View Full Version : XMag Questions

08-22-2006, 05:51 PM
Can somebody please explain all that goes into making your mag electronic. I might be purchasing emag lowers soon for my RT Pro. Can i use the stock body and valve? i have a rt valve w/ level x. also, what is dwell and how do i set it? The lowers have xmod beta 1.8.
is this good software? do y'all recommend it?


08-22-2006, 05:58 PM
also what is the actual defintion of an xmag. is it just a mag made electronic or what???

08-22-2006, 06:17 PM

what all are my future capabilities if i do decide to purchase the emag lowers with xmod 1.8? is this a good purchase?


08-22-2006, 06:50 PM
The best thing I could tell you to do is search and read.

An Emag is, simply put, an RTP with different lowers. An Xmag is an Emag, but in a body that was designed as the body and rail integrated, with a modular breech. An Xmag is an Emag, but Emags aren't all Xmags.

The software you are talking about is the future of the Emag software. I would not look to see too many future improvements on it. The only other thing that might happen someday is the Emag predator board........ :rolleyes:

Oh...and you will have to get a different on/off pin for your RT valve to work right on the Emag lowers.

08-22-2006, 07:46 PM
If you get something with X-Mod, be sure you get the programmer with it. It's a piece of hardware that allows you to flash the marker with newer software. It connects to your computer and then to the board in the marker.

You can find out more on the software here...http://www.niedtech.com/