View Full Version : New Ride.... what? Everyone else was doing it! 56K beware

09-07-2006, 08:50 PM
My second vehicle, first car, and wow. I'm digin' it.




1984 Toyota Celica Supra

09-07-2006, 08:58 PM
Your pics are so small, I can barely make them out... cough.

09-07-2006, 09:00 PM
You from wales? or are you into the whole 'I'll put foreign plates on my car and try to act cool' dumb american kid thing...

btw, when posting pics like that use basc HTML to resize them...

>img src="url" width ="value"< (reverse the brackets, use something like 700 for a decent width..)

09-07-2006, 09:15 PM
Actually the car is originally from Canada and had that plate mounted when I took posention of it. No idea where the plate's actually from, but anyway. Sorry about the image size, I'd renamed the original files instead of the resized ones and uploaded the wrong set :tard:

Anyway, that plate is going away here shortly since apparently the previous owner has some sentimental value placed on it and has asked for it back.

About the only "lame" thing about the car is everything on the inside is metric. Speedo is in kph, odo and trip are in km, and the climate controlls are in *C.

09-07-2006, 09:27 PM
Actually the car is originally from Canada and had that plate mounted when I took posention of it. No idea where the plate's actually from, but anyway. Sorry about the image size, I'd renamed the original files instead of the resized ones and uploaded the wrong set :tard:

Anyway, that plate is going away here shortly since apparently the previous owner has some sentimental value placed on it and has asked for it back.

About the only "lame" thing about the car is everything on the inside is metric. Speedo is in kph, odo and trip are in km, and the climate controlls are in *C.

Since it says 'Wales' on it, and has the welsh flag on there too, my money is on FRANCE. <_<

09-07-2006, 09:31 PM
Canadian sticker on the inside of the door says otherwise ^_^

09-07-2006, 09:34 PM
Canadian sticker on the inside of the door says otherwise ^_^

I'm talking about the plates, mate. ~_^ T.T <_< -.- >_> d-.-b (^'.')> :rolleyes:

09-07-2006, 09:40 PM
you forgot the (")~

Anyway, I didn't put it on there, I don't care about it, jump down someone else's throat or just calm down ;) :D

Anyway, isn't Wales in Britain? :ninja:

09-08-2006, 06:51 AM
The plate is from 1983/4. Very unusual to be a left hooker though especially since the Speedo is KPH, not unusual for Canada obviously but for a NEW car to be registered in the UK but specced for the European market. The direct imports from Japan, we call them grey imports are Japanese spec but the steering wheel is on the same side as the UK all we have to do is add a rear foglight and throw away the radio as the frequencies are wrong for here.
Incidently the plate comes back as not existing so that would fit with an export. It is entirely possible a Canadian bought the car here knowing they were going to be going home, though I can't see that they would have saved much if any money unless at the time Supra's were very rare in Canada, I know you don't see many still on the roads over here. Strange thing is the Flag plates were not made until long after this car was registered so someone has definately replaced the plate.
All of the new cars have MPH on the outer ring of the speedo and KPH on the inner ring and have done for many years. the last car I had where it was only MPH was a 1975 registered car, a car I had that was an A plate was 3 years old when I got it and that had both the MPH and KPH, I don't know when Canada switched to KPH but I really did think it was well after 1984.

*edit* That car although it seems to be Welsh was registered in North Yorkshire.

09-08-2006, 09:31 AM
The plate is from 1983/4. Very unusual to be a left hooker though especially since the Speedo is KPH, not unusual for Canada obviously but for a NEW car to be registered in the UK but specced for the European market. The direct imports from Japan, we call them grey imports are Japanese spec but the steering wheel is on the same side as the UK all we have to do is add a rear foglight and throw away the radio as the frequencies are wrong for here.
Incidently the plate comes back as not existing so that would fit with an export. It is entirely possible a Canadian bought the car here knowing they were going to be going home, though I can't see that they would have saved much if any money unless at the time Supra's were very rare in Canada, I know you don't see many still on the roads over here. Strange thing is the Flag plates were not made until long after this car was registered so someone has definately replaced the plate.
All of the new cars have MPH on the outer ring of the speedo and KPH on the inner ring and have done for many years. the last car I had where it was only MPH was a 1975 registered car, a car I had that was an A plate was 3 years old when I got it and that had both the MPH and KPH, I don't know when Canada switched to KPH but I really did think it was well after 1984.

*edit* That car although it seems to be Welsh was registered in North Yorkshire.

Actually we went metric in 76 and everything here has had metric measurements in the predominant position pretty much since.
Canada eh! :D

09-08-2006, 11:14 AM
you forgot the (")~

Anyway, I didn't put it on there, I don't care about it, jump down someone else's throat or just calm down ;) :D

Anyway, isn't Wales in Britain? :ninja:

I wasnt jumping down your throat...

<('.'<) <('.'^) ^('.')^ (^'.')> (>'.')>

09-08-2006, 11:18 AM
Sorry, just seemed that way with the "dumb american kid" thing tagged on originally. Anywho. :)

09-08-2006, 11:33 AM
Sorry, just seemed that way with the "dumb american kid" thing tagged on originally. Anywho. :)

Thats what the kids do around here.

They put euro tags on their euro cars. Then get tickets for no front plates <_<

09-08-2006, 01:23 PM
was that a sunny day or an average day? i went to arcata to check out HSU, and the nicest day we were there was like in those pics.

09-08-2006, 04:29 PM
Thats what the kids do around here.

They put euro tags on their euro cars. Then get tickets for no front plates <_<
They should get a ticket for a fake front plate. Then they can have the car towed, revoke licenses, and do all kinds of other cool stuff :)

09-08-2006, 05:05 PM
Anyway, isn't Wales in Britain? :ninja:

Perhaps, but neither the Welsh, nor the rest of the Brits want to admit to it... :p

09-08-2006, 05:50 PM
Perhaps, but neither the Welsh, nor the rest of the Brits want to admit to it... :p

Mute point but Wales is Wales and Britain is Great Britain which includes England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Hence the Union Jack which is the three major countries flag combined.
Scotland has had semi self rule for years 9making it's own laws etc and has always produced it's own banknotes but full devolution (sp?) won't be any time soon. The Welsh I can't see getting any self rule although they do complain from time to time, the Irish thing will just go on and on as there is no ideal result to the issues.

09-09-2006, 10:47 AM
was that a sunny day or an average day? i went to arcata to check out HSU, and the nicest day we were there was like in those pics.

That's actually a typical day depending on when you're up here. Bearing in mind that it rains through most of late Winter and the Spring but Summer to Fall usually is pretty nice up here for sun. The rest of the year most of what you can expect is overcast with occational sun if it isn't just outright raining. I think the longest stint I've been up here for without sun has been the shady side of a month and a half during the Spring.

09-11-2006, 11:01 AM
Mute point but Wales is Wales and Britain is Great Britain which includes England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Not a "moot" point, I said the rest of the Brits.

Being Scottish, I know far more about Scottish history (although still frightfully little) and English history (at least in so far as popular stories and where it intersects with Scottish events) than I do about Welsh history (which is nothing).

Wales is part of Great Britain, but is not included in any version of the Union Jack. Or some will argue "Union Flag" as a "jack" is what you fly on a ship, but I digress...

Of course the components of the "union flag" are demonstrative of the United Kingdoms of England, Scotland, and later (Northern) Ireland. I'm not sure if my understanding that Wales was part of England before that.

What is interesting is the Flags of the WOrld database listing Scotland and Ireland as "UK Constituent Country". Leads to strange things such as England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland participating in some events and organisations as different countries, while others as the UK/Great Britain.

Whatever. As long as the ignorant don't refer to us all as "English". :mad:

End of OT...

09-11-2006, 12:35 PM
Not a "moot" point, I said the rest of the Brits.

Being Scottish, I know far more about Scottish history (although still frightfully little) and English history (at least in so far as popular stories and where it intersects with Scottish events) than I do about Welsh history (which is nothing).

Wales is part of Great Britain, but is not included in any version of the Union Jack. Or some will argue "Union Flag" as a "jack" is what you fly on a ship, but I digress...

Of course the components of the "union flag" are demonstrative of the United Kingdoms of England, Scotland, and later (Northern) Ireland. I'm not sure if my understanding that Wales was part of England before that.

What is interesting is the Flags of the WOrld database listing Scotland and Ireland as "UK Constituent Country". Leads to strange things such as England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland participating in some events and organisations as different countries, while others as the UK/Great Britain.

Whatever. As long as the ignorant don't refer to us all as "English". :mad:

End of OT...

Take a read of this and if you follow the arrows it will expalain why the Welsh Flag is not included, I was unsure of the date of siezure (which effectively what it was but the creation of the First prince of Wales was the olive branch after several bloody conflicts/skirmishes any how the link http://woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/geography/unionjack.html.
Note the way in which is flown as if flipped it signifys distress, but to the untrained eye it apears correct, the offsetting of the consitute flags is deliberate, the reasons are explained in the link above.
I understand what you mean about the definition of the countrys can be awkward to understand, as whenever a sporting event is held and a Scot does well they become 'English' but if they do badly (most of the time and that includes true english people) they become Scots, the nationality is interchangable with Irish and Welsh so it isn't exclusive, it for certain isn't fair. You are either English or not. At all times not when it suits you or the media.
I have a Scottish name (with full rights to wear Tartan) but was born in England and am Welsh on my mothers side so unless I have a Irish ancestor tucked away somewhere I am probably more a Great Britain than most. But I call myself English not Welsh English or Scottish English, as that is what I regard myself as since I was born here not in a Welsh Valley or in a Scottish Glen. Sure be mindful of your parents roots but if they were born in the same country as you by definition you become that same nationality more so if you were also born in that same country ;)