View Full Version : What markers live up to the precedent set by Automags?

09-11-2006, 09:52 PM
I think as many of us do, that those of us that have or have had Automags in the past, have an underlying respect for the quality of the gun and its performance.

So my question, what modern guns have you all decided to go with that attempt to come close to what we expect from mags.

I liked my A-5 but for bush ball not requiring high rates of fire back to my mags I went.

I had the classic eye issue with my DM6. Played with it for a half hour then put it down and got my x-valve mag.

Got an ion, and well after replacing just about every part on it, not a bad little gun. (I know i should be shot for this) I actually still have it. Shoots nice. (Virtue eyes/board, qev, reg, orange nano, cp magnet trigger and so on.) The only thing that is sad about it is when I go to places that dont know me they ask "who wants the ion" when picking teams... :ninja:

And most recently, 06 ego. I still Like the way my mag shoots better, but the reliability of what I say “you pull the trigger and it shoots, even at 22 times a second with 3 fingers” cannot be beat with my ego. The lvl 10 does its chuff thing, and that more than once has interrupted a stream of paint long enough for me to get shot so for that I give cudos to the ego.

My next venture will be a FEP quest. I don’t care for their look or marketing but wow is that one fine gun. It is so incredibly simple. I think it is what a modern spool valve should be…3 o-rings and 1 moving part. I want to give them a little longer to get the bugs worked out though.

The only other guy I know that likes mags swears that his Viking is the best thing since sliced bread, but even that is a dying breed.

What about the rest of you?

09-11-2006, 09:59 PM
I feel nothing.

09-11-2006, 10:00 PM
I picked up an E-tek a few weeks ago...for 750.00 I would take it over any of the mags I've ever seen or shot.

Four moving parts: (not including the trigger, microswitch, and bolt pull pin) Ram, Valve, Bolt, and the Piston in the Solenoid.

Just as smooth as any gun I've shot, including it's big ego brother.

Surprisingly consistant out of the box...I can't wait to see what happens when it breaks in.

Beautifully machined and assembled. NO slop in the trigger. Anno is flawless.

Planet Eclipse is doing it right.

09-11-2006, 10:23 PM
moe...i wouldnt worry about them getting the bugs worked out of the quest...i dont think many have problems but when they do...they have great customer service from what i've seen..so i wouldnt hesitate..and i agree about the spool valve wish dye would simplify all the orings but it works as it is...and if it aint broke..dun fix it!

and rogue i would have to agree those 3 guns are made exceptionally well.

well i guess you could prolly add WDP to that list...they make good products once all the kinks are worked out, but by that time theres another one to replace it.

09-11-2006, 10:47 PM
The only reason I don’t have an e-tek is that for the price I could pick up my ’06 for a just a little more so I couldn’t justify it. My co-worker at the paintball shop has an e-tek that we modded for a virtue board and… wow. Nice gun. I have no complaints about e-tek. I agree with the "planet eclipse is doing it right" statement.

As far as the quest, the only reason I say that is that I work in a shop where we have a lot of quests. Everyone in the shop except me has one, and really likes it. They do have EXCELLENT customer service I know that first hand. At first they had board issues, that seems like it’s been resolved. Then a lot of folks had problems with the LPR’s but honestly that was their own stupidity. Then finally the goldmember bolt (which is no longer gold). They have been having issues with them breaking (much to do with the before mentioned LPR issue). But they are bending over backwards to always have a fix for us. So by no means do I bash FEP in any way. Except the whole scull, sword, and coffin marketing.

09-11-2006, 11:40 PM
hmmm...i'd have to say the viking, ego, and dm6. but for the price you can pay for those markers, they better be top of the line as far as quality goes.

09-12-2006, 08:30 AM
I love my mags first, but a close second is my new Fusion by Dangerous Power, I really cant even begin to tell you how much I like this gun. I perfer it over any of my friends intimidators, new ego, shocker, or the pm6 that I shot.

09-12-2006, 12:15 PM
I love my mags first, but a close second is my new Fusion by Dangerous Power, I really cant even begin to tell you how much I like this gun. I perfer it over any of my friends intimidators, new ego, shocker, or the pm6 that I shot.

ooh, ye i wanna check these out..prolly wouldnt shoot one myself, but its nice to see smaller "no-name" gun companies breaking into the market.

ye moe.the skull,sword,coffin stuff is sort of cheesy....

09-12-2006, 12:49 PM
I have to say the EGO also.

I was in the market for a high end electro and looked at all of them.

The EGO was the only one that I could compare to my mags for build quality and customer service.

09-12-2006, 03:46 PM
The only other guy I know that likes mags swears that his Viking is the best thing since sliced bread, but even that is a dying breed.

The Viking is no more a dying breed than mags are. I went from an emag to a viking, and actually like it better(although I'm keeping my emag).
It's low pressure, and operates similar to an angel, but imo, looks way better milled, and has the reliability and lack of maintenence that has been a staple of many mag users. If you like your mag for reliability, the viking is another extremely easy to take care of gun, and EASILY competes with today's markers.

09-12-2006, 03:59 PM
I'm going to have to add a gun to this list. All the previous stated I do believe to be great guns, but how could we forget the Phantom? It isn't necessarily "cheap", but it can easily be customized (and quickly), has built in auto-trigger, uber-smooth pump, and is quite accurate stock. CCI basically perfected the Nelson design with this gun. Literally pick it up, add a tank and throw in some paint and no matter what, it is guarenteed to fire.

09-12-2006, 05:49 PM
Vikings mos def live up. Great Electro guns.
DM3(and earlier). Durrable, fast and will shoot just about everytime.
Impulses. I know most people don't like them(bounce eyes)but they are tough and last a good while. My friends shoots great and has for a while.
Mags. Mags still live up to their own precedent.

09-13-2006, 12:02 PM
the only electro marker that I know for fact that is manufactured to the standards that AGD set would be the DM series. Dye's mills are accurate within .0001 i believe. Thats some tolerances there.

The viking, ego, and borg are all manufactured to strict standards as well, but i am not sure what those standards are.

09-13-2006, 02:21 PM
I know I am going to get questioned on my response, but what precedent did AGD set? Other than high cyclic speeds and maybe tolerances, there isn't anything that comes to mind. However, I believe the thread starter means more of a general what has pleased you the most since you have owned a 'Mag...

I recently owned a Viking. Absolutely stunning marker. The 06 Cyborg is amazing as well. I may pick one up after Cup. Ego's are decent, but their price does not reflect this. In the future, I will own either a Timmy, 'Borg or Ego/E-Tek.

09-13-2006, 05:51 PM
I think as many of us do, that those of us that have or have had Automags in the past, have an underlying respect for the quality of the gun and its performance.

So my question, what modern guns have you all decided to go with that attempt to come close to what we expect from mags.

I liked my A-5 but for bush ball not requiring high rates of fire back to my mags I went.

I had the classic eye issue with my DM6. Played with it for a half hour then put it down and got my x-valve mag.

Got an ion, and well after replacing just about every part on it, not a bad little gun. (I know i should be shot for this) I actually still have it. Shoots nice. (Virtue eyes/board, qev, reg, orange nano, cp magnet trigger and so on.) The only thing that is sad about it is when I go to places that dont know me they ask "who wants the ion" when picking teams... :ninja:

And most recently, 06 ego. I still Like the way my mag shoots better, but the reliability of what I say “you pull the trigger and it shoots, even at 22 times a second with 3 fingers” cannot be beat with my ego. The lvl 10 does its chuff thing, and that more than once has interrupted a stream of paint long enough for me to get shot so for that I give cudos to the ego.

My next venture will be a FEP quest. I don’t care for their look or marketing but wow is that one fine gun. It is so incredibly simple. I think it is what a modern spool valve should be…3 o-rings and 1 moving part. I want to give them a little longer to get the bugs worked out though.

The only other guy I know that likes mags swears that his Viking is the best thing since sliced bread, but even that is a dying breed.

What about the rest of you?

I sold my mag back in 2002 when I moved to the middle of nowhere to go to school. Since then the only gun I every truly loved like my old mag was the Ego. Planet Eclipse knocked one out of the park on their first try when they made the Ego.

09-13-2006, 07:56 PM
honestly? a cocker. never had any problems with mine, i have owned a lot of them. i still apreciate them. yes... i like mech cockers. nothing beats hitting about 10bps on a slider frame and hearing "kur-chink" and then "OUT!!"