View Full Version : Photoshop guys: Black Borders

Gitaroo Man
09-16-2006, 05:47 PM
Hey guys....I was wondering how to add the famous "black border" to photos in Photoshop? I did a search and didn't come up with anything. Thanks in advance!

09-16-2006, 05:56 PM
im not 100% sure about what your talking about, but use the magic tool to select and then "feather" a few pixels. is that what you want?

09-16-2006, 06:39 PM
do 2 layers, the back layer a solid black layer, the top layer your picture sized to however you want

Gitaroo Man
09-16-2006, 08:50 PM
Just a simple black line border around photos is what I mean. I'll have to try those out, thanks.

09-19-2006, 02:46 PM
You don't need photoshop to add borders around photo's. All you need is this....

<img src="(url of photo)" border="10">

Heres an example...

<img src="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/38000/dynasty.jpg" border="10">

09-19-2006, 05:40 PM