View Full Version : Does anyone do aurora style annodizing?

09-21-2006, 05:59 PM
I saw a pic of this and I want it :D Does anyone know where I can get it done?

09-21-2006, 06:00 PM
i don't believe it is done anymore.

09-21-2006, 06:11 PM
It's still done, just expensive and has a very high failure rate.

There was a guy on here a few weeks ago saying he found somewhere that did it.

Cow hunter
09-21-2006, 06:53 PM
yea someone wanted to profit from knowing where a place to do it was. and i thinkk it has to be chromed before it can be aurora'd

09-21-2006, 06:57 PM
It's still done, just expensive and has a very high failure rate.

There was a guy on here a few weeks ago saying he found somewhere that did it.

There isn't a high failure rate. That is nothing more then a rumor.

A knife company, I think it mighte be Gerber, sells an "aurora" finished knife. If there was a high failure rate, then I doubt that they would sell them.

There is a thread about this in the anodzing section of PBN.

09-21-2006, 06:59 PM
There isn't a high failure rate. That is nothing more then a rumor.

A knife company, I think it mighte be Gerber, sells an "aurora" finished knife. If there was a high failure rate, then I doubt that they would sell them.

There is a thread about this in the anodzing section of PBN.
thats because stainless steel and aluminum are two different metals. The topic has been beaten to death

09-21-2006, 06:59 PM
There isn't a high failure rate. That is nothing more then a rumor.

A knife company, I think it mighte be Gerber, sells an "aurora" finished knife. If there was a high failure rate, then I doubt that they would sell them.

There is a thread about this in the anodzing section of PBN.

The steel that knife blades are made of is a lot more resilient than the aluminum in a paintball gun.

- Beaten by a few seconds

09-21-2006, 09:07 PM
why in the :cuss: would you anno a ule/mag body anyways?

unles your doing a frame or soemthing? an entire gun would look kinda dumb imo
since the body is soo consistenly dence it comes out looking like a solid color anno done bad

you should ask the guy who amde the post if hes gonna go thru with it, or will give up the name, or let you throw in for a batch

09-21-2006, 09:16 PM
I believe it was bawitheba here on AO that recently found a place that would do versions of this anno. There were several different styles he had, although IMO they looked like cr@p on a mag. Too much solid surface...pretty much what Chronobreak said.

09-22-2006, 09:24 AM
Yes i found a company that can do it and just to let you know i am going forward with this venture. The peices of the mag bodys do not have much rainbow. That is becouse he did not have proper tooling to rotate the peices in the batch. When i actually set up a production run he will get proper tooling and it will have the same effect as all the other rainbows. It does work better with a pointy object or one with groves but it will look awesome with proper tooling for the peices. That is why i will not take any orders before the peices are done or they are in my hands. the peices i will sell have the proper tooling so the rainbow will be consistant. When i actually get a production run rolling i will let everyone know where they can buy the peices and exactly what the will look like. The rainbow will match perfect with the other peices. In example if a right eye cover is done it will match the same on the left eye cover as long as they are properly roatated.

09-22-2006, 10:26 AM
Yes i found a company that can do it and just to let you know i am going forward with this venture. The peices of the mag bodys do not have much rainbow. That is becouse he did not have proper tooling to rotate the peices in the batch. When i actually set up a production run he will get proper tooling and it will have the same effect as all the other rainbows. It does work better with a pointy object or one with groves but it will look awesome with proper tooling for the peices. That is why i will not take any orders before the peices are done or they are in my hands. the peices i will sell have the proper tooling so the rainbow will be consistant. When i actually get a production run rolling i will let everyone know where they can buy the peices and exactly what the will look like. The rainbow will match perfect with the other peices. In example if a right eye cover is done it will match the same on the left eye cover as long as they are properly roatated.

i thought the aurora effect was a property of how dense/not dense or the curvature of the amterial the made the different colors. hence a solidly dense body would be a solid color.

correct me if i am wrong, the frames and other aprts have looked great, but the bodies were all solid colors that i ahve seen.

now if you had a karta/chord or something now that would probly be a different story due to the differences in density

just trying to clarify the process :cheers:

09-22-2006, 11:47 AM
no incorrect it affects how many contours it has since the parts was just sitting on the bottom of the vat. If we get propper tooling then it will look just like the frames with the rainbow effect on them.The pattern will swirl just like the other peices. It has nothing to do with how dense the metal is. It has to do with how porous it is that is why we have to seal it first with the chrome. If we did not seal it the it would just leak into the metal and will not create the rainbow.

Temo Vryce
09-22-2006, 03:59 PM
I'm not 100% sure this is the same affect your looking for but here is some information none the less.

http://www.focuser.com/atm/anodize/anodize.html How to anodize
http://www.artmetal.com/project/TOC/finishes/anodize.html More advanced
http://www.warpig.com/paintball/technical/anodize.shtml WarPig Link
http://yarchive.net/metal/anodizing.html Technical information
http://w3.uwyo.edu/~metal/anodizing.html FAQ/Commpendium

Hopefully that will give you some direction.

09-22-2006, 05:11 PM
why in the :cuss: would you anno a ule/mag body anyways?

unles your doing a frame or soemthing? an entire gun would look kinda dumb imo
since the body is soo consistenly dence it comes out looking like a solid color anno done bad

you should ask the guy who amde the post if hes gonna go thru with it, or will give up the name, or let you throw in for a batch
I was actually thinking of doing it to my Ego, but now I don't know about it cus apparently it can't be done with Aluminum :(

09-22-2006, 05:15 PM
it will,...just gotta get it nick plated first :D

09-22-2006, 05:30 PM
correct crono i have proved it. It can be done with allum. It has to be sealed with chrome or nickle.

09-22-2006, 07:31 PM
bawitheba can you email me [email protected] i have a few qustion for you about getting some thing done thanks

09-22-2006, 08:10 PM
dude pm me with questions i do not check my email enough just use pm's