View Full Version : The Guardian

09-29-2006, 02:42 PM
hey all.
just saw this with the rest of our base. it was a great movie, and with a few exeptions pretty accurate. exept the Commcen i work in looks nothing like the one in the movie. but then ive never been to kodiak.
have fun.

09-30-2006, 01:41 PM
awesome movie highly reccommended

10-04-2006, 06:45 AM
"This ain't no Puddle Pirate bar!"

Best line in the entire movie :headbang:

Congrats. Now Coasties have their own big-budget, A-listed, over-hyped, under-whelming movie just like all of the other military branches.

Welcome to the club.

10-04-2006, 11:03 AM
no the best line is, "how about I show you the breast stroke".

10-04-2006, 11:44 AM
Holy cliches, Batman!

10-08-2006, 02:12 PM
Congrats. Now Coasties have their own big-budget, A-listed, over-hyped, under-whelming movie just like all of the other military branches.


I really liked this movie, though. The ending was pretty amazing.

10-08-2006, 03:03 PM
I know that over all the movie might not be one of the best movies ever but heres the deal. to quote a line from it, "The Coast Guard a service that no one apprecates untill the need them". that could almost be considered the unoffical motto of the CG (the true unoffical motto is "we do more with less", because all our stuff is old and crappy.). I mean today I RCVD a Mayday from a disabled boat with too sick people on board. yesterday I had 3 deaths on my watch but one person was pulled out of the water after being in for 14hrs. and durring my last year and a half here Ive had 6 deaths total.

so the point is this movie means alot to alot of people. because for us just getting a TOP GUN like movie is a Huge deal. Its just nice to know that we are being appreceated a little for more then the 24hrs after we do something huge.

even now how many people think Coast Guard when some one says hurricane katrina? but if you turned on the TV for the first 3 days of it the ONLY thing you would see is CG. did you know that we rescued over 30,000 people durring that time? did you know that there are only 40,000 active duty CG members (thats about = to the number of people in the NYPD).

10-09-2006, 12:25 PM
We know. The Coast Guard is under-appreciated, and they do a lot of great things.

That doesn't mean that this was a good film.

10-09-2006, 09:47 PM
That doesn't mean it was you are right, but i enjoyed it, my father was in and he said it was failry accurate too.