View Full Version : SoCal AO day: SC Village

10-01-2006, 12:09 AM
Oct 28 at SC Village, anyone who can make it. We had 16 some names in the SoCal list, I'm hoping we can get 10-12 AOer's. Post if you can make it, and if you will be bringing anyone.

I'll keep a list of the people who say they will be there. :argh:

geekwarrior (+3)
d4m4don3 (+1)
Disorder (+1)
RavishingEddie (+2)
rudz (+2)
Piranti (+1)

Total so far: 12 :shooting:

10-01-2006, 01:05 AM
Oct 28 at SC Village, anyone who can make it. We had 16 some names in the SoCal list, I'm hoping we can get 10-12 AOer's. Post if you can make it, and if you will be bringing anyone.

I'll keep a list of the people who say they will be there. :argh:

geekwarrior (+3)
d4m4don3 (+1)

10-01-2006, 02:09 AM
Count me in and to follow the format:

Disorder ( just me :p )

10-01-2006, 05:36 AM
I'll be there with my brother. 2+ Get ready for pain!! :p

10-01-2006, 08:53 AM
yeah ill be there... +2

10-01-2006, 10:37 AM
yeah ill be there... +2

sounds good... my names not on the socal list... but i'll haveto look at my schedual on the 28th...

so possibly:


10-01-2006, 10:52 AM
sounds good... my names not on the socal list... but i'll haveto look at my schedual on the 28th...

so possibly:


awsome, added you to the socal list found here list (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?p=2226579#post2226579)

10-01-2006, 01:16 PM
I will mostly likely bring 3 more friends but they don't shoot mags. Does that count? I just counted me and my bro because we both use mags.

10-01-2006, 02:12 PM
I will mostly likely bring 3 more friends but they don't shoot mags. Does that count? I just counted me and my bro because we both use mags.

it counts, the more the merrier :shooting:

OEM Petey
10-01-2006, 03:29 PM
i hope i can make it.. my bday is the day before.. so if im not feeling "under the weather" :ninja: .. i'll try and make it out!

10-01-2006, 03:30 PM
ahhh! i wanna go! but i leave for virginia before then... :(

if you guys are still getting together in 4 months when i return i'd definately go to one of your events.

10-01-2006, 11:55 PM
If we actually get this going we could probably have a nice little AO Crew :headbang:

As long as the funds allow I'll play with the mag :D If Not I'm pumping it :bounce:

Joy!! :p

10-02-2006, 12:01 AM
I might make it. That is the weekend before my b-day so it may or may not work out. Plus at the rate my money is going, I might need to borrow/rent an HPA tank.

10-02-2006, 12:17 AM
I'll go if I'm not out to sea. don't add me to the list just yet lemme check the schedule at work.

10-04-2006, 03:55 AM
Can't make this one, but I posted in the other SoCal thread about doing a HSP AO day. Hope you guys have fun at this one.

10-04-2006, 11:02 AM
I will be there. Will be fairly fresh off of a nice vacation =)

10-05-2006, 11:09 AM
Can't make it for the next two months (at least)... funds ran dry. :cry:

Hope you guys have another meet early next year. Have a great time out there!


10-11-2006, 09:36 PM
hope everyones still planning on this...uping it those who havent seen it yet! And I'm gonna bring my camera, its crappy, so if anyone else wants to bring one, feel free. :shooting:

10-11-2006, 10:43 PM
What will you guys be playing(i.e. speedball, woodsball, hyperball)?

10-11-2006, 11:01 PM
What will you guys be playing(i.e. speedball, woodsball, hyperball)?

sounds like most everyone is up for playing on the speedball/hyperball fields

10-11-2006, 11:38 PM
Might be speedball fields as it is like 15$ cheaper than the rec ball fields =) either way is fine by me =)

10-11-2006, 11:41 PM
Might be speedball fields as it is like 15$ cheaper than the rec ball fields =) either way is fine by me =)

yeah, I'm too poor to play on both, me and my friends will probably just play on the sppedball fields....it was plenty fun last time. :shooting:

still interested in the mag piranti?

10-12-2006, 12:53 AM
I always end up at the speedball fields at sc anyhow, recball kinda lags on turn around time.

10-12-2006, 10:59 AM
I'm still thinking about going, but all I got is a classic mag with a doule trigger. I don't want to be out-gunned, unless I whip out my e-spyder. :rolleyes:

10-12-2006, 11:18 AM
I'm still thinking about going, but all I got is a classic mag with a doule trigger. I don't want to be out-gunned, unless I whip out my e-spyder. :rolleyes:

last time a couple of people played with pumps....I almost got my nuts shot off by one of them actually. It was down to 3 on 1, with Piranti moving down my left side, someone shooting at me on my right, and the guy with the pump coming up the middle. I knew I was going to get bunkered, but couldnt do much about it. Next thing I know the guy with the pump is squatting about a foot to my left and shoots a round at me. The thing broke on the zipper flap on my pants. :eek: Thankfully it wasnt a direct hit. :cry:

10-12-2006, 06:36 PM
Maybe , don't quite know if I'll be in the area around that time, or if I'll have any money :(

10-12-2006, 09:41 PM
last time a couple of people played with pumps....I almost got my nuts shot off by one of them actually. It was down to 3 on 1, with Piranti moving down my left side, someone shooting at me on my right, and the guy with the pump coming up the middle. I knew I was going to get bunkered, but couldnt do much about it. Next thing I know the guy with the pump is squatting about a foot to my left and shoots a round at me. The thing broke on the zipper flap on my pants. :eek: Thankfully it wasnt a direct hit. :cry:

Hmmm the 2 Davids, was it the asian david (little guy with phantom) or was it shrub , big guy rolls with a Sniper 2?

OEM Petey
10-12-2006, 09:50 PM
Carbonblue and I are thinking about going since plans to Vegas probably wont pan out

10-12-2006, 10:39 PM
Hmmm the 2 Davids, was it the asian david (little guy with phantom) or was it shrub , big guy rolls with a Sniper 2?

the little David, I knew he was coming, but the other two had me pinned :cry:

10-12-2006, 10:46 PM
Carbonblue and I are thinking about going since plans to Vegas probably wont pan out

awsome, I want to see carbons pnuemag :shooting:

10-12-2006, 11:53 PM
Might be speedball fields as it is like 15$ cheaper than the rec ball fields =) either way is fine by me =)
I never knew you had to pay seperate for the speedball/hyperball fields lol, only played a couple times on those fields. Now I know why the walk on games never take place there :D Which is mostly what I play when I go there since none of my friends play.

OEM Petey
10-13-2006, 12:17 AM
I never knew you had to pay seperate for the speedball/hyperball fields lol, only played a couple times on those fields. Now I know why the walk on games never take place there :D Which is mostly what I play when I go there since none of my friends play.

You can pay $25 so you can play with the walk-ons.. and if you like.. go to the speedball fields and play there as well. Or if you just want to play speedball, you just pay $10 and you are restricted to speedball fields only.

I just like it because you get games going faster and you set them up yourselves. Downside is cheaters and you get those AGG :tard: players out there who think they own all.

10-13-2006, 10:20 AM
Yes you do get the cheaters and agg kiddies, however it is soooo nice to mow thier faces with a Mag. I kinda dropped some kids shocker onto the ground. Well I didnt he set it on a garbage can I was sitting on and when I got up the wood cover tipped dumping his shocker =P

It is very satisfying to see fear in the agg kiddies eyes when they are facing mags of all sorts, from x-modded Emag's and X-mags to RT Pro Ule's. One they don't recognize the gun, and when they find out the marker is 5-6 years old (like my Emag) :clap: :eek: :D

but the best part is the turnaround. Can play as much or as little as one wants to on the speedball fields. Not all of the rec fields at SC are all that great. Are a couple I do like, but usually get stuck on some of the lamer ones where its nothing but a long ball paint wasting event :cool:

10-13-2006, 11:26 AM
anyone going to go check out the commanders cupp next weekend? the mini is going to be there :shooting:

10-13-2006, 12:06 PM
anyone going to go check out the commanders cupp next weekend? the mini is going to be there :shooting:
oooo.....gonna have to see if the rest of the guys are up for it

10-14-2006, 11:16 PM
Hey geek, anyone else going with you? What day u gonna go? I'm sure piranti and another one of our friends is probably going too.

10-14-2006, 11:20 PM
Hey geek, anyone else going with you? What day u gonna go? I'm sure piranti and another one of our friends is probably going too.

hoping to go sat, should have my freind and maybe his younger brother, maybe more, I just made some more paintball friends at our renegade feild today, and they said they might be wanting to go

10-15-2006, 09:10 AM
[QUOTE=Piranti]Yes you do get the cheaters and agg kiddies, however it is soooo nice to mow thier faces with a Mag. I kinda dropped some kids shocker onto the ground. Well I didnt he set it on a garbage can I was sitting on and when I got up the wood cover tipped dumping his shocker =P[QUOTE]

dont lie, i was there..you threw it..but im sure my, "omg u bent the frame" comment didnt help..

10-17-2006, 03:37 PM
im in..not sure of the count...i maybe can get 2 if all we play is speed

10-17-2006, 09:36 PM
[QUOTE=Piranti]Yes you do get the cheaters and agg kiddies, however it is soooo nice to mow thier faces with a Mag. I kinda dropped some kids shocker onto the ground. Well I didnt he set it on a garbage can I was sitting on and when I got up the wood cover tipped dumping his shocker =P[QUOTE]

dont lie, i was there..you threw it..but im sure my, "omg u bent the frame" comment didnt help..

Hey it was on the trash can, I would say the garbage fell. Piranti needs to be neater, stop littering :D

10-17-2006, 09:44 PM
i still need someone to trade my airsoft gun..thread in misc forum..cmon u guys kno u want it...

10-19-2006, 12:21 AM
i still need someone to trade my airsoft gun..thread in misc forum..cmon u guys kno u want it...

Can I use it to kill rats and mice?

10-20-2006, 09:13 PM
I am out for the day of play and for the commander cup. Besides I don't believe in paying to watch paintball. If I'm going to pay, I'd rather play. Just my 2 cents.

10-21-2006, 12:05 PM
if oem petey and carbonblue are down to roll, im down to roll with them. :cheers:

10-23-2006, 08:57 AM
ok i finally traded my airsoft gun for a new tank..sweet!!! btw is anyone coming down the 60? i need a ride, i live off the 60, right where it meets the 15..please.....

10-24-2006, 08:14 AM
so are those guys from sd gonna come up and play?? hmmmm?

10-24-2006, 08:29 PM
Funny, you in Jurupa?
I'm in Fontucky.

10-24-2006, 09:03 PM
Anyone know if SC rents air tanks? I'm out of an air tank, unless someone has one I can borrow/rent? If so, I'll be back in.

10-24-2006, 09:11 PM
If we are doing speedball then I can use my dynaflow and loan out my 68/45. Just cant use my 'older' tanks at the rec ball fields cause those damned nazi's dont like tanks just over the 3 year mark......

10-25-2006, 04:15 PM
We will have some extra gear for those short of say a tank, or a hopper. The extra 'loaner' gear may not be top of the line brand new :ninja: but will be serviceable. If you have extra gear may be advisable to bring it along as well just in case someones GF or wife decides they want to shoot some people they can blame for thier BF/Husbands obsession :ninja:, or others gear is forgotten or they are just short.

I will also have AO:CA AO.org and AGD Lion Logo 11x8.5 Sheets hung from our canopies. I will be driving the Red 99 Sonoma. So spotting a central Gathering point will be much easier. I will attempt to get there as early as possible to try to get some parking spaces 'reserved' (chairs, coolers, canopies work wonders) so we can all park closer together and be able to tell each other lies of how many pro ballers we have gogged or bunkered :D .

I will attach the Image of what I will have hanging on my canopy. Though you probably cant mistake the Lion Logo for AGD. :D


10-25-2006, 04:18 PM
We will have some extra gear for those short of say a tank, or a hopper. The extra 'loaner' gear may not be top of the line brand new :ninja: but will be serviceable. If you have extra gear may be advisable to bring it along as well just in case someones GF or wife decides they want to shoot some people they can blame for thier BF/Husbands obsession :ninja:, or others gear is forgotten or they are just short.

I will also have AO:CA AO.org and AGD Lion Logo 11x8.5 Sheets hung from our canopies. I will be driving the Red 99 Sonoma. So spotting a central Gathering point will be much easier. I will attempt to get there as early as possible to try to get some parking spaces 'reserved' (chairs, coolers, canopies work wonders) so we can all park closer together and be able to tell each other lies of how many pro ballers we have gogged or bunkered :D .

I will attach the Image of what I will have hanging on my canopy. Though you probably cant mistake the Lion Logo for AGD. :D


awsome, I was hoping you'd bring your canopy. :clap: what time are you going to try to get down there?

I will have some extra gear as well. I have that extra 45/45, but will only loan it out if you can bleed the air from the gun, since its a maxflow and doesnt have a bleed. :tard:

10-25-2006, 04:44 PM
awsome, I was hoping you'd bring your canopy. :clap: what time are you going to try to get down there?

I will have some extra gear as well. I have that extra 45/45, but will only loan it out if you can bleed the air from the gun, since its a maxflow and doesnt have a bleed. :tard:

I'll bring my canopy as well. As well as a table and a chair. Anybody got a bbq? That way we don't have to go anywhere for food.

I'll bring some extra pb stuff too.

10-25-2006, 04:45 PM
I'll bring my canopy as well. As well as a table and a chair. Anybody got a bbq? That way we don't have to go anywhere for food.

I'll bring some extra pb stuff too.

are you allowed to bbq? :confused:

what time are you going to be there? actually, what time does it even open?

10-25-2006, 04:53 PM
I am going to attempt to be there at 8 or earlier as that is when I beleive it opens, but do know most of us are slacker so I expect most to trickle in.....

hmm... should I be different and use my Q-bow on the Speedball fields :ninja: ......nah I'll jsut stick with the Emag, and if run low on paint bust out the 'Equalizer'. :D

10-25-2006, 04:55 PM
I am going to attempt to be there at 8 or earlier as that is when I beleive it opens, but do know most of us are slacker so I expect most to trickle in.....

k....I dont think I can get the guys that are riding with me out of bed till 8, so hopefully I'll be there before 9.

Hopefully we get a few more AOers than before. Sounds like I may have 4-6 people with me. But than you know how that goes, it'll probably be just me and 1 other :rolleyes:

10-25-2006, 04:56 PM
are you allowed to bbq? :confused:

what time are you going to be there? actually, what time does it even open?

Called them up, we have to bring our own bbq, they won't provide it :D

My buddy shrub should be coming.

I let david know....[Geek > Phantom> paintball > zipper] but he doesn't know if he can make it.

10-25-2006, 07:31 PM
Called them up, we have to bring our own bbq, they won't provide it :D

My buddy shrub should be coming.

I let david know....[Geek > Phantom> paintball > zipper] but he doesn't know if he can make it.

everythings ready...working... and it shall be fun... Time to meet some new people...

10-26-2006, 12:06 AM
Alright I'm in. I'm in a white Cavalier and I am virtually all red and blacked out with a RogueMag. I might be able to pick up a preset tank prior to that day but not positive.

See you all there @ 8am.

OEM Petey
10-26-2006, 01:26 AM
are you allowed to bbq? :confused:

what time are you going to be there? actually, what time does it even open?

yeah... i've seen people bring bbq grills and cook

this thread makes me sad now :( . We (Carbon, tesbeatsmag and I) were looking forward to this! Have fun out there and rip off some AGG heads :shooting:

10-26-2006, 06:13 AM
Ok I can't stand this anymore. I'm in, but I'll have to leave kind of early to get back to my house to set up for a party. I'm hoping and praying my hyperframe comes back from getting a morlock board installed. I also have about 8 employee tickets that might work for SC, but I'm going to have to talk to my boss about using them there. I know I'll be fine getting in, but I don't know if I can share them. I'll bring a table and maybe some food too. Is anyone bringing a BBQ cause I could do a Costco run tomorrow. Bought some new gear at the OC NPPL the other weekend so I'm excited to try out my new pack and jersey. Hopefully I won't get too many hits on them. ;) I'll bring my cameras and document the whole event too. Should be good times all around. Can't wait.

10-26-2006, 08:43 AM
Ok I can't stand this anymore. I'm in, but I'll have to leave kind of early to get back to my house to set up for a party. I'm hoping and praying my hyperframe comes back from getting a morlock board installed. I also have about 8 employee tickets that might work for SC, but I'm going to have to talk to my boss about using them there. I know I'll be fine getting in, but I don't know if I can share them. I'll bring a table and maybe some food too. Is anyone bringing a BBQ cause I could do a Costco run tomorrow. Bought some new gear at the OC NPPL the other weekend so I'm excited to try out my new pack and jersey. Hopefully I won't get too many hits on them. ;) I'll bring my cameras and document the whole event too. Should be good times all around. Can't wait.

Awsome, glad you can make it. Sounds like we'll have 6-7 AO people, and there friends.

Is anybody going to be mad if I'm shooting my Angel and not my mag :p I'll still bring my mag and might play a couple games with it yet...the guys I'm bringing are shooting Angels too. Maybe we can have an Angel vs Mag game.

10-26-2006, 09:40 AM
Awsome, glad you can make it. Sounds like we'll have 6-7 AO people, and there friends.

Is anybody going to be mad if I'm shooting my Angel and not my mag :p I'll still bring my mag and might play a couple games with it yet...the guys I'm bringing are shooting Angels too. Maybe we can have an Angel vs Mag game.

I won't have a problem with it. :D My buddy shrub has a mini mag but he only uses it for woodsball so he can mow the bushes down if he needs to. Most of the time he rolls with his sniper. So you'll probably see him pumping it at SC.

10-26-2006, 09:54 AM
sounds great, yeah geekwarrior..fighting to get the maxflo tank off my xmag wasnt fun was it..lol, and if anyone needs a gun, i um have a couple "loaners" lol ya kno the usual run of the mill..lol, but if anyone breaks there gun on purpose to use the xmag, ur gonna get it..lol

10-26-2006, 10:26 AM
One way or another we will have a BBQ grill and charcoal for cooking. If everyone brings enough for say 10 peopleish We could be golden and have plenty of left overs.

So if your GF like makes a killer tater salad, take her shoes and keep her in kitchen til its done :ninja:. or bring a package of dogs and buns or package of burgurs and buns, or Condiments like ketchup, mustard, mayo, onions, cheese, tomatoes. Can try the random bringing of stuff and see what happens. If it doesn't work out then our next one we will hafta assign what folks bring.....

p.s. If you happen to be female and read this do not be offended, I was making a joke. Although a way to a mans heart is through his stomach....... :cheers:

10-26-2006, 10:56 AM
One way or another we will have a BBQ grill and charcoal for cooking. If everyone brings enough for say 10 peopleish We could be golden and have plenty of left overs.

so are you bringing te grill? :D

should we start a list of the basics? drinks, hotdogs, buns, condiments, chips? if we're going to bbq, lets do it right, otherwise we end up with ketchup, mustard, buns and forks. :p

10-26-2006, 12:11 PM
so are you bringing te grill? :D

should we start a list of the basics? drinks, hotdogs, buns, condiments, chips? if we're going to bbq, lets do it right, otherwise we end up with ketchup, mustard, buns and forks. :p

so true

ill bring hot dogs and hamburgers..and buns

10-26-2006, 12:16 PM
Well everyone should bring thier own drinks anyways to play PB. Water gatorade soda, maybe beer for afterwards....

If you want to volunteer to bring a certain foodstuffs. We can post it here and as we go along we can volunteer for different things.

Grill and charcoal are taken care of.

If you bring/volunteer for Hotdogs bring enough buns for the hotdogs you bring.
If you bring/volunteer for Hamburgers bring enough buns for them.
Condiments like ketchup Mayo Mustard, can be a single persons deal.
Cheese and vegetables like onions lettuce tomatoes, can be anothers.
Paper plates and plastic silverware, and Napkins.
Chicken + BBQ sauce.

Other goodies like 3 or 4 bags of chips.
Tater salad.
Or other things you may thing others will enjoy.

Post and list what you plan on bringing.

It appears that we are looking at about 15 people. maybe a little more.

If there is something someone misses

10-26-2006, 12:16 PM
so true

ill bring hot dogs and hamburgers..and buns

cool, I'll bring some 2 liters and some ice.

edit: after seeing Piranti's post, I'll still bring some drinks and some ice, and I'll bring ketchup, mustard, mayo, napkins and forks. maybe a bag of chips if I have any in the house.

10-26-2006, 12:31 PM
I still have paper plates and cups from the last time we went camping. :D
I'll double check on the grill, its a 20$ portable from wally world, but I believe its still functional.

10-26-2006, 12:32 PM
Ok What we have so far:

D4m4d0n4 = Grill - Charcoal - Paper Plates - cups - Silverware
Rudz = Hotdogs/Buns - Hamburgers/Buns
Geekwarrior = Soda - Condiments - various leftovers.
Piranti = Tortilla chips and salsa (Coworker coming as well first time players) - Will decide what to get a lil later when have better idea of whats needed.

Remember folks we will have from appearances 15-20 people.

10-26-2006, 02:12 PM
looks good so far...ill prolly pick up some more drinks too, but if i bring beer, i wont be playing paintball, ill be "watching" the beer, gotta make sure the kiddies dont steal any.i dont have an ice chest tho

10-26-2006, 02:13 PM
looks good so far...ill prolly pick up some more drinks too, but if i bring beer, i wont be playing paintball, ill be "watching" the beer, gotta make sure the kiddies dont steal any.i dont have an ice chest tho

they cool with bringing beer there?

10-26-2006, 02:20 PM
Can probably 'bring' it but wont be able to drink it there. If we wanted we could afterwards go somewhere to drink it :D :ninja:

10-26-2006, 02:22 PM
Can probably 'bring' it but wont be able to drink it there. If we wanted we could afterwards go somewhere to drink it :D :ninja:

i was going to say, they let you bbq and drink there, that would be the greatest park ever. :p

10-26-2006, 03:08 PM
Who's to say a flask can be ninja'd in and have some fadorade!! :cool:

I got 2 coolers. One with wheels, one without both are a fairly good size. I know piranti has one too. I'd say one be for the meat and 2 litres, and the other be for the gatorades and water? Sound out if anyone else has coolers, looks like this is gonna turn into a nice little shindig.

10-26-2006, 03:21 PM
Who's to say a flask can be ninja'd in and have some fadorade!! :cool:

I got 2 coolers. One with wheels, one without both are a fairly good size. I know piranti has one too. I'd say one be for the meat and 2 litres, and the other be for the gatorades and water? Sound out if anyone else has coolers, looks like this is gonna turn into a nice little shindig.

i have a cooler I will bring the ice and drinks in. :cheers:

10-26-2006, 07:07 PM
man my quick trip to the pro shop gets me a nice bill.lol, and i have abt a half dozen things i want now when i get paid, lol..i did get some sweet blue mirror lenses for my Events..btw if anyone wnats to trade an air tank and loader for my airsoft gun its for sale again,,and yes i got the bugers, dogs and buns..but why the hell are they always packaged in different numbers!!! its retarted!!

10-27-2006, 01:26 AM
Looks like I can make it. Add one more AOer to the group and I have a friend coming too. It's sort of his first time and I am going to be playing pump for the first time so I hope we don't get messed up to bad. I can bring chips, what kind do you guys prefer?

10-27-2006, 07:50 AM
Looks like I can make it. Add one more AOer to the group and I have a friend coming too. It's sort of his first time and I am going to be playing pump for the first time so I hope we don't get messed up to bad. I can bring chips, what kind do you guys prefer?

we played with a couple pumpers last time, and they held there own really well, they got there share of kills, heck they held up against ramping electros, so i give them props for that

10-27-2006, 08:47 AM
we played with a couple pumpers last time, and they held there own really well, they got there share of kills, heck they held up against ramping electros, so i give them props for that

Hehe, those 2 always play pump at the speedball fields. One of them has a mini-mag but uses it in woodsball, he needs the volume of fire to punch trough bushes.

10-27-2006, 02:01 PM
Are these guys showing up tomorrow because I could really use some tips.

10-27-2006, 02:17 PM
At least one will :D

10-27-2006, 02:39 PM
Well I play pump vs. semi all the time as well :ninja: and D4m4d0n4 does as well :D its not that difficult :shooting:

10-27-2006, 04:00 PM
Directions: Simplest route I can think of.
If you're coming from the 210/10/60 freeway, hit the 15 interchange and go south.
Take the 2nd street exit and go west.
Go north on River rd, and make a left after the bridge and the muddy water.
You'll see the sign for SC village there.
If you're coming from the 91 or anywhere from down south.
Find the 15 Interchange and take the 15 north.
Take the 2nd street exit and go west.
Go north on River rd, and make a left after the bridge and the muddy water.
You'll see the sign for SC village there.
If you need paint or other equipment. There are 2 paintball stores at the Corner of 2nd st. and River Rd.

One is CC Paintball & the other is Paintball Ace. I know CC is open in the morning to serve SC village patrons, I've been there as early as 8' o clock and they were already up and running.
Paintball Ace I'm not a fan, just don't like the vibe from that store.

BTW print this out if you want, the directions on scvillages website has been notorious for getting people lost. :D

Edit: CC is right next to the chinese food store and on the same lot as the Jack in the Box and Supermarket.

10-27-2006, 04:47 PM
If your super lucky when your at CC you may see a girl not wearing a bra and super low rider pants washing a yellow Ferrari :eek:

10-27-2006, 04:59 PM
Ohhh.... the fanservice. :wow:

Who washes their car in front of a paintball store wearing that unless you dileberately wanted guys drooling all over you.

10-27-2006, 05:13 PM
Ohhh.... the fanservice. :wow:

Who washes their car in front of a paintball store wearing that unless you dileberately wanted guys drooling all over you.

That's what I said, hell I bet she was paid...they probably had a mob at cc....

10-27-2006, 09:14 PM
Hey very urgent request...

Anybody happen to have an Xvalve on off handy would they. My ULT didn't come in on time... and well my hyperframe will be a little naked this weekend....

I have cash and will pay the going rate or whatever you feel is great...

I'll be in a silver VW jetta... can't miss it...

I pray its a civilized parking lot for my poor car...

10-27-2006, 09:56 PM

There are 2 parking areas there at SC village. One is for the rec fields. The other is for the Speedball fields.

The speedball fields are near the entrance and you make a right instead of going straight when you go trough the gates. The rec field is asphalt. The Speedball field is dirt. Park where you want to but Piranti and I are going to be in the speedball parking lot.

10-27-2006, 10:04 PM
Hey very urgent request...

Anybody happen to have an Xvalve on off handy would they. My ULT didn't come in on time... and well my hyperframe will be a little naked this weekend....

I think we have a candidate for Rudz's X-mag rental program. :D

10-27-2006, 10:34 PM
I think we have a candidate for Rudz's X-mag rental program. :D

meh, you can use my loaner..the karta tunamax..she was chuffin last time, but we can prolly hook her up when we get there..ill bring lvl 10 parts

10-27-2006, 10:51 PM
I'll be having tryouts with my team at Velocity tomorrow... Look for me with Tawberry (my xmag) :D

10-27-2006, 11:06 PM
I'll be having tryouts with my team at Velocity tomorrow... Look for me with Tawberry (my xmag) :D

u can be at velocity, the rest of the cool kids will be at sc village so ha!!

10-27-2006, 11:20 PM
Guys I will be there tommorrow, but I am only going to be shooting my pump. The parts from A+ couldn't make it back to me on time. I hope you guys will still let me chill out with you guys. Let me know where you guys will be. I'm the hispanic guy with a Gotee and the oldest pump ever LOL.

10-27-2006, 11:34 PM
Guys I will be there tommorrow, but I am only going to be shooting my pump. The parts from A+ couldn't make it back to me on time. I hope you guys will still let me chill out with you guys. Let me know where you guys will be. I'm the hispanic guy with a Gotee and the oldest pump ever LOL.

Thats cool Pumpers are welcome. I pump at times =)

We'll be at the Speedball parking lot. Just look for the ao logo hanging on the canopy.

10-27-2006, 11:36 PM
Or if you bring your marker with, someone may have some spare parts to make it work. If you post what your missing something may be in someones spare parts box. :D

10-27-2006, 11:44 PM
Hey very urgent request...

Anybody happen to have an Xvalve on off handy would they. My ULT didn't come in on time... and well my hyperframe will be a little naked this weekend....

I have cash and will pay the going rate or whatever you feel is great...

I'll be in a silver VW jetta... can't miss it...

I pray its a civilized parking lot for my poor car...

I have an extra one you can borrow for the day.

10-27-2006, 11:46 PM
were brothers, what do you expect? lol we got eachothers backs :cheers:

10-27-2006, 11:55 PM
well, looks like I'll only be bringing 2 friends, but sounds like we'll still have a good group. we plan on being there at about 9 ish. we have 4 cases of paint we plan on shooting between the three of us so be forewarned :shooting: :D

10-28-2006, 12:00 AM
i have 2 cases of marbs..for me...lol

a hopped up halo
2 cases of marbs


10-28-2006, 12:06 AM
looking through this thread, looks like we have about 10-12....good enough for 5 man. :headbang:

10-28-2006, 12:18 AM
well add one of my coworkers who has never played before :tard:

His Gf is coming too she may or may not play, :shooting:

10-28-2006, 12:22 AM
well add one of my coworkers who has never played before :tard:

His Gf is coming too she may or may not play, :shooting:

tell her to bring a freind, im single again, lol

10-28-2006, 12:24 AM
tell her to bring a freind, im single again, lol

uh-oh, did you tell your other girlfriend she couldnt have the xmag?

10-28-2006, 12:52 AM
uh-oh, did you tell your other girlfriend she couldnt have the xmag?

yeah buts he still has the cell phone i got her...grrr...

10-28-2006, 02:05 AM
yeah buts he still has the cell phone i got her...grrr...

dude consider that phone stolen.
if she's on your plan I suggest you find a way to terminate her from it.

10-28-2006, 08:39 AM
dude consider that phone stolen.
if she's on your plan I suggest you find a way to terminate her from it.

shes on my ploan, ive been tryin to get it back nicely, that, and i have a storage full or her stuff, so she wont do anything stupid...and im not worried abt her comin while im at work to get her stuff and keep the phone, cuz well, i have dogs..and they be mean

and btw im up and ready to go!!!!bwhahahaah

10-28-2006, 09:58 PM
great turnout AO! :clap:

cept for you Ravishing Eddy, I was waiting for those pink paintballs to come flying my way.

Hope to see those pics soon, I didnt really get any action ones but I'll post them later.

Piranti, thanks for grilling and letting me try out your phantom, i think i might have to get one.

Lets do it again in a month or so :shooting:

10-28-2006, 11:12 PM
great turnout AO! :clap:

cept for you Ravishing Eddy, I was waiting for those pink paintballs to come flying my way.

Hope to see those pics soon, I didnt really get any action ones but I'll post them later.

Piranti, thanks for grilling and letting me try out your phantom, i think i might have to get one.

Lets do it again in a month or so :shooting:

shoulda stuck around, we eventually went to Graziano's for pizza chicken and beer!!! :cheers:

10-28-2006, 11:14 PM
I put the pictures up in a new thread here: http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?p=2243039#post2243039

10-28-2006, 11:32 PM
shoulda stuck around, we eventually went to Graziano's for pizza chicken and beer!!! :cheers:

would have been fun, but I had to get back anyway. :cheers:

10-29-2006, 09:37 AM
shoulda stuck around, we eventually went to Graziano's for pizza chicken and beer!!! :cheers:

you have to post a pic of piranti's "incident". lol and you forgot the part abt us gettin locked out of the van, using a piece of rebar to get in, and going back to the pad and playin drunked video games.lol..is josh alive? lol :cheers:

10-29-2006, 10:14 AM
you have to post a pic of piranti's "incident". lol and you forgot the part abt us gettin locked out of the van, using a piece of rebar to get in, and going back to the pad and playin drunked video games.lol..is josh alive? lol :cheers:

He's presently knocked out in one of the guest rooms :p

If I can figure out how to transfer these pics from my cell I've got a nice pic of where Piranti puked :tard:

10-30-2006, 12:08 AM
He's presently knocked out in one of the guest rooms :p

If I can figure out how to transfer these pics from my cell I've got a nice pic of where Piranti puked :tard:

you can email the piks, send them to [email protected], ill be glad to host them

10-30-2006, 12:11 AM
I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of any type of vomitous mass outside of Graziano's Pizza. :ninja:

10-30-2006, 12:27 AM
I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of any type of vomitous mass outside of Graziano's Pizza. :ninja:

waht about in front of chris's house?

10-30-2006, 12:44 AM
waht about in front of chris's house?
I don't know he was hugging the toilet bowl at my pad :rofl:

10-30-2006, 10:29 AM
Honestly I do not remember if I puked into the toilet or not, am positive I didn't in his front yard.

Course Chris is the one who made 5th of vodka in with the koolaid......kinda reminded me of jim jones......... :eek:

10-30-2006, 01:42 PM
You were hugging the toilet bowl don't lie. :clap:

Rudz I've e-mailed you the most decent pic of puke, the rest were done with an unsteady hand and pretty much unidentifiable.

10-30-2006, 11:53 PM
I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of any type of vomitous mass outside of Graziano's Pizza. :ninja:



Piranti + :cheers: = :spit_take / :tard: .... :rofl:

10-30-2006, 11:55 PM
thats disgusting :(

10-31-2006, 12:13 AM
thats disgusting :(

thats pizza and beer..and i think he was smokin that ciggarette when he threw up..lol

10-31-2006, 08:50 PM
Well we've done SC village. I'm thinking HSP or Camp Pendleton next. I have a feeling though that we should set it up in January. The Holidays are coming, fundage will be short for most of us and there's going to be a lot of family functions that many of us will be doing. What do you guys think?

10-31-2006, 09:08 PM
Well we've done SC village. I'm thinking HSP or Camp Pendleton next. I have a feeling though that we should set it up in January. The Holidays are coming, fundage will be short for most of us and there's going to be a lot of family functions that many of us will be doing. What do you guys think?

im game for anything on a wensday or thursday..cuz my supervisor gave me an earfull abt how im up for promotion..and i keep getting "sick" and coming back to work with paintball welts....lol, btw the emag and halo both function perfect..WTF!!!! i got home, and adjusted the trigger like i was at the field, and viola, no more bouncing..no more runaway, perfect, im so mad, and the halo? fine, though i took the daul 9v mod off, cuz it made my halo sound like a nitro rc car..lol, that was scary, did a drop test, checked the eyes, now it works incredible..lol wtf!!!! grrrr...you guys sabotaged my gear didnt you, yall were scared, so you broked it!!! i know it!!! who was it?? dont lie..im gonna ask my elves and someones gonna get it.. :shooting:

10-31-2006, 09:38 PM
Oh and don't even talk about my boosted vlocity running like crazy on your equipment...

10-31-2006, 09:51 PM
Oh and don't even talk about my boosted vlocity running like crazy on your equipment...

my emags pumping now, lemme give that vlocity another run, betcha i can outshoot it now.lheck i still have 3/4 case of marbs..and im off for the next 2 days, any ideas?

10-31-2006, 09:58 PM
Head over 2 your pad after work and kill a case?

Edit: Splat Factory is in your future.