View Full Version : Questions about X-Mag and getting one

08-30-2006, 09:47 PM
Hello all. I am new to this forum, so sorry if some of these questions have already been asked. I have been a Loyal AGD player for 12 years and have been playing with my minimag ever since it came out. I am thinking about switching to an E-Mag or an X-Mag. Which one is better? Added to that, why can't you buy an x-mag direct from AGD. I found some on ebay a while ago...and what should look for when buying a used E-mag or X-Mag. Any ideas would be very helpful. Thanks.

08-30-2006, 10:40 PM
The X-mag is better. In most cases, it has better software, they have ACE which is anti chop eyes, and they look dead sexy.

You cant buy an X-mag from AGD because they havnt been made for a few years. There were only about 1000 made, so they are fairly rare.

When you are looking for an X-mag, make sure that it comes with the breech that you need, there are 3 different breeches that I know of, warp left, warp right, and vert. Also, make sure that the gun has working ACE, but its not a big deal if it doesnt, the ACE on my X-mag doesnt work, but the level 10 works just fine as far as an anti chop goes.

08-31-2006, 11:59 AM
a couple of tips:

functionally an emag valve and and xvalve are identical, the only difference is the xvalve is all aluminum while the emag valve is partly stainless steel

You'l want a Level X bolt, and at least the car charger. (wall chargers are aftermarket, but well worth the investment)

Make sure the yellow plastic pin is there as well or else you won't be able to shut off the battery.

Be sure to find out what software version it has. Anything older than 3.2 and you'l probably want to get it updated (Unless it had xmod, 1.7 or 1.8 if you can get your hands onthe programmer as well, that's a bonus)

08-31-2006, 01:46 PM
You can get some pretty good deals for emags on ebay right now, seen one go for less than $400, and I bought one on here for $400 if you get it for that cheap you can put a nice body on it like a Karta or Dallara and they look great. Also a few on here, nice anno jobs etc. As for x-mags look to spend around $700-$1000, I picked mine up on ebay for $700 about three months ago. I now have both. I think the main benifit of the x-mag is the breeches, but for the price you could buy two ULE bodies for the emag one vert. one warp. and basically have the same just not as cool looking IMO. As far as I see it you are paying $300 to have the eyes (which you don't need with a properly tuned lvl X) and looks.

09-02-2006, 12:38 AM
Make sure the yellow plastic pin is there as well or else you won't be able to shut off the battery.

You forget, that the X-mags ACE board has an on/off switch ;)

09-02-2006, 09:47 AM
that's assuming he's getting an xmag and it has a functional ACE board, both of which are HUGE assumptions.


09-02-2006, 10:10 AM
I dont have a functioning ACE board, but my on/off switch still works.