View Full Version : Do you use the spell check feature?

12-27-2001, 12:30 PM
Well - Times are a changing....

The spellcheck we used was a free plug in that ran an ad banner when you used it. Now they are charging for their service and to be honest its a bit steep - especially considering I don't see alot of people using it - and one can use their MS Word software to check spelling and then cut and paste their message.

So - do you use spell check? If you all don't, I dont see why AGD should waste its resources and maybe can take that money for something more worth while like contests...

what do you think?

12-27-2001, 12:37 PM
I personally dont think it is worth it.... but thats me.

12-27-2001, 12:49 PM
nope i never use it

12-27-2001, 01:01 PM
nada :)

.....besides, it interferes with l33t sp34k

12-27-2001, 01:04 PM
it always took to long to load, so I gave up on it.

12-27-2001, 01:26 PM
I nabre uise teh spil feetire - ;)

12-27-2001, 01:37 PM
It's not worth the money...

12-27-2001, 01:57 PM
PAY FOR THE DAMN THING!!!:) I hate having to type the text into Word, run spell check, then cut and paste it into the browser. I use it for all my posts! I'm a dumb idiot who can't spell...

12-27-2001, 02:28 PM
I olways spelcheck everytheng I rite.:D

12-27-2001, 03:18 PM
Never have used it...and dont really intend on it, if i make a spelling error o well...plus it interferes with all the paintball terms

12-27-2001, 03:21 PM
Keep the spell checker. I use it whenever I post. It's much more convenient than writing in MS Word and cutting and pasting it into the post. Are there other free plugins or is this the only one around? Give us some options before you pull the plug.

12-27-2001, 03:41 PM
I use it at home where it works but not at work where it doesn't.

Paul La Rue
12-27-2001, 04:12 PM
There's a spell check feature???


Nope, I won't miss it...

12-27-2001, 04:38 PM
You didn't have a category in the poll that said, "I used it but won't miss it". So, I voted for I use it. However, I can always type it in word and cut and paste it here (that's what I'm use to anyway). I'd vote for not paying for it.

12-27-2001, 05:46 PM
Whjats spelll chekc?

Never have used it. It sometimes shows too.

12-27-2001, 05:48 PM
what spell check? i never knew there was one....Most of the time i spell things right anyways...I say get rid of it, no use in wasting money for it

12-27-2001, 06:07 PM
didnt like it so i stopped using it

12-27-2001, 06:49 PM
i wont miss it....
that and it would never load 4 me anyway... go fig.

12-27-2001, 07:01 PM
i wont miss it one bit go ahead and get rid of it

12-27-2001, 09:09 PM

12-27-2001, 09:13 PM
ive never used it webby

12-28-2001, 03:17 AM
You'll kan git ridd oh thut thiere spallchucker thang webbmister, Oi newer uset it neways.

But seriously now, how bad can someone really spell, why waste money on something not needed. Besides bad spelling make some postes more interesting.


12-28-2001, 06:56 AM
I haven't used the new spell check, but the old spell check took too long to load. I write all responses in my Netscape program, spell check there, then cut and paste, it's the quickest spell check I've found.

12-28-2001, 09:18 AM
I use it a lot at work where my connection speed is real good. But sometimes at home I do not as my connection is like 26400. However I use an old lap top P120 with a sticky stubborn space bar (right now as a mater of fact) that I realy need to use it but do not as it loads so slow on this thing. But I do like having it. I do not like composing in word then copying and pasting. Perhaps you can shop around for another free one?

12-28-2001, 11:43 AM
never used the spell checker :)

12-28-2001, 01:11 PM
i never use it, actually i just noticed it there when you posted this, lol

12-28-2001, 01:57 PM
I use it all the time, but if I had to pay for it I wouldn't. Therefore why should AGD.

12-28-2001, 10:33 PM
I was runner-up in the spelling bee my 8th grade year, so I guess I am a decent speller. I normally only make unnoticed typo's or am just so tired that I lose thoughts and make dumb errors, like their and there. I've yet to use spell checker on here, most of the time when I use a spell-checker anywhere, I just get words not in the spell-checker's library.

12-29-2001, 06:15 AM
HuKT oN fOneX wUrkt f4or mEE

I dun't us it eeder

12-29-2001, 07:34 AM
I never use it. I spell everything right. In fact, in 7th and 8th grade, I never had to take spelling because I was too good. Instead my english teacher made me write an essay every week....

Oh yeah, the crappy spelling joke was kind of a spur of the moment type thing. You guys took it, beat it to death, kicked the head off the corpse and pissed on it.

12-29-2001, 10:48 AM
for one, get rid of it. now, if you're really that worried about spelling, go take some english classes and some typing classes. otherwise, what's the big deal? i thinkk it's somewhat stupid so i'd get rid of it. i'd keep it if it were free, but forget paying for it. that's just me.

12-29-2001, 11:34 AM
Hey, what are friends for, if not for running a good joke into the ground.

12-29-2001, 11:55 AM
I never use it, I honestly don't really think I need to, as my spelling is at least pretty decent, so I think at least, and if I'm ever in doubt, theres always MS word and such, which IMO isnt much of a hassle to use.

12-30-2001, 01:34 PM
teh splell chek taekes two long two clikc on, Sow I naver user teh thng.

03-17-2002, 07:08 PM
in a post the general idea is all that needs to be conveyed. A typo or two won't quite get you laughed off of AO. Can the spellchecker; it's unnecessary. If a person really cared that much about their spelling they'd know how to spell all of the words they could think of a use for by now. Spellcheck=for t3h lazyness peoples

03-17-2002, 07:23 PM
theres a spell check?!?!?! huh, thats news to me.

03-18-2002, 10:17 AM
Dude...this is like three months old. And the Spall chaker id no mo!

03-18-2002, 10:43 AM

03-18-2002, 11:26 AM
nothing like keeping up with the times.