View Full Version : How many BPS can the Intellifeed feed?

12-27-2001, 11:06 PM
I just had to ask. I have seen a lot of posts about the intelliframe, but none of them covers this issue. I guess the answer should be "around 13 BPS", but has anyone actually checked how many BPS it can really feed? Wicked Air Sports page says the intellifeed actually slows down the turborev's feeding rate, so I was just wondering.....;)

12-28-2001, 11:53 PM
The issue isnt really how fast it will feed. The reason I say that is your still going to be limited by gravity to the 11-13 bps range. What it does do is help you in a steady stream. the eye in the rev causes some delay no matter what and lets the stack of paint decrease before it activates.

by using an intelifeed setup to spin everytime the trigger is pulled you can keep an extra ball or two on the stack which will help reduce chops or misfeeds in the longer strings of shots.

non intelifeed at 10bps your likely to chop around the 10-11th ball.

intelifeed at 10bps try closer to the 20th round....

that and you always know there is going to be balls waiting to drop in as you shoot. just kinda nice


12-29-2001, 01:48 AM
yes, that's a good question. I'll try it out tommorow, it's a bit too late to mess with it now. I think booyaah may be correct, it just gives you a couple more shots until the rev chops. Atleast that makes logical sense to me. As far as wicked air sports goes, I am not sure about their claims. Maybe someone with a TurboRev can shine some light on this subject.

12-29-2001, 01:54 AM
my intelefeed makes me mad because if i fire slow, the paddle doesnt spin enough to make a ball drop.

12-29-2001, 08:54 AM
A HALO can feed 18 bps, and it's not force fed.

12-29-2001, 01:31 PM
doesn't the I-Frame utilize the best of both worlds? like when you are firing fast it will spin the paddles evertime you pull to ensure a ball in the chamber, but if you are firing slow won't the eye do the work for you then? Just curious, if you can't make any sense out of that please let me know. I just don't see why BONESisAgod is having a problem when he fires slow, seems like the eye would detect the lack of a ball then spin the paddle for you.

12-29-2001, 01:48 PM
yes but there are two different ways to setup an intellifeed(atleast that I know of). In one version the revvy uses both the eye and the microswitch. In the other it relies completely on the microswitch. Which way did you set it up BONEisAgod? I will run some tests in about an hour. I just have to run to the store and get some FRESH batteries.

12-29-2001, 02:25 PM
Actually the Halo is force fed. Its disk sorts out the paintballs and forcefully throws the balls down the tube. the Evolution was the same way only slower.

Heres a rest to help prove it. Start a Halo or Evo feeding and tip it 45 degrees back. it will still feed as fast as straight up or down. do the same with a rev, it wont.

The reason the intelifeed helps to stack another ball (on my gun at least it does this. much easier to see with a clear hopper) is it helps to make sure there is a ball infront of the eye, along with one ontop of that. thats where the extra ball or two in the stack comment comes from.

The way i had my inlifeed setup (sorry folks it was actually on a cocker) was the way AGD showed it in the forums. it fed when the eye sensed an opening and when the trigger was pulled. The only time I ever saw it feed when the trigger wasnt going was when i first filled the hopper though.


12-29-2001, 03:20 PM
X-Plosive--ok, i didn't know there was 2 ways to hook it up, thanks for the info, that makes a lot more sense now

01-01-2002, 05:27 PM
Happy new year everyone!!! Hey, X-Plosive, so how did your little test go? :)

01-01-2002, 06:26 PM
My test may not be so accurate seeing how I am just testing the freeflow speed of the balls. I blocked off the breach hole and took out the powerfeed plug. I put 50 balls in the hopper. I put my finger in the powerfeed window to stop the balls from falling out. The stopwatch was started as soon as I pulled my finger out of the window. Without the intellifeed it took my revolution 6.4 seconds to empty ALL of the balls. It took it only 3.9 seconds to empty 46 balls. It took three trials to get both of those numbers. I then shot most of the gas out of my tank until there was just enough to pressurize the sear but not enough to fire the gun. The procedures to the revvy test with intellifeed were similar to the other stock revvy test except that I had been pulling the trigger about 1 second before the powerfeed window was unblocked and the flow of balls started. I was pulling the trigger at about the same rate I do when I am on the field laying long strings of paint. Maybe 6-7 bps at max, I think that's fast but I hear some of you can maintain 8-9 easily. This time it took the hopper 5.8 seconds to empty all 50 balls. It would of taken the intellifeed much longer to empty all 50 balls if the IR eye didn't kick in. It took the intellifeed revvy only 3.4 seconds to empty 45 balls. It took 6 trials to get semi accurate measurements of the intellifeed revvy. This tests really doesn't prove anything, on the field there are many other variables you can't account for. In conclusion I don't think an intellifeed is really that special. I hear they are very useful on warps though.

Here are the averages

Stock 12v revvy

7.81 bps was the average when feeding all 50 balls

11.79 bps was the average for 46 balls, after the first 46 were fed the feed rate decreased dramatically


8.62 bps was the average when feeding all 50 balls but if the IR eye hadn't kicked in it would of taken forever

13.24 bps was the average for 45 balls, after the first 45 were fed the feed rate decreased dramatically

Once more this test was not accurate, I would like to see warpig do it on their hopper dyno.