View Full Version : so we are all Jihadist...news to me

09-14-2006, 03:58 PM
over on the nation i found this post

Pat Robertson says paintballers are Jihadists


"I knew this was going to happen sooner or later. I walked into the living room and the wife was laughing pretty hard. Pat Robertson in all of his infinite wisdom believes that the government should monitor paintballers for fear that we are training to become Jihadists. Appearently we are "combat training" and learing tactics that could be used in battle They had some guy on their sticking up for paintball but he was a Muslim doctor. Now Pat wouldn't try to stereotype all ballers as Muslim extremists would he All I can say now is great, now we have a bunch of neo-conservative religious groups that will be damning paintball. Great job Pat Robertson. Maybe you sould keep on spreading your good will and threats of assasination onto people."~~originally posted by Cherry

how much truth there is to it idk...but if that guy really said that, then wow he is an idiot..i say we find his email and bumbard him with hate mail...just for fun...

09-14-2006, 04:04 PM
Or detonate ourselves in righteous fury against him.

09-14-2006, 04:06 PM
Or detonate ourselves in righteous fury against him.
heres link to original thread..some of the things said on the nation where sort of like that..pretty funny thread i thought..


09-14-2006, 05:08 PM
Pat Robertson is a freaking idoit. Bible beating fool more like it.

09-14-2006, 05:18 PM
Or detonate ourselves in righteous fury against him.

nah, just a couple cases of paint grenades would be more fun...

09-14-2006, 05:23 PM
i shall scarafice myself in the name of TK!!!!!

09-14-2006, 05:26 PM
over on the nation i found this post

Pat Robertson says paintballers are Jihadists


"I knew this was going to happen sooner or later. I walked into the living room and the wife was laughing pretty hard. Pat Robertson in all of his infinite wisdom believes that the government should monitor paintballers for fear that we are training to become Jihadists. Appearently we are "combat training" and learing tactics that could be used in battle They had some guy on their sticking up for paintball but he was a Muslim doctor. Now Pat wouldn't try to stereotype all ballers as Muslim extremists would he All I can say now is great, now we have a bunch of neo-conservative religious groups that will be damning paintball. Great job Pat Robertson. Maybe you sould keep on spreading your good will and threats of assasination onto people."~~originally posted by Cherry

how much truth there is to it idk...but if that guy really said that, then wow he is an idiot..i say we find his email and bumbard him with hate mail...just for fun...

durka durka muhamed jihad
sherga sherga bak allah!!

durka durka muhamed jihad
sherga sherga bak allah!!

durka durka muhamed jihad
sherga sherga bak allah!!

durka durka muhamed jihad
sherga sherga bak allah!!

durka durka muhamed jihad
sherga sherga bak allah!!

durka durka muhamed jihad
sherga sherga bak allah!!

durka durka muhamed jihad
sherga sherga bak allah!!

09-14-2006, 05:37 PM
durka durka muhamed jihad
sherga sherga bak allah!!

durka durka muhamed jihad
sherga sherga bak allah!!

durka durka muhamed jihad
sherga sherga bak allah!!

durka durka muhamed jihad
sherga sherga bak allah!!

durka durka muhamed jihad
sherga sherga bak allah!!

durka durka muhamed jihad
sherga sherga bak allah!!

durka durka muhamed jihad
sherga sherga bak allah!!

Im gonna take a guess, and assume that, that was suppose to be humorous....ye...but no

09-14-2006, 05:40 PM
Im gonna take a guess, and assume that, that was suppose to be humorous....ye...but no

team america world police..fake jihad...damn...

09-14-2006, 05:41 PM
team america world police..fake jihad...damn...
ye i never made it through that movie...didnt wanna see it but an ex of mine insisted that i did and bought it for me..but we got pre occupied not far into it. Its sitting around here somewhere and yet i still have no desire to see it.

09-14-2006, 05:45 PM
ye i never made it through that movie...didnt wanna see it but an ex of mine insisted that i did and bought it for me..but we got pre occupied not far into it. Its sitting around here somewhere and yet i still have no desire to see it.

yeah its kinda hard to make it through movies with a girlfreind sitting next to you...

09-14-2006, 06:38 PM
rudz i thought it was hilarious and i make it all the way through the movie with my girlfriend......cause she gets excited by endings :D

09-14-2006, 07:31 PM
durka durka muhamed jihad
sherga sherga bak allah!!

durka durka muhamed jihad
sherga sherga bak allah!!

durka durka muhamed jihad
sherga sherga bak allah!!

durka durka muhamed jihad
sherga sherga bak allah!!

durka durka muhamed jihad
sherga sherga bak allah!!

durka durka muhamed jihad
sherga sherga bak allah!!

durka durka muhamed jihad
sherga sherga bak allah!!

QFT :p

09-14-2006, 08:29 PM
Pat Robertson is much closer to being a *dangerous* religious extremist that the vast majority of paintballers ... or the general population for that matter. Critical thinking is definitely an undesirable trait for someone in his profession.

I've heard it all before, from Dungeons & Dragons, to heavy metal music, to video games, to private firearms ownership, to Harry Potter ... there's always some OTHER group that's the problem in the world and as long as you get rid of *them* everything will be hunky dory. Bah. The vast majority of "news" is made by those few cranks like him. The rest of us get along pretty well. He could learn a lesson by going to a Paintball game and seeing how people of all different backgrounds can actually engage in friendly competition with their fellow man in a civilized fashion. Of course that would never happen, it would endanger his magical world view.

09-14-2006, 09:35 PM
when we play in the woods, we usualy have one team named team "derka derka" :ninja: , is that bad?

Recon by Fire
09-14-2006, 10:19 PM
durka durka muhamed jihad
sherga sherga bak allah!!


09-14-2006, 10:28 PM
Rudz....... :nono: :nono: :nono: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

09-15-2006, 12:16 AM
"....learning tactics that could be used in battle ...

yeah...like I going to superman over a sandbag and double tap someone :rofl:

09-15-2006, 01:19 AM
Holy crap.

I kid you not AO, I swear I would not lie or attempt to make this up.

As many of you know I work in phoenix's largest paintball store. On the 12... yes the day after 9-11, about a half hour after open 3 guys came in the shop. They looked completely normal, kaki pants and a heavy twill shirt. I would not have noticed anything except all 3 of them looked the same.

After looking the shop over for some time, with particular interest in Tippmann, sp8, and our selection of classic army and TM air soft guns, they asked me if this was my shop? My response was "No, but I’m a manager what can I help you with?"

Well they asked to speak with the owner so I went and got him.

And out came the whole X-files "we are with the FBI (shows flip open FBI badges)"

I was in shock. It was like the MIB just walked in or something.

Anyway I had no idea that some political media (male bovine excrement) put them up to it.

This is really sad.

But what saddens me the most was what we were instructed to do with certain situations.

These terrorist folks are doing a good job, cause now my sport of paintball is now a threat.


09-15-2006, 05:36 AM
durka durka muhamed jihad
sherga sherga bak allah!!

weird, 10 years ago thye stop having camo tournies, now camo is cool again, and senario is even more popular.

Before 911, during the Oklahoma, Waco, and Columbine incidents paintball was seen as a millitia/para military thing, teachers talked to me asking me to not bring paintball magazines to school and college during those times.

After 911 paintball paintball seened to not be associated much as an Islam extremest training tool.

What i do see is senario and other military and firearms sports and lifestyles becoming more accepted as a patriotic/"rights to bear arms" kind of thing.

So for uses of Rhetoric, we could just say paintball is an American cultural activity emphasising Patriotism and duty for ones country, taking the Surf Slogan, Al Queda dosent surf, to Al Queda dosent play paintball.
something maybe if paintball does come underattack, will be useful

heck i bet at this momment RamboPreacher is voicing his opinion to his Christian community, and mayber to even Pat Robertson.

09-15-2006, 01:08 PM
So for uses of Rhetoric, we could just say paintball is an American cultural activity emphasising Patriotism and duty for ones country, taking the Surf Slogan, Al Queda dosent surf, to Al Queda dosent play paintball..It's much simpler than that. Sports and friendly competition have had a long history of teaching children how to be civilized. You could make a very good argument that children that don't play games with other children grow up to misanthropic incompetents at human civilization.

09-15-2006, 03:25 PM
i guess Pat Robertson never played team sports...hahahahaha

Recon by Fire
09-15-2006, 09:57 PM
We of course can recognize the paintball terrorist in our community (and turn them in of course) because they all carry these: :rolleyes:


don miguel
09-26-2006, 04:49 PM
he should die, or actually try the sport. If we have to be ghadists to play paintball than DIRKA DIRKA MOHAMMED GHAD TO THAT!

09-26-2006, 05:48 PM
We of course can recognize the paintball terrorist in our community (and turn them in of course) because they all carry these: :rolleyes:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

09-26-2006, 07:04 PM
heck i bet at this momment RamboPreacher is voicing his opinion to his Christian community, and mayber to even Pat Robertson.

There's a name I haven't heard of for quite some time!

09-27-2006, 01:00 PM
lol, thats the best I've heard in awhile OMFG
that guy, well, yeah, not previleged to say.....

09-27-2006, 02:13 PM
Shouldn't we hope that terroritst train by playing paintball? "I'm safe behind this pallet/55gal."

09-27-2006, 06:31 PM
If i wanted to be a wannabe terrorist, i would get a AK47- lookalike A5, wear a shemag and wear my battlepack reversed to make it look more like a bomb pack.

Stating paintballers are training for jihad is just retarded and very disturbing. Most people who have no expierience with paintball and are generally retarded coutch petatoes might just believe all this crap. Not saying that all people are retarded, but some people should fit in just right in a cow herd.

If you make enough people believe it, its true right?

In my country this would be definatly be damaging to paintball due to the terrorist fright that has caught on since 9/11. People who claim this have no clue what the game is about and only look at the military look of paintball, thinking i may be training for the real deal. Hell, i never was in the military and i'll never will, and certanly not planning on attacking a crucial target with paintballs. (a lot of good that'll do)

More people should be aware of all the BS in the news, if that were the case maybe there was less BS to make up and report as actual facts. :cuss:

09-27-2006, 11:47 PM
im gonna just bunker Pat Robertson on his next show, take out his eye, and then throw an American flagon him and tell him we dont like foreigners.....that should clear things up and solve the problem.....hahaha