View Full Version : paintball field robed in upstate NY

09-12-2006, 04:47 PM
"Friday, September 8th after 8pm Pow Paintball was robbed! All our
rental Piranaha markers. These are black with yellow accents on them.
They also have numbers written on the hand grips. 10 12 oz. CO2 tanks
that said POW in red on the side of the tanks, masks, and some shake
and shoot hoppers.

In addition to the rental equipment a one of a kind milled up Impulse,
with clear halo and 68/3000 freeflow tank. Original Black Matrix that
has an pewter grip that says Matrix on it. Two more freeflow 68/3000
tanks. Numerous freeflow parts that include bolts, pushrods, back
blocks and many other parts. 20 cases of rainbow/Xball bronze paint.
$2500 Honda generator. Two brand new Ions, one with mini max flow, one
without...both black. Black RT Automag, Purple Automag, Blue Spyder
Shutter, Tippman 98, 2 Spyder SEs with electronic triggers. Various
other parts in the counter displays that have price tags on them.
Orange to Yellow Shocker barrell, Spyder thread 12" boomstick, 4 new
Jerseys along with pants, Various brands of T-Shirts, Two gear bags
that were just full of different crap for paintball.

I am sure that I have missed something.

If anyone has any information, please contact...
Anthony Garver 716.438.0771
Dave Cooper 716.735.7871"

Alright people, enough is enough. This is now the second paintball
theft of a Western New York paintball field in as many months. It's
time to stop.

I many paintball contacts in the Western New York area as well as the
North Eastern U.S. and it's time that ALL the paintball
`professionals' in our area take a stand here. The way I see it, the
perpetrators of this crime have two choices.

Contact me directly, turn over the stolen POW equipment to me, and
walk away – NO QUESTIONS ASKED. I will not turn your information over
to POW, the police, etc… you just walk away clean. We'll call it a
momentary bout of insanity and extremely poor judgment.

I pass the description, makes, models, and serials numbers of the
markers and tanks to every paintball field for three hundred miles.
You'll never be able to use those makers in anything but a backyard
anywhere in the North East. If and when you get caught with a single
marker, the charge moves up to possession of stolen merchandise, even
if you didn't steal it yourself.

Ebay has been contacted and is more than willing to work with the
Niagara Country Sheriffs department and myself to identify any
paintball marker being sold out of this area of the country matching
the description of the stolen equipment. The Ebay Safe Harbor
department will have a full list of the stolen equipment in their
possession by Monday (09/18) morning. Any item matching this list
posted on Ebay for sale will cause the sheriffs department to be
notified and all members' information turned over.

The way I see it is to simply take the first offer and turn over the
equipment. It's safe, secure, and best of all, you get to walk away
instead of walking into a 10 X 10 prison cell.

Section 155.05 Larceny; defined
1. A person steals property and commits larceny when, with intent to
deprive another of property or to appropriate the same to himself or
to a third person, he wrongfully takes, obtains or withholds such
property from an owner thereof.
2. Larceny includes a wrongful taking, obtaining or withholding of
another's property, with the intent prescribed in subdivision one of
this section, committed in any of the following ways:
(a) By conduct heretofore defined or known as common law larceny by
trespassory taking, common law larceny by trick, embezzlement, or
obtaining property by false pretenses;
(b) By acquiring lost property

Section 155.30 Grand Larceny in the fourth degree

A person is guilty of grand larceny in the fourth degree when he
steals property and when:

1. The value of the property exceeds one thousand dollars; or

2. The property consists of a public record, writing or instrument
kept, filed or deposited according to law with or in the keeping of
any public office or public servant; or

3. The property consists of secret scientific material; or

4. The property consists of a credit card or debit card; or

5. The property, regardless of its nature and value, is taken from
the person of another; or

6. The property, regardless of its nature and value, is obtained by
extortion; or

7. The property consists of one or more firearms, rifles or shotguns,
as such terms are defined in section 265.00 of this chapter; or

8. The value of the property exceeds one hundred dollars and the
property consists of a motor vehicle, as defined in section one
hundred twenty-five of the vehicle and traffic law, other than a
motorcycle, as defined in section one hundred twenty-three of such
law; or

9. The property consists of a scroll, religious vestment, vessel or
other item of property having a value of at least one hundred dollars
kept for or used in connection with religious worship in any building
or structure used as a place of religious worship by a religious
corporation, as incorporated under the religious corporations law or
the education law.

10. The property consists of an access device which the person
intends to use unlawfully to obtain telephone service.

11. The property consists of anhydrous ammonia or liquified ammonia
gas and the actor intends to use, or knows another person intends to
use, such anhydrous ammonia or liquified ammonia gas to manufacture

Grand larceny in the fourth degree is a class E felony.

I know the owners of POW, but I am not partnered with them. I simply
want to see this offense corrected so POW can continue serving the
paintball community. Please, do the smart thing. Call me and let's end
this quickly and cleanly. Thank you.

Mike Passino
Bounty Hunter's Paintball Productions
Cellphone: (716) 471-1393
Email: bountyhunterspaintball@...
Website: http://www.bountyhunterspaintball.com/

09-12-2006, 07:39 PM
man first ClubPBWNY now POW BOTH upstanding places to play at here in western new york..and we all know there arent that many spots to play in...

last i heard when ClubPBWNY was robbed it happend to be a teenager from north tonawanda..i have a feeling that it mightve been a high school student...might want to post up in the local high schools saying things were robbed

09-12-2006, 08:59 PM
ummm if they were desperate enough to steal Piranaha's mabey they deserve them....

ps: 23 tippy's were stolen from the children's camp that i am associated with about 6 months ago. No justice was found even though we knew who did it..