View Full Version : Air Effiecentcy

09-15-2006, 05:53 PM
CO2 Cartriges seem to randomly supply pistols!
I'm trying to get the best pistol and have became lost!
Rap4 Blue Pistol - ~50 per 12 Gram but uses shelled .43
Overlord - ~30 is what I've heard
ACP 2.0 - ~30 I think
Tac8 - ?

I don't know all the important facts about pistols other than that they are small
Can some Help?
And can someone tell me what the psi of a 12 ounses of CO2 in 88 degree weather so I know if it would be a good day to next saturday

don miguel
09-28-2006, 03:49 PM
my friend sam's overlord gets three shots, then it makes a huge air realease sound, and it's done. ARIAKON GUNS SUCK! internally, not externally. :shooting: :shooting: :shooting: :shooting: :shooting: :shooting:

09-29-2006, 12:24 PM
In my opinion - http://palmer-pursuit.com/images/guns/1/micro-squall2.jpg