View Full Version : you guys ever like to read through the archives?

08-26-2006, 05:30 PM
i just sat here for a while and read a bunch of the old threads and posts from the forum. i saw a lot of names you don't see any more, a bunch of threads of a like you don't read any more, and a bunch of great jabs and flames and jokes you don't hear in your head as you read them any more. remembering some of the old threads and searching for them is more entertaining than it sounds, i laughed 'til my jaw hurt. reading the old conflicts and disasters and seeing some of the worn out macros for the FIRST time (remember when arguing on the internet was more retarded than actually posting that picture? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/LittlePaintballBoy/dodgy.gif) it's good stuff.

whether you've been here long or not, remember it all or none of it, read through, and remember what it was, is, and what it still could be.

/ya rly

08-26-2006, 06:34 PM
hahaha, that is cool.

I read this one and felt old: I posted in it when I was 18, still in high school. Now I'm 23. Graduated college and been working for over a year. wow.

It is amazing how many of the names I recognize. The forum was a lot smaller back then, but very active. Now there are so many people, everyone seems like someone new.

hehe, one of the old threads was "post your AIM/AOL name". We were putting down ICQ numbers. ICQ was awesome. You could message people when they were offline.

*edit - We just talked about paintball in the xgames. Here is a wicked old thread about it.


08-26-2006, 07:17 PM
hah, it's just funny to see the contrast.

in the x-games thread it talks about how men running around in the forest wouldn't appeal to viewers... look where televised paintball is now, haha.

08-28-2006, 11:58 AM
Find any threads back when, well, you know...

/no wai!

08-28-2006, 12:09 PM
I was on vacation last week, and killing time. Found myself going through r.s.p archives via googlegroups. That was a trip back. Reading posts from 10 years ago. What ever happened to AZHozers?


08-28-2006, 01:08 PM
I was on vacation last week, and killing time. Found myself going through r.s.p archives via googlegroups. That was a trip back. Reading posts from 10 years ago. What ever happened to AZHozers?

That was pre-AGD days, when Andy and Flamebo owned it. There are only a tiny few of us from those days still here; Myself and Flamebo is all I can think of right now.