View Full Version : Is it ever OK

Lupis Fidelis
10-07-2006, 01:05 AM
Hey all, Im interested in the community's feedback on something...

This season I watched two players explode into a point blank shooting incident. One player accused his team mate of shooting his marker too close to his head and the shooter then replied he wasn't hitting him and proceeded to shoot. In responce the player complaining then shot the other point blank in the mask. This lead to about 3 or 4 more shots from each player directed at the other at point blank range. :shooting:

There is a bit of a back-story in that the two players had not been seeing eye to eye on the team leadership for almost the entire season. :argh:

1. Is it ever OK to shoot anyone like that?
2. If the "first point blank shooter" was the team capt. would you stay on the team?

One last question:
If it was your friend that was shot point blank by the team capt. and you were also a member of the team, would you stay on the team or is this something that can just be put behind and the players apologize and continue like it never happend?

I have my opinion (unforgivable and now has resulted in "trust issues" :mad: ) but Im currious what you guys think....

10-07-2006, 01:14 AM
Hey all, Im interested in the community's feedback on something...

This season I watched two players explode into a point blank shooting incident. One player accused his team mate of shooting his marker too close to his head and the shooter then replied he wasn't hitting him and proceeded to shoot. In responce the player complaining then shot the other point blank in the mask. This lead to about 3 or 4 more shots from each player directed at the other at point blank range. :shooting:

There is a bit of a back-story in that the two players had not been seeing eye to eye on the team leadership for almost the entire season. :argh:

1. Is it ever OK to shoot anyone like that?
2. If the "first point blank shooter" was the team capt. would you stay on the team?

One last question:
If it was your friend that was shot point blank by the team capt. and you were also a member of the team, would you stay on the team or is this something that can just be put behind and the players apologize and continue like it never happend?

I have my opinion (unforgivable and now has resulted in "trust issues" :mad: ) but Im currious what you guys think....

No it's not ok and I would not play on a team that has that kind of tension in it. it could lead to some issues on the field.

10-07-2006, 01:32 AM
Why put yourself thru that much stress? Wondering when you are going to be on the receiving end of his anger. Paintball is supposed to be fun, a passtime, a sport? If you have already formed an opinion of what you SHOULD do, then you should go with your gut instinct. Instincts are usually right. There are too many teams out there that are not hostile in their game play to have to put up with this sort of childish stuff. Start you own team, you might be suprised at how many of your old team mates come with you.

10-07-2006, 01:47 AM
I recently competed in a tourny where in the final game my teamate shot me out. Though I got really pissed intially; after it was all over I got over it. We ended the tourny with a 3rd place showing. I never ever thought about turning around and lighting my teammate up. I would never shot my teammates point blank like that or tolerate it on my team with the rest of the crew. As the team captain I try to make sure my team is having fun and won't turn on them like that. Nor would I even be on a team if the captain acted like that b/c chances are we'll end up in a fist fight.

10-07-2006, 04:15 AM
1. Is it ever OK to shoot anyone like that?
just as long as equipment is up to ASTM standards i see no reason to why not

sounds like its time for a good ol fashioned Fist(foot, knee, elbow, headbutt, throw, and submission) fight....Violence Solves Everything

10-07-2006, 10:03 AM
my answer is, no, no, and no. I play to have fun.

10-07-2006, 02:17 PM
just as long as equipment is up to ASTM standards i see no reason to why not

sounds like its time for a good ol fashioned Fist(foot, knee, elbow, headbutt, throw, and submission) fight....Violence Solves Everything

Yeah same thing happened to me the other day. I was watching a game from the outside net and some jerk starts shooting paint towards me. I told him to not do that **** and he tells me "I can shoot whenever I want" and starts shoots paint towards me again. He then says "Comon I'll take you on one on one!" So I put on my mask and kicked his ***. I later found out he meant to play a game of paintball not an actual fist fight. :confused: :p

10-07-2006, 03:47 PM
You guys should not play for an ******* like that. If I were you and your friend... I would get the captain to front the dough for the next tourney... then just not show up.

Although I can have quite a temper. I wouldve walked up behind him and stuck a paintball right in the base of his neck point blank. Then proceed to kick his ***. Needless to say that would be my 14 day notice... hehe

10-07-2006, 03:55 PM
Are you asking if it's ever OK to act like an immature brat? Or am I misunderstanding the question?

10-07-2006, 03:59 PM

Not safe. Not cool. Walk away. If you aren't having fun it's not worth it. I'm sure you guys can start your own team. My guess is the rest of your team probably feels the way you do, and you can just boot the captain and start over. :clap:

10-07-2006, 04:05 PM
Not safe.
really? the shooting or the fighting?

thought googles were strong enough...they should be if they are not

stop whining buy a mag
10-07-2006, 04:40 PM
Drop the markers and fight with your fists.

10-07-2006, 04:46 PM
really? the shooting or the fighting?

thought googles were strong enough...they should be if they are not

I seem to recall an incident a couple of years back, at the start of the whole ramping acceptance, where somebody got 'accidentally' shot 9 or 10 times in the googles at point blank range because the guy didn't really have control of his marker, and his goggles broke.

I don't believe they are really designed to take repeated close range shots - IIRC the manual for my goggles says to replace the lens after every single hit.

Probably more CYA than real need, but think how much force is hitting that thin piece of plastic - to do it repeatedly in the same spot is probably not a good idea.

10-07-2006, 04:57 PM
I seem to recall an incident a couple of years back, at the start of the whole ramping acceptance, where somebody got 'accidentally' shot 9 or 10 times in the googles at point blank range because the guy didn't really have control of his marker, and his goggles broke.
just to see how strong my OLD (over 1 1/2 years) lenses were, I took my newly acquired borg and I shot 1/4 hopper into them. I was ramping and I was probably shooting way more than 10bps at point blank and nothing happened to the goggles......
/sorry for the bad grammar... im tired

10-07-2006, 05:06 PM
Firing the marker at someone, in anger, outside of the context of the game is NOT ok and may in fact be criminal. As to my reaction - it really depends on my relationship with the person before, and there actions after.

10-07-2006, 05:09 PM
Hey all, Im interested in the community's feedback on something...

This season I watched two players explode into a point blank shooting incident. One player accused his team mate of shooting his marker too close to his head and the shooter then replied he wasn't hitting him and proceeded to shoot. In responce the player complaining then shot the other point blank in the mask. This lead to about 3 or 4 more shots from each player directed at the other at point blank range. :shooting:

There is a bit of a back-story in that the two players had not been seeing eye to eye on the team leadership for almost the entire season. :argh:

1. Is it ever OK to shoot anyone like that?
2. If the "first point blank shooter" was the team capt. would you stay on the team?

One last question:
If it was your friend that was shot point blank by the team capt. and you were also a member of the team, would you stay on the team or is this something that can just be put behind and the players apologize and continue like it never happend?

I have my opinion (unforgivable and now has resulted in "trust issues" :mad: ) but Im currious what you guys think....

Shooting someone point blank is NEVER ok,unless somehow your finger slips and you shoot without wanting to (or meaning too).
As for staying on the team,i'd give the guy annother chance before I went off the team,or threw him off the team.

10-07-2006, 05:12 PM
Ummm guys,

I think we're kind of missing the point. Regardless of whether or not the equipment "can take it" their captain was being ridiculous. I wouldn't want a guy like that on my team. Can we all agree that if he had say missed the mask and hit the guy in the neck that it would have resulted in a bloody welt? We all take the risk of getting one of those when we play paintball, but I would prefer not to get it from some one that is supposed to be on my team. :confused:

Wow two guys managed to post before I got this up. It was in response to pump, shirow, and bentothejam1n

10-07-2006, 05:16 PM
Imo :

That may as well be assault. I doubt I'd play for that team and if it was my friend that was the "victim" I'd most likely back him, though I don't know about straight out leave...would depend on alot.

10-07-2006, 07:10 PM
Ummm guys,

I think we're kind of missing the point. Regardless of whether or not the equipment "can take it" their captain was being ridiculous. I wouldn't want a guy like that on my team. Can we all agree that if he had say missed the mask and hit the guy in the neck that it would have resulted in a bloody welt? We all take the risk of getting one of those when we play paintball, but I would prefer not to get it from some one that is supposed to be on my team. :confused:

Wow two guys managed to post before I got this up. It was in response to pump, shirow, and bentothejam1n

Well, my first response was 'are you asking if it's OK to be an immature brat?'

I got into the equipment argument later ;)

10-07-2006, 07:14 PM
If you honestly don't know the answer to those 2 questions , then I don't you on a paintball field either.


10-07-2006, 07:25 PM
then I don't you on a paintball field either.

Lupis Fidelis
10-07-2006, 08:12 PM
I have my own opinion.

I was putting this out there to see how others felt about the situation. Perhaps I was hoping for some support from the community before I walked away from an award winning team.

I have been in this game for almost 2 decades and believe me, I know what is right and what is wrong. I have seen the attitudes on the fields evolve and seen certain courtesies all but disappear.

10-07-2006, 08:22 PM
Well, my first response was 'are you asking if it's OK to be an immature brat?'

I got into the equipment argument later ;)

Ah, you're right. My bad. :D

10-07-2006, 08:50 PM
I have my own opinion (which was stated at the end of my original post) and the tone of your reply is not appreciated.

I was putting this out there to see how others felt about the situation. Perhaps I was hoping for some support from the community before I walked away from an award winning team.

I have been in this game for almost 2 decades and believe me, I know what is right and what is wrong. I have seen the attitudes on the fields evolve and seen certain courtesies all but disappear. Now, before I hi-jack my own thread... I ask you to either post something constructive or you and your high horse can move right along.... Funny how your remark reminds me of the same captain that shot my friend.


Geez, we go a little overboard when your questioned? Yeh... I think it might be the right team for you in consideration.

10-07-2006, 09:48 PM
I have my own opinion (which was stated at the end of my original post) and the tone of your reply is not appreciated.

I was putting this out there to see how others felt about the situation. Perhaps I was hoping for some support from the community before I walked away from an award winning team.

I have been in this game for almost 2 decades and believe me, I know what is right and what is wrong. I have seen the attitudes on the fields evolve and seen certain courtesies all but disappear. Now, before I hi-jack my own thread... I ask you to either post something constructive or you and your high horse can move right along.... Funny how your remark reminds me of the same captain that shot my friend.


Puh -leeze.

You post a question of the most basic moral character and safety and ask "What should I do ? ".

"Is it wrong to lash out in a brutal display of anger and violence?"

"Is it wrong to completely endanger the safety of myself, my team mates and everyone (including innocent bystanders) with in say 100 feet of ourselves?"

"Is it wrong to encourage and support this behavior ?"

"Should I continue to encourge and support this behavior ? "

Maybe I'm just getting burned out on forums but come on now , do you really need the opinions of complete strangers to "Help you out" on this ?


Sorry if you didn't like the apparently obvious response. You don't get to choose only the answers you 'want' to hear on a public forum.

And yeah , if you really need help figuring the situation out then I consider you just as much of a hazard to those around you as your 'Award Winning' compadres.

10-07-2006, 09:54 PM
I would be very upset if it was my friend getting shot, or any team member getting shot point blank especially from the captain. I would quit the team.

10-07-2006, 10:03 PM
No i dont think its right. Playing paintball is suppose to be fun. When people start to get to serious about it, then it gets to be a problem. I would of quit playing with them earlier if they were argueing and not getting along. Or just tell them to stop

Lupis Fidelis
10-08-2006, 02:14 AM
What this comes down to is that I feel what happened is one of the worst things that can happen on the field.. It's right there with putting your hands on someone.

I did not post here looking for answers I posted for opinions, and granted I definately got some.

Some of the details are shady and to be honest there are members of my team that have dismissed the whole thing by saying "he had it coming"......

"And yeah, if you really need help figuring the situation out then I consider you just as much of a hazard to those around you as your 'Award Winning' compadres".

As was mentioned above: prior friendships have made aspects of this situation more difficult. This is not a team or a person that I can just be cut and dry about; however I have let some time pass and no matter if some have let it go, I can't.

So there it is. I posted the question because obviously some can or will, try to justify such a thing.

10-08-2006, 09:18 AM
the whole thing is just plain stupid...i don't care what the circumstances are, but you can not shoot point blank range, at any time...are your eyes, not that precious to you? do you not want to see and have vision, yes? because of a stupid, heat of the anger moment, eyes could have been lost...those goggles are not made to protect forever...safety should be paramount :(

10-08-2006, 03:01 PM
is everyone saying that its not safe to get shot in the googles point black range?

if so.....what about bunkering? why is that ok?

Grey Goose
10-09-2006, 08:14 AM
Shooting point blank = ok.

Shooting point blank in the mask = bad. bad. bad.

Fighting on the field = bad. Do it in the parking lot. :)

I personally was shot legitimately at point blank range in the mask. There was actually a thread on the old forum about it. Anywho, long story short: my NEW (first time using it) DYE Invision actually let the ball through the mask at the goggle/lens seam at the cheek bone.

That shot literally staggered me and gave me a black eye.

So, lets's just say point blank mask shots are a bad idea because you never, never know what kind of equipment "malfunctions" may occur.

10-09-2006, 11:38 AM

What this comes down to is that I feel what happened is one of the worst things that can happen on the field.. It's right there with putting your hands on someone.

I did not post here looking for answers I posted for opinions, and granted I definately got some.

Some of the details are shady and to be honest there are members of my team that have dismissed the whole thing by saying "he had it coming"......

"And yeah, if you really need help figuring the situation out then I consider you just as much of a hazard to those around you as your 'Award Winning' compadres".

As was mentioned above: prior friendships have made aspects of this situation more difficult. This is not a team or a person that I can just be cut and dry about; however I have let some time pass and no matter if some have let it go, I can't.

So there it is. I posted the question because obviously some can or will, try to justify such a thing.