View Full Version : Oil for a classic and ULT compatability question

09-26-2006, 12:20 AM
What kind of oil can I use on a classic valve?
What kind of oil do you recomend?

And how can I tell weather or not my valve is ULT compatable?

09-26-2006, 12:30 AM
KC oil - the blue stuff.

What valve do you have.

09-26-2006, 12:40 AM
KC oil - the blue stuff.

What valve do you have.

68 automag AIR valve. with a level ten

Where can I get that stuff?

09-26-2006, 01:03 AM
Oil in dealer forum/ every good paintball shop

and utl + classic valve = sometimes with somepeople :tard:
Theoridicaly if it fits it will work.

I had one in my automag with my hyperframe, and it was uber fast. hardly ever chuffed. I even used CO2 in it occasionaly (sometimes had level X freeze up problems tho)

I have used one with a regular I frame also. You almost have to have stops installed IMO to get use to the pull. Every pull has to be complete or you will get CHUFF CHUFF. Many people here have got them to work fine, many people call BS. It basicly boils down to how picky a person is.

If your going to play woods ball just deal with the stock on/off. If your going to play tourneys/more competitive get an Xvalve.

09-26-2006, 01:40 AM
Oil in dealer forum/ every good paintball shop

and utl + classic valve = sometimes with somepeople :tard:
Theoridicaly if it fits it will work.

I had one in my automag with my hyperframe, and it was uber fast. hardly ever chuffed. I even used CO2 in it occasionaly (sometimes had level X freeze up problems tho)

I have used one with a regular I frame also. You almost have to have stops installed IMO to get use to the pull. Every pull has to be complete or you will get CHUFF CHUFF. Many people here have got them to work fine, many people call BS. It basicly boils down to how picky a person is.

If your going to play woods ball just deal with the stock on/off. If your going to play tourneys/more competitive get an Xvalve.

X-valve = no no for me.

10-12$ per HPA fill vs $0.50-1.00 for CO2.

09-26-2006, 11:52 AM
Thats what I use to say. I swore that I would not get HPA as I own 2 CO2 fill stations, and could fill CO2 for next to nothing. Usually @ 1.00 a fill. Then I broke down and purchased 3 scuba tanks, and I can support a small army with HPA. I can sell it for 3.00 a fill or 7.00 for all day air (both 10X cheaper than local pb shops), and make a profit. It only cost 2.50 to fill Scuba tanks (here) When I play woodsball there are roughly 10 of us using HPA. If 5 people (actually pay) I make ~25-30 bucks. That pays for filling 3 tanks (7.50) and I still have ~ 20 bucks left over. after 8 times playing it pays for itself. Assume that 10 people buy "all day air" thats 70.00 Then each tank gets paid off in 3 games (days) Ill buy beer, and everyones happy. They get cheap HPA. I get to use HPA for Xvalve, and we all get beer.

Scuba tank =150.00 (new) you can get for 60-70 used
scuba Fills = 2.50
Hpa tank fills from scuba = ~ .10-.20 a fill

I have to get them hydroed every 5 years, but they should be way past paid off by then.
Incase you havent noticed paintball=broke, but you cant take money with you so have fun :cheers:

09-29-2006, 11:35 PM
Thats what I use to say. I swore that I would not get HPA as I own 2 CO2 fill stations, and could fill CO2 for next to nothing. Usually @ 1.00 a fill. Then I broke down and purchased 3 scuba tanks, and I can support a small army with HPA. I can sell it for 3.00 a fill or 7.00 for all day air (both 10X cheaper than local pb shops), and make a profit. It only cost 2.50 to fill Scuba tanks (here) When I play woodsball there are roughly 10 of us using HPA. If 5 people (actually pay) I make ~25-30 bucks. That pays for filling 3 tanks (7.50) and I still have ~ 20 bucks left over. after 8 times playing it pays for itself. Assume that 10 people buy "all day air" thats 70.00 Then each tank gets paid off in 3 games (days) Ill buy beer, and everyones happy. They get cheap HPA. I get to use HPA for Xvalve, and we all get beer.

Scuba tank =150.00 (new) you can get for 60-70 used
scuba Fills = 2.50
Hpa tank fills from scuba = ~ .10-.20 a fill

I have to get them hydroed every 5 years, but they should be way past paid off by then.
Incase you havent noticed paintball=broke, but you cant take money with you so have fun :cheers:

just buy a schuba tank and wear your BC (Buoyancy Comps) with it hooked up to your gun... screw hours of play, I want days of non stop PB... goes well with my new sport- wakeboard paintball