View Full Version : proto rail, and pm/dm 7

09-11-2006, 07:29 AM
straight from the horses (dave youngblood's) mouth on the webcast. the DM7 will use an ultralite frame, the LPR will be reduced in size but not elminated, and the ultralite barrel will not be changed. the ion competitor will be called the proto rail, and priced above the ion but still a budget minded marker (below the PM line in price), and it will be made out of aluminum (as in not composite like the ion). there will be a PM7.

as you know dave's the owner so its not a "rumor"

09-11-2006, 08:03 AM
if the PMR is priced above the ION, how can compete with the ion? The whole point of competing products is that they are priced the same. It might have an impact on the midrange electros, kind of like an etek ego kind thing.

Also, if there's no real change in performance, what will make it worth the upgrade to a DM7/PM7?

09-11-2006, 08:10 AM
i also heard that the pm7 will come stock with a UL frame which will be cool. i also think that dave posted that on pbn.

09-11-2006, 02:37 PM
if the PMR is priced above the ION, how can compete with the ion? The whole point of competing products is that they are priced the same. It might have an impact on the midrange electros, kind of like an etek ego kind thing.

Also, if there's no real change in performance, what will make it worth the upgrade to a DM7/PM7?

It will, or should, come with better stock parts than the Ion. Higher quality and what have you. I would expect it to be $375 or so.

Also, this is only one more parrallel between the paintball industry and the auto industry. From year to year, many cars stay,essentially, stagnant in technical design. Yes, they do make engineering improvements, but nothing to warrent a major press release or pandemonium. They are simply changing the look for the upcoming year...

09-11-2006, 06:18 PM
if the PMR is priced above the ION, how can compete with the ion? The whole point of competing products is that they are priced the same. It might have an impact on the midrange electros, kind of like an etek ego kind thing.
Have we already forgotten how much people are willing to pay for a product from a certain company or pay extra to have a product NOT made by a certain company?

Without knowing any specifics we can all only speculate, but DYE could probably license the Ion from SP, charge more for it, and people would flock to it in droves and talk about how much better it is than the Ion simply because a company OTHER than SP is selling it. Besides, MSRP and street price are often very different numbers (MSRP for the Ion is currently $225 but can easily be found retailing for $185, an almost 18% difference).

I look forward to the future arguments:
1. My Rail is better than your Ion because it costs $X more.
2. My Rail is better than your Ion because it is made by DYE and we all know every company except the one that manufactured the marker I bought have the worst quality control.
3. Why spend money on an Ion and then upgrade it, when you could have bought a Rail for the same price (and then spend the same amount on upgrades, making the whole argument irrelevant).
4. Hey guys, let's go put our 'Mags in the ROTM thread. HURRRRRRRRRR
5. My Rail is better than your Ion because I'm nothing but a fanboy who can't evaluate a damn thing for myself or keep an open mind about the purchases made by others.


09-11-2006, 09:17 PM
Have we already forgotten how much people are willing to pay for a product from a certain company or pay extra to have a product NOT made by a certain company?

Without knowing any specifics we can all only speculate, but DYE could probably license the Ion from SP, charge more for it, and people would flock to it in droves and talk about how much better it is than the Ion simply because a company OTHER than SP is selling it. Besides, MSRP and street price are often very different numbers (MSRP for the Ion is currently $225 but can easily be found retailing for $185, an almost 18% difference).

I look forward to the future arguments:
1. My Rail is better than your Ion because it costs $X more.
2. My Rail is better than your Ion because it is made by DYE and we all know every company except the one that manufactured the marker I bought have the worst quality control.
3. Why spend money on an Ion and then upgrade it, when you could have bought a Rail for the same price (and then spend the same amount on upgrades, making the whole argument irrelevant).
4. Hey guys, let's go put our 'Mags in the ROTM thread. HURRRRRRRRRR
5. My Rail is better than your Ion because I'm nothing but a fanboy who can't evaluate a damn thing for myself or keep an open mind about the purchases made by others.


Umm, the rail will be an ion competitor in a way that it will be a "high end" gun for a lower then normal price...like the e-tec..but the proto and e-tec are already in the same price range for the most part...i think the rail will be like a current stock proto..and the PM7 will be different outer appearence and an ul frame...the rail will be the protos, proto..if you understand what im saying...i think the rail will start at 700ish instead of like 900 then dropping.

i personally do not put the e-tec and the ion in the same group...and i doubt the rail will be in the same group as the ion..be more like rail and e-tec..then ion,promaster,wrath in there own lil group..and an that new spyder maybe..now im just babbling...

09-13-2006, 12:04 PM
as you know dave's the owner so its not a "rumor"

and you recieved this information from where?

who were your resources?

I know Dave, personally, so id like to check some facts.

09-13-2006, 12:22 PM
and you recieved this information from where?

who were your resources?

I know Dave, personally, so id like to check some facts.

I work for Dave.

And i get a kick out of some of these responses...

09-13-2006, 01:22 PM
you lie.