View Full Version : Jim Drew: Surfaces in a new hobby - but sam old MO...

09-19-2006, 07:40 PM
Anyone who remembers Jim Drew will find his latest antics funny - yet o so familiar. It seems he's moved onto a new pasttime (radio controlled planes) and is making his over-hyped claims again - to a new crowd. None of this bahavior is new - going back decades.(Amiga owners were the first to have to endure him)



09-19-2006, 08:21 PM
It looks like he's just overhyping the 2.4 Ghz thing... I'm guessing that it has to deal with the available channels, so that planes don't get mixed up... but I really know nothing about RC stuff...

09-19-2006, 08:32 PM
actually, from what ive heard 2.4Ghz does have advantages, although maybe ill get back to you when i actually use a transmitter in a few months.

/who is this jim drew?

09-19-2006, 08:39 PM
/who is this jim drew?

i think he has something to do with p-ball :cool: , :rofl:

09-19-2006, 08:47 PM
i think he has something to do with p-ball :cool: , :rofl:
yes, i do believe that that would be a safe presumption to make.

09-19-2006, 08:48 PM
Jim Drew = Wicked Air Sportz

quite amusing actually. Exact same thing he's doing with new products on the was website, all snap crackle but no pop when it comes to a final product

09-19-2006, 09:41 PM
I think Steelrat will agree with me when I say that the W.A.S. board was one of the greatest boards for the Viking. Ever.

09-19-2006, 09:56 PM
lol, i always wondered.....not really

09-19-2006, 10:34 PM
Jim Drew has been around in various forms over the years. However, he was infamous around these parts for unrelenting chest-thumping, stroking of his own ego, and a lot of smoke-and-mirrors explanations. Essentially, he and his company, WAS, produced boards and code for assorted paintball devices. Ironically, these actually worked rather well. The problem was that, in most people’s opinion, he was not content in just having something that worked well, and selling it straight, on realistic merits alone. Instead, people felt that he, having described his company as consisting of “the rocket-scientists of paintball,” would resort to all sorts of muddy claims, hyperbole, and exaggerations or the technology, and methodology behind his goods, such as “advanced AI algorithms” that would completely eliminate dropped shots with predictive analysis, super-fast processing, advanced queuing, personality tests, SkyNet uplinks, and The Farmer’s Almanac. What made people even more irate toward him is that, instead of breaking everything down and explaining his reasoning for making such claims, he would resort to anecdotes about how he was a kid-genius who graduated college at 16, designed hardware for Steve Jobs, and didn’t need the money anyway, so he didn’t need to explain anything. That is, he didn’t need to explain, because he was the greatest and smartest, so you wouldn’t, and didn’t need to understand, anyways. Again, his stuff worked, sometimes better than the other offerings, but it wasn’t as magically delicious as the descriptions would lead you to believe. Now that I think of it, there was also some controversy about his de-bounce methods, and how they were described as some super-awesome safety method, while actually providing a very easy way to dial in excessive amounts of bounce, and runaway.

09-20-2006, 09:15 AM
The post above (quoted below) is hands down the very BEST description of JD I've even seen. Some of his transgressions included:

1. Claiming he was the first one to use a HES sensor in paint ball - not Tom Kaye.

2. Claiming he was the first to ever use a HES for a trigger system (ala Al Gore style) - not the US Navy which had patented it.

3. Claiming that the original Timmy had "shootdown" that his board fixed. The funny thing was that I'd posted (online) computer chrono strings showing no shootdown with the classic Timmy with OEM board (they were posted to show the performance of the Palmer reg) months before the Equalizer came out. The shootdown was a lie to hype the Equalizer out of the gate as something timmy owners didn’t just want – but needed. I believe he targeted the Timmy first due to it's huge popularity at the time.

4. That he had programmed "advanced AI" into his turborev board - which had a processor simply incapable of what he claimed. (Debunked by Miscue and others)

5. Messing up the AKA Equalizer board which led to shootdown when it was used in guns that did not show shootdown with other boards. Then launching a huge smear campign against AKA when they came out with a hack to actually make the defective boards work.

6. Always riding Bob Longs nuts every time someone started hammering on him. “Bob Long this and Bob Long that and if you don’t believe me go ask Bob, etc” Bob eventually got sick of the charlatan and dumped him like a sack of potatoes. Evidently Bob and Jim weren’t near as close as Jim liked to brag about over on PBN.

7. Claimed to have patented advanced loader technology that was going to lead to him releasing a loader unlike all others. He spent MONTHS hyping the loader online - nothing ever materialized. (This was not the only example of "vaporware" he spent weeks or months hyping to not ever be seen.)

There is a number of other instances, too numerous to mention. He was a liar, who often used double speak, half truths and backtracking to constantly change his story - leading to his infamous coercive deletion of his "over 3000" posts on PBN. Evidently, time and again people were quoting his BS back to him and it was getting to messy for him – so he deleted his electronic record.

I ditto what was said about his products - I still have a WAS board in my Viking. They wern't bad - just no where near the "rocket science" he claimed.


Jim Drew has been around in various forms over the years. However, he was infamous around these parts for unrelenting chest-thumping, stroking of his own ego, and a lot of smoke-and-mirrors explanations. Essentially, he and his company, WAS, produced boards and code for assorted paintball devices. Ironically, these actually worked rather well. The problem was that, in most people’s opinion, he was not content in just having something that worked well, and selling it straight, on realistic merits alone. Instead, people felt that he, having described his company as consisting of “the rocket-scientists of paintball,” would resort to all sorts of muddy claims, hyperbole, and exaggerations or the technology, and methodology behind his goods, such as “advanced AI algorithms” that would completely eliminate dropped shots with predictive analysis, super-fast processing, advanced queuing, personality tests, SkyNet uplinks, and The Farmer’s Almanac. What made people even more irate toward him is that, instead of breaking everything down and explaining his reasoning for making such claims, he would resort to anecdotes about how he was a kid-genius who graduated college at 16, designed hardware for Steve Jobs, and didn’t need the money anyway, so he didn’t need to explain anything. That is, he didn’t need to explain, because he was the greatest and smartest, so you wouldn’t, and didn’t need to understand, anyways. Again, his stuff worked, sometimes better than the other offerings, but it wasn’t as magically delicious as the descriptions would lead you to believe. Now that I think of it, there was also some controversy about his de-bounce methods, and how they were described as some super-awesome safety method, while actually providing a very easy way to dial in excessive amounts of bounce, and runaway.

09-20-2006, 03:23 PM
He can hype 2.4 all he wants (cleaner signal, less likely to be over-powered or interfered with, better range around structures/trees), but the FAA assigns frequencies for model aircraft control...for obvious reasons.

Model flyers are even more anal about their electronics than Pballers. When our boards fail, you can walk to the bench and get a new battery or so. When a $3000 aircraft augers in from a rotten program....well.

09-20-2006, 04:42 PM
Model flyers are even more anal about their electronics than Pballers. When our boards fail, you can walk to the bench and get a new battery or so. When a $3000 aircraft augers in from a rotten program....well.

I've experienced this all too frequently :( The crashing, not the bad program. 90% of the time it's a bad pilot or range/signal loss that causes the crash

09-21-2006, 01:20 PM
I love how he stated he makes most of the leectronics for the paintball industry.

He was a major developer back in 2002-early 2003, but he's all but disappeared since then. It's quite laughable.

The only thing not mentioned in this thread was the lawsuit issues, where he would constantly threaten to sue people for slander when they questioned his bull. Off the top of my head I think he threatened to serve about half the people that openly didn't like him, if not more...

09-21-2006, 02:05 PM
Too funny.

Typical Jim, claimed Trademarks and fancy packaging first, product delivery whenever (if ever).

Spherical Radiation Technology™
U.S. and world-wide patents pending :rofl:

Company motto should be: Rename and patent the obvious, sell the hype!

Would be interessting to know what the patent applciation numbers are. Isn't it an offense to claim patent or patent pending when is isn't?

09-22-2006, 07:50 PM
What I get a kick out of is the obsessivness he has sparked on some people on this board, specifically cledford. I understand you have issues with him, apparently seated deeply.
But do you have to chase his sorry overhyped butt all over the web and take him here?
Good God.

09-22-2006, 11:18 PM
Anyone who remembers Jim Drew will find his latest antics funny - yet o so familiar. It seems he's moved onto a new pasttime (radio controlled planes) and is making his over-hyped claims again - to a new crowd. None of this bahavior is new - going back decades.(Amiga owners were the first to have to endure him)



Sorry for the stupid question but how was he involved with Amigas? Actually any other info on him would be apreciated. From what I heard he has money in the family... Lot's of it

09-24-2006, 07:20 PM
All this from a man that doesnt even have his own company Trade Marked LOL

Trust me I have checked LOL

09-24-2006, 07:35 PM
All this from a man that doesnt even have his own company Trade Marked LOL

Trust me I have checked LOL
...people would be more likely to give you credit if you didnt sound like rudz. :ninja:

09-24-2006, 07:38 PM
I dont need credit Here check your self


09-24-2006, 10:20 PM
I think Steelrat will agree with me when I say that the W.A.S. board was one of the greatest boards for the Viking. Ever.

quoted for truth

09-24-2006, 10:35 PM
quoted for truth

emphasis on the sad face in your subname...
you need that olive viking back, it was the shiz