View Full Version : Need to move

10-01-2006, 03:07 PM
So I got another problem that came to me in the mail. Unfortantly the City in which I dispatch my trucks from doesn't like service businesses because of the traffic we create. :tard: Anyways my taxes are rising because I own such a business. First of all My shop is located awy from the city center, I could jump across the road and I'm in Brookfield. So why do they care about the traffic I create? I never park my trucks on the road to unload equipment. With a ordinace to stop growth and prevent people to open such a business in the works.

Tag that along with WI's state tax for the business because I'm a Co. not a Inc. its getting so hard to run a business in Wisconsin its not even funny anymore.

So I'm asking help to AO to help fight this.

10-01-2006, 03:30 PM
Two pieces of advice:

1. Its Wisconsin, you shouldnt be living there to begin with.
2. Never forget the second ammendment. You are constitutionally allowed, nay required, to shoot oppressive government officials.

10-01-2006, 03:45 PM
I stood up at a public hearing but they told me that I need a majority of the business owners vote. And a portion of them are sitting pretty right now. This ordinace doesn't just effects basicly all forms of construction and maintance.

Wisconsin is still what number 3 in taxes?

10-01-2006, 04:12 PM
1. Its Wisconsin, you shouldnt be living there to begin with.
:rofl: Yeah, wisconsin does kinda suck...
Move to Illinois. We have a climate similar to yours, lower taxes, cooler stuff to do, etc. Our only problem is Blago ( :cuss:ing idiot), but he should be ousted this November (Go Judy! :dance: )

10-01-2006, 07:56 PM
Our Governer is worse Doyle is more of a :tard: But if I move that far I'd lose more doing so. It would be nice but I don't have the cash to rebuild it. So switching cities would be easier but is going to be more of a pain in the keister.

Has anybody fought a ordanice like this?

10-01-2006, 08:29 PM
move to whitewater, you can party with us and play paintball with the paintball team.