View Full Version : AGD Custom Emag problem

09-20-2006, 12:04 PM
So im bought a agd custom emag off my friend for $250. Yes I know whoa. But it has a problem the xvalve is working like crap. It wont shoot. We know that its the valve because he took it out and put it on his other emag and the valve worked the same way, we also then put into my 68automag and didnt didnt work right. what could be wrong with it. If it helps it sounds like it is cycling half way.

09-20-2006, 12:23 PM
List your full setup including carrier size, number of shims in the level 10 and what size sprinf you're using. Also make sure that you're NOT using a ULT in an e-mag and make sure you DO have the quad o-ring and proper length on/off pin. Make sure the valve has good seals and that it is lubricated. If it's "cycling halfway", try turning up the velocity until it fires.

With more information, we can help out some more.