View Full Version : What is tournament paintball AKA my PBN rant

09-07-2006, 07:55 PM
This question is inspired by rants I see on PBN. What has paintball, tournament paintball, degenerated into? Someone tell me its more than just who can cheat the best and whine the most when they lose?

Yeh, I was proud of me...

Because I get to reply, and I don't have to be diplomatic about it. As far as the "no tournament series blah blah, hopper hit, blah blah, refs discretion" comment. Your an idiot. Refer to PSP subnote 37 - here, I'll make it easy for you

Originally Posted by PSP subnote 37
If it hits the hopper and sprays on your goggles, it’s obvious. If it smacks into your earflap, it’s obvious. If it makes a loud “ting”
on your tank, it’s obvious. If it hits your facemask and sprays paint on your face, it’s obvious. If it hits your elbow pad that is 2” thick and you didn’t feel it, it’s still obvious – players should not wear padding so thick that they cannot feel hits. If it hits your shoe, glove, leg, cup, belt of your pack, neoprene neck protector, or hat, it’s obvious. If it grazes off the side of your hopper where you can’t see the hit or it’s in your pack then it may not be obvious if the judge does not have any reason to believe you should know a
paintball hit you there.

What, ref discretion? Allowed by one of the top 2 tournament series? No.. but I'm sure on PBN said it that no tournament series allowed it.

The overshooting rule is what it is and its modification has a good reason behind it. I'm sure Austin could explain that reason to you as well as I can. It has to do with players who make no effort to control the marker they have when they run up the tape shooting and then try to defend a remarkable number of hits with "it wasn't a bunker move". The rules that are there have a good reason.

To those players whining who have played in the past. When you won was this same ref staff incompetent then? Or is that only if you lose?

I reffed major events and teams were happy with me - just as the team that won? Yeh, cause umm, there not biased . The only event I have EVER seen that didn't have people whining about the ref's and other players was OGD, and that just has to do with a different caliber of player.

The complaining comes from D1 and 2 for the most part. Let me tell you this: those refs were far better than the refs for D4 and I am certain that D4 made far more unfixable mistakes, some of which no doubt changed the outcome of the game. Is it a defense for the mistakes made? No... but I have never been to a tournament where players who sought to intentionally cheat could not make the refs jobs nearly impossible. Know what, want a "perfect" ref crew, find a group of players that doesn't cheat...

Ref errors were made, and as Randy has openly acknowledged there were some issues that resulted in less than the desired number of qualified refs in the upper brackets. I'm truly sorry about it... it sucks to have a day changed by ref errors.

Did someone cheat and cost you the game, the tournament whatever? Tell me you have never cheated, never wiped, never played on and do so truthfully and I'm far more likely to care, then tell me it applies to your entire team. The fact of the matter is there are very few of you that could honestly state that, especially in D1 and 2...

Quit whining... tournament paintball is becoming less and less about who can play best and more and more about who can cheat most, intimidate the refs best, and then make the most noise if they loose. And a lot of the players now whining after the fact, only prove it.

I watched players get hit and count there own hits, call off the idea of an overshooting penatly, acknowledge they were the target of more than one individual. I have seen players here acknowledge while they did not violate a rule in technicality it was easy to understand how a ref could have mistook it. I commend each one of you. To those who wish to push the rules, to whine when they get caught, to whine that other players are doing what they themselves do so often.... get over it.

09-08-2006, 11:38 AM
The thing that bothers me most is that it has gotten worse instead of better (in the last 20 years). I thought the speed ball format would make wiping harder...

09-08-2006, 12:08 PM
Call me cynical, but I really think the percentage of players who actively play in tournaments is much smaller than is represented online. Here in Nor-Cal, which is supposedly one of the hotter spots, its not like there are tons of tournies being held.

/have not played tournament in this century ;)

09-08-2006, 01:01 PM
Call me cynical, but I really think the percentage of players who actively play in tournaments is much smaller than is represented online. Here in Nor-Cal, which is supposedly one of the hotter spots, its not like there are tons of tournies being held.

/have not played tournament in this century ;)

true true

09-08-2006, 01:22 PM
Basically yes... Tournament ball has become who cheats better -

There are fully produced videos of games where you can see the top named players get hit on breaks, and come up "clean" after their sloppy slides into the bunkers to make sure they slide on that spot they got hit. If it aint obvious/ref didn't see it, they don't call it. how many times have you seen tournament players call "Out" put a gun up and walk off without a ref pulling their armband first?

Manufacturers blatantly advertise their products to promote more bounces - jerseys, gloves, masks, pants, hats, beanies, pads ( I seen people where less padding playing football in high school than some of these kids do )

Go look at the tournament forums on PBN - People brag about how well they cheated, or who cheats better than someone else. In the same breath they will brag/complain that someone only beat them because they cheated?

These guys that can't turn that "style" or mentality off and come out to the rec fields and walk on games ruin it for everyone who wants to play for fun and plays fair. - how many fields can you think of that you have heard - " Oh don't go there, their house team cheats and wipes all the time... " Or something similar when you ask about a field?

Can I play like these "tourney" players? Hell yes - but ya know what? I aint afraid to walk off the field and wait 10 minutes for the next game to start - Heck I relish that time to tell war stories and talk with the other players who took the hits and walked off the field.

My .02 to add to your rant


09-08-2006, 02:55 PM
The thing is, the person whining most, I know. Rasta - whatever his name is, Austin cheats as well as anyone there. This basically same ref staff does a "great job" as long as he wins... if he doesn't they suck. The overshooting rule modification is in direct response to the last tournament I played there rather than reffing when one of his players put more than two dozen between me and the ref in my bunker after I was out, signalling myself out, and the ref calling me out.

09-08-2006, 04:16 PM
I think the most telling thing is that not one of the whiners can ever quote the rulebook.

Memorising the rules should be the first criteria for entry...

It's the same as the dweebs who cry about speeding tickets. After they finally stop whining about the unfairness of it all, how they were being persecuted, how cops are pigs, how cops can't do their jobs, they finally settle back on the universal argument of the ingraned creater/liar: "The rules aren't applied consistently."

Of course they never then argue for universal application of the rules... :tard:

You cheated, you got caught. Live with the concequences and STFU.

09-08-2006, 04:18 PM
I think the most telling thing is that not one of the whiners can ever quote the rulebook.

Memorising the rules should be the first criteria for entry...

Not necessarily memorizing, but at least knowing. To have someone say "no tournament series" when, umm obviously at least one does is idiocy. I agree, if you are going to whine about the rules, you should at least know them.

09-08-2006, 05:25 PM
Not necessarily memorizing, but at least knowing. To have someone say "no tournament series" when, umm obviously at least one does is idiocy. I agree, if you are going to whine about the rules, you should at least know them.

But then again, it would be easier if the refs knew a few of the basic rules themselves.

There are enough ways to give penalties for arguing with a ref to seriously affect the outcome of a tournament for anyone who complains too loudly.

By some of the rules books, tournament series could revoke awards after videos showing cheating come out as that could be construed as maligning the reputation of the series.

But as long as the industry owns the teams, the series, the media, and the equipment. Think anything will change?

09-11-2006, 11:50 AM
But as long as the industry owns the teams, the series, the media, and the equipment. Think anything will change?

And that is the bottom line...

mr. right-wing
09-11-2006, 04:14 PM
:p I think we should just load our hoppers up with Pepperballs and see who can whipe those