View Full Version : info on non CO2 air systems?

09-28-2006, 11:39 PM
Officially an automag owner as of yesterday, Whoop!... anywho been away from pb for awhile can someone inform me on all the pmi 36-64/7800... jk I believe I know the benefits over CO2 being consistancy and not freezing your gun, but what the crap do all the numbers mean... and the mag doesn't need any converting to run air right?... so can I run either? should I invest in a tank? what the crap is hydro'd?

i got an old school used classic automag powerfeed left only up.s are benchmark 2x trigger (already started to set up trig stop), fore grip, a drop forward and SP teardrop barrel

also... should I get a gas thro grip or reg or exp. chamber (appearantly hard to find these days being outmoded for regs) for using CO2 (not really intereseted in remote feed... the guys I normally play with would flip out and think bc they dont have it, that it means my gun is way better which as everyone knows = better player ;) )

Sorry if this is a waste of time... but i used to have a spyder compact back in the day till i gave it to my lil bro... so an Automag was/is the rolls royce to me, I'm a little giddy... like a little school girl... and i ain't very little (being 6'1 235) so thats really saying alot... i think...

Also I understand that lvl 10 is bad ***... and I want it... but trying not to spend too much just yet... is it comp.ly necesary? I'm not trying to waste my money on paint (I dont need to pump out 20bps) but I would like to be able to spit some out if i need to (just got a revvy- as electronic as I will ever go)... do I need it? ( I already want it, but need?)

Thanks! and BTHO texas tech

09-28-2006, 11:56 PM
welcome and congratulations on getting your mag. on the hpa tanks are usually displayed like this 45/68 or 45/88. The first number should actually be like this 4500. it means how much PSI the tank can hold. the second is now many cubic inches the tank is. 68cu and 45cu are very common.

with a CO2 tank get a professionally installed anti-syphon tank and either an expansion chamber or use the gas thru. if you use a regulator you will only starve the valve, it already has a reg and a mag doesn't need 2.

to me the Lvl 10 isn't worth it. i can't get it tuned to the point that it wont chop or chuff at random times. as long as you are using a decent hopper you shouldn't really need it.

09-28-2006, 11:59 PM
Officially an automag owner as of yesterday, Whoop!... anywho been away from pb for awhile can someone inform me on all the pmi 36-64/7800... jk I believe I know the benefits over CO2 being consistancy and not freezing your gun, but what the crap do all the numbers mean... and the mag doesn't need any converting to run air right?... so can I run either? should I invest in a tank? what the crap is hydro'd?

i got an old school used classic automag only up.s are benchmark 2x trigger (already started to set up trig stop), fore grip, a drop forward and SP teardrop barrel

also... should I get a gas thro grip or reg or exp. chamber (appearantly hard to find these days being outmoded for regs) for using CO2 (not really intereseted in remote feed... the guys I normally play with would flip out and think bc they dont have it, that it means my gun is way better which as everyone knows = better player ;) )

Sorry if this is a waste of time... but i used to have a spyder compact back in the day till i gave it to my lil bro... so an Automag was/is the rolls royce to me, I'm a little giddy... like a little school girl... and i ain't very little (being 6'1 235) so thats really saying alot... i think...

Also I understand that lvl 10 is bad ***... and I want it... but trying not to spend too much just yet... is it comp.ly necesary? I'm not trying to waste my money on paint (I dont need to pump out 20bps) but I would like to be able to spit some out if i need to (just got a revvy- as electronic as I will ever go)... do I need it? ( I already want it, but need?)

Thanks! and BTHO texas tech

Get a palmer sideline stabalizer it was pretty much made for the automag, it also does a better job of keeping liquid CO2 out of the valve than an X-chamber ever will.

Link: https://palmer-pursuit.com/ecom/product_info.php/cPath/22_23/products_id/40?osCsid=3541ff9a67bd885ffd07482528be3b1a

09-29-2006, 12:25 AM
thanks for the quick replies... feels great to be apart of such a friendly group of peeps...

I forgot about the anti syphon, my tank already has one... but I should probably check to make sure the threads match up so its not upside down... that would suck,

I have read other places as well that talk about constant fine tuning with lvl 10... I'm not so big into that... (if i liked to fiddle with my gun all the time to make it work (properly),i would've bought an autococker)

is it just me or could that last () sound a lil dirty? I could've made it a lil worse... ha

09-29-2006, 12:28 AM
whats the diff. btwn a stabilizer and a reg?

09-29-2006, 12:31 AM
whats the diff. btwn a stabilizer and a reg?

A palmer stabalizer is a reg.

It is just DESIGNED to work with CO2, and it does it even better with HPA.

09-29-2006, 12:32 AM
So I'm assuming that the higher the psi the better? (as PV=nRT... ha finally getting to use my bio degree for something)

09-29-2006, 12:33 AM
got ya... kinda seemed like they were

09-29-2006, 12:40 AM
another question to add on... what is all this hub bub about high or low pressure systems... why would you want low? doesnt it take the same amount of force to move a paintball either way? it seems as tho a high pressure system would just result in a quicker recharge (i believe is what you call it)

09-29-2006, 12:53 AM
another question to add on... what is all this hub bub about high or low pressure systems... why would you want low? doesnt it take the same amount of force to move a paintball either way? it seems as tho a high pressure system would just result in a quicker recharge (i believe is what you call it)

Pretty much yeah, but low pressure guns are usually quieter than HP guns.

09-29-2006, 01:23 AM
That makes since, are automags high or low as stock?

09-29-2006, 01:39 AM
That makes since, are automags high or low as stock?

High, and they will always be a HP gun regardless of what you do to them.

09-29-2006, 01:45 AM
mags are really "medium" pressure. (The pressure in the burst chamber is around 400 psi.) But you will want a high pressure tank.

I suggest that you check your anti-syphon, and buy a used expansion chamber for cheap. Then get a lvl10 (also used if you can find a complete one in the BST section of AO). IMHO the lvl10 bolt is a better upgrade at your level than a compressed air tank. The lvl10 is pretty stable once you install it.

Here's a link to the lvl10 guide: http://automags.org/resource/level10/index.shtml

09-29-2006, 01:56 AM
Just a quick note on tanks, not sure where you are located, but some countries require different regulations, and these are shown in the numbers on the tanks. If you live in Canada you have to make sure you have the TC number on your tank, or you can't get it filled. STates all you need is a DOT rating.

As for hydro, thats a test that is done on a tank to make sure it is safe to use if you do not have an up to date hydro again you won't be able to get the tank filled. Tanks usually require a hydro test every three or every five years. The tank will usually say which. The hydro test where I am (Canada) cost $40, but I have heard it advertised for as low as $20. the hydro test will appear usually on a tag on the tank. if hydroed today it would be 09 06. This is on a carbon fiber tank, I think steel tanks are different it would be 0912306, the 123 being the coding for the company that did the test and will be different for each place.

09-29-2006, 02:19 AM
Just a quick note on tanks, not sure where you are located, but some countries require different regulations, and these are shown in the numbers on the tanks. If you live in Canada you have to make sure you have the TC number on your tank, or you can't get it filled. STates all you need is a DOT rating.

As for hydro, thats a test that is done on a tank to make sure it is safe to use if you do not have an up to date hydro again you won't be able to get the tank filled. Tanks usually require a hydro test every three or every five years. The tank will usually say which. The hydro test where I am (Canada) cost $40, but I have heard it advertised for as low as $20. the hydro test will appear usually on a tag on the tank. if hydroed today it would be 09 06. This is on a carbon fiber tank, I think steel tanks are different it would be 0912306, the 123 being the coding for the company that did the test and will be different for each place.

Thanks for the answers, good stuff. So any real threat/risk in buying used (don't really feel like spending 200 on a new one at the store down the road... I'm in TX btw)

is air or nitrous more effeceint than CO2 as well (i am assuming so if they are more consistant) and all i need to do is buy a nitrous tank and hook it up ( nothing else?)

09-29-2006, 02:34 AM
yes they are more consistant, with a mag you don't need any regs, the valve has one built in. Not sure if they are more efficient or not.
you also don't need any extras, just hook it up and go crazy. I have bought all my tanks except one used, and I have never had a problem. Ask for pictures and look for any deep cuts on the fiberwrap, and get pics of all sides. Ask them if they used a tank cover, because without one they can get alot of dings. I would not hesitate to buy used, check out pbreview.com before you buy to make sure you get the best for your money, from what I have seen you can't go wrong with crossfire but thats just my opinion, but I have also used system X and ACI bulldogs with no problem even though the reviews aren't so hot on those last two. Also most people selling on the forums have feedback check that out first, make sure its all positive, same with ebay etc.

09-29-2006, 02:38 AM
one more thing with the tanks try to get one thats rated to 4500 psi rather then 3000 it will obvously go alot further because it can hold more pressure. Not that it really matters for me because the paintball shop here won't fill past 3000 anyways :mad: . Also if you are going to buy one check if it comes with a cover because that will run you another $20-$40 too this doesn't seem like a bad deal http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=203747 (hope i'm allowed to post links to others threads :confused: )

Also if you want an expansion chamber I will send you one for free, you just pay the shipping.

09-29-2006, 02:58 AM
one more thing with the tanks try to get one thats rated to 4500 psi rather then 3000 it will obvously go alot further because it can hold more pressure. Not that it really matters for me because the paintball shop here won't fill past 3000 anyways :mad: . Also if you are going to buy one check if it comes with a cover because that will run you another $20-$40 too this doesn't seem like a bad deal http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=203747 (hope i'm allowed to post links to others threads :confused: )

Also if you want an expansion chamber I will send you one for free, you just pay the shipping.

I was going to say how nice you have been to give me all these answers... but wow ya if that expansion chamber needs a home I'll pay its way, paypal cool?

09-29-2006, 03:02 AM
yup I will send you my paypal address. you have a private message.

09-29-2006, 03:15 AM
http://img1.putfile.com/thumb/9/27104170023.jpg (http://www.putfile.com/pic.php?img=3526568)

http://img1.putfile.com/thumb/9/27104165998.jpg (http://www.putfile.com/pic.php?img=3526567)

here are the pics of it, some scratches around where I had a macro line connector in it, but other then that its in pretty good shape for being about 5 years old. Not sure what kind it is sorry i'm no help there. I'm not sure for your mag but you will need a vertical adaptor, I have one of those too but its rusted onto an old rail of mine and I couldn't get it off... sorry. you can email me yoru address too if you like [email protected]

09-29-2006, 03:26 AM
I'm not sure if i can use that... i have an old classic, so i think i would need some sort of adapter for that wouldn't I? (ss hose in and one ss hose out) is that the verical adaptor you mentioned?

I think that is the exact same one i had on my spyder that I gave to my lil bro

here is a link to pics and info of my new purchase... take a look, I would love to know what you think, I got it for 125


09-29-2006, 09:17 AM
Welcome to AO :cheers:

Not a bad buy for 125. You currently have a foregrip on the rail. (The thing that comes down in front of the trigger frame) You can replace it with a verticle asa, and the expansion chamber that phizz is offering you.(2 pieces) You will also need a few sets of microlines or ss tubing to make all the connections.

As for what to use HPA or CO2 it just depends. If you are going to play somewhere where HPA is availible I would defiently invest in a bottle. (Get a steel one they are cheap 40-50 bucks) Otherwise I am assuming that you are going to one place to fill your co2 tanks and going somewhere else to play? Automags are fine with CO2 depending on the outdoor temperature. With a level 7 you should be alright to play all year long as long as you have a expansion chamber and an antisyphon tank. If you move up to level 10 you are going to have problems with it in temps lower than 50ish.

If you are looking to buy stuff AO is defiently cheaper than EBay. Go to the misc section, and someone probally has what you are going to be looking for. If you cant find a specific part then just start a new thread that says WTB ****. Within a day or so people will tell you what they have, and how much. PLEASE check feedback. It doesnt happen much here, but the last thing you want to do is get scammed.

09-29-2006, 11:01 AM
nice looking mag thats for sure, and a pretty good price.
I will send it out later today, I will also try to get the vertical adaptor off so that you can hook that up as well, might even throw in a couple stainless adaptors, and maybe some tubing too, will have to check on that, but I know how it is waiting for stuff and would be nice to get it all at once.