View Full Version : Ahhhh my eye!

09-18-2006, 10:23 PM
This afternoon I was moving some hay around in our hay shed and I got some hay in my right eye and it made it all itchy so i rubbed it! Anyways my eye then swelled up so I just kept it shut the rest of the night until I got home at around 9:00. When I walked into the bathroom to wash my face and look at my eye I noticed it looked like a freaking blister on my eye!

Upon closer examination it looks as though the clear covering on the right side of my right eye is detached from the rest of my eye. If I look all the way to the left the blister thingy goes away, but if I straighten my eye back out the clear stuff just wrinkles up in the corner. Freaky as hell....

Anyways, (this part is for you TF) ya'll think I should see a doctor about this? :p

And I know, this thread is worthless without pics, I'll try and get some later but I'm not promising anything.

;) <== me with my right eye shut...

09-18-2006, 11:58 PM
I have an eye infection too, only in my left eye.

I passed out with my contacts in, and something went haywire cause it's bright red and really hurts (kinda feels like someones jabbing me with a toothpick).

I also can't really see out of it, it's all blurry.

OH and it made my eyes really sensitive to bright light.

You totally got me on the whole flap of detached skin...

If EYE were you...EYE would seek medical attention...

/You see what EYE did there?
//Clever ehh?

Head knight of Ni
09-19-2006, 01:08 AM
I have an eye infection too, only in my left eye.

I passed out with my contacts in, and something went haywire cause it's bright red and really hurts (kinda feels like someones jabbing me with a toothpick).

I also can't really see out of it, it's all blurry.

OH and it made my eyes really sensitive to bright light.

You totally got me on the whole flap of detached skin...

If EYE were you...EYE would seek medical attention...

/You see what EYE did there?
//Clever ehh?

The mix of protein build up and the contact smothering your eye gave it an infection. God I hated my old contacts.

09-19-2006, 01:28 AM
Actually, you have nothing to worry about. I think I've experienced the same thing after my allergic reaction to my cat and constantly rubbing my eye. Looked like the top layer of my eye came loose and depending on which direction I looked, it folded! I actually thought something tore off! It wasn't pretty if you asked me.

Just don't rub your eyes anymore. Also, you can get eye drops that's specifically for allergies.

If that doesn't help, definitely go to a doctor and get it checked up.

09-19-2006, 06:27 AM
get it checked the eye fluid is the only kind of body fluid that can not be replaced or treated

unless you feel sight is over-rated????

09-19-2006, 09:06 AM
Well I put a bunch of sterile lubricating eye drops in my eyes last night and got the flap of membrane to lay back down like it's supposed to and then went to sleep... It looks and feels almost like new this morning!

I'm with you gibby... it sure didn't look pretty at all! It actually didn't hurt much, just kinda freaked me out mainly. Eye sure am glad it's better now though! Oh and of course sight is overrated... I've got another eye ya know!

Oh and on the subject of feeling like your eye is getting jabbed with a toothpick, I got a spark in my eye a few months ago and tried to get it out with a q-tip but that hurt like hell. Then I tried a toothpick so I could pinpoint it to just where the spark was and it worked like a charm! :p

09-19-2006, 10:07 AM
Arghh! Ye should just wear a patch o'er ye eye like me Matey! It makes the wenches dance and shake their sterns it does! Or throw a bit of Grog in it! HARR! That tickles me hornpipe!

Capt. 'Hot Aft' Leroy


Archangel Kid
09-19-2006, 11:00 PM
I have an eye infection too, only in my left eye.

I passed out with my contacts in, and something went haywire cause it's bright red and really hurts (kinda feels like someones jabbing me with a toothpick).

I also can't really see out of it, it's all blurry.

OH and it made my eyes really sensitive to bright light.

You totally got me on the whole flap of detached skin...

If EYE were you...EYE would seek medical attention...

/You see what EYE did there?
//Clever ehh?

You my friend may not have an eye infection, but a corneal abrasion. Happened to me twice and what symptoms you say you have, I had exactly.

09-19-2006, 11:04 PM
/Autoresponse from tropical_fishy:

Go to the doctor.

09-20-2006, 10:21 AM
Reminds me of a lady friend who dropped her contact in a dried up Korean riverbed, then put it back in. She wound up with a form of herpes in her eye and the ambulance got in an accident on the way to the hospital.

09-20-2006, 10:24 AM
Reminds me of a lady friend who dropped her contact in a dried up Korean riverbed, then put it back in. She wound up with a form of herpes in her eye and the ambulance got in an accident on the way to the hospital.


09-20-2006, 12:46 PM
Reminds me of a lady friend who dropped her contact in a dried up Korean riverbed, then put it back in. She wound up with a form of herpes in her eye and the ambulance got in an accident on the way to the hospital.

I always wondered how people got herpes of the eye,better then what i was thinking :wow:

09-21-2006, 09:53 AM
I always wondered how people got herpes of the eye,better then what i was thinking :wow:

Conjunctivits? I.E. Pink eye.
What you need is some topical cream.