View Full Version : Help with R/T and Hyperframe questions

12-26-2001, 02:58 AM
I just got and r/t and was wondering if I could put a hyperframe on it to make it electric or would an intelliframe be better. Looking for help from the experts I am new to paintball and really wanted an emag but, got a good deal on an r/t. Thanks in advance

12-26-2001, 02:39 PM
you COULD put either, I have an RT with Hyperframe and it works. I also have a 2 finger trigger similar to the Intelliframe. However, the 2 frames are completely different. An intelliframe is about $120 and is purely mechanical. (you can short stroke it too) The benefit here is it can also hook up to a revvy or warp to spin each trigger pull.
A Hyperframe is about $300+ dollars new in the store. Then has to be sent to Centerflag to be modified to fit an RT, I paid an extra $100 for that.
www.centerflagproducts.com has the description of the Hyperframe in there. The biggest thing I like about the hyperframe is not shortstroking when running or too excited trying to shoot too fast. As for modes..they are cool, but I play tourney ball where they aren't allowed.

Point is, you can't go wrong with either. But price has got to be a factor.

12-26-2001, 02:43 PM
Thanks Alot I think I might go with the intelliframe then.

12-27-2001, 09:19 AM
id get an intelli too, just because your using it on an rt and i think you can shoot faster with an intelli on an rt the a hyperframe on one.imo

12-27-2001, 03:12 PM
Thanks dye I appreciate the info from all the more experienced players.

12-27-2001, 06:44 PM
one more thing, you couldnt shoot faster with a intelli on a stock valve then a hyper, but you can on an RT because if the kick back of the trigger is amazin, you can get runaway fairly simple but you gotta make sure not to chop