View Full Version : Price check

08-28-2006, 05:01 PM
I think I'm done... I expect OGD will be my last recurring event....

That being said, I need a rough idea on what I should be able to get out of some of my equipment, preferrably as a package

My Minion - red, very light wear from use - with Dye Ultralite barrel, UN1 board, and M5 chip. Still have stock board and a stock chip from a DM4 I'd throw in the unused stock driver barrel

Empire B - Heavy wear from use, fully functional

PE 45/45 low output tank - New last year, in cover entire life.

I think I'll keep one set up for my Mag, but basically everything in my gear bag is going to go

I'm thinking it should be worth $850 to $900 Am I far off?

08-28-2006, 05:06 PM
you're done with paintball? :(

08-28-2006, 05:07 PM
Very likely. If I decide I want to play again I will rebuy equipment. I've had enough of the scene, and cannot seperate myself from the scene...

08-28-2006, 05:11 PM
Best I could suggest is that you find a local buyer who recognises the value in your stuff. The value of used equipment online is in the dump....you know this.

What pushed you over the edge in your decision?

08-28-2006, 05:13 PM
Very likely. If I decide I want to play again I will rebuy equipment. I've had enough of the scene, and cannot seperate myself from the scene...

sad to hear that...I was thinking of moving to Michigan and was hoping to have some AOer's to play with. :shooting: Hopefully you'll remain an active member of this forum. :cheers:

08-28-2006, 05:21 PM
There is no single thing... when I went to Chicago this year it was with the full possibility that I would walk away in the middle of the event. I even had a letter of resignation of typed in my car for the team that had all the important details noone but me really knew (contact #'s, PSP id #'s, that type of thing). Obviously I had issues before I went.

I think, for awhile, I have really only played for my team. I have told them all year they needed to replace me, I no longer show up for practices, run team drills on Sunday, or anything else. So when I find myself on the B team I find myself outside of the people I normally play with. I want to say this is not a factor. It maybe, but my team, who are all my friends, are in no way to blame for it. It was a decision I made and they simply carried through with.

I played Sunday with people I really like. Friends. Granted we got pushed into the upper divison, but we should have done fine. I hated the entire day. Going in it didn't matter if we did good or bad, I was not in a good mood. I couldn't piece together a "good" move all day. When I had one kid, probably twelve, have his life saved by the fact that I was already around the net when he started spouting his mouth off, I kinda realized that I no longer like it. I was, at one time, able to play the scene, be part of it, yell and whine back wtih the best of them... I no longer have a want to.

It was basically a sudden choice made Saturday night before tournament. Nothing about Sunday could have really changed anything. In fact, as late as last Friday I was contemplating ordering a new marker. It was really that sudden

I'll keep my pneumag... I hope to have the desire to play OGD every year. If I do, I will. If I don't...

I keep enough options. If I want back in, I'll buy the equipment to play again.

08-28-2006, 07:01 PM
There is no single thing... when I went to Chicago this year it was with the full possibility that I would walk away in the middle of the event. I even had a letter of resignation of typed in my car for the team that had all the important details noone but me really knew (contact #'s, PSP id #'s, that type of thing). Obviously I had issues before I went.

I think, for awhile, I have really only played for my team. I have told them all year they needed to replace me, I no longer show up for practices, run team drills on Sunday, or anything else. So when I find myself on the B team I find myself outside of the people I normally play with. I want to say this is not a factor. It maybe, but my team, who are all my friends, are in no way to blame for it. It was a decision I made and they simply carried through with.

I played Sunday with people I really like. Friends. Granted we got pushed into the upper divison, but we should have done fine. I hated the entire day. Going in it didn't matter if we did good or bad, I was not in a good mood. I couldn't piece together a "good" move all day. When I had one kid, probably twelve, have his life saved by the fact that I was already around the net when he started spouting his mouth off, I kinda realized that I no longer like it. I was, at one time, able to play the scene, be part of it, yell and whine back wtih the best of them... I no longer have a want to.

It was basically a sudden choice made Saturday night before tournament. Nothing about Sunday could have really changed anything. In fact, as late as last Friday I was contemplating ordering a new marker. It was really that sudden

I'll keep my pneumag... I hope to have the desire to play OGD every year. If I do, I will. If I don't...

I keep enough options. If I want back in, I'll buy the equipment to play again.
Sorry to hear that your leaving man. You seemed like a cool guy at that event in Millington... Good luck selling your gear. Also where in West MI are you? I am back at Ferris State and cannot find a nice field around here...

08-28-2006, 07:20 PM
Take some time off. Unless you're strapped, I question is its worth your while trying to recoup equipment costs.

On the flip, you get to buy all new gear if/when you decide to come back. So there's that to think of. ;)

08-28-2006, 07:28 PM
Getting away from the 'scene' is a good move bro....

Gotta find yourself someplace to play with better people.. maybe you can start enjoying it again. As much as I like PLAYING speedball, Ive found that I am enjoying scenario and woodsball much much more. This is a game, I hope can find some fun in it again.

08-28-2006, 07:53 PM
It is REALLY REALLY hardto adjust, but you will probably find playing rec with other good players much more fun. I know I did. It took a lot of adjustment, but it only took me a few years to make it. ;)

It is the tournament paintball scene you don't like, not paintball. You might want to try out regular old paintball.


08-28-2006, 07:59 PM
It seems as if your problem lies with the competitive side of paintball. If it were me, I would go back to the woods and just have fun. Meet new guys and enjoy yourself.

However, I doubt this will be of any help.

Price check:

Minion will probably sell for $500-550.
Tank will sell for $135-$150 depending on buyer.
Empire B will sell for $65 or so.

08-28-2006, 08:24 PM
i recently quit as well...friday or saturday i believe....i dont know if im done..but my team sort of broke apart and i cant see myself playing with anyone else..i have mixed emotions about the game and its hard to let go..i for sure will still be in the "scene" just to keep up with it......

08-28-2006, 08:45 PM
gotta admit, i too have been on the bandwagon of taking a break. haven't paintballed in months and really don't miss it too much. if some good friends want me to go with them in a private group or to a smaller field, i'll happily go, but i'm not really seeking out the nearest field within 300 miles like i use to. i'm not itching to get out there like i was for my first 5 or 6 years. i won't even touch the tourny paintball scene.

either way, it would be disappointing if you left paintball all together though!

08-28-2006, 09:34 PM
I too may be taking a break from tournaments, but not paintball. Untill I find a decent team I actually want to play with again, i think ill be pumping. :(

08-28-2006, 10:10 PM
It is REALLY REALLY hardto adjust, but you will probably find playing rec with other good players much more fun. I know I did. It took a lot of adjustment, but it only took me a few years to make it. ;)

It is the tournament paintball scene you don't like, not paintball. You might want to try out regular old paintball.


I'll be a third on this. I had such a great time two weekends ago playing woodsball. I took a buddy of mine that had never played, ran into a few mag shooters, and had a blast. It was FUN. It was go sling paint, meet people, and go for beers afterwards fun. After a few events, I'll never do tourney again. Not knocking those that do, but I have a job, and paintball isn't it.

08-28-2006, 10:25 PM
I agree with the others on this. In woodsball, there is NO pressure to perform. You just play for the sheer fun of it. No point standings, no deadline. Get out and play cowboys and injuns for a while. :D

08-28-2006, 10:34 PM
I will add to what I said earlier. Try playing in a decent scenario game if at all possible. It is still competitive, but only on the field. Off the field everyone is extremely nice to one and other. It rekindles alot of player's yearn to play. It is very easy to get a full weekend of amazing memories out of them.

08-28-2006, 11:19 PM
There is no single thing... when I went to Chicago this year it was with the full possibility that I would walk away in the middle of the event. I even had a letter of resignation of typed in my car for the team that had all the important details noone but me really knew (contact #'s, PSP id #'s, that type of thing). Obviously I had issues before I went.

I think, for awhile, I have really only played for my team. I have told them all year they needed to replace me, I no longer show up for practices, run team drills on Sunday, or anything else. So when I find myself on the B team I find myself outside of the people I normally play with. I want to say this is not a factor. It maybe, but my team, who are all my friends, are in no way to blame for it. It was a decision I made and they simply carried through with.

I played Sunday with people I really like. Friends. Granted we got pushed into the upper divison, but we should have done fine. I hated the entire day. Going in it didn't matter if we did good or bad, I was not in a good mood. I couldn't piece together a "good" move all day. When I had one kid, probably twelve, have his life saved by the fact that I was already around the net when he started spouting his mouth off, I kinda realized that I no longer like it. I was, at one time, able to play the scene, be part of it, yell and whine back wtih the best of them... I no longer have a want to.

It was basically a sudden choice made Saturday night before tournament. Nothing about Sunday could have really changed anything. In fact, as late as last Friday I was contemplating ordering a new marker. It was really that sudden

I'll keep my pneumag... I hope to have the desire to play OGD every year. If I do, I will. If I don't...

I keep enough options. If I want back in, I'll buy the equipment to play again.

Have you ever thought your just a prick and should get out of the scene based on that alone? :ninja: :D :cheers:

08-29-2006, 12:50 AM
do what feels right.
but please don't leave the forum. you're one of the guys that make this place great.

08-29-2006, 09:06 AM
Go take up another hobby for awhile, in a few months when you start wanting to come back, pick up a used phantom and just play recball/woods ball and rember what it was like before it got comptitive for you.

08-29-2006, 09:13 AM
Problem is, he plays at one of the most non-competitive fields in the area (on regular open play days).

I would say put it on the wall at colors, If you try and sell it online you arnt going to get near as much as you paid for it....

Try going to Hells suvivors one of these weekends with there big scenarios :ninja:

edit: Post 700!!!!! :clap:

08-29-2006, 08:11 PM
I agree with the others on this. In woodsball, there is NO pressure to perform. You just play for the sheer fun of it. No point standings, no deadline. Get out and play cowboys and injuns for a while. :D
ye, but the only thing with woodsball...is...its.........BORING sorry just my personal opinion..then again at one of the rec fields where i play its called "the village" and its very speedball like..its fun to get like 4 speedballers and run the left side and just go through and one ball everyone...but thats about as close to fun "woodsball" can get in my opinion.

08-29-2006, 08:25 PM
I'm not sure I liked paintball this year. I played because I had friends who wanted me to. I played, frankly because I was good enough to be recognized at it... I don't know anymore. On one hand I am very ready to quit, and have made steps in that direction. On the other hand.... I wonder what to do if I do quit. I worry that what I'm doing has to do with issues that are not paintball related and Im going to regret it in a year.

08-29-2006, 09:16 PM
I'm not sure I liked paintball this year. I played because I had friends who wanted me to. I played, frankly because I was good enough to be recognized at it... I don't know anymore. On one hand I am very ready to quit, and have made steps in that direction. On the other hand.... I wonder what to do if I do quit. I worry that what I'm doing has to do with issues that are not paintball related and Im going to regret it in a year.

i love paintball n all, but in the end....its just paintball. pball isn't going anywhere a year or two from now, so if you were to leave and change your mind, i'm guessing it probably wouldn't be too hard for you to pick up where you left off.

if youre just sick the tourney scene, you might wanna look into selling some of your non-essential gear and just stick with rec for awhile. find a really laid back field and just mess around there. if you still don't have a good time, well theres a lot of other fun stuff to do in the world.

just keep in mind; you don't HAVE to sell your gear, theres no rule saying you CAN'T come back. you just sound a little burned out.

08-29-2006, 09:50 PM
heh i feel the same way about football