View Full Version : Say hello to the newest pneumag on the block

08-26-2006, 06:40 PM
<a href="http://i8.tinypic.com/25z111v.jpg"><img src="http://i8.tinypic.com/25z111v.jpg width="300" height="225"></img></a>

<a href="http://i8.tinypic.com/25z14i0.jpg"><img src="http://i8.tinypic.com/25z14i0.jpg" width="300" height="225"></img></a>

My new baby. With a re-installed trigger guard. Let's see:

ULE body
Intelli frame
Pneu-trigger with trigger stops, sear stop, and QEV
Reverse angle LPR routed through the grip panel
Mongoose foregrip
RPG Recon Rail
Clamping feedneck

I think I'm about ready to go out and :shooting: :headbang: on some newbs :D
Oh wait, I still need to find a red Halo B. Looks like a trip to the Nation for me...

<a href="http://i1.tinypic.com/25qagx3.jpg"><img src="http://i1.tinypic.com/25qagx3.jpg" width="300" height="225"></img></a>

Pics of the internals:
<a href="http://i2.tinypic.com/25z17qa.jpg"><img src="http://i2.tinypic.com/25z17qa.jpg" width="300" height="225"></img></a>
<a href="http://i7.tinypic.com/25z18oo.jpg"><img src="http://i7.tinypic.com/25z18oo.jpg" width="300" height="225"></img></a>
<a href="http://i4.tinypic.com/25z1bls.jpg"><img src="http://i4.tinypic.com/25z1bls.jpg" width="300" height="225"></img></a>

And a video since someone requested it. It chuffs, and shortstrokes a lot in this. I think its my tank having flowrate issues, since the tank caused the same symptoms on another mag I've got, but this mag worked fine with another tank I've got before I ran out of air in that one.
<embed width="352" height="288" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://v1.tinypic.com/player.swf?file=data30/66/25z1gki"></embed>

08-26-2006, 07:44 PM
:D Nice pneumag! Very clean, and kinda neat how you've got the LPR through the ASA.

08-26-2006, 07:56 PM
Thats pretty cool. The lpr setup is nice.

Why'd you have to cut the guard?

08-26-2006, 07:57 PM
thats definately one of the more unique pneumag designs, with the lpr by the asa n all. but cool none the less! i love the foregrip!

08-26-2006, 08:00 PM
Thats pretty cool. The lpr setup is nice.

Why'd you have to cut the guard?

Had to cut the guard since my skinny drill bit wasn't long enough to reach all the way through the metal behind the trigger for the new trigger rod. Didn't want to, but didn't have any other options at that point. Maybe next time I'll go buy a longer drill bit.

08-26-2006, 08:22 PM

08-26-2006, 10:04 PM
u should epoxy the trigger guard back onto the frame and color it with a sharpie

08-27-2006, 12:52 AM
nice clean looking mag great job, and I love the lp reg positioning

08-27-2006, 02:17 AM
Looks great, you did a really nice job

08-28-2006, 11:47 AM
I personally really like the LPR in that location. I did the same thing (though just ahve it pointing forward) for my Electro-pneumatic Mag I made. I just ran the hose up through the bottom of the grip frame and it meant less drilling/grinding (and I didn't like the idea of hacking up my new Gloss black Recon Rail!)



Again, nice looking Pneu-Mag. I really enjoy seeing all the people attempting these conversions out there.

08-28-2006, 02:00 PM
koleah and Loco_AEXY... Nice PneuMags guys! :cool:

I'm adding your Mag's images to the PneuMag Database. Please let me know if you want me to remove them.


08-28-2006, 05:54 PM
koleah and Loco_AEXY... Nice PneuMags guys! :cool:

I'm adding your Mag's images to the PneuMag Database. Please let me know if you want me to remove them.


By all means add it. Thanks for the compliment. However just want to clarify mine is Electro-pneumatic (there is a Mini Morlock hiding in there!) so if the database is meant for purely mech...you know... Building it was half the fun, and I am still shocked by how great is shoots everytime I play (when I can actually get away from work... :cuss: )

08-28-2006, 06:20 PM
koleah and Loco_AEXY... Nice PneuMags guys! :cool:

I'm adding your Mag's images to the PneuMag Database. Please let me know if you want me to remove them.


Hang on a couple of days/weeks, and I'll have some pics with the trigger guard JB Welded back into place so it looks just a little cleaner.


08-28-2006, 07:17 PM
Loco_AEXY... well noted. Electro-pneumatic it is!

koleah... can't wait to see th final product.

Can you guys take pics of the internals? Thanks.


08-28-2006, 07:47 PM
look great, need vids :argh:

08-28-2006, 10:39 PM
Should be the final edit. Got some final photos of the gun, internals, and a video up.

Time for the next one. Can't wait to get my frame from 720datsun.