View Full Version : pod theifing?

09-03-2006, 03:09 PM
so i read this artical here pod theifing (http://paintball.com/features/story.cfm?placementid=4630&clickon=FSS)
it basicly said theres a code of conduct that makes it OK to steal peoples pods, i cant say i agree with that. has anyone heard of this?

Dharma punk
09-03-2006, 03:31 PM
Never heard of it, but I hope the guy that tries to steal my pods also subscribes to MY code of conduct that says anyone stelaing any of my stuff gets to have a conversation with my Louisville. Stealing is wrong, regardless of some ridiculous "Code of Conduct"

09-03-2006, 03:38 PM
lol, id say the newer generation of players wised up and dont want their **** stolen. If that guy tried to steal my pods (or anyone else for that matter) i would in fact get pissed off and prob have to hurt someone. If pods are left laying around in random spots where no one is at i can understand wher eit may be ok.

09-03-2006, 03:42 PM
i hate people like this. I have seen the ammount of left over pods at a feild. They are never clamed and are picked up by reffs i have seen up to 200 used pods in a office before that are unclammed pods. I do not think stealing pods is ok but come on people keep track of your stuff and it wont get stolen. I have my own pods that can be identified from a mile away so just try and steal my pods. I will rip it out your harness and smash you over the head withy my pod.

This is just my openion i could be wrong


09-03-2006, 03:43 PM
I'm quite sure that the article was meant for humor's sake. Who cares anyways? If you leave your pods on the field then you're being careless and it's your own fault. Now if someone walks over to your gear and snags one or a couple, just pull em back by the collar and let them know who's pods they just mistook as their own. Not a big deal.

09-03-2006, 04:00 PM
You guys read too deep into articles...

09-03-2006, 04:02 PM
Like that wiping article in APG. So many people got pissed off when it was obviously a joke.

Dharma punk
09-03-2006, 04:03 PM
Yeah, I assumed it was a joke as well. This also leads me to believe so:

"*The author of this article does not condone stealing. The author is not encouraging the theft of any personal property and reminds readers that theft is a criminal offence. This article is simply stating unwritten rules from previous generations and the code of conduct does not exempt any person from criminal sanctions. Pod Thieving should be undertaken at your own risk. "

09-03-2006, 04:31 PM
You guys read too deep into articles...


To be honest, if I see a pod on the field for more than an hour and I have no way to recognize it, I will probably take it. I have lost track of pods, which have been "stolen". The general consensus is that pods are cheap and it is a take and leave type thing. If you leave a pod on the field, just grab any other pod on the field. God knows the last thing I am thinking about when playing a tough game is where I left a pod....

09-03-2006, 04:58 PM
you know, he is kinda right.

however, stealing is wrong. if someone steals something from me hopefully they like the taste of blood. ive had 2 masks stolen and around 7 pods. I dont see why they stole the pods, they were basically a ducttape mess. lol.

09-03-2006, 05:50 PM
NPPL 2003 tampa...i was reffing the angel field.....had about 10 abandoned pods in a pile in my corner.

going to the hutch to get a drink i noted some little kid on the cleaning crew carrying a JT shopping bag. i came back and pods were gone.

some people will go to great lengths to yoink little things like pods.

09-03-2006, 07:28 PM
the only way i see it ok to take ppls pods are if they leave them on the field after they play a game. if they dont go around and pic up all of their pods then they are fair game. i dont agree with the part where he said that any pod not on the person is ok to take.

09-03-2006, 07:30 PM
:confused: but i still want to know what "past generation" this is suposed to be common knowlage to!

09-03-2006, 07:59 PM
R-E-T-A-R-D-E-D :tard:

09-03-2006, 09:15 PM
I think is just a joke, especially when he says stuff like this:

Simply stating, “Hey, you stole my pod, I am taking it back” is not acceptable and at this point you will look very petty and most likely lose any friends you have around you. A much better response of, “Oh you bastard! I’ll get my pods back, you just wait!” shows that you are playing by the rules, are not weak or pathetic

09-03-2006, 10:36 PM
all of my pods are very recognizable (i print quotes on them and saying like "EQUIPPED WITH A EXPLOSIVE ANTI-THEFT DEVICE)

09-04-2006, 12:13 AM
i was thinking back, and i probably wouldnt be the person to punch somebody over a pod, unless i just felt good that day. Id be the person to say "i think you have my pod..." like the guy from office space :) (i did this in word, pod is underlined in green, and im too lazy to change it.)

http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/1294/mypodln2.png (http://imageshack.us)

09-04-2006, 12:34 AM
i was thinking back, and i probably wouldnt be the person to punch somebody over a pod, unless i just felt good that day. Id be the person to say "i think you have my pod..." like the guy from office space :) (QUICK! someone photoshop that!)

first day of classes tomarrow and i am NOT sleeping :D (why get off to a good start?)

09-04-2006, 12:36 AM
lol, nice. we are a minute off.

09-04-2006, 12:53 AM
If you leave pods on the field after a game there mine. If I leave pods on the field there yours.

09-04-2006, 02:01 AM
the author may be kidding, but when the kiddies read the article, it'll probably give them ideas or they may not get it.
ofcourse if someone leaves a pod on the playing field, and 3 weeks later its still there; i'll crawl over people to be the first one to it.

but in the staging area;
if ANYONE comes near my gear and tries to blatantly steal ANYTHING i have on that table or around in my immediate area, there will be big problems. if i catch them, and they use that stupid "code from that article" as an excuse, thats just going to make me more upset. itd be like blaming marilyn manson for shooting up your school.

09-04-2006, 09:17 AM
That's a pretty funny read.

Only "conduct" I go by is when playing with the harder core Tourny teams. In a nut shell , no one really cares whose pod is whose as long as you leave the field with no more than you came on with. I regulary come home with a whole 'new' collection of pods , but always the same number of 'em. ;)

That's also why I NEVER buy expensive pods , never wanna give better than you might get. :ninja:

50 cal
09-04-2006, 10:24 AM
I leave the "pod thiefing" to the wannabe players that have no life. Their whole existence revolves around gathering up other peoples stuff and laughing like little school girls about it with the other little school girls.

I take 4 or 5 pods on the field with me and only bring off my own. how hard is it to put it back into the pack?

09-04-2006, 10:34 AM
I leave the "pod thiefing" to the wannabe players that have no life. Their whole existence revolves around gathering up other peoples stuff and laughing like little school girls about it with the other little school girls.

I take 4 or 5 pods on the field with me and only bring off my own. how hard is it to put it back into the pack?

seconded x100

"ehehehehe he shot me but i stole his pod! ehehehehehe!"

09-04-2006, 11:18 AM
all of my pods are very recognizable (i print quotes on them and saying like "EQUIPPED WITH A EXPLOSIVE ANTI-THEFT DEVICE)

Lol, some of my pods have a sticker stating it is electronicly protected. :D Nobody should make the mistake of taking my pods, they are clearly labeled with my name on them with magic marker and clear tape over that so it doesnt fade off. On the woodsball field i never leave my pods, i just pop them back in my pack, but in speedball the worst thing you can do is picking up my pods and assume they are yours now....

09-04-2006, 11:53 AM
i know pods are cheap and all and really who cares about them but its the pricipal that bothers me. people thinking its ok to take things that arnt theres just isnt cool.

09-04-2006, 12:17 PM
yea, but a lot of people feel that it's ok just because some one else did it to them, which I dont entirely agree with

09-04-2006, 12:19 PM
yea, but a lot of people feel that it's ok just because some one else did it to them, which I dont entirely agree with
which is why i think that publishing an artical like this, joke or not is stupid and errespnosible.
edit: some one needs to save thouse pics from office space, im sure they will come in handy later here.

09-04-2006, 12:56 PM
If I need to reoad on the field I generall put my pods up against the bunker so it's not in the way or in plain view. And I simply remember where I put ti and to get my pod back after the game.

If some little kid runs ahead of me and grabs my pod, I will simply ask for it back and I will get it back. I only cheap pods, but nevertheless, they are my pods and I do expect them back. Some people may not care what happens to their pods, but that is thier property to give away if they want. But as ar as a paintball ettiquette... I'll keep my pods :argh:

When I'm playing baseball for my college, I expect my bat to be mine after discarding it at the plate, why should this be any different?

09-04-2006, 01:20 PM
From Ryan the Mighty I present to you, anti-theft pod stickers available on Nerd Bunker (http://www.nerdbunker.com)


50 cal
09-04-2006, 02:20 PM
From Ryan the Mighty I present to you, anti-theft pod stickers available on Nerd Bunker (http://www.nerdbunker.com)


That is a riot! I have to get some of those!!

Thanks for the link.

09-04-2006, 04:33 PM
The only time I ever pick up pods is if they've been sitting on the side of a field for more than 3-4 games. I figure, people deserve a chance to get their pods after a game, and most people will probably only remember it when they're filling for their next game, so it's not fair to yoink them too soon. Once they become 'litter' on the side of the field, they're mine. :)

Same thing with barrel socks. If someone can't simply put it in their pocket, and then leaves it out on the field for a few games, he has demonstrated that he simply doesn't care about it. In fact, I usually just tell people to put them in their pockets, because it's a pain to slip on some guy's barrel condom.

09-04-2006, 05:10 PM
i have only payed for 4 pods in my time paintballing. somehow my first 4 dissapeared, i really have no idea how. i only pick up pods if i need them, or if i find a full one out on the field. i have like 8 pods, but only bring 4 to the field. if i need a pod and see one on the ground, i give it a few hours to be picked up before i'll take it.

09-04-2006, 05:22 PM
Well that is just crazy, if I find a pod I usually just give it to the field officials.

09-04-2006, 05:52 PM
Well that is just crazy, if I find a pod I usually just give it to the field officials.

You should be running the American public school system.

09-05-2006, 02:09 PM
I hope that none of the kids at pbnation read that article :D
and lets not forget that marilyn manson has caused no violence and that it is the misinterperature of his music's fault
remember it's the magical elves that are putting peoples pods on the feild so you get blamed for taking them :ninja:

09-05-2006, 03:56 PM
my elves are shackeled inside my mag and get fed twice a day, so i dont think mine are resposable.

09-05-2006, 04:06 PM

Section 2: Pod Availability

A pod can be stolen when it is no longer in a person’s possession. This would include anywhere on the ground, even beside the owner’s gear bag (although that might be a risky theft).

I'd like to see someone try to steal anything of mine if it's near my gearbag... :mad: :shooting:

Transference of Ownership is instantaneous. If a player recognizes a stolen pod, later, on the same day of the theft or on another day, and this pod has transferred ownership, the previous owner cannot reclaim ownership unless he or she has followed the Pod Thievery Code of Conduct. Simply stating, “Hey, you stole my pod, I am taking it back” is not acceptable and at this point you will look very petty and most likely lose any friends you have around you. A much better response of, “Oh you bastard! I’ll get my pods back, you just wait!” shows that you are playing by the rules, are not weak or pathetic, and might also show that you do not live near the beach. :confused:

Who is this :tard: Curtis Ronning anyway?! And why does he think he should write an article that's sounds like it's author is a brain-dead, degenerate monkey!?!

Oh yeah... :cuss:

09-05-2006, 04:14 PM
im sorry i might be stupid but i dont understand "live near the beach" what the heck does that mean?

09-05-2006, 04:16 PM

He's probably some fool in SoCal or something.

Oh, here's what Doc thinks on the subject:


It's the second shirt down, Commandment VIII :D

09-05-2006, 04:52 PM
Stealing is stealing.

Besides, if you really want free pods, just help clean up after the end of the day. I got half a dozen pods that were just left there after team practices.

09-06-2006, 11:55 PM

He's probably some fool in SoCal or something.

Oh, here's what Doc thinks on the subject:


It's the second shirt down, Commandment VIII :D

lmao, im buying some of thos shirts. the whiteboard = :hail:

09-07-2006, 09:38 AM
im sorry i might be stupid but i dont understand "live near the beach" what the heck does that mean?

In Hawaii and probably in SoCal, the homeless live on the beach.

09-07-2006, 09:02 PM
Never heard of it, but I hope the guy that tries to steal my pods also subscribes to MY code of conduct that says anyone stelaing any of my stuff gets to have a conversation with my Louisville. Stealing is wrong, regardless of some ridiculous "Code of Conduct"

Ok... not that I'm disagreeing with your tactics but does anyone else recognize that it is wrong to steal but it is ok to crack someone with a baseball bat?

Seriously though, I've seen it done (pod stealing). That is why I make sure mine are loaded with either AGD stickers or I write my name on them. It's not right nor acceptable IMO.

09-07-2006, 11:40 PM
Ok... not that I'm disagreeing with your tactics but does anyone else recognize that it is wrong to steal but it is ok to crack someone with a baseball bat?

yeah but it will teach them not to steal things, like i said, i dont care what you take from me. if you take a pod its not that big of a strech to start taking other things.

09-08-2006, 12:14 AM
yeah but it will teach them not to steal things, like i said, i dont care what you take from me. if you take a pod its not that big of a strech to start taking other things.

There is a difference between teaching someone not to steal and commiting a crime against them. (Assault w/ a deadly weapon)

09-08-2006, 05:18 PM
Eh... I just ordered 24 pods for $20 at action village... like... 6 months ago. I still have all of em, but that way I don't have to worry about people stealing them.

don miguel
09-26-2006, 04:52 PM
some dick stole my pod once I was pissed off considering I saw it in his podpack with my name written on it. I just took it out of his pod pack and kept the paint too, and told him to f*** himself until his f****** d*** falls the f*** off!

09-26-2006, 05:55 PM
some dick stole my pod once I was pissed off considering I saw it in his podpack with my name written on it. I just took it out of his pod pack and kept the paint too, and told him to f*** himself until his f****** d*** falls the f*** off!
Due to the graphic content of this post, viewer discretion is advised.


09-26-2006, 11:28 PM
lol I think you need a couple of these stickers on your pods http://www.pbmafia.com/pbmafia_stickers.html

09-27-2006, 11:23 AM
some dick stole my pod once I was pissed off considering I saw it in his podpack with my name written on it. I just took it out of his pod pack and kept the paint too, and told him to f*** himself until his f****** d*** falls the f*** off!

Why hello there, welcome to teh interwebs!

/maybe his tubes are clogged?

09-27-2006, 11:28 AM
Why hello there, welcome to teh interwebs!

/maybe his tubes are clogged?
Well, he certainly isn't a big truck.