View Full Version : School for Scoundrels movie

09-05-2006, 02:25 AM
I think this belongs in paintball talk?

(Im sure this is already on PBN)
Anyway, has anyone seen this trailer for the movie "School for Scoundrels"? It shows a group of guys standing around with paintball guns without masks, and then they start shooting eachother at point blank. This seems like more bad movie publicity the paintball community doesnt need.

09-05-2006, 04:33 AM

09-05-2006, 04:52 AM
cant wait till someone gets a darwin award for something like this :rolleyes:

(for those who dont know, thats when you cause yourself to become impodent by a stupid action; benefiting mankind's gene pool)

09-05-2006, 05:16 AM
(for those who dont know, thats when you cause yourself to become impodent by a stupid action; benefiting mankind's gene pool)
What exactly does that word mean? Even if you are/were trying to say impotent, it still wouldn't make sense--you don't win a Darwin Award for not being able to get an erection...

09-05-2006, 09:10 AM
What exactly does that word mean? Even if you are/were trying to say impotent, it still wouldn't make sense--you don't win a Darwin Award for not being able to get an erection...

sterile, whatever.

09-05-2006, 09:33 AM
How does anyone still think stupid portrayals of paintball do anything to the sport? It doesn't matter how dumb they are in the movies, no one is going to take something in a silly movie as realistic and base their judgement on that.

I'll use my old example, do you see people calling for a ban on shopping carts after Jackass started airing? That was a very bad portrayal of how to use shopping carts. Didn't effect the shopping cart industry very much, did it?

09-05-2006, 09:37 AM
How does anyone still think stupid portrayals of paintball do anything to the sport? It doesn't matter how dumb they are in the movies, no one is going to take something in a silly movie as realistic and base their judgement on that.

I'll use my old example, do you see people calling for a ban on shopping carts after Jackass started airing? That was a very bad portrayal of how to use shopping carts. Didn't effect the shopping cart industry very much, did it?

did shopping carts have an iffy image from the start though?

what about paintball guns?

as far as i see it, paintball is battling more for creating an image; influanced greatly by the media

09-05-2006, 09:39 AM
Go ahead and keep getting worked up over nothing then. Much ado about nothing will only get you much ado, and nothing else.

09-05-2006, 09:41 AM
Go ahead and keep getting worked up over nothing then. Much ado about nothing will only get you much ado, and nothing else.

cause you know, theres never been any bills put forth to ban paintball...

oh wait....

09-05-2006, 09:53 AM
And in each case, do you really think a goofey movie had anything to do with those proposed laws? Get upset about the media's unfair portrayal of real paintball events. Oh wait, it's actually been pretty fair. Stupid kids doing stupid things that invloce paintball guns stories have focused on stupid kids, not on how paintball is evil. Quit getting worked up about fiction. It's fiction. No one in their right mind sees it as anything else. For the small set of people out of their right mind, well they are just plain crazy.

09-05-2006, 09:55 AM
No one in their right mind sees it as anything else. For the small set of people out of their right mind, well they are just plain crazy.

those would be our senators and commitee chairmen/women :D

09-05-2006, 10:01 AM
Yeah, well nothing I can say to dispute that truth.

09-05-2006, 11:13 AM
In Casino.. this dude used a baseball bat. Lets ban baseball... and bats... and stuff

Have to agree with Hexis on this, get over it...

09-05-2006, 11:34 AM
If you really wanna do something about it...find out the email addresses of the producers making movies with false portrails of paintball and just movie producers in general...and go on every paintball forum and have people emailing them and explain the situation..i gurantee they will start to portray paintball as a safe sport....believe me it works...finding the emails might be a challenge but im sure you can find there agencie or organizations email....dont be rude about it but just explain your situation and tell them about the saftey percautions that are taken in the game... and have 100's of others do the same....and if they do make another movie that portrays paintball in a negative way..you email the piss out of them again, this time not so nice....seems uncapable..but it works ask ISLAND/def jam records..

09-05-2006, 12:00 PM
In Casino.. this dude used a baseball bat. Lets ban baseball... and bats... and stuff

Have to agree with Hexis on this, get over it...

I work for banning baseball bats, so I'm really getting a kick out of a lot of these comments?

09-05-2006, 01:01 PM
...you email the piss out of them...You're actually on to something there.

Taking the Janet Jackson "wardrobe malfunction" incident for an example. That had huge repercussions as far as F.C.C. fines and such ... but how many complaints did the F.C.C. really get? Not that many, only a few hundred and the vast majority of them came from one little church group where the pastor had handed out form letters for the parishioners to fill out. Everyone else who saw it went "wow" for 10 seconds, and then got along with their lives again and really didn't give a crap. Normal everyday people like you and me.

A handful of cranks can change everything. It's unfortunate but true.

09-05-2006, 01:06 PM
Most companies can easily deal with, and not care about bulk e-mail. You cite two successful examples out of how many tries?

09-05-2006, 01:52 PM
Mass email is worth the paper it's printed on. If you wanted (and really, why bother?) to have an 'impact' you need to get a lot of people to write real on paper snail-mail sealed-in-an-envelope letters.

Again, really what's the point? Accurate representation in movies? Why bother? Fiction is fiction.

09-05-2006, 02:51 PM
Mass email is worth the paper it's printed on. If you wanted (and really, why bother?) to have an 'impact' you need to get a lot of people to write real on paper snail-mail sealed-in-an-envelope letters.

Email is an effective vehicle. Its actually closing up on snail mail in terms of open rate, lead gen, and conversion rate.

//my line of work

09-05-2006, 03:08 PM
Marketing to consumers and getting a response out of an industry/government represenative is a fully different question.

For me both forms of marketing are equally effective, that is to say not at all. I throw away all advertisements in either medium. I'm a security geek, and anti-spam is one of my things.

09-05-2006, 03:54 PM
with the threat of being shot I am going to say this. . . I thought it was pretty funny.

09-05-2006, 07:50 PM
Most companies can easily deal with, and not care about bulk e-mail. You cite two successful examples out of how many tries?
Example number 1- CKY was signed to ISLAND/Def Jam records...they didnt want to fund a european tour..so cky fans emailed the piss out of them and guess what..they got a euro tour

i believev fireball ministry did the same thing...i thought i had a 2nd one an i think i still do.when i think of specifics ill edit this post..but it can accomplish something ive seen it happen.

09-06-2006, 10:32 AM
that movie actually looks pretty good im going to go watch it.

09-06-2006, 10:34 AM
Example number 1- CKY was signed to ISLAND/Def Jam records...they didnt want to fund a european tour..so cky fans emailed the piss out of them and guess what..they got a euro tour

i believev fireball ministry did the same thing...i thought i had a 2nd one an i think i still do.when i think of specifics ill edit this post..but it can accomplish something ive seen it happen.

Never denied the existance of a point or two. Out of how many tries? 2 (or 20?) out of several hundred thousand?

09-06-2006, 01:24 PM
Never denied the existance of a point or two. Out of how many tries? 2 (or 20?) out of several hundred thousand?
The time with island was a one time thing..people wanted a euro tour so cky, we know and we have told our label..but they dont think there is a demand...so you guys (the fans) tell them and so we did...and they got it...not sure if i understood your question or if it was even about this praticular event or many...

09-06-2006, 01:26 PM
The time with island was a one time thing..people wanted a euro tour so cky, we know and we have told our label..but they dont think there is a demand...so you guys (the fans) tell them and so we did...and they got it...not sure if i understood your question or if it was even about this praticular event or many...

I made the blanket statement that e-mail campaigns are ineffective. You pointed out the counter-examples, or a couple. I stand by the point that e-mail campaigns are generally ineffective, and ask, for your examples of effectiveness how many more times have they been ineffective.

09-06-2006, 03:02 PM
You have to take into account the goal and type of campaign. Telling a company that you want to patronize a venue that they could prusue, with enugh numbers is a pretty easy sell.

Asking a production company (or mutiple) that you want them to comply with some ambigous set of standards regarding the portrayal of a sport/game, which will provide them with zero benefit is going to be slightly more difficult.

09-06-2006, 08:26 PM
I made the blanket statement that e-mail campaigns are ineffective. You pointed out the counter-examples, or a couple. I stand by the point that e-mail campaigns are generally ineffective, and ask, for your examples of effectiveness how many more times have they been ineffective.
I see,thats kind of what i thought but wasnt sure...and hexis, yea you make a very valid point...

I dont personally care but just out of curiosity..would it be possible (with a very good lawyer) to push the issue of slander/liable...(its shown...and written in the script so i dont know which would work better...) if you where to try and say they where slandering/liable against the pball community?...idk...just out of curiosity, im not a hardcore "o my paintball in media portrayed wrong everyone is going to think we are all barbaric murderers." ye....

09-06-2006, 11:20 PM
All fictious media (movies/tv/etc...) include a disclaimer that pretty much will prevent any confusion with real people or events. Some details here: Wiki: All persons fictitious disclaimer (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All_persons_fictitious_disclaimer)

09-07-2006, 11:06 AM
I see,thats kind of what i thought but wasnt sure...and hexis, yea you make a very valid point...

I dont personally care but just out of curiosity..would it be possible (with a very good lawyer) to push the issue of slander/liable...(its shown...and written in the script so i dont know which would work better...) if you where to try and say they where slandering/liable against the pball community?...idk...just out of curiosity, im not a hardcore "o my paintball in media portrayed wrong everyone is going to think we are all barbaric murderers." ye....

In a nutshell, no.

/lol... idk... wahts... lol... j/k ye...