 PM

thanks for reminding me of something I hate

people who defend the rights of the dixie chicks' freedom of speech while ignoring the rights of people who disagree with what they say their right to not support them, buy their cd's or speak out against them.

08-23-2006, 10:13 PM
Stupid people.

Yesterday was the first day of one of my electives. And when the teacher started talking about the beginnings of the universe and showed this...
QUOTE NASA: This "baby picture" of the universe shows small changes in temperature from more than 13 billion years ago. That's not long after the big bang would have taken place. Scientists captured this image using NASA's Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) during a sweeping 12-month observation of the entire sky. Credit: NASA

well about 10 people got up and left after that... Im amazed we got out of the dark ages.


extremism of any sort.

08-23-2006, 10:14 PM
I hate political extremism.

Ultra liberal and Neo Conservatives

Come on now, pure socialism or facism just dosent work. I hate any type of religious extremism for that matter too.

I also hate seeing memorials to dead family/friends vinyl stickered on the back window of cars.

I hate parents who each work 60 hours a week just so they can grant their kids every material wish. Kids really need love/guidance and attention from their parents far more than they need an ipod or cellphone that takes pictures. It seems like society today considers parents failures if they cant coddle to their kid's every want.

08-23-2006, 11:11 PM
Chicago.....well, most of the state of Illinois...........mainly driving in that state.

Oh, even better, the people from Illinois who have basically invaded WI and dont understand our traffic laws.

Yes, that's right, our traffic laws are the same as theirs.

08-24-2006, 12:06 AM
Chicago.....well, most of the state of Illinois...........mainly driving in that state.

Oh, even better, the people from Illinois who have basically invaded WI and dont understand our traffic laws.

Yes, that's right, our traffic laws are the same as theirs.

lol have to agree with that one

hey fishy just to piss you off OMg Haxor to teh extream. Saw that one CS Source tonight.

suprise no one has said Bee's or Misquito's (spelling please) yet, Because they are IMO the worst little buggers to date (doesn't help I hit a underground bee's nest today with a Toro 325)

Spaztic Backman
08-24-2006, 12:39 AM
everything about you.

08-24-2006, 12:52 AM
fat little kids, they ust really annoy me
anything AGG
arrogent ppl
lots of others but im really drawing a blank

edit: rap music, if u can call it music

08-24-2006, 06:52 AM

thanks for reminding me of something I hate

people who defend the rights of the dixie chicks' freedom of speech while ignoring the rights of people who disagree with what they say their right to not support them, buy their cd's or speak out against them.

Wait I'm confused, did some one force you to buy a Dixie Chicks CD?!? Cause if they did thats just cruel.


People who force other people to listen to music they don't like.

08-24-2006, 07:38 AM
I hate:

Fox News
Urban "Cowboys"
People who shoot at me
AO members who dont sign up for the AO fantasy football league
The army
Golf on TV
Nascar on TV
Kids who smoke
Gold teeth
Dodge Neons

08-24-2006, 09:01 AM
I can't believe I forgot these.

Netspeak, bad spelling, and bad grammar make my blood boil. Grrrr.


08-24-2006, 09:41 AM
I hate:

my job
bad drivers
not being rich
micheal Jackson
country music
CA government
illegal immigration

the list could go on....

08-24-2006, 09:58 AM
Wait I'm confused, did some one force you to buy a Dixie Chicks CD?!? Cause if they did thats just cruel.


People who force other people to listen to music they don't like.


however, I have read a lot of people who support the dixie chicks freedom of speech who then bash whoever protests the dixie chicks and say they will never buy their cd again.

08-24-2006, 10:32 AM
So I take it you would also argue that it would be wrong to stand up for free speech and also speak out about racism. And as far as nobody buying their cd's any more, thats because the people stupid enough to protest the Dixie Chicks for hating Bush make up the majority of people dumb enough to listen to country music.

08-24-2006, 10:36 AM

its called hypocrisy. those who were defending the dixie chicks were completely clueless that those who were not happy with what the dixe chicks said had rights to.

08-24-2006, 10:46 AM
How can anyone hate the Theory of Evolution? You're stupid.

Obviously, you haven't been paying attention to what passes for debate in the States these days. ;)

08-24-2006, 10:48 AM

its called hypocrisy. those who were defending the dixie chicks were completely clueless that those who were not happy with what the dixe chicks said had rights to.

why is what he is sayng so hard for some people to understand? :tard:

08-24-2006, 10:57 AM
why is what he is sayng so hard for some people to understand? :tard:


You do not have the "right" to not be offended. More at 11:00.

08-24-2006, 10:58 AM

You do not have the "right" to not be offended. More at 11:00.

oh..... :rofl:

08-24-2006, 10:58 AM
but you do have the right to not support people you dont agree with and the freedom of speech to state as such.

08-24-2006, 11:30 AM
but you do have the right to not support people you dont agree with and the freedom of speech to state as such.

Correct... am I missing a step here? People who think protesting the Dixie Chicks is asinine are somehow infringing on your rights?

08-24-2006, 01:24 PM
People who tell me what I am going to do rather than asking me to do it.

08-24-2006, 01:45 PM
all these posts about the dixie chicks...wtf make your own thread.

08-24-2006, 02:32 PM
Peanut M&Ms that are missing the peanut.
Black cars (I own one)
Walking on the cuffs of my pants.
The mean blonde dude on Napolean Dynamite (his crap-eating grin...grrr)
Net posses/cliques.
When people negate Laws with Theories.

08-24-2006, 02:42 PM
If one more person says the words "Dixie Chicks" I'm gonna pistol whip them! :)

08-24-2006, 02:50 PM
dixie chi

08-24-2006, 03:22 PM
If one more person says the words "Dixie Chicks" I'm gonna pistol whip them! :)

Dixie Chicks

/Is a long way away
//And heavily armed

08-24-2006, 03:38 PM
I hate when songs are really really awesome, and then some moron hears them and decides, "I could totally sing that better" and then they murderate the song :(. There's some car commercial where some woman KILLED Steppenwolf's Magic Carpet Ride... it makes me so mad every time I hear it.

That, and when things are out of tune. Screw having perfect pitch.

08-24-2006, 04:12 PM
How can anyone hate the Theory of Evolution? You're stupid.

Say what you want. I think the theory of evolution is absolutely ridiculous. I hate it.
But maybe I should have said the idea behind the theory of evolution.

I just forgot there were a bunch of kids on here that need everything explained so thoroughly.

08-24-2006, 04:35 PM
I dislike (You should never hate :D ):
those people who complain about the government then fight every protest against it or people who do similar things
The kfc for not making its mind up about what kfc stands for and using it for publicity
(Kitchen Fresh Chicken was what I heard last time)
Those guys who keep calling me wanting me to vote for them
The disposablity of products now a days
and the list goes on and on

08-24-2006, 05:02 PM
I just forgot there were a bunch of kids on here that need everything explained so thoroughly.

Uh, Jonneh is a grown man living in England. You know, the rest of the world? Where EVILution isn't really a contentious issue...

Besides, the point I think you're trying to make is that you're against hardcore Evolutionists/Darwinists. (I've had several rational, non-flame debates about this specific difference before)

08-24-2006, 05:12 PM
Say what you want. I think the theory of evolution is absolutely ridiculous. I hate it.
But maybe I should have said the idea behind the theory of evolution.

I just forgot there were a bunch of kids on here that need everything explained so thoroughly.

Nice... I'm sure there is a well reasoned consideration that doesnt use the word god for this hatred, right?

/Religious fanatics. Positions can be so much more powerful if you set your faith aside when making arguments, and use logic.

08-24-2006, 05:47 PM
/Religious fanatics. Positions can be so much more powerful if you set your faith aside when making arguments, and use logic.

Most people don't know this because the exposure of them is so small, but most of today's Christian intellectuals lay waste to modern academia...and they do it logically.

Some neat links to visit:

Break Point (http://www.breakpoint.org)

First Things (http://www.firstthings.com)

08-24-2006, 05:53 PM
people who complain about gas prices, and drive anything that gets less than 25 mpg

So truckers(and their respective employers) arent allowed to complain? Farmers arent allowed to complain, cause you know a toyota prius doesnt carry hay all that well. Oh well, Im going to complain in a minute.

I hate few things in life. I get pissed off a lot when certain things happen then I take a step back. The few things that still come to mind after taking a step back...

AA groups and the idea of helping others who cant help themselves(aswell as rehab in general). Plan ahead... where will this beer put my life. Where will this hit on the crack pipe get me? Use your head, not a substance.

That we dont get as much snow as we used to.

I hate paying over 3 dollars a gallon in my truck which only gets 14 miles a gallon. I hate people who hate people for complaining..... :tard:

The concept of religion... I dont believe in any thing, and I hate how everyone is so sensitive about it. You can believe in any thing you want, but lighten up if somone steps on your toes. Be glad it was your toes and not something else.

08-24-2006, 06:26 PM
If one more person says the words "Dixie Chicks" I'm gonna pistol whip them! :)

can you put pistol whip on potato chips?

08-24-2006, 06:39 PM
Nice... I'm sure there is a well reasoned consideration that doesnt use the word god for this hatred, right?

why can't he use the word god? is beleiving in a god unreasonable? the odds required for intelligent life to form from nothing are humongous....and were did original matter that the universe was formed from come from?

/nevermind, it's not worth argueing, you obviously have something against religion

08-24-2006, 06:49 PM
Most people don't know this because the exposure of them is so small, but most of today's Christian intellectuals lay waste to modern academia...and they do it logically.


08-24-2006, 07:01 PM
Say what you want. I think the theory of evolution is absolutely ridiculous. I hate it.
But maybe I should have said the idea behind the theory of evolution.

I just forgot there were a bunch of kids on here that need everything explained so thoroughly.I am pretty stupid, but all I can say is that there is no 'idea' behind evolution, its' just an attempt to understand how species come to exist.

Talk Origins (http://www.talkorigins.org/) can help, or failing that, try http://www.venganza.org/

08-24-2006, 07:17 PM
why can't he use the word god? is beleiving in a god unreasonable? the odds required for intelligent life to form from nothing are humongous....and were did original matter that the universe was formed from come from?

/nevermind, it's not worth argueing, you obviously have something against religion

Really? Funny I didn't realize I had anything against religion...

I have a problem with people who don't understand that some people may raise an eyebrow when the entirety of what they beleive in is based on a single book that overcomes any logical questioning by being "the word of god". I have a problem when that book was controlled for much of history by an obviously corrupt organization.

08-24-2006, 07:30 PM
Stop arguing or this thread is going to be closed and I like hating things.

08-24-2006, 07:36 PM
Good point, I'm done hating on fanatics, back to hating on things that try to kill me. BTW.. how bad is it if, after being hti by a big tree, I can't raise my right arm above my shoulder without considerable pain. And it hasn't gone away after 24 hours?

08-24-2006, 07:43 PM
Good point, I'm done hating on fanatics, back to hating on things that try to kill me. BTW.. how bad is it if, after being hti by a big tree, I can't raise my right arm above my shoulder without considerable pain. And it hasn't gone away after 24 hours?

As a general rule, pretty bad. Has it turned any funny colors, like mauve, yellow, green, blue, orange, etc? Or is it swollen? Or, the most obvious question, I suppose, is it dislocated, or are there bones sticking out where there shouldn't be?

What will it take for all of you morons to just go to the doctor when you get hurt?

08-24-2006, 07:44 PM
Just got this and now I hate gas prices

for one month of fuel
512 gal of diesel $1597.44
211 of 87 gasoline $715.29

So yeah don't complain. about your cost of feul.

08-24-2006, 07:45 PM
Good point, I'm done hating on fanatics, back to hating on things that try to kill me. BTW.. how bad is it if, after being hti by a big tree, I can't raise my right arm above my shoulder without considerable pain. And it hasn't gone away after 24 hours?

lol....see, the hand of god trying to strike you down for your unbelief...but seriously, that probably isnt good, might want to throw back a few more beers :cheers:

08-24-2006, 07:54 PM
As a general rule, pretty bad. Has it turned any funny colors, like mauve, yellow, green, blue, orange, etc? Or is it swollen? Or, the most obvious question, I suppose, is it dislocated, or are there bones sticking out where there shouldn't be?

What will it take for all of you morons to just go to the doctor when you get hurt?

State funded health care in answer to the last question. Its light light yellow (like an old bruise, starting at about my neck and going down to my armpit.. I think it will go away

08-24-2006, 07:58 PM
State funded health care in answer to the last question. Its light light yellow (like an old bruise, starting at about my neck and going down to my armpit.. I think it will go away

That happened to me the time I dislocated all my fingers and popped them back in. DId you feel it pop out? Because I couldn't move my hand at ALL because it hurt so bad, but it healed up pretty good. Now it hurts when it rains and I feel like I should be sitting on a front porch knitting somewhere.

That's something else I hate! Men's egos.

08-24-2006, 08:11 PM
That happened to me the time I dislocated all my fingers and popped them back in. DId you feel it pop out? Because I couldn't move my hand at ALL because it hurt so bad, but it healed up pretty good. Now it hurts when it rains and I feel like I should be sitting on a front porch knitting somewhere.

That's something else I hate! Men's egos.

My egos just fine thank you... :D

08-24-2006, 08:16 PM
My egos just fine thank you... :D

I wasn't talking about yours, I was thinknig about the guy that dislocated my fingers because I choked him.

Screw that.

08-24-2006, 09:06 PM
I hate...


Nuff' Said

08-24-2006, 11:07 PM
I..... love .... Lamp

08-24-2006, 11:08 PM
I..... love .... Lamp

this is a "hate" thread, not a "love" thread..



08-24-2006, 11:47 PM
I hate:

Political Correctness. White people are not referred to as European-American.

Feminists. The feminist movement has changed its agenda from one of equality, to one of the emasculation of all things hairy, smelly, noisy, and manly.

12 year old kids with Blackberrys.

12 year old rich suburban white boys that act gangsta.

<16 year old girls that try to dress sexy.

Fat girls in tube tops.

The mothers of obese toddlers.

Jerks on the road who speed up to close the gap that you are merging into.

Senator Dianne Feinstein and her gun grabbing ways.

08-25-2006, 01:49 AM
i hate not knowing how automatic coin sorters work!

fat girls with tub tops :rofl: dont forget when they bend over and are wairing thongs!

08-25-2006, 02:48 AM
I hate:

Blah, blah, blah...
Feminists. The feminist movement has changed its agenda from one of equality, to one of the emasculation of all things hairy, smelly, noisy, and manly.

Then it's not real feminism.

I myself have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is: I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat, or a prostitute.

08-25-2006, 07:15 AM
Some body already posted the arguing on the internet is like being in the special olympics picture right?...if not then some one should.


The fact that god hasn't personally designed a toyota prius which can carry hay bales.

08-25-2006, 07:27 AM
I hate:
<16 year old girls that try to dress sexy.

Let's change that to 18, mkay?

08-25-2006, 07:28 AM
.....This thread is LONG OVERDUE......


* jelly spined Liberals
* jelly spined Republicans
* Brokeback Mountain
* The fact I cant get any of Traci Lord's early works
* Paris Hilton
* Star Jones
* Rosie Odonnel
* AlGore
* Hybrid Cars
* Peta

and the thing I hate the most in the whole world -

**That dog's can't live as long as the rest of us :(

08-25-2006, 10:59 AM

Mon dieu! Que-est que c'est que passe?

Regarde! Je donne une cigaratte a l'enfant! Allez! La vie c'est merde, allez... ohhh, tsk, tsk, vous Americains, vous ne comprendez rien... Que? Les Allemandes sont ici?

Hallo Americain!! Nous vous aimons!! Avoir un Euro-Disney! Nous ne l'allons rien, mais nous pouvons avoir! Hallo!!

/thanks Robin Williams

08-25-2006, 12:12 PM
stupid people who keep calling my cell # and beign the wrong number.

people who find the need to call my cell # as a restricted # and leave no info whatsoever.

people like that should be dragged into the streets and shot.

once or twice, fine. but multiple times, 10-15 over a period of months is just dumb.

08-25-2006, 12:57 PM
.....This thread is LONG OVERDUE......


* jelly spined Liberals
* jelly spined Republicans
* Brokeback Mountain
* The fact I cant get any of Traci Lord's early works
* Paris Hilton
* Star Jones
* Rosie Odonnel
* AlGore
* Hybrid Cars
* Peta

and the thing I hate the most in the whole world -

**That dog's can't live as long as the rest of us :(

Brokeback mountain FTW! :spit_take

08-25-2006, 04:39 PM
Mon dieu! Que-est que c'est que passe?

Regarde! Je donne une cigaratte a l'enfant! Allez! La vie c'est merde, allez... ohhh, tsk, tsk, vous Americains, vous ne comprendez rien... Que? Les Allemandes sont ici?

Hallo Americain!! Nous vous aimons!! Avoir un Euro-Disney! Nous ne l'allons rien, mais nous pouvons avoir! Hallo!!

/thanks Robin Williams

Français idiot, pourquoi ne rendez-vous pas plus ? Quel est votre taux d'enemployment maintenant ? Dix pour cent ? Que trente exigés semaine de travail de cinq heures sûre le rend facile pour vous de concurrencer sur le marché mondial. J'aime particulièrement les frontières ouvertes avec le Moyen-Orient. Pendant combien de semaines était-il Paris sur le feu ?

08-25-2006, 06:38 PM
is beleiving in a god unreasonable?

the odds required for intelligent life to form from nothing are humongous....and were did original matter that the universe was formed from come from?

/nevermind, it's not worth argueing, you obviously have something against religion
there are good responses to those questions, but ill pass on posting them.

I have a problem with people who don't understand that some people may raise an eyebrow when the entirety of what they beleive in is based on a single book that overcomes any logical questioning by being "the word of god". I have a problem when that book was controlled for much of history by an obviously corrupt organization.
+1 cool point for Lohman.

I myself have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is: I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat, or a prostitute.
meh, i find it hard to believe that that is not heavily exaggerated. i think the majority of people would support that.

and to add to the list:

first and foremost, having to work with incompetent people.

to a lesser extent if said incompetent person is a quiet person who is slow and just overall not very good at working.

to a much greater extent if said incompetent person is a short overweight kid who speaks with a lisp, doesnt stop speaking, is argumentative, and cant survive without his mommy.

second, having nothing to do at work. getting paid to do nothing is overrated :(.

meh, i guess im not in a very hating mood right now.

08-25-2006, 06:55 PM
My team for questioning if I can play this weekend

Fine muscle control is overrated, as is full range of movement with my right arm. Besides, its two days away.

08-25-2006, 07:31 PM
Français idiot, pourquoi ne rendez-vous pas plus ? Quel est votre taux d'enemployment maintenant ? Dix pour cent ? Que trente exigés semaine de travail de cinq heures sûre le rend facile pour vous de concurrencer sur le marché mondial. J'aime particulièrement les frontières ouvertes avec le Moyen-Orient. Pendant combien de semaines était-il Paris sur le feu ?

C'est ne pas mal, mon frere. Dix pour cent? Mais non, banane! Vraiment, il approche dix-sept, dix-huit, non? Moyen-Orient? Depuis le SudMoyen Orient. Ca c'estait bonne affairs.

//did you babelfish that?

08-26-2006, 02:53 AM
C'est ne pas mal, mon frere. Dix pour cent? Mais non, banane! Vraiment, il approche dix-sept, dix-huit, non? Moyen-Orient? Depuis le SudMoyen Orient. Ca c'estait bonne affairs.

//did you babelfish that?

"Ou' sonnt les neiges des Antan?"

Or something like that. I believe that was written by Villion. Correct me if I'm wrong.

My hates:

-Illegal aliens protesting with the MEXICAN flag. If you want to be American, why the hell would you protest with a Mexican flag?

-Improper English. If it's your native language, act like it is.

-People that come to America and can't speak English, but expect road signs and the like to be in their language (notice how almost everything is translated to Spanish). Why the hell should we cater to them? If I were to, say, move to Germany, I'd want to learn some German so I don't sound like an idiot.

-The fact that people think of Mexico when they hear the word Spanish, instead of Spain.

-Why isn't it called "Canadia"? If people in AMERICA are AMERICAns, why arent CANADIAns from CANADIA?

-The fact that everything European is NATC and everything American is PAL. Why?!

-People that BUY torn jeans. New.

-White "gangsta's"

-Black "gangsta's"

-How black people can call each other n***ers, but if I do it, I'm racist.

-How colleges can have Indian-American clubs, and African-American clubs, but a "White-American" club is racist.



-Being around women during PMS

-People thinking Starbucks is the end-all-be-all of creative coffee shops. If it's owned by a corporation, IT'S NOT ORIGINAL!!

-Bush haters. He's not the brightest crayon in the box, but he isn't THAT bad. (I'm going to be butchered for saying that.)



-The fact that NASA lost the frickin' moon landing tapes

-The fact that all Arabs look the same.

-The fact that all Asians look the same.

-Bad drivers

-Kids that borrow their parent's Mustang and drive around thinking they're hot sh*t.

-AOL. 'Nuff said.

-Windows XP. 'Nuff said.

-People that take a crap in public urinals. (I work as a custodian. I know what I'm talking about)

-How so many people mistake the men's locker room for a gay hang-out.


-Did I mention rap?

-The fact that Automags get no respect these days, no matter how many times the arguer had their butt handed to them.

-People that say music today isn't as good as their generation's music. There's alot of good music released these days, but nobody's willing to look for it (and sometimes, you really have to look).

-The way cashiers look at you when you go to buy condoms. WTF?

-The fact that there are soooo many condoms to choose from. Once again, WTF?

-The fact that it takes me way too long to realize that I'm rambling.

-The word "bling-bling"

-The phrase "Ma babay's fada"

-People that ride my *** when I'm driving. The closer they get, the slower I go.

And finally, I'm done. :clap:

08-26-2006, 04:45 AM
Oh god that reminds me, I freakin hate condoms. I hate that the first time I tried to use one it wouldnt freakin fit. I hate how theres 5 million different kinds of condoms in every store but they never have magnums. Then when I try to ask for some, people think its a joke. Then when I finally get some, the "tapered for safety" end is designed like a tourniquet. I hate those things.

08-26-2006, 08:34 AM
-Why isn't it called "Canadia"? If people in AMERICA are AMERICAns, why arent CANADIAns from CANADIA?
its called english. you seem to prefer it. its the language with the most exceptions. get used to it. (and, its cause "canadans" is awkward to pronounce)

-People that BUY torn jeans. New.
:( but its proof that bad products can be sold for exhorbant prices if they become trendy. its the entire reason ive been planning my line of hair gel thats a combination of WD-40, hydraulic oil, and dow 33.

-How colleges can have Indian-American clubs, and African-American clubs, but a "White-American" club is racist.
didnt you realize? minorities have more rights when it comes to race relations. they are given more privelages to counter years of racism, and trying to even out the counter-racism racism would be seen as... racism.

-People thinking Starbucks is the end-all-be-all of creative coffee shops. If it's owned by a corporation, IT'S NOT ORIGINAL!!
well, technically if a corporation is the first to do something, it is origional.

-The fact that all Arabs look the same.

-The fact that all Asians look the same.

-Kids that borrow their parent's Mustang and drive around thinking they're hot sh*t.
how about kids whos parents BUY them a mustang? 2 at my school...

-The word "bling-bling"
oh, come on, its so fun to use to mock agg kids.

-People that ride my *** when I'm driving. The closer they get, the slower I go.
just drive half the speed limit. they'll pass you or turn off first chance they get.

oh, and i almost forgot. All of Windows, and Windows Genuine Advantage.

08-26-2006, 08:54 AM
I found some new things I hate:

People who don't "believe" in the Theory of Evolution and those who attack it for being a theory. Sad thing is they don't know what the scientific term "theory" means, which makes their arguement moot..

Organized religion: I dislike it all except for the fact that it helps some people with their lives.

Emotion: People get so caught up in their emotions they have no time for rational thought.

Managing 55 High Schoolers of my Robotics Team.

Waking up and finding I only have one sock on.

People who steal my discs (frisbees to non-players).

Small dogs.

Summer work for school.

Stubborn/Extreme Conservatives

People who refuse to develop or get excited about things that cause less pollution (i.e. Biodiesel, H2O torch, Hydrogen, nuclear plants, etc.)

Much of what Bush has done.

08-26-2006, 08:57 AM
I found some new things I hate:

People who don't "believe" in the Theory of Evolution and those who attack it for being a theory. Sad thing is they don't know what the scientific term "theory" means, which makes their arguement moot..

Organized religion: I dislike it all except for the fact that it helps some people with their lives.

Emotion: People get so caught up in their emotions they have no time for rational thought.

Managing 55 High Schoolers of my Robotics Team.

Stubborn/Extreme Conservatives

People who refuse to develop or get excited about things that cause less pollution (i.e. Biodiesel, H2O torch, Hydrogen, nuclear plants, etc.)

Much of what Bush has done.
+1000 cool points.

:( sometimes i wish my robotics team was that large, but then i realize i cant handle dealing with one specific person (see above), and oh god what would happen if there were more of him. but then again, no one else could be that bad...

08-26-2006, 11:37 AM
Oh god that reminds me, I freakin hate condoms. I hate that the first time I tried to use one it wouldnt freakin fit. I hate how theres 5 million different kinds of condoms in every store but they never have magnums. Then when I try to ask for some, people think its a joke. Then when I finally get some, the "tapered for safety" end is designed like a tourniquet. I hate those things.

08-26-2006, 12:07 PM
Oh god that reminds me, I freakin hate condoms. I hate that the first time I tried to use one it wouldnt freakin fit. I hate how theres 5 million different kinds of condoms in every store but they never have magnums. Then when I try to ask for some, people think its a joke. Then when I finally get some, the "tapered for safety" end is designed like a tourniquet. I hate those things.

I'm just going to sit over here and giggle like a schoolgirl, now.

08-26-2006, 12:22 PM
I just wanted to add hangovers to the list. i feel terrible at the moment.

08-26-2006, 11:43 PM
People who don't "believe" in the Theory of Evolution and those who attack it for being a theory. Sad thing is they don't know what the scientific term "theory" means, which makes their arguement moot..
Meh people are entitled to their own opinion and how many people that "believe" in the Theory of evolution actually know what the full detials of the theory of evolution?? the same goes with politics

Organized religion: I dislike it all except for the fact that it helps some people with their lives.
Very true. I believe in God, just not man's interpretation of it

Waking up and finding I only have one sock on.
:( my dog is teething (sp)

Stubborn/Extreme Conservatives
So does that mean you like extreme liberals?? aka ted kennedy?

sometimes i wish my robotics team was that large
I wish i had a robotics team :(

08-27-2006, 01:13 AM
I just wanted to add hangovers to the list. i feel terrible at the moment.

very very true, i was the same way yesterday morning and yet i still went out tonight.....

08-27-2006, 01:37 AM
snice when did we start nit picking people's complanits

\way to god damn smashed to be writing this thank god for DD's
\\Another form of self sacirfice
//YEAH DUDER! 23rd.

08-27-2006, 05:34 AM
Meh people are entitled to their own opinion and how many people that "believe" in the Theory of evolution actually know what the full detials of the theory of evolution?? the same goes with politicsYes, but science it not democratic process, I could decide to no longer believe that the earth is spherical, but doing so is crazy because there is so much evidence to the contrary.

08-27-2006, 08:18 AM
sometimes i wish my robotics team was that large, but then i realize i cant handle dealing with one specific person (see above), and oh god what would happen if there were more of him. but then again, no one else could be that bad...

Haha, there are so many people like that on my team. Now I have to deal with those kids everyday for 6 months. Wonderful.../rolleyes

Meh people are entitled to their own opinion and how many people that "believe" in the Theory of evolution actually know what the full detials of the theory of evolution?? the same goes with politics

True. I was trying to poke at the ignorance many people pose when arguing evolution more so than trying to show a person's inability to accept Evolution.. Many times I constantly hear that it is a theory so it is not scientific, blah blah blah. I guess my main gripe is when people argue it and say well Darwin is wrong so Evolution is wrong. Well I hate to break it to you, but there is still lots of evidence of Evo. without Darwin.

So does that mean you like extreme liberals?? aka ted kennedy?

No, I don't like extreme liberals. Their ideas are crazy while the conservatives are stubborn. Equally as bad as the other...

I wish i had a robotics team :(

It's alot of fun. I just never knew how much work it was to run the team.

08-28-2006, 11:48 AM
its called english. you seem to prefer it. its the language with the most exceptions. get used to it. (and, its cause "canadans" is awkward to pronounce)

:( but its proof that bad products can be sold for exhorbant prices if they become trendy. its the entire reason ive been planning my line of hair gel thats a combination of WD-40, hydraulic oil, and dow 33.

didnt you realize? minorities have more rights when it comes to race relations. they are given more privelages to counter years of racism, and trying to even out the counter-racism racism would be seen as... racism.

well, technically if a corporation is the first to do something, it is origional.


how about kids whos parents BUY them a mustang? 2 at my school...

oh, come on, its so fun to use to mock agg kids.

just drive half the speed limit. they'll pass you or turn off first chance they get.

oh, and i almost forgot. All of Windows, and Windows Genuine Advantage.
Ha ha. Thank you for breaking down my entire post. :p

By the Aian/Arab thing, I mean in general as a stereotype. I know alot of people that think like this also. Once you know and learn someone, it becomes easy to determine which from which and family relations. But to the "untrained (?)" eye, it's harder.

Also, if it was pronounced Canadan, it'd seem easy to the tongue. Think about how many odd words there are in the English language. They are easy to say because we grew up hearing and saying them. Also, of course I prefer English! I'm frickin' American! :headbang:. Ich weise ein bischen (sp?) Deutch auch.

Starbucks is not orginal and is a disgrace to coffee shop industry. :mad:

08-28-2006, 04:26 PM
Meh people are entitled to their own opinion
no they arent.

Haha, there are so many people like that on my team. Now I have to deal with those kids everyday for 6 months. Wonderful.../rolleyes
oh, trust me, there couldnt possibly be anyone THIS bad. close, but not quite. i do sympathize with you for having to deal with ~40 kids, though :(

True. I was trying to poke at the ignorance many people pose when arguing evolution more so than trying to show a person's inability to accept Evolution.. Many times I constantly hear that it is a theory so it is not scientific, blah blah blah. I guess my main gripe is when people argue it and say well Darwin is wrong so Evolution is wrong. Well I hate to break it to you, but there is still lots of evidence of Evo. without Darwin.

By the Aian/Arab thing, I mean in general as a stereotype. I know alot of people that think like this also. Once you know and learn someone, it becomes easy to determine which from which and family relations. But to the "untrained (?)" eye, it's harder.
technically, research has shown that people are often "race blind" - they are far better at telling the difference between people of their race than they are of other races. and they are better at telling the difference between people of races which they are frequently exposed to than of races they are not often exposed to. its rather simple and logical, really.

therefore, you cannot claim that arabs/asians all look the same. however you can legitimately say that they look the same to you.

/yes, i am being nitpicky.
//get over it.

08-28-2006, 08:48 PM
Ich weise ein bischen (sp?) Deutch auch
Ich mochte mit Jessica Simpson schlafen.
/My german teacher taught me that
//one of the few things i remember from german 1

08-29-2006, 08:05 PM
people who think its witty to talk like austen powers :mad:

08-29-2006, 08:54 PM
Ich mochte mit Jessica Simpson schlafen.
/My german teacher taught me that
//one of the few things i remember from german 1

Aber, dann hat sie eine grosse Tür.

/Du bist eine Taffellappen.
//Ich mochte diener Mutter gemachen.

08-29-2006, 09:17 PM
First off, what the heck is CVS? Secondly, stop laughing Fishy, its not funny. Its traumatic. Its just not fun when you need a condom immediately and all they have are the small ones. Speaking of sizing issues and women, I also hate bras. What the heck is wrong with the world when they pressure women to have big boobs and be skinny, yet it is impossible to find a bra in 36 DD. Victorias Secret doesnt even stock anything above C for cryin out loud. Thats just ridiculous.

08-30-2006, 10:52 AM
Shut up on public transportation!!1

/irritable ride in this morning

08-30-2006, 11:00 AM
First off, what the heck is CVS?.

It is a pharmacy/convienance store. Mini-supermarket almost.

08-30-2006, 01:49 PM
First off, what the heck is CVS? Secondly, stop laughing Fishy, its not funny. Its traumatic. Its just not fun when you need a condom immediately and all they have are the small ones. Speaking of sizing issues and women, I also hate bras. What the heck is wrong with the world when they pressure women to have big boobs and be skinny, yet it is impossible to find a bra in 36 DD. Victorias Secret doesnt even stock anything above C for cryin out loud. Thats just ridiculous.

Okay, I really want to understand your frustration with bras. Yeah, you're correct, but jeez, since when does a guy pay that much attention to women's lingere? Unless you're wearing them... in which case... I'm not entirely sure I want to know.

But the reason why they don't stock them is because a 36DD is huge. Not many women are that size naturally, and most who are are big, big girls (who probably wouldn't shop at Victoria's Secret anyway).

I hate women's pants. They're always cut for these tiny little waifs that would blow away in a slight breath of wind. Nothing ever fits right-- ever. If it fits in the butt it's too big at the waist. If they fit in the waist, they're too long, or too short, or too low rise.

I also hate organic ketchup. I wanted to have a wonderfully unhealthy lunch the other day, and I pull out the ketchup and realize my mother bought organic ketchup. WTF! It's ground up freaking tomatoes, it does not need to be organic! Rawr @ mom.

08-30-2006, 01:58 PM
Is the concern that he might be wearing it or that he's looking for DD cup?

08-30-2006, 02:02 PM
Is the concern that he might be wearing it or that he's looking for DD cup?

Perhaps both. If his boobs are that big, he probably has back problems, too :(

08-30-2006, 09:08 PM
Perhaps both. If his boobs are that big, he probably has back problems, too :(

The ex was also well endowed (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=174861&page=1&pp=30&highlight=bras)

08-31-2006, 01:56 AM
wow, i just got done typing all of this and, it turns out that i have quite a bit of pent up hate. some of it has aready been said, and i copied some of it becasue it was said so well.

AGG, or any other silly self labeling clique
gangstas and gangsta "culture" in general. pull your pants up and take care of your damn kids.
radicals of all kinds. liberal, conservative, religious, hippies. all things in moderation.
The lack of respect for others property shown by society lately
Big government
Gun control, and all those pushing it.
people who don't know how to raise their children. too strict and they rebel, too lax and they turn out to be ******** who respect nothing. how hard is it to understand folks?
people who let daycares raise their children. i know it's not always possible for everyone, but i see lots of dual income families where one of them could easily stay home if they'd just focus on raising kids right instead of buying them whatever they want and having cabins and boats.
illegals, and the spineless pansys that cater to them. what does illegal mean again? we have a legal immigration system in place.
those who cry about their rights being trampled while attempting to trample the rights of others in order to "protect their rights".
those damn hornets!!! the little bastards just showed up about five years ago and now they're everywhere.
fat people who try to act like it's a perfectly healthy "lifestyle choice". and people who let their children get obese. i live in michigan, i see it every single day and it makes me want to slap these people for killing their children.
anyone who tries to get you to be more like them by appealing to your emotions or sense of guilt. beware anyone who wants you to make a decision using your emotions and not your head.
"feminism", racism, affrimative action, politiacl correctness, and generally anything to do with giving out special privelages to people because they are different. especially while masquerading as a "fight for equality". i have no problems with the legitimate causes that these frauds masquerade as.
oprah winfrey
dr. phil.
rosie o donnel
al gore
tipper gore
peta, and every hippy who tries to guilt me into not eating whatever the hell i feel like eating. also, vegans/vegetarians who are all for saving the animals... as long as they're cute, fuzzy, or have a face.
anyone who tries to get you to be more like them by appealing to your emotions or sense of guilt. beware anyone who wants you to make a decision using your emotions and not your head.

and of course, people who are too lazy to use capitol letters... i really hate them. :D

08-31-2006, 09:57 AM
First off, what the heck is CVS? Secondly, stop laughing Fishy, its not funny. Its traumatic. Its just not fun when you need a condom immediately and all they have are the small ones. Speaking of sizing issues and women, I also hate bras. What the heck is wrong with the world when they pressure women to have big boobs and be skinny, yet it is impossible to find a bra in 36 DD. Victorias Secret doesnt even stock anything above C for cryin out loud. Thats just ridiculous.

Looks like you live in the wrong area. Even the local grocery stores carry magnums here and at least 2 of the 3 local VS's always have larger sizes in stock (well at least to 34/36 DD).


08-31-2006, 11:07 AM
Oh yeah, thats another thing. I hate upstate NY. It sucks the big one. I mean seriously now, why on earth would anyone want to live in that crap hole?

08-31-2006, 11:27 AM
I forgot I hate cutting lexan as well as delrin with any blade. The stuff gets hot and flys in little chunks. It gets stuck to your skin and sometimes melts into a larger mass on your arms. Damn synthetic materials...

I love bagels though.

08-31-2006, 01:03 PM
I hate when men who know nothing about feminism complain about it. Equal rights are not special rights, ya dig?

I hate ingrained sexism. I have no intention of getting married or popping out babies, thanks. I intend to have a career and be successful on my own without some guy thinking he's the **** and trying to take over my life. Life is too damn short. Can I say that?

There are some things that I would love to rant about here, but I'm not allowed to. I hate that.

I hate that my soldering iron doesn't get hot all the way to the tip, so I have to solder with the top part of the iron.

I hate when guys lie.

I hate when guys cheat.

I wish that I were leaving for school tomorrow, instead of sunday night.

I hate Thanksgiving.

I hate the swim coach.

I hate that I can't find a job on campus... I hate that I'm probably going to have to walk through the most dangerous neighborhood ever to get to a job I probably won't want all that much, that will probably pay minimum wage.

I hate that the bank will give Derek a credit card, and not me, even though I am infinitely more responsible with money than he is.

I hate that I've spent most of this summer angry. I hate that I've put up with it so long, and I hate that I'm going to continue putting up with it because I have no other choice. I. hate. it. I hate person X for putting me through it, and I hate me for dealing with it. I hate that even though person X continuously ignores me for their much cooler friends, I just sit back and take it. I hate that I've had maybe one intelligent conversation all summer, and the rest has been me trying not to be bored through conversations about cars, or obscure references to videos on the internet. Who the heck cares. I'm sure word of this little mini-rant will get back to person X, but I really don't care at this point.

I hate that, try as I might, I cannot get this freaking jewelry business off the ground. So, guys, if you're in trouble with a gf, buy jewelry off me, please.

That's all for now.

08-31-2006, 02:16 PM
I hate when girls whine about guys that lie and cheat as if girls dont do it to/worse.

08-31-2006, 02:39 PM
I hate when girls whine about guys that lie and cheat as if girls dont do it to/worse.

I didn't say we didn't, but as I am not dating/have not dated a girl, I cannot speak from that point of view, now, can I? I merely stated that I hate it when guys do it, i.e., to me.

08-31-2006, 06:57 PM
I didn't say we didn't, but as I am not dating/have not dated a girl, I cannot speak from that point of view, now, can I? I merely stated that I hate it when guys do it, i.e., to me.

Huh. Well its still a lot of fun for me. Oh well.

/aisle seat

08-31-2006, 07:09 PM
Huh. Well its still a lot of fun for me. Oh well.

/aisle seat

I'm amending my hate list to include you. :)

08-31-2006, 07:20 PM
This thread is really good at reminding me of more things I hate. Some more:

Guys that give other guys a bad name. We dont all cheat, and we arent all crappy in bed.

Girls that whine about how crappy most guys are in the sack. Thats because nobody ever bothers to teach them. How the heck do you expect them to know if nobody ever tells them? Teach them a thing or two, itll make the world a better place for women everywhere. Except for lesbians.

Girls that dont know what the heck theyre doing in the sack. If the majority of you people are going to sit around and whine that guys dont know what theyre doing, dont be a hypocrite about it.

08-31-2006, 07:48 PM
girls that whine about how crappy most guys are in the sack.

if a single girl knows how most guys are in the sack... maybe its her that is crappy and not all the guys she screwed.

08-31-2006, 09:34 PM
I forgot I hate cutting lexan as well as delrin with any blade. The stuff gets hot and flys in little chunks. It gets stuck to your skin and sometimes melts into a larger mass on your arms. Damn synthetic materials...

I love bagels though.
what? lexan and delrin cut so easily with a bandsaw or lathe. if it gets too hot you could always change the speed of the blade, but ive never had a problem.

what i hate is drilling lexan... sometimes it goes easily, but sometimes it will dig in too far and the drill bit will bind up. with a hand drill it just makes it hard getting through the rest of the hole, but on a drill press, if you dont clamp the piece down... :(

i also hate not getting $30,000 to spend for robotics. my team gets under $7k a year... but the free titanium does help considerably.

oh, and i hate applying to colleges. especially the entire essay part.

and, of course, i hate all of standardized essays. especially SAT essays. and i hate the verbal and writing SAT in general. <3 math and chem SAT.

09-01-2006, 11:14 AM
Get off my lawn, slade.

09-01-2006, 11:27 AM
Women who dress provacatively (sp) and then whine if anyone actually looks at them.

09-01-2006, 12:20 PM
Women who dress provacatively (sp) and then whine if anyone actually looks at them.

I agree, but there's a difference between looking, staring, and mentally undressing. And most girls know.

09-01-2006, 04:23 PM
Get off my lawn, slade.

Women who dress provacatively (sp) and then whine if anyone actually looks at them.
how about girls who talk in a completely different manner than they act?

too add to the list:

i hate waking up at 6:00 AM for work. why would anyone want to wake up at that time to go somewhere they probably dont care to be? if its for paintball or some other legitimate reason, then sure.

i hate rap music.

i hate pop music.

i hate country music.

i hate most a capella music, especially when its an a capella version of a pop song.

i hate the cost of vehicles.

i hate getting paid less than someone who is far less competent than i am, especially when that fact is recognized by everyone else.

i also hate forgetting stuff. because i had plenty more to add to this list.

09-01-2006, 04:47 PM
I hate when the parent/mentor group of my robotics team registers us for an event we dont want to attend without our consent!

I probably hate some other stuff too.

09-01-2006, 05:03 PM
I hate when the parent/mentor group of my robotics team registers us for an event we dont want to attend without our consent!
ouch, what event?

<oh yeah, and just to make you jealous, ill be working with a fanuc robotic arm tomorrow.>

09-01-2006, 05:12 PM
ouch, what event?

<oh yeah, and just to make you jealous, ill be working with a fanuc robotic arm tomorrow.>

Uhh, it is called "Ramp Riot". it is the 2004 game ala FIRST. Now keep in mind our robot from 04 is in pieces and even when assembled it didn't work. It was over engineered. Now we will be attending a total of 8 competitions this year/season. Yeah, Robotics is fun, but enough is enough. Also, this is the second event they have planned without student approval. I am about to crush the parent group with an Iron First. I am currently writing the "Edict of Robo", which will give lots of power to the students instead of the parents.

I am jealous of you are your frolicking arm fun!

09-01-2006, 05:27 PM
Uhh, it is called "Ramp Riot". it is the 2004 game ala FIRST. Now keep in mind our robot from 04 is in pieces and even when assembled it didn't work. It was over engineered. Now we will be attending a total of 8 competitions this year/season. Yeah, Robotics is fun, but enough is enough. Also, this is the second event they have planned without student approval. I am about to crush the parent group with an Iron First. I am currently writing the "Edict of Robo", which will give lots of power to the students instead of the parents.

I am jealous of you are your frolicking arm fun!
8 is a bit much, ill give you that... but my team only has 2, only one of which i go to. from what i heard FIRST VEX was very easy (given that my team did fairly well, and their goal going into it was "dont get last place", and the code was written in the van on the way to the competition)

im trying to remember the bots you had... i think the one you posted the most about was from 05, and you posted one picture of the 04 bot?

oh yeah, i almost forgot. i just HATE it when someone jacks a thread!

09-01-2006, 07:16 PM
How did i miss this thread?

Oh yeah, because AO sucks.

Anyways, i'm here to say that i hate everything, everyone, and especially you. you know who you are, yes, i'm talking to you.

I also hate AO. Not AO in 2001. AO now. Its ****ing ****.

09-01-2006, 07:20 PM
oh yeah, i hate it when someone PMs/e-mails me to start an intellectual conversation, and then doesnt respond.

09-02-2006, 12:05 AM
Morning wood.

09-02-2006, 10:18 AM
oh yeah, and how people are socially required to be "polite" and pay for themselves/often pay for someone else, but then it gets so bad that people will insist on it and practically get into a fight over it.

09-05-2006, 07:53 AM
8 is a bit much, ill give you that... but my team only has 2, only one of which i go to. from what i heard FIRST VEX was very easy (given that my team did fairly well, and their goal going into it was "dont get last place", and the code was written in the van on the way to the competition)

im trying to remember the bots you had... i think the one you posted the most about was from 05, and you posted one picture of the 04 bot?

oh yeah, i almost forgot. i just HATE it when someone jacks a thread!

Hot damn, I missed this post.

VEX has always been moderately easy. It is used more as a transition between Lego League and FRC.
Yeah, I posted some stuff on the 05 Season and probably some of the 04. The team's website is www.roboraiders.com I am actually working on the entire infrastructure of the team as well as planning out the season today. Damn...

Oh yeah, I hate when I forget to check threads that I hijacked. I also hate when I go for a post-op check up and no doctors are even there. Bastards.

09-05-2006, 08:11 AM
im going to a "meeting with an admissions counsilor" today. a very selective engineering college. i hate being nervous. :(

and yeah, vex does look like just one step above legos, which is what i didnt like about it.

oh, and Fanuc robotic arm FTW ;)

09-05-2006, 08:43 AM
conspiracy theorists

Oh snap, you hate me. :cry:

Eatem Alive
09-05-2006, 04:53 PM
i need to add a couple to my list...

people who blow their nose in the dining area of a reastaurant

people who chew with their mouth open

people who pop their gum

09-05-2006, 04:59 PM
They put napkins on the table to blow your nose.. HELLLOO!

I hate the mouth open thing too, but I hate it worse when someone asks me a question when my mouth is full.

Bubble Gum is made for popping you should hate the companies making it not the popper who is using it for what its made for.

09-09-2006, 12:18 AM
I hate that Im 20, never had a girlfriend.

I hate excuses. Picky people and people who buy lottery tickets, scratch them at the counter and keep buying them so long as they keep winning. THERES OTHER PEOPLE BEHIND YOUUUU

09-09-2006, 12:21 AM
I hate the people who walk in groups and feel like they need to walk 3-7 across so that no one can walk in the opposite direction down that hall/sidewalk.

09-09-2006, 02:15 AM

I hate nagging employees like slade waking up at 6am "Duh you work in landscaping. you have 8 months to make a living." Dee Dee DEE.

I hate stupid clients. "can you put in a retaining wall to help my drainage?" No you tard, keep it simple keep it stupid, you can't use a wall to shed water. Or the best one I heard "can you drop off 200 cubic yards of Hemlock mulch?" Just do the math

I hate people that drive into my kubota tractor. Just happened today, Erinesto (SP?) was driving it out to a job site, flashing lights orange triangle and all. Some tard rear ended him and said in his report that the tractor blended it. Okay Kubota colors are blaze orange and black, so how does it blend in?

I hate state troopers for giving me a $500 ticket for not having DOT stckers on the side of my Dodge which has regular C class WI plates for towing a 20ft trailer with a Toro 325 on it

I hate employee's that drive in telephone polls

I swear sometimes that the world is full of tards that I live in. Its been a rough week

09-09-2006, 02:46 AM
I hate the people who walk in groups and feel like they need to walk 3-7 across so that no one can walk in the opposite direction down that hall/sidewalk.
I hate the ones that walk really slow and all across and block the hallways so that youre late to class and when you say exscuse me they get mad and call you racist...

09-09-2006, 07:46 AM
I hate nagging employees like slade waking up at 6am "Duh you work in landscaping. you have 8 months to make a living." Dee Dee DEE.

09-09-2006, 11:40 AM
Slade - just making a example of what happened last morning when Fransico came in nagging about the hours. But I fired him today for stealing gasoline which is another thing I hate.

I hate CS:Source why are you so addicting?

I hate last call.

09-10-2006, 01:21 PM
oh, yeah, i hate it when a girl wears pants that are too tight on her.

i also hate girls who wear obnoxious makeup.

09-10-2006, 03:34 PM
People who chew with their mouths open
High gas prices
My boss
Being sick
Soccer (No offence, soccer players)
Shots and needles
Doctors in general
Smart people who flaunt their intelligence by trying to make you look stupid
Conceited people, and people who try to make themselves look better than they really are
Bugs... Spiders.

09-10-2006, 04:22 PM
second the being sick.

teachers who assign 5+ pages of homework after the first class of a year, and schedule a quiz on the homework for the next class.

homework in general.

applying to college in general.

college essays.

gas prices.

inefficient vehicles.

people who like watching sports, do so day after day without actually playing the sport, and are the reason that pro sports players are paid far more than people who actually do something productive.

09-10-2006, 05:11 PM
I hate having 4 hours of homework on the first weekend of school.

I hate summer work (i.e. writing essays)

I hate leaving a book at school and finding the school to be completely locked. The first time ever...

I hate having to decide between a 'Timmy and a 'Borg.

09-10-2006, 05:34 PM
i hate having 3 hours of homework on the first night of school, and about 5 hours on the first weekend.

i had no summer homework.

i hate people who say things just to taunt someone else.

go with the borg.

i hate forgetting what i hate. i swear, there were other things.

i hate microsoft.

i hate OSX.

i hate how there are "trial versions" of software. and i really hate it when the trial licence expires before you can even use the damn software.

i hate propriety software in general.

i hate how fedora core 5 doesnt come with MP3, MPEG, and NTFS support.

i hate people who make contradictory hate statements.

i hate people who hate themselves.

i hate people who need to hear compliments, and i hate people who throw out compliments at every chance to be liked by said people.

09-11-2006, 08:03 PM
I hate:




(now im going to go to my room and cry because i can't do anything about it)

09-11-2006, 08:27 PM
i hate guys who give guys a bad name.

09-11-2006, 08:38 PM
I hate having more homework in one month this year then all year last year.....

I hate not having my license for 3 months and roughly 24 days

I hate money(or lack there of)

I hate hating so much

I hate not remembering everything i hate off of the top of my head.

09-11-2006, 08:47 PM
i hate guys who give guys a bad name.

I agree. Although my general feeling is just animosity towards men in general.

09-11-2006, 10:07 PM
I have that same feeling towards men. But I also find them hideously ugly, especially when naked. Except for me. And those guys who do puppetry of the penis, thats just funny.

09-11-2006, 10:10 PM
"hate how fedora core 5 doesnt come with MP3, MPEG, and NTFS support."

Cry about it.

(Fedora Core FTW.)

Eatem Alive
09-12-2006, 12:00 AM
it's starting to sound like everybody in here wears comfortable shoes.

09-12-2006, 08:28 AM
I have that same feeling towards men. But I also find them hideously ugly, especially when naked. Except for me. And those guys who do puppetry of the penis, thats just funny.

Are you talking about sex, or just all-around idiocy?

09-12-2006, 01:53 PM
i hate it when someone says something vague and open to interpretation, and then avoids the subject if you ask for clarification.

09-12-2006, 01:58 PM
"hate how fedora core 5 doesnt come with MP3, MPEG, and NTFS support."

Cry about it.

(Fedora Core FTW.)
what? fedora is still awesome, but the reason for not supporting MP3, MPEG and NTFS is rather stupid, especially considering almost every user is going to install support anyway. especially NTFS.

i hate josh.


09-12-2006, 02:08 PM
i hate having 3 hours of homework on the first night of school, and about 5 hours on the first weekend.

i had no summer homework.

i hate people who say things just to taunt someone else.

go with the borg.

I had 3 hours the second night and 6 hours the first weekend.

I had 3 essays and 5 novels to read for summer work.

I hate my English Class.

I hate taking a test on the summer work in the English class.

I hate carrying around 10lbs of chromium during school.

I hate school pictures.

I hate missing frisbee practice for homework.


P.S. I will probably go with the 'Borg. It's either buy it now ot wait a few months for prices on other guns to drop...

09-12-2006, 02:15 PM
people who feel the need to chew tobacco in class and spit into a plastic drinking bottle during class.

09-12-2006, 02:20 PM
I had 3 hours the second night and 6 hours the first weekend.

I had 3 essays and 5 novels to read for summer work.

I hate my English Class.

I hate taking a test on the summer work in the English class.

I hate carrying around 10lbs of chromium during school.

I hate school pictures.

I hate missing frisbee practice for homework.


P.S. I will probably go with the 'Borg. It's either buy it now ot wait a few months for prices on other guns to drop...
Today my last two classes were a free block and a robotics engineering teaching assistant, where i watched little kids try to use CNC machines, electronics, and a robotic arm.

tomorrow i have 3 classes.

09-12-2006, 02:37 PM
I had 3 hours the second night and 6 hours the first weekend.

I had 3 essays and 5 novels to read for summer work.

I hate my English Class.

I hate taking a test on the summer work in the English class.

I hate carrying around 10lbs of chromium during school.

I hate school pictures.

I hate missing frisbee practice for homework.


P.S. I will probably go with the 'Borg. It's either buy it now ot wait a few months for prices on other guns to drop...

Macdev aint coming out with an 07, so you'll be waiting a while.

04/05's are low as hell, and 06's have dropped, you can get a used one for 200under retail.

09-12-2006, 04:18 PM
Macdev aint coming out with an 07, so you'll be waiting a while.

04/05's are low as hell, and 06's have dropped, you can get a used one for 200under retail.

Not just looking around for 'Borgs. I like projects. ;)

I am not planning on buying anything new than 05.

Just to keep up with this thread:

I hate planning to do homework at 4:30 only to fall asleep untl 5:15.

12-20-2006, 05:14 PM
I hate doing chores when its miserably cold, wet, snowy, and windy outside like it is today... :(

12-20-2006, 05:21 PM
I hate doing chores when its miserably cold, wet, snowy, and windy outside like it is today... :(
i hate worthless thread revivals.

12-20-2006, 05:23 PM
i hate worthless thread revivals.

Second that.

01-11-2007, 04:36 AM
I hate ex-girlfriends. ecspecialy when they send you a 3 yr old pic.

blah sksajdsa asdfhsdfs :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: sasasdhfajshdas :cuss: :cuss: :cuss:
yeah that what I'm thinking right now!!!!!!!!

01-11-2007, 04:14 PM
I hate ex-girlfriends. ecspecialy when they send you a 3 yr old pic.

blah sksajdsa asdfhsdfs :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: sasasdhfajshdas :cuss: :cuss: :cuss:
yeah that what I'm thinking right now!!!!!!!!

If that's your ex, then you need to start kicking yourself now and don't stop kicking until I post that you can stop!

01-11-2007, 04:29 PM
It ever occur to you she might have sent that to you for a reason ?

01-11-2007, 05:09 PM

End users who call for something we don't support.

Traffic Accidents


01-11-2007, 05:23 PM
don miguel?

01-11-2007, 05:31 PM
don miguel?

01-11-2007, 07:05 PM
college applications. 2 left.




01-11-2007, 07:07 PM
D.M. and that Ion kid (may be the same person)

01-11-2007, 07:12 PM
not having a ducati.

people who are so rich they have an indoor pool and hotub, and a ps3 even though they dont play videogames. <.< unless they're a friend, of course.

01-11-2007, 07:34 PM
not having a ducati.

people who are so rich they have an indoor pool and hotub, and a ps3 even though they dont play videogames. <.< unless they're a friend, of course.

Off my lawn!!1

01-12-2007, 12:55 AM
If that's your ex, then you need to start kicking yourself now and don't stop kicking until I post that you can stop!

fortantly not flexable to kick my self in the nads but yeah thats what fire hydrants are for. And she wanted to do something bad thing she lives in california now but you never know.

01-12-2007, 02:36 PM
it still amazes me that girls are stupid enough to send pictures like that to guys. or do they just not care that its going to get circulated around to everyone?

...then again, she does like a guy who can't form a coherent sentence.

01-12-2007, 03:44 PM
Robotics Subteam Leaders.

I give them the simplest task, which consists of filling out a very simple form, and all but 1 cannot figure it out.

01-12-2007, 04:06 PM
Robotics Subteam Leaders.

I give them the simplest task, which consists of filling out a very simple form, and all but 1 cannot figure it out.
dont get me started on documentation. last year i spent weeks reminding people that they had to get it done... only one person had it finished before the plane ride.

and i hate pro/engineer's user interface, with the exception of sketcher.

01-12-2007, 06:49 PM
I hate a good percentage of people who have contributed to this thread.

01-12-2007, 07:04 PM
I hate a good percentage of people who have contributed to this thread.
i hate percentages.

01-12-2007, 11:27 PM
I hate ratios.

01-13-2007, 04:38 PM
I hate minorities.

01-14-2007, 11:26 AM
I hate people that think paintball is a war prep game, not a rec game. See D.M. for all details.

bam wannabe
01-15-2007, 12:14 AM
I hate silent letters. WHY PUT IT IN THE WORD, IF WE DONT PRONOUNCE IT!?! :cuss:

01-15-2007, 12:45 AM
I hate silent letters. WHY PUT IT IN THE WORD, IF WE DONT PRONOUNCE IT!?! :cuss:

Blame Canada? haha j/p i saw that opportunity :)

i hate terrible stand up comedians. Some people just arent funny, too bad it takes a crowd to tell them instead of thier parents.

01-15-2007, 01:41 PM
I hate people who think that they are the best paintballers in the world because they get lucky a few times.

01-15-2007, 03:01 PM
I hate people that think paintball is a war prep game, not a rec game. See D.M. for all details.


01-15-2007, 03:12 PM
if paintball is a war prep game, who the heck would want to go to war? everyone gets hit at least once a day.

01-15-2007, 04:23 PM
I STILL hate the cold miserable snow... and yes it's still snowy from about 3 weeks ago. It has only warmed up past freezing a couple of times since then and only for short periods at that.

It got down to 10 below last night.
When I go outside my nostrils and moustache freeze up from the condensation in my breath.
Some of our cattle are starting to die from the cold...
At least the sun is out today, but it's still below freezing.

01-15-2007, 05:22 PM
I STILL hate the cold miserable snow... and yes it's still snowy from about 3 weeks ago. It has only warmed up past freezing a couple of times since then and only for short periods at that.

It got down to 10 below last night.
When I go outside my nostrils and moustache freeze up from the condensation in my breath.
Some of our cattle are starting to die from the cold...
At least the sun is out today, but it's still below freezing.

Try waking up at 6 in the morning to run a couple miles in that every damned day. Yay, 10th MTN! Oh well, at least Im not at Ft Hood any more sitting in a MOPP suit for 4 hours in 120 degree heat while its humid as heck out.

01-15-2007, 05:36 PM
Try waking up at 6 in the morning to run a couple miles in that every damned day. Yay, 10th MTN! Oh well, at least Im not at Ft Hood any more sitting in a MOPP suit for 4 hours in 120 degree heat while its humid as heck out.

I'm looking forward to PT in the cold. I figured it'd be more motivation for me to warm myself via physical exertion. Well. Not that I'd need the motivation with a Leatherneck D.I. in my face.

/not looking forward to the quarterdeck

Also: I hate avocado and mushrooms.

01-15-2007, 05:42 PM
I'm looking forward to PT in the cold. I figured it'd be more motivation for me to warm myself via physical exertion. Well. Not that I'd need the motivation with a Leatherneck D.I. in my face.

/not looking forward to the quarterdeck

Also: I hate avocado and mushrooms.

Marines dont go anywhere cold. They might go some places that get a little coolish, but not cold. Not Ft Drum cold.

01-15-2007, 05:42 PM
Marines dont go anywhere cold. They might go some places that get a little coolish, but not cold. Not Ft Drum cold.

You're not going to cry now Ken, are you?
It gets cold here in San Diego, I swear!
A few days ago, I had to wear long pants.

01-15-2007, 05:47 PM
I hate you.

01-15-2007, 05:52 PM
I hate you.

Epic response.

/BRB gotta go enjoy my freedom while I still have it.

01-15-2007, 05:56 PM
Im sorry, I dont hate you. I love you. Its just that its 330 in the morning, and I dont feel like going to bed even though I have to work in 5 hours. That, and I havent gotten laid in months. Werent you supposed to send me a hooker?

01-15-2007, 05:59 PM
Im sorry, I dont hate you. I love you. Its just that its 330 in the morning, and I dont feel like going to bed even though I have to work in 5 hours. That, and I havent gotten laid in months. Werent you supposed to send me a hooker?

I would have, but she dumped me.


It was Chelsea's initial idea, so I let her be in charge of sending you a care package.

If you didn't get it, she didn't send it.

01-15-2007, 06:14 PM
Ouch, thats cold.

As far as the package, she was full of excuses. "I cant send a woman, she would die on the way." "I cant sent a dehydrated nasa-space food type woman, shed die and sex would be dry and uncomfortable". Lame.

01-15-2007, 06:17 PM
Ouch, thats cold.

As far as the package, she was full of excuses. "I cant send a woman, she would die on the way." "I cant sent a dehydrated nasa-space food type woman, shed die and sex would be dry and uncomfortable". Lame.

She was always full of excuses.

On a side note, I played football with the local groundpounders here, and they play alot differently that the way we did in highschool.

I hate feeling sore.

01-15-2007, 06:26 PM
Oh my, youre going to love boot. Theres a point beyond sore where you cant feel anything and you start twitching like crazy. Its pretty interesting.

Alright, 4 in the morning. Time for bed.

01-15-2007, 06:27 PM
Oh my, youre going to love boot. Theres a point beyond sore where you cant feel anything and you start twitching like crazy. Its pretty interesting.

Alright, 4 in the morning. Time for bed.

Stay safe Ken.
We miss you.